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Endocrine-Reproductive System Hormones

Worksheet 3.1
Answer Key

Hormone Function What releases it? Where does it go?

Growth Hormone Stimulates the release of Hypothalamus Anterior Pituitary Gland

Releasing Hormone Growth Hormone (GH)
Thyrotropin-Releasing Stimulates the release of Hypothalamus Anterior Pituitary
Hormone (TRH) Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

Gonadotrophin-Releasing Stimulates the release of Hypothalamus Pituitary Gland

Hormone (GnRH) Follicle Stimulating Hormone
(FSH) and Luteinizing
Hormone (LH)
Prolactin Releasing Stimulates the production of milk in Pituitary Gland Anterior Pituitary
Hormone (PRH) mammals.

Prolactin Inhibiting Stimulates control in the secretion of Hypothalamus Anterior Pituitary

Hormone (PIH) prolactin coming from the Hypothalamus.

Growth Hormone (GH) Stimulates the growth and Anterior Pituitary Bloodstream
repair of tissues throughout
the body

Thyrotropin-Releasing Stimulates the pituitary gland to release Anterior Pituitary Thyroid

Hormone (TRH) thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)

Luteinizing Hormone (LH) Triggers ovulation and Pituitary Gland Ovaries or Testes
development of the corpus
luteum and the production of
Triggers testosterone
Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Triggers growth of ovarian Anterior Pituitary Ovaries or Testes
(FSH) follicles.
Triggers sperm production.
Prolactin (PRL) Causes the enlargement of the breast to Pituitary Gland Breast
produce milk during pregnancy and birth.

Oxytocin Affects uterine contractions Hypothalamus Uterus and

in pregnancy and birth and Breasts
stimulate the release of
breast milk.
Parathyroid Release calcium by bones into the Parathyroid Cells in Bones and kidneys
Hormone (PTH) bloodstreams.

Adrenal Androgens May play a role in early Anterior Pituitary Bloodstream or various
development of reproductive body tissues

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