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TECHNICAL WRITING professionals or academicians on topics of

interest concerning their specific fields.

 Technical Writing refers to writings
about scientific subjects and about Printed Action Memo - a ready-format
various technical subjects associated memorandum that only requires a
with sciences. checkmark on the appropriate box that
 Technical Writing is characterized by contains the message.
certain formal elements, such as its
Graphic Aids - drawings, sketches and
scientific and technical vocabulary, its
illustrations that aid the readers in
use of graphic aids, and its use of
understanding the presented data.
conventional report forms.
Instructional Manuals - written to guide the
TECHNICAL WRITING readers on how to assemble, maintain, and
CONTENT factual, straight- operate an apparatus, machine or gadget.
AUDIENCE specific Brochures - are pamphlets of flyers that
PURPOSE inform, instruct, endorse a product in such a way that the
persuade potential customer will be convinced that
STYLE formal, standard, the product is effective and eventually avail
academic of the product.
TONE objective
Proposals - written suggestions on how to
VOCABULARY specialized make the company or organization more
ORGANIZATION systematic productive and successful.

Memoranda - inter-office written

CREATIVE WRITING communication used to disseminate
CONTENT imaginative, symbolic information.
AUDIENCE general
figurative 1. Always have in mind a specific readers,
TONE Subjective real or imaginary, when you are writing a
VOCABULARY general report.
2. Before you start to write, always decide
what the exact purpose of your report is,
PRODUCTS OF TECHNICAL and make sure that every paragraph, every
WRITING sentence, every word makes a clear
contribution to that purpose.
Business Letter - a type of written
communication. It is written using formal 3. Use language that is simple, concrete,
language and follows formal elements of and familiar.
letter writing.
4. At the beginning and end of every
Contract - a written agreement between two section of your report, check your writing
people under mutually agreed terms. according to this principle: “First you tell the
reader what you’re going to tell him, then
Monograph - a detailed essay or book on a
you tell him what you’ve told him.”
very specific topic. It is usually written by
5. Make your report attractive.
Persuasive writing depends on emotional
appeal. Its goal is to change one’s attitude
PURPOSES OF TECHNICAL or motivate him/her to action.

 It serves as basis for management

 It furnishes needed information. TECHNICAL
 It gives instructions.
 It records business transactions CONSIDERATIONS
through proposals. RELATED TO TECHNICAL
 It procures business proposals. WRITING
 It serves as basis for public relations.
 It provides report to stockholders of The Four Bodies of Law Relevant to
companies. Technical Communication

PROPERTIES OF TECHNICAL 1. Copyright law - covers the protection

WRITING of the rights of the author.
2. Trademark law – pertains to federal
1. Subject matter protection (different from registered
2. Audience trademark).
3. Expression 3. Contract law - covers written
4. Style warranties or their implied warranties.
5. Arrangement of materials 4. Liability law - pertains to
responsibilities or obligations of
WRITING CAN BE GROUPED writers especially claims they made
INTO FIVE BASIC TYPES: on their paper.
Technical writing conveys specific
information about a technical subject to a
specific audience for a specific purpose. Technical writers are like researchers.
Both take into consideration the bounds
Creative writing includes fiction—poetry, and limitations to things they write
short stories, plays and novels and far more
different from technical writing. They carefully study the information
Expressive writing subjective response to a to be presented and they are aware
personal experience—journals and diaries that PRUDENCE has to be exercised.
—whereas technical writing might be
objective observations of a work-related
experience or research.
Do’s of Technical Communication
Expository writing “exposes” a topic
analytically and objectively, such as news  Abide by relevant laws.
reports. Like technical writing, the goal of  Abide by the appropriate corporate or
expository writing is to explain or reveal professional code of conduct.
knowledge, but expository writing does not  Tell the truth.
necessarily expect a response or action  Be clear.
from the reader.  Avoid discriminatory language.
 Acknowledge assistance from others.
Pre-writing Techniques

Don’ts of Technical Communication  Keep a writer’s journal by

recording personal experiences,
 False implications - assuming the perceptions, and ideas.
outcomes of a project or making  Do free writing.
sweeping generalizations.  Cluster by drawing lines and
 Exaggerations - expressing situations circles to show connection
in extreme proportions. between ideas.
 Euphemisms - writing about situations  Ask questions (5W’s and 1H).
in seemingly good conditions even  Read with focus.
though they are not.  Listen with focus.
 Don’t mislead your readers.  Observe by noticing details
around you through the senses
 Imagine. Use “what if” approach.
Reflect on the following situations. What will
you do if you are faced with any one of
 Writing Stage is the part where we
begin to write our first draft.
1. You are the boss of a company. You
Do’s and Don’ts of writing a first draft:
received a report about missing milk
boxes in the shipment from one of  Do not overanalyze your writing;
your employees who made the  Feel free to follow the flow of
inventory. Your company ordered 150 ideas;
boxes, but two boxes were missing.  Do not exaggerate details;
2. You are in a hurry to submit the  Work on the details as much as
proposal for a very important meeting. possible to keep the story fresh
However, your fellow employee who is in your mind;
the main proponent forgot to sign the  Do not worry yet about how
proposal. It is 2:50 PM and the paper good your writing is.
has to be submitted by 3:00 PM. What  Have fun!
will you do?
3. An attendance sheet is being passed  Re-writing stage is also known as the
around in the seminar room. You were “revision” stage to ensure the
asked to write your purpose for following:
attending because it is about  The content of the paper is
professional development. What will relevant;
you write?  There is organization and
coherence in the arrangement of
 Grammar and mechanics are
 Pre-writing stage - is the first stage in
clearly observed.
writing process where the writer
composes or supplies information
pertaining to the following:

- Purpose of the paper

- Choice of topic
- Gathering information CHAPTER 1

 Introduction
 Background of the Study
 Theoretical / Conceptual Framework
 Statement of the Problem
 Hypothesis
 Scope and Limitations of the Study  A well-written introduction is important
(Scope and DELIMITATIONS of the because, quite simply, you never get
Study) a second chance to make a good first
 Significance of the Study impression. 
 Definition of Terms  The opening paragraph of your paper
will provide your readers with their
INTRODUCTION initial impressions about the logic of
 The introduction is the first part of your argument, your writing style, the
Chapter I. It serves the purpose of overall quality of your research, and,
leading the reader from a general ultimately, the validity of your findings
subject area to a particular field of and conclusions.
research.  A vague, disorganized, or error-filled
 It establishes the context of the introduction will create a negative
research being conducted impression, whereas, a concise,
engaging, and well-written
 by summarizing current introduction will start your readers off
understanding and background thinking highly of your analytical skills,
information about the topic, your writing style, and your research
 stating the purpose of the work approach
in the form of the hypothesis,  Where do I begin? - It is important to
question, or research problem, lay a foundation for understanding the
 briefly explaining your rationale, historical context underpinning the
research problem. However, this
methodological approach,
information should be brief and
highlighting the potential
succinct and begin at a point in time
outcomes your study can reveal,
that best informs the reader of study's
overall importance.
 Describing the remaining
 For example, a study about coffee
structure of the paper.
cultivation and export in West Africa
 Think of the introduction as a mental
as a key stimulus for local economic
road map that must answer for the
growth needs to describe the
reader these four questions:
beginning of exporting coffee in the
 A roadmap is a strategic plan that
region and establishing why economic
defines a goal or desired outcome.
growth is important. You do not need
 What was I studying? to give a long historical explanation
 Why was this topic important to about coffee exportation in Africa.
investigate?  If a research problem demands a
 What did we know about this substantial exploration of historical
topic before I did this study? context, do this in the literature review
 How will this study advance our section; note in the introduction as
knowledge? part of your "roadmap" that you are
covering this in the literature review.
 The final paragraph or sentences of research topic or thesis is worth the
your introduction should forecast your time of your readers.
main arguments and conclusions and BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY
provide a description of the rest of the  The background of the study is one of
paper [a "roadmap"] that lets the the key aspects you need to get right
reader know where you are going and when you are writing a research
what to expect. paper.
 Try writing your introduction last. You  It is a compilation of adequate
may think that you have to write your information that is based on the
introduction first, but that isn’t analysis of the problem or proposed
necessarily true, and it isn’t always argument, the steps and methods
the most effective way to craft a good needed to arrive at the design, the
introduction. implementation of the results
 However, an introduction written at achieved, and feasible solutions.
the beginning of that discovery  Ideally 3 to 5 paragraphs only 
process will not necessarily reflect  Present your arguments in the first
what you wind up with at the end. You three paragraphs.
will need to revise your paper to make  Convince your readers or your panel
sure that the introduction, all of the that there is an immediate need for
evidence, and the conclusion reflect your research. Cite the problems.
the argument you intend.  Ex. Problem in Reading
 Don’t be afraid to write a tentative Comprehension – Many
introduction first and then change it students can read but they
later. cannot understand what they are
 Some people find that they need to reading, and fail in the subject
write some kind of introduction in because of the problem in
order to get the writing process reading comprehension
started.  Present the problem, the effects, why
 That’s fine, but if you are one of those is there a need to do a research for
people, be sure to return to your initial that problem.
introduction later and rewrite if  Tip – When you are writing a research
necessary. paper, especially in the background of
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND the study, use the deductive method,
OF THE STUDY from general to specific (inverted
 What is the difference between pyramid)
introduction and background of the  4th paragraph –Rationale of the study;
study? common question asked during the
 Introduction sets the scene of your oral defense – reason why you chose
research while background gives a to do your research
reason behind the research chosen  Why did you do a research about
and the incidents leading up to the reading comprehension? Key word is
study. reason.
 The introduction only contains the  Rationale – In this light the researcher
preliminary information about your decided to conduct this study
research question or thesis topic. It is because…
simply an overview of the research  Can also include the research gap in
question or thesis topic. the rationale. A research gap is a
 The background of your study is more question or a problem that has not
in-depth - it explains why your been answered by any of the existing
studies or research within your field.
 Do not fill the background of the study
with citations – at least 2 to 5 only Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
 Always cite your source – Plagiarism  This is one of the most important parts
if you do not cite the source. This is of a research, if not the most
an ethical practice in research. important.
 When using APA format, follow the  Theoretical Framework – the structure
author, date method of in-text citation. that can hold or support a theory of a
This means that the author's last research study; based on an existing
name and the year of publication for theory.
the source should appear in the text,  It introduces and describes the theory
e.g., (Jones, 1998), and a complete that explains why the research
reference should appear in the problem under study exists.
reference list at the end of the paper.  You cannot build a house without a
strong foundation.
RESEARCH GAP  If your research involves a theory –
 How do I find one? Theoretical Framework
 It will take a lot of research and  If it only involves an idea or concept –
reading.   Conceptual Framework
 You'll need to be very familiar with all  They can independently stand alone.
the studies that have already been  You will be citing theories or concepts
done, and what those studies supporting your main theory or main
contributed to the overall body of concept.
knowledge about that topic.  Citation is quoting directly an idea or
 Make a list of any questions you have theory from a theorist or writer stating
about your topic and then do some how they presented it.
research to see if those questions  A theory in the form of a model or
have already been answered paradigm that serves as the basis of
satisfactorily. If they haven't, perhaps your study. It mentions the proponents
you've discovered a gap!   of the study and their results.
Are There Rules for using tenses in  Thought of as a map or travel plan.
Research Papers?  Important to consider the relevant
 Rule of Thumb – Use present or past theory underpinning the knowledge
tense only base of the phenomena under study.
 Abstract: Past tense  It shapes the justification of the
 Introduction: Present tense research problem.
 Related Work/Citations: Past tense  It is based on an existing theory which
 Methods/Experiments: Past tense may form the basis for the
 Results: Past tense for results researcher’s observations and
obtained / Present tense to refer become the frame of reference by
figures, graphs, tables which the conceptual framework may
 Discussion: Present tense to explain be derived.
significance of results / Past tense to  Before you start your research, you
summarize findings, with present have to explore what theories and
tense to interpret results models other researchers have
 Conclusion: A combination of tenses already developed. The goal of a
to highlight past research and future theoretical framework is to present
directions and explain this information.
 There may be many different theories
about your topic, so the theoretical
framework also involves evaluating,
comparing, and selecting the most  It is the researcher’s own model
relevant ones. illustrating variables that specify the
 By “framing” your research within a problem and gives direction to the
clearly defined field, this part of your study. It may be an adaptation of a
thesis lays the foundations that will model in an early theory, with
support your analysis, helping you modifications to suit the inquiry.
interpret your results and make  The conceptual framework is the
broader generalizations. researcher’s idea on how the research
 This is the foundation of your research problem will have to be explored.
– your research will not stand if you  This is founded on the theoretical
do not have strong theory that would framework which lies on a much
prove the strategy that you are testing broader scale of resolution.
is effective, and has the potential of  The conceptual framework embodies
helping the beneficiaries of your the specific direction by which the
research. research will have to be undertaken.
 Any theory or concept that you  Statistically speaking, the conceptual
choose should be directly relevant, framework describes the relationship
that exactly discusses the process or between specific variables identified in
steps that you are presenting in your the study.
research.  It also outlines the input, process and
 You have to establish the main theory output of the whole investigation.
that you have chosen that describes  The conceptual framework is also
the process or strategy that you are called the research paradigm.
presenting in your research.
 Immediately after the citation would
be the synthesis – how theory or idea
is relevant to your research.
 Synthesis is the narrative discussion
of the relevance of the citation to your
research. It is also called reflection.
 How do we further explain citation and
 Bridge the gap between the idea that
you cited and the research that you
are conducting through a narrative Figure 1 shows the Conceptual Framework
description of how they will be coming of the study. The input is the profile of the
together. college students according to sex, year-
 This is how citation and synthesis level, and the social media platform being
work hand in hand used. The research process includes
 Do not flood with citations without any administering the questionnaires, tabulation
reflection or synthesis. of students’ responses, and statistical
analysis of the data and interpretation. The
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK output is the level of effectiveness of using
social media in the political literacy of
 Concept or idea college students.
 A conceptual framework is a written or
visual representation of an expected Inputs are the conditions that exist prior to
relationship between variables. group activity.
Variables are simply the
characteristics or properties that you Processes are the interactions among
want to study. group members.
Outputs are the results of group activity.  It should be significant enough to
contribute to the existing body of
Should a Research Paper Have Both research.
the TF and CF?  It should lead to further research.
 The conceptual model gives direction  The problem should render itself to
to a study and it is usually developed investigation through collection of
taking cognizance of data.
relevant theories (theoretical  It should be of interest to the
framework) existing literature, and researcher and suit his/her skills, time,
elements of logic. and resources.
 As such, a theoretical framework in  The approach towards solving the
addition to representing a review of problem should be ethical.
theories relevant to a study, serves as
the fundamental basis for developing  The SOP should be anchored to your
a conceptual model. research problem; questions will be
 Therefore, depending on the context based on the research title.
of a study, both theoretical framework  Consistency in the title, problem,
and conceptual model are necessary. purpose, and research question
improve the logic and transparency of
Statement of the Problem research; these components should
be aligned with each other.
 A statement of the problem is used in  1st part – introductory statement – the
research work as a claim that outlines general problem
the problem addressed by a study.  2nd part – the specific problem/s
 A good research problem should  The SOP does not have to be long. (1
address an existing gap in knowledge page)
in the field and lead to further  From the general problem – break
research. down to specific problems
 The statement of the problem briefly  You are going to formulate questions
addresses the question: What is the to be able to answer the research title
problem that the research will  At least 3 to 5 SOPs, also depending
address? on the type of research.
 What are the goals of SOP?  Example: More questions for
 The ultimate goal of a statement of experimental type of research
the problem is to transform a  Descriptive – average of 3 to 5 SOPs
generalized problem (something that only
bothers you; a perceived lack) into a HYPOTHESIS
targeted, well-defined problem; one  A hypothesis is a statement that
that can be resolved through focused introduces a research question and
research and careful decision-making. proposes an expected result.
 A statement of problem need not be  A prediction of what your study will
long and elaborate: one page is more find.
than enough for a good statement of  A tentative prediction about the
problem. relationship between two or more
variables in the study.
A good research problem should
 Translates the research question into
have the following characteristics:
a prediction of expected outcomes.
 It should address a gap in knowledge.  A predicted answer to your research
 An intelligent guess on the  What are the possible explanations
relationship between your variables. that you might want to explore?
 Hypothesis is connected to your  Does your hypothesis include both an
research question and research independent and dependent variable?
variables.  Can you manipulate your variables
Characteristics of a Well-Defined without hampering the ethical
Hypothesis standards?
 States the expected relationship Types of Research Hypothesis
between variables 1. Simple Hypothesis. It predicts the
 Testable you can determine it to be relationship between a single
true or false through your research dependent variable and a single
study findings independent variable. (Ex.
 Derived from the problem statement – The stress level of fathers is related to
aligned with your research question the stress level of mothers)
 Simple and concise 2. Complex Hypothesis. It predicts the
Commonly Asked Questions relationship between two or more
Do all researches require hypotheses independent and dependent variables.
formulation? (Ex. The hours of reviewing and study
 Not all studies have hypotheses. preference has no relationship with
Sometimes a study is designed to be students score in periodical exam).
exploratory. There is no formal 3. Directional Hypothesis. It specifies the
hypothesis, and perhaps the purpose expected direction to be followed to
of the study is to explore some area determine the relationship between
more thoroughly in order to develop variables, and is derived from theory.
some specific hypothesis or prediction Furthermore, it implies researcher’s
that can be tested in future research. intellectual commitment to a particular
A single study may have one or many outcome. (Ex.
hypotheses. The types of online advertisement
Which kind of researches require positively affect the level of buying
hypothesis formulation? power of customers.)
 A hypothesis is used more often for 4. Non-directional Hypothesis. It does
the quantitative research method not predict the exact direction or
approach, whereas a research nature of the relationship between the
question can be answered by both two variables. Non-directional
qualitative and quantitative research hypothesis is used when there is no
methodologies. theory involved or when findings
 Common in experimental quantitative contradict previous research.
research studies. (Ex. The number of hours in reviewing
Essential Characteristics of a Good is associated with level of
Hypothesis performance in periodical exam.)
To help you formulate a promising research 5. Associative and Causal Hypothesis.
hypothesis, you should ask yourself the Associative hypothesis defines
following questions: interdependency between variables. A
 Is the language clear and focused? change in one variable results in the
 What is the relationship between your change of the other variable. On the
hypothesis and your research topic? other hand, causal hypothesis
proposes an effect on the dependent
 Is your hypothesis testable? If yes,
due to manipulation of the
then how?
independent variable. Peer tutoring
has no significant effect on students boundaries that you have set for
reading fluency. the study.
Why is it important to determine the scope
Null Hypothesis. It states a negative limitation and delimitation of a study?
statement to support the researcher’s  Both are important because they help
findings that there is no relationship to put the research findings into
between two variables. Use of no or not. context, and although they explain
Denoted as Ho. how the study is limited, they increase
Alternative Hypothesis. It states that there the credibility and validity of a
is a relationship between the two variables research project.
of the study and that the results are Describe the extent of the study
significant to the research topic. Denoted as  Actual place where the study will be
H1 or HA . conducted
Always two hypotheses:  Duration of the conduct of the study
HA: Research (Alternative)  Inclusions of the study (only specific
Hypothesis aspect of the study or topic)
What we aim to gather evidence of  Limit of the number of respondents
Typically that there is a  Area limit (if applicable)
difference/effect/relationship etc. Answers the five (5) simple questions:
H0: Null Hypothesis  What – scope, limitation, and
What we assume is true to begin with delimitation
Typically that there is no  How
difference/effect/relationship etc.  Who
 Where
Hypothesis Testing  When
 An objective method of making How do you determine the scope and
decisions or inferences from sample delimitation of a study?
data (evidence).  It is followed by an explanation of the
 Sample data used to choose between limitation of the research. Research
two choices i.e. hypotheses or usually limited in scope by sample
statements about a population. size, time and geographic area. While
 We typically do this by comparing the delimitation of study is the
what we have observed to what we description of the scope of study. It
expected if one of the statements will explain why definite aspects of a
(Null Hypothesis). was true subject were chosen and why others
were excluded.
Scope and Limitations of the Study How do you Delimitate a study?
 In a thesis, the scope defines exactly  Examples of delimitations include
what will be covered in a study, while objectives, research questions,
the limitations are the constraining variables, theoretical objectives that
aspects that may have influenced or you have adopted, and populations
affected the research. chosen as targets to study. When you
 Three paragraphs only are stating your delimitations, clearly
What is difference between limitation and inform readers why you chose this
delimitation? course of study.
 Limitations are influences that SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY
the researcher cannot control.  Presents the importance of the
 Delimitations are choices made research.
by the researcher which should  It gives you the opportunity to prove
be mentioned. They describe the the study’s impact on your field of
research, the new knowledge it  Definition of terms works just
contributes, and the people who will like a glossary but have a different
benefit from it. twist.
 Purpose – to give you space to  It is placed on the last part of Chapter
explain to your readers how exactly 1 to tell the meaning of the terms used
your research will be contributing to throughout the said chapter.
the literature of the field you are  Here are some guidelines in writing
studying. the Definition of terms:
 It’s where you explain why your  Actually, there are two types
research is worth conducting and how of definition of terms: Conceptual
significant it is to the community, the meaning and Operational meaning
people, and various institutions. o Conceptual
Steps and Guidelines on how to write the terms/meanings are based
Significance of the Study on what a dictionary or an
1. Use your research problem as the encyclopedia tells.
starting point. o On the other hand,
2. State how your research will Operational
contribute to the existing literature in terms/meanings are based
the field. on how the researchers
3. Explain how your research will benefit used a term on their study.
society. o For thesis, we use
4. Mention the specific persons or operational terms – should
institutions who will benefit from your be arranged alphabetically
study. and should be defined
5. Indicate how your study may help operationally.
future studies in the field.  Key word in your research title
 Go from general to specific. Like an  Technical terms used in your research
inverted pyramid, you start from  Do not saturate with too many terms!
above by discussing the general Minimum of five (5); maximum of ten
contribution of your study and become (10) terms
more specific as you go along.  Should be arranged alphabetically
 For instance, if your research is about  Definition should not be too long
the effect of remote learning setup on
the mental health of college students
of a certain university, you may start
by discussing the benefits of the
research to the society, to the
educational institution, to the learning
facilitators, and finally, to the students.
 Beneficiaries – Those who will benefit
from your research (Ex. Students,
teachers, administrators, school,
institution, etc.)
 Hierarchy or order – The 1st
beneficiary should be the one who will
benefit the most.
 At least three (3) beneficiaries;
maximum of eight (8).

