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We people live in the present and we plan for and worry about the future, however, history is the

of the past, the past that shaped our society today. History spans all cultures, eras, season and
environment and is factor that can be knowledge and insight about now it will continue to develop in
the future. History let us discover as well and spark our curiosity about the mysteries that linger around
the world, in every continent, regions and country and so, this article will tackle one of the countries
that has the richest history, the Israel country that has been known for being a setting of the different
stories in the bible.

As mentioned in the previous paragraph, Israel is one of the countries that has the richest
history, which is indeed a fact, sine Israel have been there since time of Abraham, it was then called as
Canaan or the promise land during the ancient time, while some study incorporated ancient Israel as the
tribes, kingdoms, and dynasties formed by ancient Jewish people in Levant, an area that encompasses
modern-day Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria.

Israel has a very long history that is divided into different eras: The Before Christ Era, which contains the
following period: the early history, the reign of king David, the breakup of the Northern kingdom and the
Southern kingdom, the Assyrian involvement period, the fall of Judah and Babylonian exile, the
Hasmonean dynasty, the reign of Herod the great and the rebellion against the Romans; The Era of Jesus
Christ, The After Christ Era, and The Current Era.

The early history of the Israel contains the process on how mosses save the Israelite from the
group of Egyptian specially from the hold of the pharaoh Rameses and lead the Israelite to the promises
land, though it was mentioned in the bible that mosses wasn’t able to enter the promise land for the
disobeyed the command of god thus Joshua replace mosses and lead the Israelites to the promise land
this period also contains the start of the conflict in Canaan thus god called to Saul and ask him to rule
the people and so Saul, the first king had been appointed and ruled the Israelite but philistines came
and Saul wasn’t able to defend his throne and failed to reach the victory against the enemies and so
god sent the prophet Samuel to Bethlehem and guide him to David the one who victoriously chased the
philistines away by defeating and so David become the king and the period of king David started.

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