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Health Education

Module #20 Student Activity Sheet

Describe the impact of new and emerging technologies on
Name: education;
2. Define the terms related to technology in education; 3.
___________________________________________________ Differentiate the impact of technology on the teacher and
the learner; and,
4. Enumerate the strategies for using Technology in
______________ Section: ____________ Schedule: Healthcare Education.



Everybody writes
Lesson title: Technology in Education (Part 1) Materials: Book, pen and notebook
Learning Targets:
Class number: _______ Date: ________________ Bastable, S. B. (2019). Nurse as Educator: Principles of
Teaching and Learning for Nursing Practice. Jones &
Bartlett Learning.

At the end of the module, students will be able to: 1.

The important things I learned last session was all about __________________________________________.

The students will study and read their book about this lesson (Chapter 12 of the book)

The Information Age

• A period in history characterized by:
– Birth of the Internet, World Wide Web
– Development of Internet technology
– Wide-scale computer production
– Development of user-friendly software
• “Fourth Industrial Revolution” today is characterized by technology fusion:
– Artificial intelligence
– Biotechnology
– 3D printing
– Nanotechnology

• Impact on teachers and learners:

– Increased accessibility of information (time and place)
– “Digital natives” think and process information in new ways because they are exposed to digital
technology from early age.
– Technology is powerful—Teacher must also understand educational principles, access, cost, support,
equipment, process, outcomes

• Impact of Information Age technology on education:

– Increase access to educational programs

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Health Education
Module #20 Student Activity Sheet
– Create new strategies that empower individuals, transform
experiences Health Education in a Technology-Based

______________ Section: ____________ Schedule: World

Class number: _______ Date: ________________

– Improve existing practices

Information Age: Change in focus from industry to information; impacted economy, culture (mobile technology,
information explosion), way of life
• Effects on health education:
– Infrastructure can now link people globally.
– The Internet is widely used and available quickly to most Americans.
– Tens of thousands of healthcare applications are available online, many for free.
– Development of new field: consumer informatics (empower people to manage own health)

Health Education in a Technology-Based World: Consumer Informatics

• Aims to:
– Strengthen relationship between patient and provider
– Teach and empower patients dealing with health and wellness issues
• Not restricted to computer-based programs
– Studies/implements methods for making information accessible
• Integrates consumer preferences into future educational programs

Health Education in a Technology-Based World: Emerging Concerns

• Cybersecurity
– Thirty-five percent of Americans have been notified that personal information has been compromised.
– A study of healthcare organizations found that 94% have been victims of cyberattacks.
– As more health information is stored and exchanged, increased risk for compromise
– Many healthcare organizations are setting up patient portals or secure websites.

• Limited oversight/control over posted Internet/World Wide Web information

– Authorship disclosure
– Quality of information
– Privacy and confidentiality
– Consumers may make serious healthcare decisions based on information that has not been reviewed for
accuracy, currency, bias.

• Healthcare education and informatics professionals are working together.

– Internet Healthcare Coalition
• Established the e-Health Code of Ethics

• e-Health Code of Ethics: Principles

– Candor
– Honesty
– Quality
– Informed Consent
– Privacy

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Health Education
Module #20 Student Activity Sheet

Name: Impact of Technology on Teacher and Learner

• Access to information bridges gap between teacher and
learner. • Teachers are becoming facilitators of learning
___________________________________________________ rather than providers of information. – Strive to create
collaborative atmospheres
______________ Section: ____________ Schedule: – Memorization becomes less important than critical
• Nurses should help individuals access, evaluate, and use
available information.
– Professionalism Class number: _______ Date: ________________
– Responsible partnering
– Accountability

– Should encourage and support patients in attempting to seek required knowledge

• Learner/consumer
– Access to information has encouraged more dialogue with providers when seeking clarification and
– Forced into more active role
– Those who go online use that information to make healthcare decisions or feel more confident in
questioning the provider.
– May use information for home treatment
– Twice as likely to look up information after provider visit
• Easily network to other providers/ patients
• Job training for nurses

Technological Strategies in Healthcare Education: World Wide Web

• Virtual space for information
• Component of the Internet
• Designed to display information
• Contains billions of webpages
• Text, graphic, audio, and video formats

• The Internet
• Global network of computers
• Designed to create and exchange information
• World Wide Web is a small component of the Internet.
• Able to exist (and did) without the World Wide Web

• Computer literacy
• The ability to use the computer hardware and software necessary to accomplish routine tasks
• Recognizing the influence of the WWW, nurses should:
• Assess client’s use of the WWW and clarify information found
• Share resources
• Help develop Web-based resources