Domestic: Phil.-based companies
Foreign: foreign-based companies
The Investment Environment
Suppliers and Demand of Funds
What is an investment?
Investment - any vehicle into which funds –Federal, state and local projects &
can be placed with the expectation that it operations
will generate positive income and/or that its –Typically net demanders of funds
value will be preserved or increased
Return – the award of owning an –Investments in production of goods and
investment services
- Current Income –Typically net demanders of funds
- Increase in Value Individuals
–Some need for loans (house, auto)
Types of Investments –Typically net suppliers of funds

Securities or Property Key participants or rather suppliers and

Securities: stocks, bonds, options demanders of funds in the financial markets
Real Property: land, buildings are individuals, businesses, and
Tangible Personal Property: gold, artwork, government.
Governments are typically net demanders
Direct or Indirect of funds. They typically borrow more than
Direct: investor directly acquires a claim they save. This is because of the need to
Indirect: investor owns an interest in a finance State and local projects &
professionally managed collection of operations.
securities or properties
Business firms are are also net demanders
Debt, Equity or Derivative Securities of funds. They typically borrow more than
Debt: investor lends funds in exchange for they save. The borrowing can be attributed
interest income and repayment of loan in to Investments in production of goods and
future (bonds) services.
Equity: represents ongoing ownership in a
business or property (common stocks) Individuals as a group are the net suppliers
Derivative Securities: neither debt nor of funds for financial institutions (They save
equity; derive value from an underlying more than borrow). Some are needs of
asset (options) loans to finance house, auto, among others.
The individuals are therefore typically the
Low Risk or High Risk net suppliers of funds
Risk: chance that actual investment returns
will differ from those expected

Short-Term or Long-Term
Short-Term: mature within one year
Long-Term: maturities of longer than a year
Domestic or Foreign
FIGURE 1.1 THE INVESTMENT warrants; real assets, such as gold; and
PROCESS real estate.

The investment process involves Table 1.1 Overview of Investment

the financial institutions (banks, savings Vehicles
and loans, savings banks, credit unions,
insurance companies, pension funds)
actively participate in the financial markets
as both suppliers and demanders of funds.
The financial markets (Money and capital
markets) act as forums in which suppliers of
funds and demanders of funds can transact
business directly. Then we have
the suppliers and demanders of
funds whose roles are well covered above.
Taxes in Investing Decisions
(Philippine setting)

Basic Sources of Taxes in Investing

– Income Tax: tax rates from 10% to 35%

– 0.6% stock transaction tax for every time
you sell your
– capital gains tax of 15%.
– commissions you pay to them are subject
to a 12% value-added tax
– cash dividends from your stocks, that will
be subject to a 10% final withholding tax.
– initial public offering, there's also tax
Types of Investors
ranging from 1% to 4%
– a documentary stamp tax amounting to
P1.50 for every P200 par value of the
for personal financial goals (retirement,

Types of Income for Individuals
Paid to manage other people’s money
Trade large volumes of securities Active Income: income from working
Include: banks, life insurance companies, (wages, salaries, pensions)
mutual funds and pension funds Portfolio Income: income from investments
(interest, dividends, capital gains)
Investment Vehicles Passive Income: income from special
investments (rents from real estate,
Investment vehicles are assets offered by
royalties, limited partnerships)
the investment industry to help investors
Ordinary Income – Active, portfolio and
move money from the present to the future,
passive income included
with the hope of increasing the value of
– Taxed at progressive tax rates
their money. These assets include
(rates go up as income goes up)
securities, such as shares, bonds, and
– Move toward less risky investments to
preserve capital
Capital Gains and Losses – Transition to higher-quality securities with
– Capital Asset: property owned and used lower risk
by taxpayer, including securities and What are some examples of age-
personal residence appropriate investments?
– Capital Gain: amount by which the – Low-risk growth and income stocks,
proceeds from the sale of a capital asset preferred stocks, convertible stocks, high-
are more than its original purchase price grade bonds
– Capital Loss: amount by which the
proceeds from the sale of a capital asset Retirement Stage
are less than its original purchase price – Ages 60 and older
– Preservation of capital becomes primary
Table 1.2 Philippine Tax Rates and – Highly conservative investment portfolio
Income Brackets for Individuals – Current income needed to supplement
retirement income
What are some examples of age-
appropriate investments?
– Low-risk income stocks and mutual funds,
government bonds, quality corporate
bonds, bank certificates of deposit

Investing in Different Economic

Investing Decisions over Investor Market Timing: process of identifying the
Life Cycle current state of the economy/market and
assessing the likelihood of its continuing on
Investors tend to follow different investment
its present course
philosophies as they move through different
Three Conditions of the U.S. Economy
stages of the life cycle.
– Recovery or expansion
Youth Stage
• Corporate profits are up, which
– Twenties and thirties
helps stock prices
– Growth-oriented investments
• Growth-oriented and speculative
– Higher potential growth; Higher potential
stocks do well
– Decline or recession
– Stress capital gains over current income
• Values and returns on common
What are some examples of age-
stocks tend to fall
appropriate investments?
– Change in the general direction of the
– Common stocks, options or futures
economy’s movement
Middle-Aged Consolidation Stage
– Ages 45 to 60
– Family demands & responsibilities
become important (education expenses,
retirement savings)
The Role of Short-Term Vehicles
Figure 1.2 Different Stages of an
Economic/Market Cycle Liquidity: the ability of an investment to be
converted into cash quickly and with little or
no loss in value

Primary use is for emergency cash reserve

or to save for a specific short-term financial


The Business Cycle is the pattern of ADVANTAGES
upward and downward movement in the – High liquidity
general level of real economic activity. – Low risks of default
The business cycle is divided into DISADVANTAGES
four phases: –Low levels of return
–Loss of potential purchasing power from
Recession: downturn when output declines inflation
for six months or more. Unemployment
rises and economic activity declines. A 17 Best Investment Vehicles for
depression is a prolonged recession. Filipinos
Trough: occurs when output stops falling—
when output reaches its low point.
Recovery or Expansion: the period after the
trough, when the output increases,
unemployment falls and economic activity
Peak: the final stage of the business cycle
and precedes a recession. Output growth
Since 1924 business cycles average about
5 years in length: recessions one year and
recoveries four years.
Investing Decisions and Interest

Interest rates are the single most important INVESTMENT IN GOVERNMENT

variable in determining returns to investors BONDS AND SECURITIES
for bonds and fixed-income securities. On many occasions, the Philippine National
Interest rates and bond prices move in Government or its agencies issue debt
opposite directions: securities to finance deficits and
– When interest rates go up, bond prices go development projects. Selling to the buying
down public originates from the Bureau of
– When interest rates go down, bond prices Treasury (BTr). through a network of
go up licensed dealers. Government securities
(GS) are no longer certificated, they are obligations of the national government that
known as “scriptless”. GS discount and primarily caters to the retail market or the
coupons are subject to 20% final income end-users. They are issued by the Bureau
tax, which is withheld upon floatation of of Treasury (BTr). They are interest bearing
Treasury Bills, or upon payment of the and carry a term of more than one year and
coupon for Treasury Bonds. No other tax is can be traded in the secondary market
imposed on the secondary market buyer. before maturity. RTBs are safe, liquid and
Government and government-owned and offer attractive returns to investors. The
controlled corporations also offer interest coupons of treasury bonds are paid
shareholding to the public in the form of to the investor quarterly. Further, RTBs
bonds or securities. Government securities serve as a critical part of the government’s
are unconditional obligations of the State, program to make government securities
and backed by its full taxing power, making available to small investors. They are
them practically free from default. issued to mobilize savings and encourage
retail investors to purchase long-term
1. TREASURY BILLS TREASURY BILLS papers. In contrast to PhP 500,000 in the
(T-BILLS) - are direct and unconditional wholesale market, the minimum placement
obligations of the national government. of RTBs is PhP 5,000.
They are issued by the BTr. They carry
maturity of one year or less and can be 4. Dollar Linked Peso Notes (DLPN) Dollar
traded in the secondary market before Linked Peso Notes (DLPNs) - are direct
maturity. Various tenors of T-bills exist: (1) and unconditional obligations of the national
91 day, (2) 182 or (3) 364 days. Banks that government and are issued by the BTr.
comprise majority of the Government They are interest bearing and 2 carry a
Security Eligible Dealers (GSED) bid for T- term of more two (2) and three (3) years
bills in the weekly auctions held by the BTr. and can be traded in the secondary market
The banks then resell the T-bills to before maturity. The notes track the
investors. Treasury Bills do not bear movement of the Philippine Peso and US
interest. They are issued and sold at a Dollar exchange rate. Payments of interest
discount from face value and are redeemed and principal are linked to the movement of
at maturity for the full face value of the the exchange rate and computed based on
instrument. the foreign exchange factor.

