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My dream job

Could you tell me about yourself and describe your background in brief?
Hello,my name is Sofia Gonzalez, I am 27 years old. I studied to be a teacher in a teaching career at the
ORT. I haf 4 years of study. I work in a school in Maldonado with children from initial to level 3.

Can you talk about what a typical dat at your current job is like?
In a typical day of work what I do is to get up at 6:40 am, I take a shower, I have breakfast, I organize
the things that I have to take to school and I leave my house for school at 7:25 I arrive at school 7:40.
When I arrive at school I order the class and wait for the time to come for my students to arrive.

Do you ever work overtime?

Do you have a part-tome job?
Yes,when other teachers could not fulfill their schedule in the afternoon.

Do you think it is more important to make a lot of money or to enojoy your job?
For me, the most important thing is to be happy,to feel comfortable whit the career that chose.

Hoy much money do you make?

I earn 21.00 pesos

Did you need any special training to get your job?

No,there is no special training for the job.
There are internships in study careers.

What skills should someone in your field have?

The skills to have for the job are the ability to communicate, creativity, empathy, patience,humor,
responsibility, etc.

My dream job
Is it too competitive?
No, the job is not competitive because everyone has their place.

How is your relationship with your co- workers?

My relationship with my co-workers is very goob,we all get along very well.

Is there a quote that motivates you?

A phrase that motivates me is "education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the

Who inspires you?

What inspired me to be a preschool teacher were children, because I really like small children.

What advice do you hace for someone new to the industry?

One piece of advice that I would give to a person who was going to become a preschool teacher is
that children have to like them a lot. They have to have a lot of patience for them, be
responsible,creative, funny, attentive, compassionate.

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