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When we talk about plans or decisions for the future, we can use the present continuous,
going to or will + infinitive.
Future plans
We use the present continuous to talk about plans or arrangements for the future:

 I’m meeting an old friend for lunch tomorrow. I’m flying to France next Wednesday.
Are you going on holiday this summer?
We do not use will to talk about future plans. We can use will + infinitive to talk about
something that is possible in the future:
‘Where are you going on holiday this summer?’ ‘I don’t know. Perhaps I’ll go to Italy’
Maybe I will see you at the party next week.
will + infinitive is often used with I think, I don’t think, I’m sure, probably, perhaps, maybe,
A: We are going to Spain this summer. What about you?
B: I don’t know yet. Maybe I will go to Italy.
Decisions for the future
We use going to + infinitive to talk about intentions or decisions for the future:
I’ve made my decision. I’m going to quit smoking. Are you going to come to the party
We use will + infinitive when we make a spontaneous decision at the time of speaking (not
‘It’s cold in here.’ ‘I’ll go and shut the window.’ ‘Can you send me the information I need?’
’Sure, I’ll do it right away.’
A: Have you decided what to cook tonight?
B: Yes, I’m going to cook fish and rice.
B: Fine. I’ll bring a bottle of white wine.
Practice 1 - Future plans
Put the verb in brackets into the most suitable form, present continuous or ‘will’ + infinitive:
1. What (you/do) on Saturday night? Would you like to go to a concert?
2. I think I (stay) at home this evening. I’m feeling a bit ill.
3. I’m afraid I can’t meet you for a coffee tomorrow afternoon. I (have) lunch with a
4. We can meet on Sunday. I (not/do) anything special.
5. The train (probably/arrive) late again.
6. What time (you/meet) Mike tomorrow?
7. Do you think it (rain) tonight?
8. I (travel) to Thailand next week. Maybe I (send) you a postcard.
9. I (work) late on Tuesday, so I (probably/not/be) free till late evening.
10. Jack (host) a party next Thursday. A lot of people (come).

Practice 2 - Decisions for the future

Complete the dialogues using ‘will’ or ‘going to’ + infinitive:
1. A: I’ve decided. I (look) for a new job. B: Good idea! I (help) you prepare a good CV.
2. A: When (you/bring) those books that you promised to lend me? B: Oh, I’m sorry. I
completely forgot about that. I (bring) them in tomorrow morning.
3. A: So, you’ve decided to buy a new car. What type of car (you/choose)? B: I don’t know.
A: Mark knows a lot about cars. I (ask) him to phone you later on.
4. A: What (you/get) John for his birthday? B: I (buy) him a digital camera. And you? A: I
haven’t decided yet. Perhaps I (get) him an iPad.
5. A: (you/visit) Paul next Friday? B: I don’t know yet. I (call) you tomorrow to let you know.
6. A: What (you/do) for New Year’s Eve? B: We (eat) at a fancy restaurant.
7. A: Why have you turned off the music? B: I (lie) down for a while. I was feeling a bit
tired. A: OK, I (not/disturb) you then.
8. A: Have you decided where you (stay) on your trip? B: Well, I (not/stay) at the Siesta
Hotel, that’s for sure. It’s too expensive.
Practice 3
Self-study: Write down your plans and intentions for next week.

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