Investment Suitability
Treasury Notes (FXTNs) - are direct and Short-Term Vehicles are used for:
unconditional obligations of the national – Savings
government. They are issued by the Bureau  Emphasis on safety and security
of Treasury (BTr). They are interest bearing instead of high yield
and carry a term of more than one year and – Investment
can be traded in the secondary market  Yield is often as important as safety
before maturity. The tenors for these debt  Used as component of diversified
instruments can vary. portfolio
 Used as temporary outlet waiting for
3. Retail Treasury Bonds Retail Treasury
attractive permanent investments
Bonds (RTBs) - are like treasury notes but
are usually longer in maturity (10 years and
above). They are direct and unconditional
Securities Types of Securities

Securities are shares, participation or Money Market Instruments

interests in a corporation or in a commercial
enterprise or profit-making venture and 1. Short-lived mortgage & asset-backed
evidenced by a certificate, contract, securities
instrument, whether written or electronic in 2. Foreiegn exchange swaps
character. It includes:

 Shares of stock, bonds, debentures,

notes, evidences of indebtedness,
asset-backed securities;
 Investment contracts, certificates of
interest or participation in a profit
sharing agreement, certificates of
deposit for a future subscription;
 Fractional undivided interests in oil,
gas or other mineral rights;
 Derivatives like option and warrants;
 Certificates of assignments,
certificates of participation, trust
certificates, voting trust certificates or
similar instruments;
 Proprietary or non-proprietary
membership certificate incorporation
 Other instruments as may in the future
be determined by the Commission.
As defined by REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8799 -

Classifying Securities

Security Types
Our goal in this chapter is to introduce the
different types of securities that investors
routinely buy and sell in financial markets
around the world.
For each security type, we will examine:
• Its distinguishing characteristics,
• Its potential gains and losses
Overview to Financial - Non-product cost analysis
Controllership Cost when it comes to administrative
charges, financing cost, marketing activities
Accounting - track expenditure and profit of - Operation of accounting software
the company Make day to day activity easier
- store and analyze financial information
- Preparation of Financial Statement New Tasks assigned to the accounting
- Create fiscal history of the company, they function of smaller company
can utilized it to predict the financial
success of the company. With that - Hedging and letter-of-credit transaction
prediction they can create new budget plan - Internal auditing programs
and more opportunity
What are the roles and responsibility of
1. What is the task/function of controller?
accounting in a corporation? - Traditionally, the role of the controller has
been the one who manages a few key
Traditional Accounting Function transaction cycles, monitors assets, and
-Accounts payable transaction processing delivers financial statements.
AP (rent, logistics, licensing, contractor- the - Due to the vastly increased interaction
one who process the documents) lahat ng with other departments, the controller must
perang palabas ng kompanya. be highly skilled in interdepartmental
Need to determine the due date. dealings.
-Accounts receivable transaction - In addition, the controller must govern a
processing group of employees that is much more
AR pera na matatanggap ng company from educated than was previously the case.
Continuous flow of revenue ERP – Enterprise resource planning
Need to get AR 30 day or less - ERP helps companies run successful
- Asset transaction processing businesses by connecting their financial
Recorded in sequence. and operational systems to a central
The accounting keep track the database
maintenance when it comes to the asset of - it’s a software solutions to automate the
the company. transactions of the company.
- Debt transaction processing
Pursue payment owe to the creditor Impact of Ethics in Accounting Role
- The accounting function can have a
New Accounting Tasks serious negative impact on a company's
- Coordination and Consolidation of ethical standards through nothing more
accounting at subsidiaries than indifference or lack of caring.
Combine asset, liabilities and other - If the controller does not maintain a high
financial terms ethical standard, the rest of the accounting
- Currency Transactions staff will have no ethical leader and will
Convert currency to another one quickly lapse into apathy.
- Marginal analysis - The controller can have an additional
Cost benefit impact on the pervasive attention to ethics
within the corporation by requiring its
consideration as part of the capital - It is unethical if the company is using
budgeting process. unsafe product for the employees

Illustrative topics to include in Code of A code of ethics becomes the starting point
Ethics. in the series of judgements a controller
 Bidding, negotiating and performing must follow when confronted with an ethical
under government contracts issue. The logical series of steps to work
 Compliance with antitrust laws through are:
 Compliance with securities laws and
regulations Consult the code of ethics
 Conflicts of interest - Should or should not do, for decision
 Cost consciousness making
 Employee discrimination on any Discuss with immediate supervisor
grounds Discuss with a trusted peer
 Gifts and payments of money Discuss with the Board's audit committee
Consider leaving the company. (If all these
Hazardous Waste Disposal avenues are untenable or result in
- It involve cost adequate advice, the controller should
International Boycott seriously consider leaving the company in
- It includes protest, refusal when it comes the near future.)
to engaging in economic interaction
Leave for Military Service Evolving role of Accounting
- get a reliever when an employee leave for - The accounting function is in the midst of
military a fundamental change from being a clerical
Meals and Entertainment group without significant training to a cadre
Petty Cash- use in day to day transaction of very experienced technicians and
for smaller amount which the company managers.
should spend - These trend will force the accounting
Political Contributions department of the future to stock up on
- Transaction when it comes to giving highly trained personnel with good
donation in return there would be some management skills
benefits - The accounting department is likely to
Preservation of Assets become a more common route to top
- About keeping assets of the company. management positions.
Example an employee is using the car for - It is likely that there will be a decrease in
personal use. the proportion of purely clerical positions in
Restrictive Trade practices the accounting area, in fact of more senior
- Unfair practices that is deceptive or personnel with extra technical and
fraudulent. Example: false advertisement, management skills. Also, because of the
exaggerating the product greater breadth of responsibility to be
Standard of Conduct obtained in this area, it will become more
- Every company has its own code common for senior management personnel
Use of Company Assets to come out of this area.
- using the assets of the company for
personal use
Research Title
Workplace and Product Safety
will find too
Tips for Students – Thesis Writing much
1. Make a schedule information and
2. Just start writing not be able to
3. The first draft is not the final draft focus.
4. Be flexible • Background
5. Write the introduction last reading can
6. Move around help you choose
7. Get feedback early and limit the
8. Take care of yourself scope of your
9. Give yourself breaks topic. 
10. Use a reference manager and other • Review the topic selection
online apps based on the suggestions
Templates • Talk about research
ideas with your group. 
• Title Page / Approval / Table of
Your group mates may be
Contents / Abstract
able to help focus your
• Chapter 1 – The Problem and its
topic by discussing issues
that didn't occur to you at
• Chapter 2 – Review of Related
Think of the Who, What, When,
• Chapter 3 – Research Methodology
Where, and Why Questions
• Chapter 4 – Presentation, Analysis,
and Interpretation of Data • WHY did you choose the topic? 
• Chapter 5 – Summary, Conclusions, What interests you about it?  Do
and Recommendations / References you have an opinion about the
or Bibliography issues involved?
 Choosing a Research Topic • WHO are the information
 Guidelines in Formulating the providers on this topic?  Who
Research Title might publish information about
it?  Who is affected by the
Research Topic topic?  Do you know of
organizations or institutions
 Choosing an interesting research affiliated with the topic?
topic is your first challenge. Here are
some tips: • WHAT are the major questions
for this topic?  Is there a debate
• Choose a topic that you about the topic?  Are there a
are interested in! The range of issues and viewpoints
research process is more to consider?
relevant if you care about
your topic. • WHERE is your topic important:
• Narrow your topic to at the local, national or
something manageable. international level?  Are there
• If your topic is specific places affected by the
too broad, you topic?
• WHEN is/was your topic researcher studies to see
important?  Is it a current event its relationships or effects;
or an historical issue?  Do you the CAUSE in the cause-
want to compare your topic by effect relationship.
time periods?
• Dependent Variable – a
Research Title variable that is observed or
measured, and that is
• The title summarizes the main idea or influenced or changed by
ideas of your study. the independent variable;
• A good title contains the fewest the EFFECT in the cause-
possible words that adequately effect relationship.
describe the contents and/or purpose
of your research paper. • Locale – the area where
• The title is without doubt the part of a the study or research will
paper that is read the most, and it is be conducted. (Example:
usually read first. school, community,
barangay, etc.)

Characteristics of a Good Research What is a Variable?

• Any measurable aspect of behavior or
• Summarizes the main idea of influence on behavior that may
the paper. change; things you manipulate or
• Concise statement of the topic. measure.
• Includes main variables.
• Shows the relationship of the • In Math, a variable is an
main variables under the study. alphabetic character
• Includes the main task of the representing a number (like
researcher. x or y)
• Mentions the participants and
• In Science, a variable is
settings in general.
any factor that can be
controlled, changed, or
Easy Way to Formulate a Research measured in an
Title experiment.

• Basic elements that should be found Independent Variable

in the research title: The Independent Variable is what you, the
• Goal – What do you want researcher, changes or enacts in order to
to accomplish in your do your research.
Dependent Variable
• Independent variable – the The Dependent Variable is what changes
variable that is when the independent variable changes -
manipulated either by the the dependent variable depends on the
researcher or by nature or outcome of the independent variable.
circumstance; it is what the
Independent vs. Dependent Variable • Use words that create a positive
impression and stimulate reader
• Use current nomenclature from
the field of study.
• Identify key variables, both
dependent and independent.
• May reveal how the paper will be
Research Title organized.
• Suggest a relationship between
• Reminder to students  Do not focus
variables which supports the
much on the title itself but on the
major hypothesis.
objective of your research.
• Is limited to 10 to 15 substantive
• What do you want to accomplish from
your research?
• Do not include "study of,"
• The Effects of Computer Games in
"analysis of" or similar
the Academic Performance of
Students in Juan Luna Elementary
• Titles are usually in the form of a
phrase, can also be in the form
• Identify the goal, IV, DV, and locale, in
of a question.
the above title.
• Use correct grammar and
The Effects of – GOAL
capitalization with all first words
Computer Games – IV
and last words capitalized,
Academic Performance of Students – DV
including the first word of a
Juan Luna Elementary School – LOCALE
subtitle. All nouns, pronouns,
verbs, adjectives, and adverbs
Working Title
that appear between the first
• The working title should be developed
and last words of the title are
early in the research process because
also capitalized.
it can help anchor the focus of the
• In academic papers, rarely is a
study in much the same way the
title followed by an exclamation
research problem does.
mark. However, a title or subtitle
• Referring back to the working title can
can be in the form of a question.
help you reorient yourself back to the
main purpose of the study if you feel
yourself drifting off on a tangent while
• Typically, the final title you submit to
your professor is created after the
• Subtitles are quite common in
research is complete so that the title
social science research
accurately captures what was done.
papers. Examples of why you
Final Title
may include a subtitle:
• Indicate accurately the subject
• Explains or provides additional
and scope of the study.
context, e.g., "Linguistic
• Avoid using abbreviations.
Ethnography and the Study of
Welfare Institutions as a Flow of
Social Practices: The Case of
Residential Child Care
Institutions as Paradoxical
• Adds substance to a literary,
provocative, or imaginative title,
e.g., "Listen to What I Say, Not
How I Vote: Congressional
Support for the President in
Washington and at Home."
• Qualifies the geographic scope
of the research, e.g., "The
Geopolitics of the Eastern
Border of the European Union:
The Case of Romania-Moldova-
• Qualifies the temporal scope of
the research, e.g., "A
Comparison of the Progressive
Era and the Depression Years:
Societal Influences on
Predictions of the Future of the
Library, 1895-1940."
• Focuses on investigating the
ideas, theories, or work of a
particular individual, e.g., "A
Deliberative Conception of
Politics: How Francesco Saverio
Merlino Related Anarchy and

What is an introduction for a

research paper?
Introductions to research papers do a lot of
It may seem obvious, but introductions are
always placed at the beginning of a paper.
They guide your reader from a general
subject area to the narrow topic that your
paper covers. They also explain your
• Scope: The topic you’ll be specific subject. Then, mention
covering questions or concerns you had
• Context: The background of your about the case. Note that you
topic will address them in the
• Importance: Why your research publication.
matters in the context of an  Prior research. Your introduction
industry or the world is the place to review other
Your introduction will cover a lot of ground. conclusions on your topic.
However, it will only be half of a page to a Include both older scholars and
few pages long. The length depends on the modern scholars. This
size of your paper as a whole. In many background information shows
cases, the introduction will be shorter than that you are aware of prior
all of the other sections of your paper. research. It also introduces past
findings to those who might not
Why is an introduction vital to a have that expertise.
research paper?  A rationale for your paper.
The introduction to your research paper Explain why your topic needs to
isn’t just important. It’s critical. be addressed right now. If
Your readers don’t know what your applicable, connect it to current
research paper is about from the title. issues. Additionally, you can
That’s where your introduction comes in. A show a problem with former
good introduction will: theories or reveal a gap in
• Help your reader understand current research. No matter how
your topic’s background you do it, a good rationale will
• Explain why your research paper interest your readers and
is worth reading demonstrate why they must read
• Offer a guide for navigating the the rest of your paper.
rest of the piece  Describe the methodology you
• Pique your reader’s interest used. Recount your processes
Without a clear introduction, your readers to make your paper more
will struggle. They may feel confused when credible. Lay out your goal and
they start reading your paper. They might the questions you will address.
even give up entirely. Your introduction will Reveal how you conducted
ground them and prepare them for the in- research and describe how you
depth research to come. measured results. Moreover,
explain why you made key
What should you include in an choices.
introduction for a research paper?  A thesis statement. Your main
Research paper introductions are always introduction should end with a
unique. After all, research is original by thesis statement. This statement
definition. However, they often contain six summarizes the ideas that will
essential items. These are: run through your entire research
 An overview of the topic. Start article. It should be
with a general overview of your straightforward and clear.
topic. Narrow the overview until  An outline. Introductions often
you address your paper’s conclude with an outline. Your
layout should quickly review
what you intend to cover in the finish your paper, be sure to
following sections. Think of it as proofread, too. Mistakes can
a roadmap, guiding your reader seem unprofessional.
to the end of your paper.
These six items are emphasized more or Writing an introduction
less, depending on your field. For example,
The introduction answers the questions:
a physics research paper might emphasize
methodology. An English journal article • What am I studying?
might highlight the overview. • Why is it an important question? Why
Three tips for writing your should the reader read on?
introduction • What do we know already about it?
• What basis do I need to provide (such
We don’t just want you to learn how to write
that the reader can understand my
an introduction for a research paper. We
want you to learn how to make it shine.

