Strengths Based Leadership Scholarly Paper

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Strengths Based Leadership Scholarly Paper

Michelle Deane

Bon Secours Memorial College

NUR 4246- Servant Leadership

Assistant Professor Karyn Schultz, DNP, RN

September 10, 2022


Strengths Based Leadership Scholarly Paper

Having a good leader requires many things from having excellent communication skills,

to being task oriented, to technology savvy, and even being a good listener. These traits are just a

few ways a leader becomes great as those abilities to troubleshoot, having excellent interpersonal

skills and having the ability to implement new changes can have many challenges as change can

be difficult for some. Taking in consideration that leadership shows the way great leaders do so

by setting the example. This fosters an environment of we are all in this together and allows for a

better more cohesive team. Describing a good leader and the qualities they possess; it is all those

things plus more.

When dealing with any challenging work environment where there is no real sense of

leadership requires a certain level of communication, compassion, and consideration. There must

be a greater understanding that many times people need someone to show them the best way to

handle a problem without becoming overwhelmed with emotion or disregard. In the Case Study

provided (Appendix A) the overwhelming morale is down, there has been more interpersonal

conflicts, teamwork is overall at a low and no connections on any personal outside of work or

even at work. Finding the right balance leadership characteristics is key in this case study as it

can look good on paper however the deliverance and acceptance of the new leadership may not

fully be there.

This type of environment requires a few types of leadership qualities such as

understanding, active listening, and deep empathy in order to truly get a better understanding of

each person’s struggle. It also calls for a certain level of accountability and culpability regarding

what lead for the decrease in morale through leadership along with obtaining someone who can

foster a certain level of hope and understanding. We, the management team, must take

responsibility for the lack of discord, take accountability for the way things are now and let them

tell you what you’re looking for. I would hold a townhall style meeting for all in my unit asking

them to help me by describing all the key qualities they are looking for in a leader along with

their issues.

There are a few key leadership qualities needed in order to make this transition a success

as knowing these unique qualities garners a better understanding of our role in a team(Rath &

Press, 2013). Because my top five strengths are restorative, ideation, positivity, individualization

and input, someone who has strengths in communication, achiever, harmony, focus, and

strategic. When there is a level of positivity along with communication that alone sets the pace

for the culture of a positive harmonious, open, work environment is commonplace. This means

the ideas and input created must have a focused strategy for success, taking into account the road

ahead and the challenges faced. To restore a certain level of harmony there must be a desire to

restore how things are and the ability to achieve even better. Together with these qualities

combined we can restore a certain level of hope as it will be the focus of the new leadership,

hope for a better change. We would have to have a clear communication style and be on the

same game plan in order to effectively make positive lasting changes. Units that have such

disorder and discord calls for an understanding, compassionate, listening ear, where honest,

open, frank, communication is vital. This is where an open door policy would be initiated along

with a confidentiality understanding whereas anyone can come to either of us for anything at

anytime without any risks of judgment and persecution.

Taking on this task of fixing these problems is a challenge only an achiever would want

to take on. This is where I would need to have someone who would not be afraid to work

tirelessly alongside me as we attempt to figure out what has occurred for the morale to go down

and how to fix this problem among others. An achiever would be someone who can work beside

me to help implement certain ideas and projects along with maintaining deadlines. Having to

manage this type of unit through these types of challenges means there must be a rock I can lean

on to knowing that things are being implemented as discussed. Having that reassurance eases the

mind as finding harmony in this type of situation could be difficult but is very much needed.

When dealing with copious amounts of problems, you can have many various

issues that need to be addressed. Many times, after hearing everyone’s arguments, concerns, and

suggestions there must be compromise which means no one gets everything they want.

Maintaining a certain balance of fairness is key when building new relationships with those who

you will be delegating to as you will the one to hold them accountable as well as sing their

praises. Not only will this type of compromise build a more trusting and balanced environment it

can also lead to more of an inclusive work environment. Because those who have strong

harmony in their leadership can agree just for the sake of harmony, I would incorporate a focus

leadership strength as well.

