Skrip Assembly

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A very good morning to

Mr.Krishnan Subramaniam, Headmaster of SJKT LADANG BUKIT KAJANG,

Mdm. Mala Perumal; Senior Assistant of Curriculum,

Mdm. Valli Vijayan; Senior Assistant of Students’ Affairs,

Madam Elizabeth Soosai Manickam ; Senior Assistant of Co-Curriculum,

teachers and all my dear friends.

First of all, to begin our assembly today, I would like to invite Humitraa Haridaas to lead the
recitation of prayer.

Thank you to Humitraa Haridaas for the prayer.

Our assembly will proceed with National Anthem,state song, our school song and Lagu Guru
Tunjang Sekolah SEJAHTERA.Everbody please stand still and get ready to sing.

Next, our assembly will be continued with recitation of Rukun Negara Oath. For that, I would
like to invite Humitraa Haridaas to lead the recitation of Rukun Negara Oath.

Thank you to Humitraa Haridaas for the oath.

Now, I would like to invite the Head of teachers on duty this week to deliver her speech. Please
welcome madam Mala Perumal

Thank you to madam Mala Perumal for her speech. Hopefully, all of us here could learn
something from the beneficial speech.

Next, I would like to invite  

Mr. Krishnan Subramaniam, Headmaster of SJKT LADANG BUKIT KAJANG,

to deliver his speech. Please welcome sir.

Thank you to our headmaster for

his speech
With that, we end our assembly. Thank you.

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