There are three things you can do that will

make it easier to write a great introduction.
You can:

 Write your introduction last. An

introduction summarizes all of
the things you’ve learned from
your research. While it can feel
good to get your preface done
quickly, you should write the rest
of your paper first. Then, you’ll The introduction
find it easy to create a clear
• includes a statement of the goal of the
study: why it was undertaken
 Include a strong quotation or
• sets the context for your proposed
story upfront. You want your
project and must capture the reader's
paper to be full of substance.
But that doesn’t mean it should
• explains the background of your study
feel boring or flat. Add a relevant
starting from a broad picture
quotation or surprising anecdote
narrowing in on your research
to the beginning of your
introduction. This technique will
• give sufficient background information
pique the interest of your reader
to allow the reader to understand the
and leave them wanting more.
context and significance of the
 Be concise. Research papers
question you are trying to address
cover complex topics. To help
• reviews what is known about your
your readers, try to write as
research topic as far as it is relevant
clearly as possible. Use concise
to your thesis
sentences. Check for confusing
• cites relevant references
grammar or syntax. Read your
• all cited work should be directly
introduction out loud to catch
relevant to the goals of the thesis
awkward phrases. Before you
• give enough references such that a you know what the body of the
reader could, by going to the library or paper says. Consider making a
on-line, achieve a sophisticated concept map, it will help to
understanding of the context and identify the elements you need
significance of the question in the introduction.
• try to cite those who had the idea or
ideas first, but also cite those who • You can break up the
have done the most recent and introduction section into logical
relevant work. segments by using subheads.
• this is not a place to summarize
everything you have ever read on a
• explain the scope of your work, what
will and will not be included (if you are
answering only part of the question
you are posing)
• should be at a level that makes it
easy to understand for readers with a
general science background, for
example your classmates (or your
class advisor)

Some writing tips

• For long introductions give the

reader already an indication
earlier of what question you'll be

• Be sure to include a hook at the

beginning of the introduction.
This is a statement of something
sufficiently interesting to
motivate your reader to read the
rest of the paper, it is an
important/interesting scientific
problem that your paper either
solves or addresses. You should
draw the reader in and make
them want to read the rest of the
paper. Strategic Management

• It can be useful to sketch out the Topic Included

introduction backwards, start 1. Definition of Strategic Management
with the specific focus of your 2. Benefits of Strategic Management
study and work upward to the 3. Concept of Business Strategy, Policy
broader context. It is hard to and Tactics
write a good introduction until 4. Strategic Management Process
Overview of what it takes to make the company
 Strategic Management is exciting and competitive. More importantly
challenging. It makes fundamental integrating the concept into the
decisions about the future direction of mainstream of the management
a firm – its purpose, its resources and system is what matters most in terms
how it interacts with the environment of giving directions that promises
in which it operates. Every aspect of delivering profit and expectations.
the organization plays a role in  Applying planning principle, strategic
strategy – its people, its finances, its management takes into
production methods, its customers considerations various external as
and so on. well as internal factors environment.
 Strategic Management can be The environment in general as well
described as the identification of the as competitiveness and sustainability
purpose of the organization and the over the long term period in the
plans and actions to achieve that industry or sector it belongs,
purpose. It is that set of managerial Definition of Strategic Management
decisions and actions that determine STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT as referring
the long-term performance of a to the entire process of strategic decision
business enterprise. It involves making that relates to its environment,
formulating and implementing guides internal activities and determines the
strategies that will help in aligning the long term performance of the organization
organization and its environment to (Stahl ad Grigsby, 1992).
achieve organizational goals. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT as a set of
 Strategic management does not managerial decisions and actions that
replace the traditional management determine the long run performance of a
activities such as planning, corporations. It includes environmental
organizing, leading or controlling. scanning (both external and internal)
Rather, it integrates them into a strategy formulation (strategic and long
broader context taking into account range planning) strategy implementation,
the external environment and internal evaluation and control. The study of
capabilities and the organization’s strategic management therefore
overall purpose and direction. Thus, emphasizes the monitoring and evaluation
strategic management involves those of external opportunities and threats in the
management processes in light of a corporation strengths and
organizations through which future weaknesses. (Wheelen and Hunger (2004)
impact of change is determined and STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT as framework
current decisions are taken to reach a that evolves around the idea of shaping the
desired future. In short, strategic destiny of an organization. (Wheelen and
management is about envisioning the Hunger , 2004)
future and realizing it. It is about
1. Putting an organization into a
Basic Concept of Strategic competitive position.
Management 2. Sustaining and improving that position
 Simply getting to know the concept of by developing an acquisition of
strategy and putting it work or appropriate resources and by
applying it is one of the many aspect monitoring and responding to
environmental changes and
3. Monitoring and responding to the outcomes consistent with the organization
demands of key stakeholders, mission and goals. These authors regard
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT emphasized strategy in three vantage points namely
that strategic management is a continuous a) strategy formulation or developing
process. Indeed it is considered a the strategy
continuous and dynamic process in the b) strategy implementation ( putting the
sense that being externally – oriented and strategy into action)
driven by macro and micro environmental c) strategic control ( modifying the
condition, managers have to be always strategy or its implementation to
conscious that business being on going ensure that the desired outcomes are
wealth creation endeavor, appropriate attained)
efforts have to be made to ensure profitable Intended or realized strategy refers to
operations and survive in times of trouble the original strategy that management
(Wright, Kroll and Parnell). plans and intends to implement whereas
Benefits if Strategic Management Realized strategy refers to the actual and
There is no doubt that substantial benefits eventual strategy that management actually
can be expected from the practice of implements.
strategic management. As it promises and In pursuit of developing business
articulates a series of activities or tasks strategies for the firm or any organization
meant to ensure achievement of desired for that matter – strategy may come in the
outcomes both on the producers and form of various types. Wheelen and Hunger
consumers side, embracing the ideals of (2004) theorized strategic type is a category
strategic management and doing it well of firms based on common strategic
does not only stand to benefit business orientation and combination of structure
owners but the industry and the society culture and process consistent with
at large ( including in particular the strategy Competing firms within a single
prospective clients of the business industry can be categorized on the basis
organizations ) as it factors in the internal of their general strategic orientation into
and environmental considerations in light four types as follows.
of offering products and services to satisfy Defenders – this type includes companies
targeted markets. with a product line that focus on improving
To be particular, Wheelen and the efficiency of their existing operations.
Hunger (2004) cited a research covering Prospectors- this type of companies
nearly 50 corporations in various countries includes firms with a broad product lines
and industries. These authors found the that focus on product innovation and market
three mostly highly rated benefits of opportunities. The sales orientation makes
strategic management to be: them somewhat inefficient. They tend to
a) clearer sense of strategic vision for emphasize creativity over efficiency.
the firm; Analyzers- this type includes business
b) sharper focus on what is strategically organization that operate in at least two
important different product-market areas, one stable
c) improved understanding of rapidly and one variable. In the stable areas,
changing environment efficiency is emphasized. In the variable
Concept of Strategy areas, innovation is emphasized.
Wright Kroll, and Parnell (1996) Reactors - this type includes companies
defined strategy as essentially referring to that lack a consistent strategy culture
top management’s plan to attain the relationship. Their (often ineffective)
responses to environment pressures tend Tactics are the actions taken to support that
to be piecemeal strategic changes. strategy. Most businesses deal with five
Concept of Business Policy types of strategy and the tactics used to
achieve strategic goals: product, pricing,
In the world of business, the set of marketing, operational and financial
rules that guides the decisions and actions strategies.
of the members of the organization is
generally called business policies. These What to include in your business tactics:
policies maybe informal or in writing
coming in the form of operational manual, Sales channels: How are you selling your
personnel handbook and memoranda products and services? Are you selling
composed of issued from time to time and directly to your customers online? Are you
as need arises. opening a physical storefront? Or, maybe
With globalization trends along with you’re building a product that will get sold in
the challenges and opportunities posed by other companies’ stores. In that case, you
information and communication technology might be working with distributors. Outline
particularly the use of computers and the how you plan on selling in this section.
popularization of the so called E -
Marketing activities: How are prospective
commerce/E-business the notion of being
customers going to learn about your
more concerned with internal operational
company and your products? Are you going
policies and procedures has alarmed
to use traditional advertising? Perhaps you
business executives that they are more
plan on investing in a content marketing
concerned nowadays with being externally
strategy. Or, maybe you need to attend a
-oriented and specifically concerned
lot of trade shows to get in front of potential
management strategic concept.
customers in your industry.
The use of variety of technologies
has made the world virtually smaller or Team: When you’re planning your
borderless to speak. business, you have to not only think about
Business Policy generally refers to what you’re going to do, but who’s going to
set a rules that guides the conduct of the do it. Even if you don’t have a full team yet,
business in pursuit of profit and other think about the positions that you’re going
objectives of the business organization. to need as you get up and running. Create
These policies are developed in coherence a list of the key roles that you’re going to
with the duties and responsibilities of need to hire for as you grow. Don’t forget to
various functional units (human resource, think about your own strengths and
sales/marketing, production and the weaknesses when you think about building
like.)Business policies are usually a team. You’ll want to hire people that can
expressed in broad direction and fill in the gaps in your own skillset.
sometimes made specific to serve as
guidelines or rules for decision making and Partners and resources: Some businesses
execution of organizational activities. need to work with other businesses in order
Concept of Tactics to be successful. If your business has
critical partners, list them here. This is also
A tactic is a conceptual action or short a great place to list key resources your
series of actions with the aim of achieving business needs, such as a license for
of a short-term goal. This action can be intellectual property.
implemented as one or more specific tasks.
Differences between Strategy and Key Differences between tactics and
Policy Strategy

