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Name: Angel Louise A.

Grade/Section: G12- San Pedro

1. What is the story about? What is the main topic of the text? It’s About the author's experience
in the garment capital of the Philippines, Taytay Rizal in Tiangge.
2. Who is the main character? Who are the other important characters in the story? The Author
3. Where does this story take place? How does the place influence the storyline or
sequence of events? Taytay Rizal it is the place where the author buys some garments and
experience there in Tiangge,
4. Are there any conflicts/problems in the story? How the authors saved money because I know
that there’s a lot of beautiful clothes in Taytay Tiangge.
5. How does the conflict progress? Do things get worse or better? The author gives an advice
which is to roam around in all stalls so you can compare the prices, and to ask for a discount.
6. How does the conflict get resolved? When the author buys a bulk of clothes, the author gets a
7. What are the most emotionally-charged parts of the story? When the author appreciated and
had a good experience in taytay.
8. How would you have reacted differently if you were the main character? I will be nervous
while asking for a discount or even asking for the price. I will also never roam in every stall
because I can’t stay in a crowded place.
9. Do you remember any similar series of events you experienced? Yes, when my mom asked
me to go with her in taytay tiangge and also when we have projects or activities that we need to
find some clothes.
10. What was the most memorable part of your own experience? When my mom asked me to
go there with her, it was memorable because it is also our bonding.

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