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SECTION A/B (General/Lesson Information)

Class: Standard 1
Subject: English Language Arts: Literary Appreciation
Portfolio Theme: Emotions
Topic: Rhyme and Rhythm

Previous Knowledge/Experience:
Students have:
 Sung and heard Nursery rhymes
 Sung and heard songs before
 Experienced rhythm before

Objectives: (Higher and lower across domains)

Students will be able to:
 Differentiate between rhyme and rhythm- Cognitive
 Create rhymes with rhythm- Psychomotor
 Appreciate the need for rhyme and rhythm- Affective

 Song
 Video

Set Induction/Introduction:
The teacher will play aloud, a short song known to all students. The teacher will have the
students sing and clap along in which a discussion will be formulated directing students to
indicate how the song makes them feel.



 The teacher will present the following video to  Students will look on, listen and pay
students: attention for what they would see and
 The teacher will ask students about what they  Students will respond appropriately to
observe from the video. what they would have observed.

 The teacher will provide the students with a

 Students will recite the sentence.
sentence (In the month of June, the moon was
as round as a balloon but I ran to my bed and
hid as if I were in a cocoon). The teacher will
instruct students to read the sentence several
times with anticipation of developing a rhythm.

 The teacher will arrive to the point of

 Students will pay attention to what
introducing the fact that there is rhyme and is being said.
rhythm in both the sentence and the video. The
teacher will read the sentence again to
emphasize and identify the rhyme and rhythm.

 The teacher will give a written definition of

rhyme and rhythm and instruct students to read  Students will read the definition

Rhyme is a pattern of words that contain similar
sounds. Example: go/show/glow/know/though.
Rhythm: the occurrence of a beat.  Students will write the definition

 The teacher will instruct students to take down

the examples as well as the written definition
into their books.
SECTION D (Summary/closure and Assessment)
The teacher will recap with students the definition of rhyme and rhythm.
The following sentences will also read to reinforce the understanding of rhyme and rhythm:
1. There once was a cat that ate a rat, and after that he sat on a yellow mat and waited for
the man in the hat to pat his full, fat belly.
2. Don't stop going up till you get to the top if you really want to find the shop that sells the
special lollipop.
3. I can't sleep with these sheep in my bed, though they seem to be sleeping quite deep by
my head, I wish they would go to their shed.

Students will be instructed to create their own short rhyme and present it to the class. The rhyme
must be said with rhythm in order to acquire an exit pass.

Lesson Appraisal/ reflection:

The video selected is appropriate for the lesson as well as the class level since it is simple but yet
it entails rhyming words and phrases as well as several beats in the background that give off
rhythm hence it may prove to be a clear and effective one. It will also aide in objectives one and
two since the rhythm is distinct from the rhyming lyrics, making it easy to grasp. Once students
are able to grasp the difference between rhyme and rhythm it will only become easier for them to
construct their own piece containing rhyme and rhythm.

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