The following are the major differences 1. Tactics are the properly organized
between strategy and policy actions that help to achieve a certain
end. The strategy is the integrated
1. The strategy is the best plan opted plan that ensures the achievement of
from a number of plans, in order to organization objectives.
achieve the organizational goals and 2. Tactics is a subset of strategy, i.e.
objectives. The policy is a set of without the strategy, tactics can do
common rules and regulations, which nothing.
forms as a base to take the day to day 3. Tactics try to find out the methods
decisions. through which strategy can be
2. The strategy is a plan of action while implemented. Conversely, Strategy is
the policy is a principle of action. a unified set of activities that can help
3. Strategies can be modified as per the the organization to gain an
situation, so they are dynamic in advantageous position.
nature. Conversely, Policies are 4. Tactics are formulated by middle-level
uniform in nature. However, management, whereas top level
relaxations can be made for management formulates a strategy.
unexpected situations. 5. Tactics involve lower risk as
4. Strategies are associated with the compared to strategy.
organizational moves and decisions 6. Tactics are preventive in nature while
for the situations and conditions which Strategy is competitive in nature.
are not encountered or experienced 7. Tactics are defined as a trip, i.e.
earlier. On the contrary. Policies typically for a short duration, but the
define the rules for routine activities, strategy is a journey that lets the
which are repetitive in nature. company travel from one position to
5. Strategies are concentrated toward another. Hence it is for a long
actions, whereas Policies are duration.
decision-oriented 8. Tactics frequently change with the
6. The top management always frames changes in the market conditions;
strategies, but sub-strategies are however, the strategy remains same
formulated at the middle level. In for a long period.
contrast to Policy, they are in general 9. Tactics have a reactive approach,
made by the top management unlike strategy.
7. Strategies deal with external 10. Tactics are made for coping with the
environment factors. On the other present situation. In contrast to
hand, Policies are made for the strategy, they are made for future.
internal environment of business
8. Strategies often contain Bases of Policies and Strategy
methodologies used to achieve the
set target. In contrast, Policies May it be business policy or strategy, it has
determine what is to be done and a foundation or basis for formulation.
what should not be done in specific Having a policy in place is not a product
circumstance. simply copied from other business
organization but a set of documents that
needs to be developed in a well-planned everyone in business organization, it is an
manner on the basis of certain premises essentially an initiative and duty of
and presumptions or set of biases, broadly, management group in general. The
the following are the bases from which approach to developing policies and
policies and strategies are drawn upon strategies may come in any of the following
a) Legal Mandate – This refers to forms:
formulating policies on the basis of
the provisions of the charter or legal a) Top -bottom approach – In this
basis for creation or existence of the approach, initiatives in developing
business organization including the policies and strategies come from the
applicable provisions of laws and top management with rank and file
policies or pronouncement of the tasked to implementing or following
government and its statutory or the policies and strategies.
regulatory bodies. Typically, business b) Bottom -top approach. In this
policies are based on the provisions of approach, policy and strategy
the articles of incorporation and by- initiatives emanate from the bottom or
laws of the organization. rank and file from which top
b) Vision and mission statement – This management develop concrete
essentially refers to the leadership policies and strategies for the lower-
bias as well as sense of direction and ranked employees to observe or
mission for which the organization follow -up.
was conceived or established. The c) Top-bottom -top – In this approach,
vision and mission statement of a policy and strategy initiatives are
business organization emanates from taken by the top management then
its founders and the previous or filtered down to the lower-ranked
incumbent leaders or managers of the personnel for consultations then
organization returned back to the top management
c) Specific Objectives – These are the for refinements. The consultation
corporate objectives purposely process may not be single pass but a
developed for the organization and for process involving a series of
its members or employees at a large consultative meetings and discussions
to pursue stated objectives of the so that policies and strategies are
business organization maybe a products of a wide participation
product of a desire to be a competitive among employees of the business
of the kind of image and culture the organization including external
company would like to project. parties so that one can expect
d) Program and policies. These are minimal resistance once the The
specific program and policies set forth policies and strategies are
by the organization‘s policy makers implemented.
(i.e. . Board of Directors and top Whichever approach is taken in
management) in pursuit of short and the course of developing policies and
long term goals given certain strategies is a matter of a management
considerations at hand. which is usually related to the kind of
Developing Policy and Strategy management style the management team is
trying to project and the kind of organization
While developing or formulating, it is. In contemporary and modern times
policies and strategies should be concern of where participatory management style is
preferred, a top bottom-top approach is DECISION -MAKING FUNCTION IS
For the managers and for everyone in the
business organization, decision making is
daily if not an all the time task or duty.
strategic decision-making transcends
Doing strategic decision, however is
factors which are observable or those with
somewhat distinct in that every decision is
solid and concrete basis. There are certain
related to a certain period and context as
unwritten considerations that strategic
well motivated by the firm’s vision
managers have to consider which may not
statement. Through enough decisions in
be known to other parties particularly
any business organizations are usually
among subordinates. Hence, strategic
done in observance of existence policies. In
decisions are sometimes doubted or
the context of strategic management, it not
questioned just because there are
just simply making decisions but it is
considerations which strategic managers or
important to exercise strategic decision or
for certain group of officers have to take
something like hard and unusual decisions
into accounts which others need be
that need to be done for certain strategic
informed or consulted.
considerations. At a certain times, strategic
decisions are made contrary to existing According to Mintzberg, there are four
policies, norms and practices all in the most typical approaches or modes of
name of strategic reasons or strategic decision making as they are
considerations. follows:
Strategic decisions usually take into a) Entrepreneurial mode. In this mode,
account a lot of external factors and deal strategy is made by one powerful
with the long run future of the entire individual and the focus is on
organization. What it takes for a decision to opportunities, problems are
be considered strategic is described by secondary. Strategy is guided by the
Wheelen and Hunger (2004) as follows founder’s own vision of direction and
exemplified by large, bold decisions.
a) Rare .Strategic decisions are unusual
The dominant goal is growth of the
and typically have no precedent to
b) Adaptive mode. Sometimes referred
b) Consequential. Strategic decision
as “muddling through” this modes
should commit substantial resources
characterized by reactive Solutions to
and demand a great deal of
existing problems, rather than
commitment from people at all levels.
proactive search for new
c) Directive. Strategic decisions set
opportunities. Much bargaining goes
precedents for lesser decisions and
on concerning priorities of objectives.
future actions throughout the
Strategies is fragmented and is
developed to move the corporation
Modalities in Strategic Decision forward incrementally
c) Planning mode. This decision -making
mode involves the systematic
gathering of appropriate information Step 5- Analyze strategic (SWOT)
for situation analysis, the generation factors to a) pinpoint problem areas and b)
of feasible alternative strategies and review and revise the corporate mission
the rational selection of the most and objectives as necessary.
appropriate strategy. It includes both Step 6- Generate, evaluate and select
the proactive search for new the best alternative strategy in the light of
opportunities and the reactive solution the analysis conducted in Step 5.
of existing problems. Step 7 - Implement selected strategies
d) Logical mode. It can be viewed as a via program, budgets and procedures.
synthesis of planning, adaptive and, to Step 8- Evaluate and implement
a lesser extent, the entrepreneurial strategies via feedback systems and the
modes. In this mode, top control of activities to ensure their minimum
management has a reasonably clear deviation from plans.
idea of the corporation’s mission and
objective, but in its development of
strategies, it chooses to use an Role of the Board Directors
interactive process in which the
organization probes the future, While it is true that the Board of
experiments and learns from Directors is not directly or should not be
directly involved in the conduct of the
Strategic Decision Making Process business they have to directly or indirectly
involved in the policy and strategy
By its nature, making strategic development and process nevertheless.
decision is not an instantaneous reaction to Other than being directly and indirectly
market situation or scenarios but a process involve in the policy and strategy making
that considers a variety of factors process, this body has to be indirectly
considered directly or indirectly relevant to involved in the implementation as well as
strategic objectives. monitoring of business policy and strategy
as matter of oversight duty. While the role
Step 1 – Evaluate current
of the top management is more operational
performance results in terms of a return of
and considered acts shepherding, the role
investments, profitability and so forth, and
of board directors can be likened to advisor
b) current mission, objectives, strategies
ship and/or mentoring.
and policies.
Step 2 – Review corporate To give emphasis on the role and
governance that is the performance of the concern off the Board of Directors insofar
Corporate Board of Directors and Top as policy and strategy are concerned, there
Management. are cases where some of the members
Step 3 – Scan and Assess external of the Board of directors also occupy key
environment to determine the strategic position in top management.( President,
factors that pose Opportunities and Chief Executive Officer, Treasurer, Vice-
Threats. President for Finance and others). This is
Step 4- Scan and assess the internal well justified provided its number minimal
corporate environment to determine the and insufficient to dominate in the board of
strategic factors that are Strengths (E Directors to allow check and balance.
specially core competencies) and
The involvement of member of the STAKEHOLDERS, MISSION,
Board of Directors forming part of the GOVERNANCE, AND
management team may be necessary not
only to ensure that stockholders are BUSINESS ETHICS
assured of profits but also to see to it that TOPICS:
other concerns of the owners or
stockholders of the business as 1. Stakeholders
represented by the Board of directors are 2. The Mission Statement
given due course. Having such a setup 3. Corporate Governance and Strategy
ensures adherence to business policies and 4. Ethics and Strategy
strategies simply because such policies and
strategies are geared towards earnings a Overview
profit and return of investments in the form
An important part of the strategy
of dividends.
making process is ensuring that the
The specific roles of the Board of Directors company maintains the support of the key
in any business organization come in the constituencies—or stakeholders—upon
following ways. which it depends for its functioning and
ultimate survival. A company’s stakeholders
a) Monitor. By acting through it are individuals or groups with an interest,
committees or being a part of the claim, or stake in the company, in what it
management team, the board can does, and in how well it performs. We begin
keep abreast of developments inside by looking at the relationship between
and outside the corporation, bringing stakeholders and a company. Then we
to management’s attention move on to consider the corporate mission
development, it might have statement, which is the first key indicator of
overlooked. A board should at least how an organization views the claims of its
carry out this task. stakeholders. The purpose of the mission
b) Evaluate and influence. A board can statement is to establish the guiding
examine management proposals, principles for strategic decision making. As
decision, and actions, agree or we shall see, these guiding principles
disagree with them, give advice and should recognize the claims of important
offer suggestions and outline stakeholder groups. Next we explore the
alternatives. Active board performs issue of corporate governance. By
this task in addition to the monitoring corporate governance, we mean the
one. mechanisms that exist to ensure that
c) Initiate and determine. A board can managers pursue strategies that are in the
delineate a corporate’s mission and interests of an important stakeholder group
specify strategic option to its — shareholders. We consider how
management. Only the most active managers can make sure that their
boards take on this task in addition to strategic decisions are founded on strong
the two previous one. principles that treat all stakeholders in an
Stakeholders  Suppliers provide a company with
inputs and in exchange seek
A company’s stakeholders can be divided revenues and dependable buyers.
into internal stakeholders and external  Governments provide a company with
stakeholders rules and regulations that govern
Internal stakeholders are business practice and maintain fair
stockholders and employees, including competition. In exchange they want
executive officers, other managers, and companies that adhere to these rules
board members. and pay their taxes.
External stakeholders are all other  Unions help to provide a company
individuals and groups that have some with productive employees and in
claim on the company. Typically, this group exchange they want benefit its for
comprises customers, suppliers, creditors their members in proportion to their
(including banks and bondholders), contributions to the company.
governments, unions, local communities,  Local communities provide companies
and the general public. with local infrastructure and in
All stakeholders are in an exchange exchange want companies that are
relationship with the company. Each responsible citizens.
stakeholder group supplies the organization  The general public provides
with important resources (or contributions), companies with national infrastructure
and in exchange each expects its interests and in exchange seeks some
to be satisfied (by inducements). assurance that the quality of life will
be improved as a result of the
company’s existence.
 It must identify the most important
 Stockholders provide the enterprise stakeholders and give highest priority
with risk capital and in exchange to pursuing strategies that satisfy their
expect management to try to needs. Managers cannot always
maximize the return on their satisfy the claims of all stakeholders.
investment. Creditors such as The goals of different groups may
bondholders provide the company conflict, and in practice few
with capital in the form of debt, and organizations have the resources to
they expect to be repaid on time with satisfy all stakeholder claims. For
interest. Employees provide labor and example, union claims for higher
skills and in exchange expect wages can conflict with consumer
Stakeholders Individuals or groups demands for reasonable prices and
with an interest, claim, or stake in the stockholder demands for acceptable
company, in what it does, and in how returns. Often, the company must
well it performs. Commensurate make choices. To do so, it must
income, job satisfaction, job security, identify the most important
and good working conditions. stakeholders and give highest priority
 Customers provide a company with its to pursuing strategies that satisfy their
revenues and in exchange want high- needs. Stakeholder impact analysis
quality reliable products that represent can provide such identification.
value for money.
Typically, stakeholder impact analysis is to come up with a definition of the
follows these steps: organization’s business. Essentially, the
definition should answer these questions:
1. Identify stakeholders
2. Identify stakeholders’ interests and 1. What is our business?
concerns 2. What will it be?
3. As a result, identify what claims 3. What should it be?
stakeholders are likely to make on the
The responses guide the formulation of the
mission. To answer the question, “What is
4. Identify the stakeholders who are most
our business?” a company should define its
important from the organization’s
business in terms of three dimensions:
5. Identify the resulting strategic challenges. 1. Who is being satisfied (what customer
Such an analysis enables a company 2. What is being satisfied (what
to identify the stakeholders most critical to customer needs), and how customers’
its survival and to make sure that the needs are being satisfied (by what
satisfaction of their needs is paramount. skills, knowledge, or competencies.)
Most companies that have gone through
this process quickly come to the conclusion This approach stresses the need for a
that three stakeholder groups must be customer-oriented rather than a product-
satisfied above all others if a company is to oriented business definition. A
survive and prosper: customers, characteristics of the products sold and
employees, and stockholders markets served, not on which kinds of
THE MISSION STATEMENT customer needs the products are satisfying.
Such an approach obscures the company’s
A company’s mission statement is a true mission because a product is only the
key indicator of how an organization views physical manifestation of applying a
the claims of its stakeholders. particular skill to satisfy a particular need for
a particular customer group. In practice,
The Mission
that need may be served in many different
The mission describes what it is that ways, and a broad customer-oriented
the company does. For example, the business definition that identifies these
mission of Kodak is to provide “customers ways can safeguard companies from being
with the solutions they need to capture, caught unaware by major shifts in demand.
store, process, output, and communicate
By helping anticipate demand shifts, a
images—anywhere, anytime. ”6 Kodak is a
customer-oriented mission statement can
company that exists to provide imaging
also assist companies to capitalize on
solutions to consumers. This missions
changes in their environment. It can help
focuses on the customer need that the
answer the question, “What will our
company is trying to satisfy (the need for
business be?” Recall that Kodak’s mission
imaging), as opposed to the products that
emphasizes the company’s desire to
the company produces (fi lm and cameras).
provide customers with the solutions they
This is a customer-oriented rather than
need to capture, store, process, output, and
product-oriented mission. An important first
communicate images. This is a customer-
step in the process of formulating a mission
oriented mission statement that focuses on
customer needs, as opposed to a particular phones, has been operating with a very
product (or solution) for satisfying those simple but powerful vision for some time: “If
needs. This customer-oriented business it can go mobile, it will!” This vision implied
definition has helped drive Kodak’s that not only would voice telephony go
investments in digital imaging technologies,
since the early 1990s, which have replaced Values
much of Kodak’s traditional business based
The values of a company state how
on chemical film processing.
managers and employees should conduct
FOR A MISSION TO BE themselves, how they should do business,
EFFECTIVE IT MUST INCLUDE and what kind of organization they should
THE FOLLOWING 9 build to help a company achieve its
COMPONENTS mission. Insofar as they help drive and
shape behavior within a company, values
For a mission to be effective it must include are commonly seen as the bedrock of a
the following 9 components: company’s organizational culture: the set of
values, norms, and standards that control
1. Customers. Who are your customers? how employees work to achieve an
How do you benefit them? organization’s mission and goals. An
2. Products or services. What are the organization’s culture is often seen as an
main products or services that you important source of its competitive
offer? Their uniqueness? advantage. Nucor Steel is one of the most
3. Markets. In which geographical productive and profitable steel fi rms in the
markets do you operate? world. Its competitive advantage is based in
4. Technology. What is the firm’s basic part on the extremely high productivity of its
technology? workforce, something, the company
5. Concern for survival. Is the firm maintains, that is a direct result of its
committed to growth and financial cultural values, which shape how it treats its
soundness? employees
6. Philosophy. What are the basic
beliefs, values and philosophies that These values are as follow:
guide an organization?
7. Self-concept. What are the firm’s • “Management is obligated to manage
strengths, competencies or Nucor in such a way that employees will
competitive advantages? have the opportunity to earn according to
8. Concern for public image. Is the firm their productivity.”
socially responsible and • “Employees should be able to feel
environmentally friendly? confident that if they do their jobs properly,
9. Concern for employees. How does a they will have a job tomorrow.”
company treat its employees? • “Employees have the right to be treated
fairly and must believe that they will be.”
Vision • “Employees must have an avenue of
appeal when they believe they are being
The vision of a company lays out some treated unfairly.”
desired future state—it articulates, often in At Nucor, values emphasizing pay for
bold terms, what the company would like to performance, job security, and fair
achieve. For example, Nokia, the world’s treatment for employees help to create an
largest manufacturer of mobile (wireless) atmosphere within the company that leads
to high employee productivity. In turn, this Well-constructed goals also provide a
has helped to give Nucor one of the lowest means by which the performance of
cost structures in its industry, which helps managers can be evaluated. Although most
to explain the company’s profitability in a companies operate with a variety of goals,
very price-competitive business the central goal of most corporations is to
maximize shareholder returns, and
Major Goals maximizing shareholder returns requires
high profitability and profit growth.
Having stated the mission, vision, and
key values, strategic managers can take Thus, most companies operate with
the next step in the formulation of a mission goals for profitability and profit growth.
statement: establishing major goals. A goal However, it is important that top managers
is a precise and measurable desired future do not make the mistake of
state that a company attempts to realize. In overemphasizing current profitability to the
this context, the purpose of goals is to detriment of long-term profitability and profit
specify with precision what must be done if growth. The overzealous pursuit of current
the company is to attain its mission or profitability to maximize short-term
vision. Well-constructed goals have four performance can encourage such
main characteristics: misguided managerial actions as cutting
expenditures judged to be nonessential in
1. They are precise and measurable.
the short run—for instance, expenditures
Measurable goals give managers a
for research and development, marketing,
yardstick or standard against which they
and new capital investments.
can judge their performance.
2. They address crucial issues. To maintain Although cutting current expenditure
focus, managers should select a limited increases current profitability, the resulting
number of major goals to assess the underinvestment, lack of innovation, and
performance of the company. The goals diminished marketing can jeopardize long-
that are selected should be crucial or run profitability and profit growth. These
important ones. expenditures are vital if a company is to
3. They are challenging but realistic. They pursue its long-term mission and sustain its
give all employees an incentive to look for competitive advantage and profitability over
ways of improving the operations of an time. Despite these negative
organization. If a goal is unrealistic in the consequences, managers may make such
challenges it poses, employees may give decisions because the adverse effects of a
up; a goal that is too easy may fail to short-run orientation may not materialize
motivate managers and other employees. and become apparent to shareholders for
4. They specify a time period in which they several years or because they are under
should be achieved when that is extreme pressure to hit short-term
appropriate. Time constraints tell profitability goals. It is also worth noting that
employees that success requires a goal to pressures to maximize short-term
be attained by a given date, not after that profitability may result in managers’ acting
date. Deadlines can inject a sense of in an unethical manner. This apparently
urgency into goal attainment and act as a occurred during the late 1990s at a number
motivator. However, not all goals require of companies including Enron Corporation,
time Tyco, WorldCom, and Computer
Associates. In these companies, profits
were systematically inflated by managers were very poor and the company was
who manipulated financial accounts in a in subsequently attacked for using “sweatshop
a manner that misrepresented the true labor”. Typical of the allegations were those
performance of the firm to shareholders detailed in the CBS news program “48
hours.” The report told of young women at a
Ethics and Strategy Vietnamese subcontractor who worked 6
days a week, in poor working conditions
The term ethics refers to accepted
with toxic materials, for only 20 cents an
principles of right or wrong that govern the
hour. The report also stated that a living
conduct of a person, the members of a
wage in Vietnam was at least $3 a day, an
profession, or the actions of an
income that could not be achieved without
organization. Business ethics are the
working substantial overtime. Nike was not
accepted principles of right or wrong
breaking any laws, nor were its
governing the conduct of business people.
subcontractors, but this report, and others
Ethical decisions are those that are in
like it, raised questions about the ethics of
accordance with those accepted principles
using “sweatshop labor.” It may have been
of right and wrong, whereas an unethical
legal. It may have helped the company to
decision is one that violates accepted
increase its profitability. But was it ethical to
principles. This is not as straightforward as
use subcontractors who by Western
it sounds. Managers may be confronted
standards exploited their workforce? Nike’s
with ethical dilemmas, which are situations
critics thought not, and the company found
where there is no agreement over exactly
itself the focus of a wave of demonstrations
what the accepted principles of right and
and consumer boycotts. In this section, we
wrong are, or where none of the available
take a closer look at the ethical issues that
alternatives seems ethically acceptable. In
managers may confront when developing
our society, many accepted principles of
strategy, and at the steps managers can
right and wrong are not only universally
take to ensure that strategic decisions are
recognized, but are also codified into law. In
not only legal, but also ethical.
the business arena there are laws
governing product liability (tort laws), The Roots of Unethical Behavior
contracts and breaches of contract
(contract law), the protection of intellectual Why do some managers behave
property (intellectual property law), unethically? Although there is no simple
competitive behavior (antitrust law), and the answer to this question a few
selling of securities (securities law). Not generalizations that can be made.
only is it unethical to break these laws, it is
illegal. It is important to realize, however, First, it is important to recognize that
that behaving ethically goes beyond staying the business ethics are not divorced from
within the bounds of the law. There are personal ethics—which are the generally
many cases of strategies and actions that accepted principles of right and wrong
while legal, do not seem to be ethical. For governing the conduct of individuals. As
example, in their quest to boost profitability, individuals, we are taught that it is wrong to
during the 1990s managers at Nike lie and cheat—it is unethical— and that it is
contracted out the production of sports right to behave with integrity and honor, and
shoes to producers in the developing world. to stand up for what we believe to be right
Unfortunately for Nike, the working and true. The personal ethical code that
conditions at several of these producers guides our behavior comes from a number
of sources, including our parents, our people, open communication, and concern
schools, our religion, and the media. Our for the individual employee.
personal ethical code will exert a profound
influence on the way we behave as This brings us to a fifth root cause of
business people. An individual with a strong unethical behavior—leadership. Leaders
sense of personal ethics is less likely to help to establish the culture of an
behave in an unethical manner in a organization, and they set the example that
business setting, and in particularly, they others follow. Other employees in a
are less likely to engage in self-dealing and business often take their cue from business
more likely to behave with integrity. leaders and if those leaders do not behave
in an ethical manner, nor might they. It is
Second, many studies of unethical not what leaders say that matters, but what
behavior in a business setting have come to they do.
the conclusion that business people
sometimes do not realize that they are BEHAVING ETHICALLY
behaving unethically, primarily because
What is the best way for managers to make
they simply fail to ask the relevant question
sure that the ethical considerations are
—is this decision or action ethical? Instead,
taken into account when making business
they apply a straightforward business
decisions? There is no easy answers to this
calculus to what they perceive to be a
question, for many of the most vexing
business decision, forgetting that the
ethical problems arise because there are
decision may also have an important ethical
very real dilemmas inherent in them and no
dimension. The fault here lies in processes
obvious right course of action.
that do not
Nevertheless, there are many things that
Incorporation managers can and should do to make sure
that basic ethical principles are adhered to,
A fourth cause of unethical behavior that and that ethical issues are routinely
is related to this may be pressure from top inserted into business decisions. However,
management to meet performance goals as discussed below, there are a number of
that are unrealistic, and can only be things that managers can do to make sure
attained by cutting corners or acting in an that ethical issues are considered in
unethical manner. An organizational culture business decision.
can “legitimize” behavior that society would
judge as unethical, particularly when this is It seems obvious that businesses should
mixed with a focus on unrealistic strive to hire people who have a strong
performance goals, such as maximizing sense of personal ethics, and would not
short-term economic performance, no engage in unethical or illegal behavior.
matter what the costs. In such Similarly, you would rightly expect a
circumstances, there is a greater than business to not promote people, and
average probability that managers will perhaps fire people, whose behavior does
violate their own personal ethics and not match generally accepted ethical
engage in behavior that is unethical. By the standards. But when you think about it,
same token, an organization culture can do doing so is actually very difficult. After all,
just the opposite and reinforce the need for how do you know that someone has a poor
ethical behavior. The ethical considerations sense of personal ethics? In our society,
into business decision making respect for immoral individuals have an incentive to
hide a lack of personal ethics from public
view. Once people realize that you are as being, a bribe. Any demand for, or offer
unethical they will no longer trust you. Is of, a bribe must be rejected immediately
there anything that businesses can do to and reported to management.” Unilever’s
make sure that they do not hire people who principles send a very clear message about
subsequently turn out to have poor the appropriate ethics to managers and
personal ethics, particularly given that employees within the organization.
people have an incentive to hide this from
public view (indeed, the unethical person Having articulated values in a code of
may well lie about their nature)? ethics or some other document, it is
Businesses can give potential employees important that leaders in the business give
psychological tests to try and discern their life and meaning to those words by
ethical predisposition and they can check repeatedly emphasizing their importance,
with prior employees regarding someone’s and then acting on them. This means using
reputation (e.g., by asking for letters of every relevant opportunity to stress the
reference, and talking to people who have importance of business ethics and making
worked with the prospective employee). sure that key business decisions not only
The latter is certainly not uncommon and make good economic sense, but also are
does indeed influence the hiring process. ethical. Many companies have gone a step
As for promoting people who have further, hiring independent firms to audit the
displayed poor ethics, that should not occur company and make sure that they are
in a company where the organization behaving in a manner consistent with their
culture places a high value on the need for ethical code. Nike, for example, has in
ethical behavior, and where leaders act recent years hired independent auditors to
accordingly. make sure that subcontractors used by the
company are living up to Nike’s code of
To foster ethical behavior, businesses conduct. Finally, building an organization
need to build an organization culture that culture that places a high value on ethical
places a high value on ethical behavior. behavior requires incentive and promotional
Three things are particularly important in systems that reward people who engage in
building an organization culture that ethical behavior and sanction those who do
emphasizes ethical behavior. not.

