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SPREE SE aa SS Pins A aS at ra ae Tames Mulia SM. Buh: — mL a Roll no. — 62 : = ASSTGNmfNT_ No G See “gst | Grplaic. Sig enciid Faochoo Se, Ss veo fudioop agatha Hi We Sat nas QQ. chavo crevistic that _ es a ee = 5 4 logistic Fuoctod (coe ea £4) ane local mininuns aed ane nce | pate = sigmoid _fuocttooS axe _o1 teo. 4 aatifica] Neural —__monlineacatte] 19 the _med =A neucra) aed applied Jineace oe Not neiwoxks to ioc ells Sais Nefwork elemenr Co maputes g Hod of its a a. mod function to the vesult ___ + peri votives of ee USUI gwesmsp syed olen 1 Op - See posal ening olagoccrthms | | lena-a ing egaMmi0g oO on } fovea 9iveO iS not Fiven Pore ee ee = nol-pussiblem >t 1S set _t>theae is q leanO laagev| possible to Jars tl aeeerree. vel \ oe models _ Compe. prvoblens Ee \ienthed 1ote> [data 1s O ae pralice imodel : JLused that pve fatuve t se otic. on Tay ping yrodich nee ho Foon labeled idocka ivSTay_ to deta ites AelahoQ Io * data evel) tow) TJ > Leqani araG ae awe can test br ZS we Can net {3 st auc model Ste uses both | Habaled nd Luojabaled data ca] Sah arco a a Hie chen 7 —ceceg on fiod_o face | ne Explain 3-1 Hy = Oo Pott ficial Nevaal Netoork -CANN) : : strruduse Processing mes AD a agiticig) oD i tecture. : d euerpns aeiee i kad YO_spedfi 4 Neuza Nekork = ae ‘ Neus | nefworle consi s} -ounbease ——__|neuerons Connected. between tela (0 Syste ___| whale system {8 able 4o solv _lHtases and fo Jeavq fov it like @ for tha Natural boajo c Ney Network 1S Ste na Composed af mei ideale! vohese puntata dete a Comrelaule te | precession penfowmed a4 comp Hg oe ——_@>McCulloch pitts pechoo:— _ “spe ts eccaed Peta (oloa{cas | neuvoO wdS pyre bY MM i sch d- pitts. | _ E+E is bos bul Joing block of Neuaa ae se Pamecalbcn. od S deseaibe Devan ga eee _thaesho woith +.00_ possible st rofes.-svehva_thaeskeld.elence q Istleok =the achwity states of a O hanne thus. encod as 0=00 __ where a = EK = ~ meCulJech pit node) [ G4 |eaplaio. why we U8e non= lineacty Ferochloo ke tthe _on-lineay FunchtaOS ave leon to be the most_used. adivahon fuddtoo __prb makes th easy for a nevral ne}work. ______| made|_to ia, @_warie\}.of= data — land to_ditftecestiahe befoeen =the Pere ocliveatings arene the eon-hinecry -_traans for mao 4p. Hoputtonaseing ch a leax0 dnd__perto-rm 1O._ Qoreplon [psy alee S eS > Fuctthe .a-pap- linear 14_acivalion Funchioa Ls laliows the af _aoulitple layers of a jogs n8 to cas deep neural —petunocr ke -crequlred. to learn ea a pha re ae p nauve! network withtut ac adjvalioa — Heal tect Ee aL Bes esa ban ary Just a_ linea aepe , = N00: linea} 1 iS impovtast because. it allows the Subsequent layers to build of ae iets Ii Shay an =Two Mase ve _ |i! 4a~ layer VJ Same__powey aS @ single lineaac_4 IT gee ae EB aljnvaS -}he gape ayers o i Tocleteebt sr. ves cre isc | Netenaare which LEY axed to a lex_da dd __ - See ga Seaton G5 __fsplaid adivation fandiog | = CAdivetiad Funchnp alse inna fea | a Fuechood f& used -to op 1opoct [eae OodeS in CevtaiN fash (oO Page No|| (Dau cre ceving infoarcnahion is crelevagi_ov frig, Liaeelev@at the adivahinn Frodtoo males ltylaye f pelwork to have _Qreatec ne pace etiona | _powene theio ing l@ lay ery nekwor kk on fe when pon=tneaoy iS tobyoduced. t= the inputs sto - AcHVaHed fuachon i lsum whith 18 lefined by the following Equa: On : with gq Value afo.G when T is ze00 F(sum) = Cr+ 9 o* Sm) I lacHVation Fucchion ‘Arc tangent £ (sum) = Sta Sx sum) ation fuddiod Hyperbolic tangent (us) = tanbCs*T) Gee ee erm eS XM

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