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Film Analysis 1: Brokeback Mountain


Jack Twist

- was 19yrs old at the start of the film and was 39 at the end.

-was married to Lureen

-Sex: Male

-Gender Identity: Genderfluid

-Occupation: Sheep Herder/Rodeo Cowboy/Salesman

Ennis Del Mar

- was 19yrs old at the start of the film and was 39 at the end.

-was married to Alma Beers then divorced.

-Sex: Male

-Gender Identity: Male

-Occupation: Sheep Herder/Ranch Helper


- was 19yrs old at the start of the film and was 39 at the end.

-was married to Jack Twist

-Sex: Female

-Gender Identity: Cisgender

-Occupation: Works for her father’s farm machinery business

Alma Beers

- was 19yrs old at the start of the film and was 39 at the end.

-was married to Ennis Del Mar

-Sex: Female

-Gender Identity: Cisgender

-Occupation: works at grocery store in Riverton

2. Two main characters that relationship evolved throughout the film is obviously Jack Twist and Ennis Del Mar. in
the start of the film both characters showed a more masculine and male like expression but as the film progresses
eventually Jack makes a move on Ennis while under intoxication and the action is then reciprocated by Ennis at first
after their first time have relations with each other Jack felt the same and was not embarrassed or felt anything
wrong while Ennis who is usually a person of few words was hesitant and at first seemed to me kind of regretted
the action. But as the film progresses, they continue to develop their relationship and uncontrollable emotions and
feelings for each other. But both admitting that they are not “queer” and are still men. They choose to hide their
affair for around 20 years and over that time they both get married to women and have kids of their own. They
eventually start seeing each other more but covering it up saying they were fishing/hunting buddies. They are both
struggling controlling their urges and Jack goes to Mexico to indulge in Male prostitution as Ennis is not fulfilling his
sexual needs. They argue many times due to the fact that they are not accepted in their time for not conforming to
the standards of their sex and masculinity and is probably what got Jack killed in the end. At the end of the film
Ennis, I think is going to fulfill his promise to jack to be himself and not car what the society has set for him and the
standards that need to be followed by men.

3. If this situation was to occur in this time it would be completely acceptable and normal but the ethical and moral
stand in this situation to me would be controversial as they continued to get married and did not let their true
selves and urges lead them in the way that would not affect others. Although we cannot control our emotions and
do not have full control they continued to get married and start families knowing that they felt another way. But in
their time, they were against the society’s standards for their male masculinity and roles. But in this time is more
acceptable and becoming normal. Even though today they are not as fully accepted in the community and still in
ways discriminated and are faced with many present issues in the current time their relationship can be tolerated
and not fully against the society’s standards.


Scene 1- In the tent when jack made a drunken move on Ennis and is then reciprocated.

They are both away from the judgmental views and societies standards that are put on them as they are isolated
from the society in Brokeback Mountain, and they have more freedom and feel free to release their urges and true

Scene 2- Jack going to Mexico for male prostitution

Jack is longing and has an urge for the opposite sex although married to his female wife Lureen he settles for male
prostitution as Ennis is not there for him as he does not want to start the ranch life with him.

Scene 3 End Scene where Ennis looks at the picture and laundry.

Ennis says “I swear” and indicated he will fulfill his promise to not care about societies standards and be true to
himself as he was hesitant to show his true sexuality and true urges, Jack’s Death had an affect on him thet let his
barriers down and made him express his love for Jack and true self.


1. Societies standards have a huge impact on the way people act and show their relations in public, this can be
seen in the beginning of the movie when both main characters conform to the male standards at first.
2. People’s gender expression can be changed over time and was showcased through both characters Jack being a
more confident and not as hesitant to fulfill his gay feelings while still having a wife and son. He Overtime was not
shy to hide his emotions and expression. While Ennis was always more hesitant and wanted to conform to the
contextual norm to having the tragic death of Jack change his barrier and may change him to be a more expressive

3. Men had and still have kind of a societal norm and stereotype to not show emotions and express them, They are
usually not told expressive things as show in the film Ennis, was never told that he has what it takes to love and
when he declines his daughter's request to live with him at the age of 17, it's not because he doesn't love or care
for her it's because he doesn't feel worthy or sufficient, even though he has everything he needs to provide the
love she need. It's only because that no one ever said anything to him about it. It's not because Ennis didn't want
him back that he can't say yes to Jack when he reveals his dedication and love for him. It's simply that no one ever
told him it was conceivable, or that such a life was acceptable/possible. And when he almost doesn’t attend his
daughter’s wedding he still attends because he learned he cannot say no to his daughter no matter what another
man says to him.

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