First, the businesses must explicitly 3. Decision-Making Processes - In addition

articulate values that place a strong to establishing the right kind of ethical
emphasis on ethical behavior. Many culture in an organization, business people
companies now do this by drafting a code must be able to think through the ethical
of ethics, which is a formal statement of the implications of decisions in a systematic
ethical priorities a business adheres to. way. To do this, they need a moral
Others have incorporated ethical compass. Some experts on ethics have
statements into documents that articulate proposed a straightforward practical guide
the values or mission of the business. The —or ethical algorithm—to determine
food and consumer products giant Unilever whether a decision is ethical. A decision is
has a code of ethics that includes the acceptable on ethical grounds if a business
following points “We will not use any form of person can answer “yes” to each of these
forced, compulsory or child labor” and “No questions
employee may offer, give or receive any gift
or payment which is, or may be construed
4. Ethics Officers - To make sure that a employee the strength to say no to a
business behaves in an ethical manner, a superior instructing her to pursue unethical
number of firms now have ethics officers. actions. And, it is moral courage that gives
These are individuals who are responsible employees the integrity to go public to the
for making sure that all employees are media and blow the whistle on persistent
trained to be ethically aware, that ethical unethical behavior in a company. Moral
considerations enter the business decision- courage does not come easily—there are
making process, and that the company’s well known cases where individuals have
code of ethics is adhered to. Ethics officers lost their jobs because they blew the whistle
may also be responsible for auditing on corporate behaviors they thought
decisions to make sure that they are unethical, telling the media about what was
consistent with this code. In many occurring. Companies can strengthen the
businesses, ethics officers act as an moral courage of employees by committing
internal ombudsperson with responsibility themselves to not take retribution on
for handling confidential inquiries from employees that exercise moral courage,
employees, investigating complaints from say no to superiors or otherwise complain
employees or others, reporting findings and about unethical actions. For example,
making recommendations for change consider the following extract from
Unilever’s code of ethics: Any breaches of
5. Strong Corporate Governance - Strong the Code must be reported in accordance
corporate governance procedures are with the procedures specified by the Joint
needed to make sure that managers adhere Secretaries. The Board of Unilever will not
to ethical norms, and in particular, to make criticize management for any loss of
sure that senior managers do not engage in business resulting from adherence to these
self-dealing or information manipulation. principles and other mandatory policies and
instructions. The Board of Unilever expects
The key to strong corporate
employees to bring to their attention, or to
governance procedures is an independent
that of senior management, any breach or
board of directors that is willing to hold top
suspected breach of these principles.
managers into account for self-dealing, and
Provision has been made for employees to
is able to question the information provided
be able to report in confidence and no
to them by managers.
employee will suffer as a consequence of
If companies like Tyco, WorldCom, doing so. This statement gives “permission”
and Enron had a strong board of directors, to employees to exercise moral courage.
it is unlikely that they would have been Companies can also set up ethics hotlines
subsequently racked by accounting that allow employees to anonymously
scandals, and top managers would not register complaints with a corporate ethics
have been able to view the funds of these officer
corporations as their own personal

6. Moral Courage - It is important to

recognize that on occasion, managers may
need significant moral courage. It is moral
courage that enables a manager to walk
away from a decision that is profitable, but
unethical. It is moral courage that gives an
 When we define words or unfamiliar
terms, we give concise but exact
meanings of unfamiliar words and
special meanings of familiar words.

Exploring Expository
Techniques Two Methods of Defining Terms

Exposition is a writing technique of a writer  Simple definition

with the intention to explain something, to  Extended definition
analyze an idea, to classify a thing, to give
correct definition of term, to make others Simple definition can be formulated
follow directions, to point out similarities or by its three parts:
differences, to clarify cause and effect, to
present data, to interpret research works,  Species
and others.  Genus
 Differentia
Expository Techniques:
 Classification Note: This method of definition is usually
 Definition used in technical writing whether formally,
 Description of a process semi-formally, or non-formally.
 Description of a mechanism
Species (Term Genus (the Differentia (a
Classification to be defined) class characteristic
 it is dividing something into groups where the of the term)
classes, categories, etc. tem
 normally done in accordance with belongs)
several criteria (standards or Language is a form of
principles based on judgement) communicatio
 done when the writer believes that n
there are shared qualities or An architect is a who designs
characteristics about a subject matter professiona building
How to classify? Communication is a of giving and
 One way of classifying idea or object process receiving
is to look for the relationships among information in
them and organize them into group. an
 It may either be on the basis of their understandabl
similarities or differences. e manner

 Definition is a useful technique in oral Expanded definition is done by
or written communication. stipulation, operation, explication, cause
 It is a must for a technical writer to be and effect, classification, example, and
able to define the terms with multiple other rhetorical functions
meanings and those that are
Communication is a systematic process in
unfamiliar to the reader.
which people interact with and through
symbols to create and interpret meanings.
Species, Genus, Differentia (containing  The writer makes use of sequence
explication and example) markers (first, second, then, next,
subsequently, finally, at last) to follow
the natural or mechanical system.
 In describing a process or procedure,
use the present passive tense : is/are
Pointers in defining terms + verb + ed (For example: is
manufactured, is controlled, etc.)
1. Never give definitions of a term that
include any of its derivatives (for Description of Mechanism
example: definition is the act of
defining).  It is an explanation of a system or
2. Do not use “is where” or “is when” to parts of an apparatus.
define a term (Do not say “Christmas  It includes the characteristics and
is when Jesus Christ is born” or “A functions of a piece of the device and
classroom is where you will find the totality of the mechanism.
students).  It also explains the arrangement and
3. Use the simple present tense (active shape of an object in space.
and passive voice).
4. Use relative clauses to give additional In writing a description of a mechanism, the
information. writer may be guided by the following
Description of a Process questions:

There are writing task that entail an  What is it (equipment, machine,

explanation of: device, apparatus)?
 What are its principal parts?
 how something works;  What is its function?
 how something is done;  What does it look like?
 how something is made.  How does it work?
Process description includes: 1. In your field of specialization, what types
of tasks would entail the use of
 Sequence
classification, definition, description of a
 Instruction
process, and description of mechanism?
 Procedure
2. Which of the above mentioned expository
Two separate concepts in description of a
techniques are particularly useful in your
field of specialization? How?
 how to do something
3. Which of the expository techniques do
 how something occurs
you think are less likely to be used? Why?
Process of Description
4. Aside from discourse markers, what
 It is also a description of equipment, other knowledge did you gain from this
materials, and procedures. chapter?
 Graphic materials are used for
detailed presentation of the process.
5. What do you need to strengthen as a  People must communicate to plan
future professional in order to become a products, hire, train, and motivate
good or better expository writer? workers, coordinate manufacturing
and delivery, persuade customers to
buy, and bill them for sale (Locker,
 Communication can’t be set apart
from business for it gives life and light
to any business transactions.
Writing Effective Business
Business communication refers to how
Correspondence people communicate, whereas
Introduction organizational communication deals with
whom to communicate.
People are highly engaged in various daily
communications through email, texting,  Communication in business is a two-
chatting, formal presentation or even face way process that follows the common
to face conversation. This phenomenon communication process of sending
leads to unending quest on how to and receiving messages.
communicate effectively to survive the  However, business communication
digital era. No matter how technological the differs on the medium for it uses,
workplace may become, there will always paper, pen, typewriter or computer to
be the real power in the written world make the message tangible to the
(Roberts, 1999). Technology has not receiver.
eliminated the need for people to write Communication in Organization
clearly, it merely simplified the writing
process.  Communication in organization is
relaying messages or information
If we compare writing with the other macro between or among people inside and
skills such as listening, speaking, reading, outside an organization.
viewing, writing probably is the most difficult  There are several written documents
skill because it covers a great deal of needed to run an organization.
knowledge as well as principles of  Every single document has one or
organization to produce a good composition more of the three basic functions of
(Tangpermpoon, 2008). Since then, writing organizational writing which is to
business correspondence never goes out of inform, to promote goodwill, or to
styles especially in the corporate world. persuade.
Employers keep on looking for
professionals who can communicate
messages well both in written and oral,
inside and outside of an organization.

