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STEM 12 Y1-12

A Short Study
Presented to the
Senior High School Faculty of
Our Lady of Fatima University
Antipolo Campus

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the
Senior High School


Jumawan, Charles Ellis M.

Dancalan, Carla Gracy L.
Jimenez, Christian Floyd M.
Ditchon, Maria Juliana B.
Bermeo, Manuelito Z.

December 2022

Mathematics is one of the most important things in our daily lives, we use it to

read the time, count our change, estimate the distance between destinations, and so

on. One of the main branches of mathematics is calculus, and it is the mathematical

study of how things change. Calculus is most commonly used in engineering but it

also has its place in areas like medicine, chemistry, and computer technologies.

However, this paper will be focusing on engineering, more specifically civil

engineering. Calculus is highly essential to civil engineering as it uses concepts like

differentiation and integration to determine problems such as the structural integrity

and reliability of infrastructures. One such infrastructure is bridges; the existence of

bridges is of great importance to not only people but also the economy. Bridges allow

people or cargo easy passage over obstacles like rivers, canals, and perhaps even

mountain ranges.

There are many different types of bridges such as truss bridges which are commonly

utilized for trains and railways, beam bridges which are used a lot in urban cities to

allow cars to pass over highway roads. We also have suspension bridges, arch bridges,

and then tied arch bridges. We will be paying a slightly special attention to tied arch

bridges as we have built a miniature bridge model of one. There are also numerous

concepts of calculus, some of which are limits, derivatives, integral, multivariable,

special functions and numbers, infinite series and et cetera.

The concepts that we’ll be focusing on are quadratic equations, linear and nonlinear

equations, limits, and derivatives. The purpose of this paper is to figure out how these

concepts may be applied to civil engineering by using bridges as a basis for real life


A quadratic equation is defined as "any equation including one term in which

the unknown is squared and no term in which it is raised to a higher power." It is most

commonly presented as ax2 + bx + c = 0. The known numbers a, b, and c act as

coefficients, whereas x represents the unknown. Quadratic equations have important

uses in everyday life since they are essential to the improvement of human

civilization. Quadratic equations must be utilized directly or indirectly in every sector

that includes calculating speed, area, or profit.

Expressions in quadratic form equations and functions can be found in a wide range

of contexts. Furthermore, there are that circumstances differ from those that result in

linear expressions. Many linear expression issues can be solved without quadratic

equation. Some individuals can even solve it without using mathematics, relying on

just intuition. However very few people are capable of solving quadratic equations

this way. Expressing in square and circular regions, and to characterize projectile

routes. Those are probably what you’ll study the most in your future mathematical


Tied arch bridges with a proper hanger selection and arrangement show a solution for

aesthetic and structural stability. The maximum axial force and maximum force

variation in the hangers, as well as the maximum bending moment and maximum

moment variation in the arch and tie, all have a significant impact on hanger

arrangement. The main advantage of Tied Arch Bridges is that it has incredibly high

resistance to bending forces because the arch design directs stresses from the deck to

the arches through hangers, ensuring that no component of the bridge is subjected to

excessive strain. The half-circle design eliminates any bending-related alterations or

damage on the bridge.

An important part of quadratic equations is conic sections. Conic sections have

four main parts; circles, ellipses, hyperbolas, and parabola. A parabola has an

essential property: it is reflective. A parabola is the form of a cross-section of a circle

with a reflective quality. Headlights in automobiles, satellite dishes, radio telescopes,

and suspension bridges also have parabolas. When a chain has broken the curve, it

shows that it is suspended between two fixed points, a catenary. A catenary is similar

to a parabola but significantly deeper. However, on a suspension bridge, the highway

is supported by cables. Cables from the main cables, the main cable's form is a



Assume an engineering and construction team is fixing a bridge. To fortify the

suspension bridge in preparation for increasing traffic volume The Engineers create

scale models.

Let the roadway be along the x-axis. Place the y-axis at one end of the roadway. Then

the ends of the bridge are at (0, 0) and (600, 0). The graph at the bottom shows that

the parabola passes through points (0, 200), (300, 0), and (600, 200). By using

quadratic regression, an equation for the parabola through these points can be found.

In standard form, the equation is given by y = 1/450 x^2 - 4/3x + 200, where y is the

length of each vertical cable at the distance x from the end of the bridge. Suppose a

support cable 82.5 feet long is delivered to the construction site. How far from the left

end of the bridge should the cable be placed?

Solution: Substitute 82.5 for y in the equation of the parabola. Then solve the equation

for x

1 2 4
82.5= x −¿ x +200
450 3

37,125= x 2- 600x + 90000

0= x 2- 600x + 52875

Quadratic Equation x 2- 600x + 52875 = 0

Quadratic Formula with a= 1 b= 600 c= 52875

−b ± √ b 2−4 ac

−(600)± √(600) −4 (1)(52875)


−(600)± √360000−211500

−(600) ± √ 148500

600 ±385.4

x= 492.7, 107.3

The support cable should be placed 492.7 ft. away from the left end of the bridge, and

at the height of 107.3 ft. from the roadway.