Focused leaders bring a certain level of drive, follow through with a willingness to get the

task completed. This is needed as related to harmony as it can help allow the leader to be

assertive as the completion of the project would require the truth thereby trumping harmony. A

focused leader that also has strengths in communication can effectively help implement new

ideas that would help boast the overall morale of the unit. A focused leader is also up for many

challenges and changes, within this case study there could be many ups and downs. Taking in

consideration the that the focus is there, communicating all the new implementations in a

compassionate, understanding manner is critical.


Having a leadership team that has an effective communication style helps foster an

environment of learning through experience, growth within the department, company as well as

for personal self, and allows for a certain level of understanding. When utilizing effective

communication, it means that you would be doing lots of active listening, allowing each person

their due quality time, the team needs someone who is willing show compassion and help build

hope through genuine positive actions. The team needs to be rebuilt with sincere understanding

of what occurred prior to their arrival and what needs to be changed in order for the unit to have

a togetherness again. Communicating effectively is key but knowing what the strategy and plan

is critically important as it sets the tone for what needs to get done.

Those who have a strong sense of leadership in strategy can think on the spot and have

alternate ways of doing things. This can help this unit as they can spot out patterns. mistakes,

errors, in any given scenario prompting them to rectify the mistakes and problems. This is a vital

quality needed as this can help create different ways of accomplishing the same goals. Having

someone on the team willing to think outside the box to find a better way of functioning is

important when dealing with a unit that has many issues.

Follow up is also an essential part of quality management and safety control where an

evaluation of the new measures is critical. The new measures meaning the new nurse leadership

and this I would do through several different measures at once. I would make sure to touch base

with the new nurse manager several times regarding how she is feeling and if there are ways of

improvement. There would be an anonymous questionnaire to be filled out in complete honesty

along with confidentiality allowing for the fellow staffers on the unit input on the new

management team, its new polices, procedures, and implementations. With the open-door policy

it will allow for anyone at anytime with any concerns the ability to share it without any


Finding the right balance and creating the perfect work environment is possible but it

takes a constant desire from all to continuously work on making things better. This is a behavior

that is developed overtime through fostering of positive, personal professional growth along with

excellent work ethics. Having a leadership role means holding yourself accountable first prior to

making any judgments or punishments as a leader that is willing to self-reflect can also garner a

certain level of respect. When asking others the qualities that matter in a leader, you will hear all

different responses as everyone has different priorities. Knowing that means that the first step in

being great in anything especially leadership, is knowing where your own strengths and

weaknesses lie.


Rath, T., & Press, G. (2013). Strengths based leadership: Great leaders, teams, and why people

follow (1st ed.). Gallup Press.


Appendix A

Strengths Based Leadership Scholarly Paper

Instructions Situation

You are the Director of a nursing department in a large, urban health care system. The

Nurse Manager of the department has just resigned. You, as the Director, are in the process of

interviewing candidates to fill the Nurse Manager position. The department has experienced an

increase in incidences of conflict, a decrease in employee morale and teamwork, and

deteriorating intraprofessional relationships. This situation began prior to the manager’s

resignation and has continued.

• As Director of the Department, you will decide what type of leader would be most

effective in leading this department, considering the current workplace culture and situation. Best

practices in hiring include; stakeholder representation in panel interviews, behavioral

interviewing, and incorporating “right fit.” Build a profile of a leader you believe would be the

most effective for this department. Assessment

• Utilizing Rath & Conchie (2008), choose the top five strengths you believe are most

important to lead this team at this time. Discuss these five strengths and how they might

positively influence the group dynamics and team development. Discuss how the new leader will

leverage and apply his/her strengths to effect a positive change

• As Director, you will also conduct a follow up evaluation of the workplace to determine

if the new leader is a good fit, and how effective the new leader is in effecting positive change.

• How will your top five strengths combine with the nurse manager’s top strengths to

form a stronger leadership team?

• 5-7 pages in length (not counting title page and reference

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