Communication in Business

 Effective communication is the key to

Table 1: Internal Documents Produced in
 Business depends so much on
one Organization
Monthly Report Inform; customer Purpose(s)
Description of
or summarizing build Document request to of
quarterly profitability, image be given Documents
report productivity, and and Memo credit for Inform:
problems during good will accompanyin
defective persuade
period. Used to (report g document,
goods reader to
plan activity for is Transmittal telling why it to read Inform;
next month or accurate is being stockholderdocument;
quarter , forwardeds to build stockholders
complet the receiver
summarizin and goodwill
to retain stock
e; writer g financial and others to
understa Annual report information buy; build
nds for year goodwill
compan (company is a
y) good
Evaluation of an Inform; corporate
employee’s persuad citizen)
performance, e Letter to Promote
Performan with employe suppliers, goodwill
ce recommended e to customers,
appraisal areas of improve or other
improvement or Thank you people who
recommendatio letter have
n for promotion helped
Congratulations Promote individuals
to an employee goodwill or the
who have won company
Memo of
awards, been
promoted, or
ations Two basic structures that make up the
community communication channels of an organization
1. Formal channel of communication follows
the usual pattern of an organizational chart
Table 2: External Documents Produced in where the superiors are classified from the
one Organization subordinates through connecting the lines
of communication to every member of the
Description organization
Purpose(s) of
Document of
Document 2. Informal channel of communication
Letter follows an unstructured channel of
giving price communication where lines and patterns of
for a the organization are vague. This is
Quotation specific
goodwill (price sometimes referred to as grapevine
reasonable) because it usually relays more information
or service than the formal communication through
Claim/ Letter Inform; chismis or rumor-mongering.
adjustment granting or promote
denying goodwill Letters
Personal Letter Structure: A personal letter
Business letter does not follow
A personal letter is a written type of follows officially any recognized
communication between individuals recognized structure.
concerning personal or family affairs rather structure
than business affairs.

 This type of letter does not follow Business Letter Personal Letter
certain rules or structures and uses Formality: Personal letter is
less formal wording or colloquial Business letter informal.
language. The personal letter maintains formal
maintains and develops personal rules and
relationships with people whom you procedure
consider a friend or family. This type Size: Business Personal letters
of letter can be typewritten or letters are may be concise or
generally concise large in size.
handwritten depending on the length
in size and avoid
of the content.
irrelevant matters.
Business Letter Types: Business Personal letters
letters can be generally cannot
 Business letter is a formal type of categorized be categorized.
written letter concerning business differently.
transactions and other business- Salutation: Personal letter
related issues and information. This Business letter salutation can be
salutation can be: Dear Friends, my
type of letter must adhere to certain
Sir, Madam, Dear dear X, Dear Ex.
rules, restrictions, and formats and
Mr. .. Ms. ….
must use formal language.
Language: Personal letter
 Business letter is commonly written on Business letter language may be
8 ½ X 11 inch-size clean bond paper. language should easy, poetic,
 It follows a certain margin and is free be easy and emotional, etc.
from dirt and scratches in order to simple.
build a good impression to the reader. Copy: Business A personal letter
letter copy should copy may or may
Personal vs Business Letters always be not be preserved.
Business Personal Method: Business The personal
Nature: Fully personal in letter uses the letter uses only
Impersonal and nature direct and direct method.
universal persuasive
Purpose: Exchanging method.
Exchanging personal or family
various business related affairs.
related issues
and information
Scope: Wide and The scope is
compose of limited and
various business- contains only
related issues and personal
information information. Technique of Writing Business Letter
To make your business letters effective in 4. Make your copy live. The reader should
terms of today’s business world, you should feel what you say. If possible, create a
understand and make use of the four basic visual experience. Let the reader see
psychological techniques according to himself doing something running a
Mager and Mager (1968) machine, telling his friends about his
triumphs, and selling more accounts.
1. Write from the “you” attitude. Every
person is primarily interested in himself and
thus responds to a letter written from his
point of view. To test the effectiveness of
your letter count the number of I’s and
You’s in your letter. A good letter should
have a preponderance of you’s and a
minimum of I’s

2. Accentuate the positive. Even a letter

that has to say “No” can be written from a
positive point of view. Make it an absolute
rule never to start or end your letter with a
negative. Avoid words with a negative
connotation, such as argument, careless,
complaint, disagreeable, error, neglect, and


Positive: Thank you for your order. The

merchandise will go out to you as soon

Negative: We regret to inform you that we

will not be able to ship your order until…

3. Make your letter smile. A business letter

should leave a pleasant impression.

Get a smile into your letter, a bit of your

personality, and an atmosphere of goodwill.

A sour letter-piqued attitude, and

complaining undertone, are comparable to
a surly manner in your conversation. Some
phrases with a built-in smile.

Example: We shall be glad to…

It is a pleasure…
Thank you….
We appreciate it very much…
MODULE 5- ORGANIZATIONAL followed by a change in the organization’s
Although corporate cultures can be
Topics changed, it may often take long time and
requires much effort. A key job of
1. Strategy and Culture management therefore involves “managing
2. Value Chain Analysis corporate culture”.
3. Organizational Capability Factors
4. Benchmarking In doing so, management must evaluate
what a particular change in strategy means
to the corporate culture, assess if a change
Strategy and Culture in culture is needed and decide if an
attempt to change culture is worth the likely
An organization’s culture can exert a
costs. ‘FIT’ between Strategy and Culture
powerful influence on the behavior of all
employees. It can, therefore, strongly affect FIT’ between Strategy and Culture
a company’s ability to adopt new strategies.
A culture grounded in values, practices
A problem for a strong culture is that a and behavioral norms that match what is
change in mission, objectives, strategies or needed for good strategy implementation,
policies is not likely to be successful if it is helps energize people throughout the
in opposition to the culture of the company. company to do their jobs in a strategy
Corporate culture has a strong tendency to supportive manner.
resist change because its very existence
often rests on preserving stable But when the culture is in conflict with
relationships and patterns of behavior. some aspects of the company’s direction,
performance targets, or strategy, the culture
For example, the male-dominated becomes a stumbling block. Thus, an
Japanese centered corporate culture of the important part of managing the strategy
giant Mitsubishi Corporation created implementation process is establishing and
problems for the company when it nurturing a good ‘fit’ between culture and
implemented its growth strategy in North strategy.
Matching Strategy with Culture
The alleged sexual harassment of its
female employees by male supervisors When matching strategy with culture, it is
resulted in lawsuits and a boycott of the important to understand:
company’s automobiles by women activists.
1. There is no ‘best’ and ‘worst’ culture.
There is no one best corporate culture. The issue is how well the culture matches
An optimal culture is one that best supports and supports the strategy of the
the mission and strategy of the company. organization. Cultural mismatches are likely
This means that, like structure and to occur when organizations are trying to
leadership, corporate culture should adapt a new strategy.
support the strategy. Unless strategy is in
complete agreement with the culture, any 2. This matching of strategy and culture is
significant change in strategy should be likely to become embedded over a period of
time. That is, key elements of the strategy
and the culture will reinforce each other Creating value for buyers that exceeds the
gradually. cost of production (i.e. margin) is a key
concept used in analyzing a firm’s
In other words, the relationship between competitive position.
strategy and culture is usually self-
perpetuating, each matching and The concept of value chain analysis was
reinforcing the other over a period of time. introduced by Michael Porter in 1985 in his
seminal book “Competitive Advantage”.
Value Chain Analysis This concept is derived from an established
accounting practice that calculates the
Every organization consists of a chain of
value added to a product by individual
activities that link together to develop the
stages in a manufacturing or service
value of the business. They are basically
process. Porter has applied this idea to the
purchasing of raw materials, manufacturing,
activities of an organization as a whole,
distribution, and marketing of goods and
arguing that it is necessary to examine
services. These activities taken together
activities separately in order to identify
form its value chain. The value chain
sources of competitive advantage.
identifies where the value is added in the
process and links it with the main functional According to Porter, customer value is
parts of the organization. It is used for derived from three basic sources.
developing competitive advantage because
such chains tend to be unique to an 1. Activities that differentiate the product
organization. It then attempts to make an 2. Activities that lower its costs
assessment of the contribution that each 3. Activities that meet the customer’s need
part makes to the overall added value of the quickly.
business. Essentially, Porter linked two
areas together: According to Porter, value chain activities
are divided into two broad categories,
1. the added value that each part of the
organization contributes to the whole 1. Primary activities
organization; and
Primary activities contribute to the
2. the contribution that each part physical creation of the product or service,
makes to the competitive advantage of the its sale and transfer to the buyer and its
whole organization service after the sale.

In a company with more than one product 2 .Support activities

area, the analysis should be conducted at
the level of product groups, not at corporate Support activities include such activities
strategy level. as procurement, HR etc. which either add
value by themselves or add value through
Value Chain thus views the primary activities and other support
organization as a chain of value-creating activities.
activities. Value is the amount that buyers
are willing to pay for what a product Primary Activities
provides them. A firm is profitable to the
Inbound Logistics These activities focus on
extent the value it receives exceeds the
inputs. They include material handling,
total cost involved in creating its products.
warehousing, inventory control, vehicle
scheduling, and returns to suppliers of with suppliers, securing building leases and
inputs and raw materials. so on.

Operations These include all activities Technology Development Activities relating

associated with transforming inputs into the to product R&D, process R&D, process
final product, such as production, design improvements, equipment design,
machining, packaging, assembly, testing, computer software development etc.
equipment maintenance etc.
Human Resource Management Activities
Outbound Logistics Notes These activities associated with recruiting, hiring, training,
are associated with collecting, storing, development, compensation, labor
physically distributing the finished products relations, development of knowledge-based
to the customers. They include finished skills etc.
goods warehousing, material handling and
delivery, vehicle operation, order Firm Infrastructure Activities relating to
processing and scheduling. general management, organizational
structure, strategic planning, financial and
Marketing and Sales These activities are quality control systems, management
associated with purchase of finished goods information systems etc.
by the customers and the inducement used
to get them buy the products of the Conducting a Value Chain Analysis
company. They include advertising,
Value chain analysis involves the
promotion, sales force, channel selection,
following steps.
channel relations and pricing.
1. Identify Activities
Services This includes all activities
associated with enhancing and maintaining The first step in value chain
the value of the product. Installation, repair, analysis is to divide a company’s operations
training, parts supply and product into specific activities and group them into
adjustment are some of the activities that primary and secondary activities. Within
come under services. each category, a firm typically performs a
number of discrete activities that may
Support Activities
reflect its key strengths and weaknesses.
Procurement Activities associated with
2. Allocate Costs
purchasing and providing raw materials,
supplies and other consumable items as The next step is to allocate costs
well as machinery, laboratory equipment, to each activity. Each activity in the value
office equipment etc. chain incurs costs and ties up time and
assets. Value chain analysis requires
Porter refers to procurement as a
managers to assign costs and assets to
secondary activity, although many
each activity. It views costs in a way
purchasing gurus would argue that it is (at
different from traditional cost accounting
least partly) a primary activity. Included are
methods. The different method is called
such activities as purchasing raw materials,
activity-based costing.
servicing, supplies, negotiating contracts
3. Identify the Activities that Differentiate The value chain must also include the firm’s
the Firm suppliers, customers and alliance partners.

Scrutinizing the firm’s value chain Thus, in addition to thoroughly

not only reveals cost advantages or understanding how value is created within
disadvantages, but also identifies the the organization, one must also know how
sources of differentiation advantages value is created for other organizations
relative to competitors. involved in the overall supply chain or
distribution channel in which the firm
Examine the Value Chain participates.
Once the value chain has been Therefore, in assessing the value
determined, managers need to identify the chains there are two levels that must be
activities that are critical to buyer addressed.
satisfaction and market success. This is
essential at this stage of the value chain 1. Interrelationships among the activities
analysis for the following reasons: within the firm.

If the company focuses on low-cost 2. Relationships among the activities

leadership, then managers should keep a within the firm and with other organizations
strict vigil on costs in each activity. If the that are a part of the firm’s expanded value
company focuses on differentiation, chain
advantage given by each activity must be
carefully evaluated . Usefulness of the Value Chain Analysis

2. The nature of value chain and the The value chain analysis is useful to
relative importance of each activity within it, recognize that individual activities in the
vary from Notes industry to industry. overall production process play an
important role in determining the cost,
3. The relative importance of value chain quality and image of the end-product or
can also vary by a company’s position in a service.
broader value system that includes value
chains of upstream suppliers and That is, each activity in the value chain
downstream distributors and retailers. can contribute to a firm’s relative cost
position and create a basis for
4. The interrelationships among value- differentiation, which are the two main
creating activities also need to be sources of competitive advantage. While a
evaluated. basic level of competence is necessary in
all value chain activities, management
The final basic consideration in applying needs to identify the core competences that
value chain analysis is the need to use a the organization has or needs to have to
comparison when evaluating a value compete effectively. Analyzing the separate
activity as a strength or weakness. In this activities in the value chain helps
connection, RBV and SWOT analysis will management to address the following
supplement the value chain analysis issues:
To get the most out of the value- 1. Which activities are the most critical
chain analysis, as already noted, one needs in reducing cost or adding value? If quality
to view the concept in a broader context. is a key consumer value, then ensuring
quality of supplies would be a critical derivers comes from understanding
success factor. customer requirements, which may include:

