Creative Writing

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Lazy but Wealthy

Dika and his friends do sharing activities during Ramadan, they distribute food to
people who pass by the campus. Then there was an old woman who approached them, the old
woman asked for money and food and said she had not eaten for 3 days. They then gave the
old lady some money and food, the old lady said thank you and left. After the sharing activity
was over, Dika and his friends went home to prepare for iftar. On the way home, Dika met
the old woman asking for money at the crossroads. Dika gave the old lady some more money
and continued on her way.

The next day when Dika and his friends were sitting in front of the campus, they saw
the old woman again asking for money from the students there. They then approached her
and invited her to talk. The old woman said that her name was Mrs. Siti. Bu Siti was 34 years
old and said that she lived alone. After that Mrs. Siti left Dika and his friend, they tried to
follow her but lost track of her. Rendy, one of Dika's friends said "I'm suspicious of that
woman, why is she still young but chooses to ask for money instead of working? And how
did she disappear that fast?". Dika said that they still have to think positively of Mrs. Siti.

On Sundays, they plan to play futsal together at a field near the campus. They then
saw a woman similar to Mrs. Siti riding in a luxury car, they tried to follow her but they lost
track again. Rendy: "I'm sure it was Mrs. Siti, her face is exactly the same, but why she can
driving a luxury car?". Dika: "I don't think it's Mrs. Siti, maybe the face is similar". They
continued their way to the field and played futsal.

After playing futsal, Rendy was still thinking about the woman they saw earlier. "I'm
still sure that what we saw earlier was Mrs. Siti, I think she was just pretending to be a beggar
even though she was rich." Rendy said. They also devised a plan to find out the truth, their
plan was to put the gps in the bag that Mrs. Siti always carrying. They then looked for Mrs.
Siti on the street where she usually begged but they didn't find her.

They finally found Mrs. Siti in front of a restaurant, and they approached her. Rendy
put the gps in his bag while Dika and others gave money to distract her. After that they left
and waited until evening at Dika's house. On the evening of the day they tracked the location
of the gps, they were surprised because the gps was located in a luxury house. Then they saw
Mrs. Siti coming out of the house followed by the luxury car they had seen earlier in the
morning. A young man then got out of the car, and it turned out to be Rizky, one of their

The End

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