Healthcare Consumer Education in a Technological World

• Gaps exist between those individuals who have access to information technology resources and those who do
– Historical risk factors:
– Age (>65 years)
– Race (African Americans)

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Health Education
Module #20 Student Activity Sheet
– Has an Internet-compatible device
Name: – Has internet access
– Is knowledgeable about using the device
___________________________________________________ – Is interested in using the Internet for resources
• If patient has no access but has interest:
– Suggest libraries, senior centers, community centers
______________ Section: ____________ Schedule:
• Approximately 60% of Americans have used Web
________________________________________ information that: – Influenced decisions about how to treat
an illness
– Led them to ask questions
– Level of Education (<High School) – Led them to seek a second medical opinion
– Household makeup (homes without children) Class number: _______ Date: ________________
– Presence of disabilities

• Determine whether patient:

– Influenced decisions about whether to seek the assistance of a healthcare provider
• Nurses must establish open dialogue with patients about information found online, in case patients find it:
– Difficult to understand
– Disturbing
– Misleading
– Inaccurate
– Discouraging
• Information literacy competencies:
– Identify the information needed.
– Access the information needed.
– Know how to evaluate the information found.
– Use the information deemed valid.
• Computer literacy competencies:
– Reduce a problem or topic to a searchable command.
– Categorize webpages according to purpose.
– Identify sources of potential bias.
– Judge the information’s accuracy and reliability.
– Judge the information’s completeness.
– Determine the information’s currency.
– Identify resources to answer questions.

• Criteria for evaluating health-related websites

– Accuracy
– Design
– Authors/Sponsors
– Currency
– Authority
• New technology is also raising the question of telepractice and licensure.
– New practice guidelines are likely.
• Ease of use must be considered.
– E.g., patient portals
• Need simple design
• Test data must be understandable.

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Health Education
Module #20 Student Activity Sheet
______________ Section: ____________ Schedule:

Class number: _______ Date: ________________
• Question responses must be checked for accuracy.
• Responses must be timely.

You will answer and rationalize this by yourself. This will be recorded as your quiz. 1 point will be given to every correct
answer and another 1 point for correct rationalization.


1. A period in history characterized by the birth of the Internet, World Wide Web, development of Internet
technology, wide-scale computer production, and the development of user-friendly software
a. Information age
b. Emerging technology
c. Cyber Age
d. “Fourth Industrial Revolution”


2. Today, it is characterized by technology fusion

a. Information age
b. Emerging technology
c. Cyber Age
d. “Fourth Industrial Revolution”


3. This aims to strengthen relationship between patient and provider. It also teach and empower patients dealing
with health and wellness issues
a. “Fourth Industrial Revolution”
b. Information age
c. Consumer Informatics
d. Cybersecurity


4. Thirty-five percent of Americans have been notified that personal information has been compromised. Many
healthcare organizations are setting up patient portals or secure websites.
a. “Fourth Industrial Revolution”
b. Information age
c. Consumer Informatics
d. Cybersecurity

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Health Education
Module #20 Student Activity Sheet
(SATA) a. Candor
Name: b. Privacy
c. Responsible parenting
d. Quantity
______________ Section: ____________ Schedule: ___
Class number: _______ Date: ________________

5. The following are principles of e-Health Code of Ethics:

6. In the impact of technology on teacher and learner, teachers are becoming facilitators of learning rather than
providers of information.


7. Clients should help Nurses access, evaluate, and use available information.


8. In the technological strategies in healthcare education using the worldwide web, this is designed to create and
exchange information and is able to exist (and did) without the World Wide Web.
a. Cyber
b. Internet
c. Computers
d. Informatics

Rationale: The Internet - Global network of computers
– Designed to create and exchange information
– World Wide Web is a small component of the Internet.
– Able to exist (and did) without the World Wide Web

9. The ability to use the computer hardware and software necessary to accomplish routine tasks. This is known as:
a. Web-based resources
b. Computer literacy
c. Patient portals
d. Management Information

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Health Education
Module #20 Student Activity Sheet
c. None of the above
Name: d. All of the above

___________________________________________________ ___

______________ Section: ____________ Schedule:

________________________________________ C. LESSON WRAP-UP

Wrapping Up-Student Reflection

10. The following is true regarding New technology: Class number: _______ Date: ________________
a. It is raising the question of telepractice and licensure.
b. New practice guidelines are likely

1. The things I considered important for this lesson are

__________________________________________, ______________________________________,

The Internet
E. Issues Related to the Use of Technology
F. Technology for Professional Development in Nursing
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Health Education
Module #20 Student Activity Sheet
Class number: _______ Date: ________________

______________ Section: ____________ Schedule:

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