As we all know, a limit is a value that a function approaches as the input

approaches a certain value, and it is useful for determining the strength, particularly in

the context of our field, Civil Engineering. Additionally, limits are used to extract the

most important pieces of data from the large complex functions.

It is important to be aware of the minimum and maximum limits for each portion of

this bridge in order to prevent accidents and ensure the safety of everyone traveling in

the vehicle. The typical span range for a tied arch bridge has been between 50 and 550

meters, while the typical span length for a highway bridge is between 75 and 250

meters. The span range for a cable-stayed bridge is between 100 and 1200 meters. The

tied arch bridge’s maximum gross weight is 36,000 kilograms (80000 pounds). It

would be too dangerous to go above that.

An additional fact, a highway bridge can last up to 80 years on average before

needing to be replaced, although this depends on the weight and number of cars that

cross it each day as well as how frequently it is inspected or maintained.


By the use of derivatives, we can build structures with the most perfect

alignment. Geometrically this makes our construction calibration exactly the same

with one another. For a tied arch bridge, which is composed of the roadway, hanger,

bearing and an arch, it is important that our engineers know how to place these parts

In the making of the arch. it is important to make its slopes and point of curve

accurate with its respective quantity. Basically, derivatives are used to determine the

right points of the curve for its respective amount of structural integrity. With the use

of its equation (f′(x)=limΔx→0f(x+Δx)−f(x)Δx.), this helps us to illustrate its graph.

We can easily identify the proper amount of its curve, valued for its constructional

design. The length of each hanger to be used in the bridge portrays how much its

span. The end point of the bridge has the smallest height. And as it increases its half

way from its base. That makes it balanced and sustainable.

From its road way it's equally designed how far the bridge should range. If it's too

small it can be narrow and that can affect the congestion of the vehicles which could

lead into severe traffic jams and deprive the bridge. And if it's too big it can lessen the

structural integrity of the bridge due to weight and height. Without proper calibration

it would be impossible for us to make structural objects right.


When the variable x has a polynomial function with a maximum degree of

one, the function is said to be linear. Due to its graph, which is the collection of all

points, such a function is known as linear. There is a line in the Cartesian plane. The

slope of the function and of the line is denoted by the coefficient. The elastic relations

in a structure that is viewed as a geometrical whole are described by the nonlinear

theory of elasticity. The equation of deformation includes both the specific structure

and a collection of related structures. A non-linear equation is generally given by

ax2+by2 = c where x and y are variables while a, b and c are constant values.

In the field of civil engineering, mathematical and physical science principles are used

to build and create structures and processes that make use of natural resources and
forces for the good of humanity. Buildings, industrial facilities, and transportation

infrastructure are built by civil engineers. As cities and nations concentrate more

emphasis on sustainable building and protecting infrastructure from damage caused

by natural disasters, civil engineering and environmental engineering are frequently

merged in today's projects. The finite element approach is highly helpful in structural

analysis for the analysis of multistory buildings, the design of stiff pavements for

highways, and the study of particles under many kinds of forces including seismic

force and wind force, among others. Mathematical concepts and abilities are applied

to practical issues in civil engineering courses. Structures like that are examined

through classes like structural analysis.

The operation of a cable-stayed girder bridge under static and dynamic load

circumstances is examined in terms of both linear and non-linear behavior in this

work. The loads and displacements taken into consideration are symmetrical to a

vertical plane that includes the roadway girder’s longitudinal center. For determining

the impacts of static conditions of loads on the bridge, a linear theory and a non-

linear theory are proposed. The influence lines for different bridge parameters are

determined using the linear theory, as well as the maximum effects brought on by

specified live loads, temperature variations, and differential motions. The direct

application forms the basis for the influence lines.

Impacts of specific live loads distribution instances are also determined using the

linear theory. The distributions of forces and moments in the towers, girders, and

cables are given particular consideration. Non-linear theory is used for both static and

dynamic load conditions since it is general. The theory is used to determine

dimensions of each unstressed segment of the bridge, the camber of the girder, the

displacements, forces, and moments at each portion of the bridge for different phases
and the impact of potential vehicular traffic overloads on the non-linear behavior of

the bridge under static conditions of loads.


As this short study has investigated how calculus may be applied in real life,

specifically to civil engineering, we have learned that most if not all concepts of

calculus are applicable to civil engineering.

Most notably, the concept of limit has proven to be one of the most rudimentary

concepts of calculus as engineers use limits to define, of course, the limit of things

such as the weight of materials, the height of buildings, or even the construction

budget. The concept of limit is extremely versatile as it covers nearly every aspect of


Other concepts featured in this paper such as quadratic equations, derivatives, linear

and nonlinear theory, have all proven themselves to be important to engineering as

well. Quadratic equations are a basic tool for every engineer, as it is used to calculate

measurements for designing and building structures.

Derivatives, on the other hand, can be used to determine how and where things have

changed. That’s because derivatives are the concept that observes the rate of change.

While linear and nonlinear theory, in its base form, are essentially about equations

related to lines and curves which are practically used everywhere in engineering.

To conclude this paper, we have established that calculus is highly applicable to civil

engineering. And thanks to that, we have gained a good understanding of how

calculus is applied in real life. That’s why from this moment on, you can never say

that calculus is something you’ll never have to use in your daily life.

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