2. What are the key cost or value 1. Policy choices (choices such as product
drivers in the value chain? features, quality of input materials,
provision of customer services and skills
3. What linkages help to reduce cost, and experience of staff).
enhance value or discourage imitation?
2. Linkages between activities (for
4. How do these linkages relate to the example, between suppliers and buyers;
cost and value drivers? sales and aftersales staff).
Cost and Value Drivers The cost and value drivers vary between
industries. The value chain concept shows
Porter identified the following as the most
that companies can gain competitive
important cost and value drivers: Cost
advantage by controlling cost or value
drivers and/or reconfiguring the value chain,
1. Economies of scale that is, a better way of designing,
producing, distributing or marketing a
2. Pattern of capacity utilization (including product or service.
the efficiency of production processes and
labor productivity) For example, Ryanair has become one of
the most profitable airlines in Europe
3. Linkages between activities (for example, through concentrating on the parts of its
timing of deliveries affect storage costs, value chain, such as ticket transaction
just-in time system minimizes inventory costs, no frills etc.
Organizational Capability Factors
4. Interrelationships (for example, joint
purchasing by two units reduces input Organizations capabilities lies in its
costs) resources. The resources are the means by
which an organization generates value. It is
5. Geographical location (for example, this value that is then distributed for various
proximity to supplies reduces input costs) purposes. Resources and capabilities of a
firm can be best explained with the help of
6. Policy choices (such as the choices on
Resource Based View (RBV) of a firm
the product mix, the number of suppliers
which is popularized by Barney. RBV
used, wage costs, skills requirements and
considers the firm as a bundle of resources
other human resource policies affect costs)
– tangible resources, intangible resources,
7. Institutional factors (which include and organizational capabilities. Competitive
political and legal factors, each of which advantage, according to this view, generally
can have a significant impact on costs). arises from the creation of bundles of
distinctive resources and capabilities.
Value Drivers
Value drivers are similar to cost drivers, but
they relate to other features (other than low A ‘resource’ can be an asset, skill,
price) valued by buyers. Identifying value process or knowledge controlled by an
organization. From a strategic perspective,
an organization’s resources include both function of the firm’s resources, their
those that are owned by the organization application and organization, internal
and those that can be accessed by the systems and processes, and firm specific
organization to support its strategies. Some skill sets.
strategically important resources may be
outside the organization’s ownership, such Capabilities are rarely unique, and can
as its network of contacts or customers. be acquired by other firms as well in that
industry. Some of these capabilities may
become “distinctive competencies”, when a
firm performs them better than its rivals.
Typically, resources can be grouped
into four categories: Core Competence

1. Physical resources include plant Core competence refers to that set of

and machinery, land and buildings, distinctive competencies that provide a firm
production capacity etc. with a sustainable source of competitive
advantage. Core competencies emerge
2. Financial resources include capital, over time, and reflect the firm’s ability to
cash, debtors, creditors etc. deploy different resources and capabilities
in a variety of contexts to gain and sustain
3. Human resources include competitive advantage.
knowledge, skills and adaptability of human
resources. Core competences are activities or
processes that are critically required by an
4. Intellectual capital is an intangible organization to achieve competitive
resource of an organization. This includes advantage. They create and sustain the
the knowledge that has been captured in ability to meet the critical success factors of
patents, brands, business systems, particular customer groups better than their
customer databases and relationships with competitors in ways that are difficult to
partners. In a knowledge-based economy, imitate.
intellectual capital is likely to be the major
asset of many organizations. In order to achieve this advantage,
core competences must fulfill the following
Capabilities criteria. It must be:
Resources are not very productive on 1. an activity or process that provides
their own. They need organizational customer value in the product or service
capabilities. Organizational capabilities are features.
the skills that a firm employs to transform 2. an activity or process that is
inputs into outputs. They reflect the ability significantly better than competitors.
of the firm in combining assets, people and 3. an activity or process that is difficult
processes to bring about the desired for competitors to imitate.
An organization uses different types of
Prahalad and Hamel describe an
resources and exhibits a certain type of
organizational competence as a “bundle of
organizational capabilities to leverage those
skills and technologies”, which are
resources to bring about a competitive
integrated in people skills and business
processes. Capabilities are, therefore a
It is important to emphasize that T
resources by themselves do not yield a hreshold Resources
competitive advantage. Those resources
need to be integrated into value creating A set of basic resources are needed
activities. Thus the central theme of RBV is by a firm for its existence and survival in the
that competitive advantage is created and marketplace. These resources are called
sustained through the bundling of several ‘threshold resources’. But this threshold
resources in unique combinations. Thus, tends to increase with time. So, a firm
needs to continuously improve this
threshold resource base just to stay in
1. Competence is something an
organization is good at doing.

2. Core competence is a proficiently

performed internal activity
Unique Resources
3. Distinctive competence is an activity
that a company performs better than its Unique resources are those resources that
rivals. are critically required to achieve competitive
advantage. They are better than
4. Distinctive competencies become competitors’ resources and are difficult to
the basis for competitive advantage imitate. The ability of an organization to
meet the critical success factors in a
Strategic Importance of Resources particular market segment depends on
these unique resources. To illustrate unique
Johnson and Sholes (2002 ) explain
resources, Johnson and Sholes quote the
the strategic importance of resources with
example of some libraries having unique
the concept of ‘strategic capability’.
collection of books, which contain
According to them, strategic capability is
knowledge not available elsewhere, and the
the ability of an organization to put its
example of retail stores located in prime
resources and capabilities to the best
locations, which can charge higher than
advantage so as to enable it to gain
average prices. Similarly, some
competitive advantage. There are three
organizations have patented products or
type of resources:
services that are unique, which give them
Available Resources advantage.

Strategic capability depends on the Critical Success Factors

resources available to an organization
Critical Success Factors (CSFs) are
because it is the resources used in the
defined as the resources, skills and
activities of the organization that create
attributes of an organization that are
competences. As already explained above,
essential to deliver success in the market
resources can be typically grouped under
place. CSFs are also called “Key Success
four headings: Physical resources, human
Factors” (KSFs) or “Strategic Factors”.
resources, financial resources and
They are the key factors which are critical
intellectual capital.
for organizational success and survival.
Critical success factors will vary from Automobile companies have to invest in
one industry to another. For example, in the building a national network of authorized
perfume and cosmetics industry, the critical service stations to ensure service delivery
success factors include branding, product to their customers.
distribution and product performance, but
are unlikely to include low labor costs, 2. Competitive strategy, industry position
which is a very important CSF for steel and geographic location: CSFs also arise
companies. CSFs can be used to identify from the above factors. For example, the
elements of the environment that are large pool of English-speaking manpower
particularly worth exploring makes India an attractive location for
outsourcing the BPO needs of American
It is very important to identify the CSFs and British firms.
for a particular industry. Many elements
relate not only to the environment but also 3. Environmental factors: CSFs may
to the resources of organizations in the also arise out of the general/business
industry. To identify the CSFs in an environment of a firm, like the deregulation
industry, it is therefore useful to examine of Indian Industry. With the deregulation of
the type of resources and the way they are telecommunications industry, many private
employed in the industry and then use this companies had opportunities of growth.
information to analyze the environment
4. Temporal factors: Certain short-term
outside the organization. Hence CSFs
organizational developments like sudden
require an exploration of the resources and
loss of critical manpower (like the
skills of the industry before they can be
charismatic CEO) or break-up of the family
applied to the environment.
owned business, may necessitate CSFs
Importance of Critical Success Factors like “appointment of a new CEO” or
“rebuilding the company image”.
The Japanese strategist Kenichi Ohamae, Temporarily such CSFs would remain CSFs
the former head of the management till the time they are achieved.
consultants Mc Kinsey, in Japan, has
suggested that the CSFs (or key success Benchmarking
factors, as he calls them) are likely to
Benchmarking is the process of
deliver the company’s objectives. He
comparing the business processes and
argues that, when resources of capital,
performance metrics including cost, cycle
labor and time are scarce, it is important
time, productivity, or quality to another that
that they should be concentrated on the key
is widely considered to be an industry
activities of the firm, that is, those activities
standard benchmark or best practice.
that are considered most important to the
Essentially, benchmarking provides a
delivery of whatever the organization
snapshot of the performance of a business
regards as success.
and helps one understand where one is in
Rockart has also identified four major relation to a particular standard.
sources of CSFs:
The result is often a business case and
1. Structure of the industry: Some "Burning Platform" for making changes in
CSFs are specific to the structure of the order Notes to make improvements. Also
industry. For example, the extent of service referred to as "best practice benchmarking"
support expected by the customers. or "process benchmarking", it is a process
used in management and particularly position by comparing products and
strategic management, in which services with those of target firms.
organizations evaluate various aspects of
their processes in relation to best practice 5. Product benchmarking: the process of
companies' processes, usually within a peer designing new products or upgrades to
group defined for the purposes of current ones. This process can sometimes
comparison. involve reverse engineering which is taking
apart competitors products to find strengths
This then allows organizations to and weaknesses
develop plans on how to make
improvements or adapt specific best 6. Strategic benchmarking: involves
practices, usually with the aim of increasing observing how others compete. This type is
some aspect of performance. usually not industry specific, meaning it is
Benchmarking may be a one-off event, but best to look at other industries.
is often treated as a continuous process in
7. Functional benchmarking: a company will
which organizations continually seek to
focus its benchmarking on a single function
improve their practices.
in order to improve the operation of that
Types of Benchmarking particular function.

Benchmarking can be of following types: Complex functions such as Human

Resources, Finance and Accounting and
1. Process benchmarking: the initiating firm Information and Communication
focuses its observation and investigation of Technology are unlikely to be directly
business processes with a goal of comparable in cost and efficiency terms
identifying and observing the best practices and may need to be disaggregated into
from one or more benchmark firms. Activity processes to make valid comparison.
analysis will be required where the
objective is to benchmark cost and 8. Best-in-class benchmarking: involves
efficiency; increasingly applied to back- studying the leading competitor or the
office processes where outsourcing may be company that best carries out a specific
a consideration. function

2. Financial benchmarking: performing a 9. Operational benchmarking: embraces

financial analysis and comparing the results everything from staffing and productivity to
in an effort to assess your overall office flow and analysis of procedures
competitiveness and productivity. performed.

3. Benchmarking from an investor There is no single benchmarking process

perspective: extending the benchmarking that has been universally adopted. The
universe to also compare to peer wide appeal and acceptance of
companies that can be considered benchmarking has led to various
alternative investment opportunities from benchmarking methodologies emerging.
the perspective of an investor. The first book on benchmarking, written by
Kaiser Associates, offered a 7-step
4. Performance benchmarking: allows the approach. Robert Camp (who wrote one of
initiator firm to assess their competitive the earliest books on benchmarking in
1989) developed a 12-stage approach to of measures and practices used to identify
benchmarking. business process alternatives and leading
companies. Surveys are typically masked to
Benchmarking Methodology protect confidential data by neutral
associations and consultants.
The following is an example of a typical
benchmarking methodology: 5. Visit the "best practice" companies to
identify leading edge practices: Companies
1. Identify your problem areas: Because
typically agree to mutually exchange
benchmarking can be applied to any
information beneficial to all parties in a
business process or function, a range of
benchmarking group and share the results
research techniques may be required. They
within the group.
include: informal conversations with
customers, employees, or suppliers; 6. Implement new and improved business
exploratory research techniques such as practices: Take the leading edge practices
focus groups; or in-depth marketing and develop implementation plans which
research, quantitative research, surveys, include identification of specific
questionnaires, re-engineering analysis, opportunities, funding the project and
process mapping, quality control variance selling the ideas to the organization for the
reports, or financial ratio analysis. Before purpose of gaining demonstrated value
embarking on comparison with other from the process.
organizations it is essential that one knows
one's own organization's function,
processes; base lining performance
provides a point against which improvement
effort can be measured.

2. Identify other industries that have similar

processes: For instance if one were
interested in improving hand offs in
addiction treatment he/she would try to
identify other fields that also have hand off
challenges. These could include air traffic
control, cell phone switching between
towers, transfer of patients from surgery to
recovery rooms.

3. Identify organizations that are leaders in

these areas: Look for the very best in any
industry and in any country. Consult
customers, suppliers, financial analysts,
trade associations, and magazines to
determine which companies are worthy of

4. Survey companies for measures and

practices: Companies target specific
business processes using detailed surveys
 Jauch and Gluecke has defined the
environment as “The environment
includes factors outside the firm which
can lead to opportunities or a threat to
the firm. Although there are many
factors, the most important of the
sectors are socio-economic,
technological, supplier, competitor
and govt.”

Importance of Business Environment

1.Environment is Complex: The

environment consists of a number of
factors, events, conditions and influences
arising from different sources. All these
interact with each other to create new sets
of influences.

2. It is Dynamic: The environment by its

very nature is a constantly changing one.
The varied influences operating upon it
impart dynamism to it and cause it to
EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT continually change its shape and character.

External assessment is a step where a firm 3. Environment is multi -faceted: The same
environmental trend can have different
identifies opportunities that could benefit it
and threats that it should avoid. It includes effects on different industries. For instance,
GATS is an opportunity for some
monitoring, evaluating, and disseminating
of information from the external and internal companies but a threat for others.
environments to key people within the 4. It has a far-reaching impact: The
corporation environment has a far-reaching impact on
organizations in that the growth and
Concept of Environment
profitability of an organization depends
 Environment literally means the critically on the environment in which it
surroundings, external objects, exists.
influences or circumstances under
5. Its impact on different firms with in the
which someone or something exists.
The environment of any organization same industry differs: A change in
environment may have different bearings
is “the aggregate of all conditions,
events and influences that surround on various firms operating in the same
industry. In the pharmaceutical industry in
and affect it.” Davis, K, The Challenge
of Business, (New York: McGraw Hill, India, for instance, the impact of the new
IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) law will
1975), p. 43.
 Environment refers to all external different for research-based pharmacy
companies such as Ranbaxy and Dr.
forces which have a bearing on the
functioning of business.
Reddy’s Lab and will be different for smaller of entry in an industry depends on the
pharmacy companies. height of entry barriers (i.e. factors that
make it costly for new entrants to enter
6. It may be an opportunity as well as a industry) that are present and on the
threat to expansion: Developments in the retaliation from the entrenched competitors.
general environment often provide
opportunities for expansion in terms of both There are seven major sources:
products and markets.
a) Economies of scale: These are relative
7. Changes in the environment can change cost advantages associated with large
the competitive scenario: General volumes of production, that lower a
environmental changes may alter the company’s cost structure.
boundaries of an industry and change the
nature of its competition. This has been the Example: In microprocessors, existing
case with deregulation in the telecom sector companies such as Intel are protected by
in India. Since deregulation, every second- economies of scale in research, chip
year new competitors emerge, old foes fabrication and consumer marketing.
become friends and M&As follow every new
b) Product differentiation: Brand loyalty is
buyer’s preference for the differentiated
8.Sometimes developments are difficult to products of any established company.
predict with any degree of accuracy: Strong brand loyalty makes it difficult for
Macroeconomic developments such as new entrants to take market share away
interest rate fluctuations, the rate of from established companies
inflation, and exchange rate variations are
(c) Capital requirements: The need to
extremely difficult to predict on a medium or
invest large financial resources in order to
a long-term basis. On the other hand, some
compete can deter new entrants
trends such as demographic and income
levels can be easy to forecast. For example, in airlines industry, financing
is available to purchase expensive aircrafts
Porter’s Five Force Analysis
because of their resale value, and that is
The Five Forces why there have been a number of new
airlines in almost every region.
The Five Forces model developed by
Michael E. Porter (d) Switching costs: Switching costs are
the one-time costs that a customer has to
1. Threat of new entrants bear to switch from one product to another.
2. Intensity of rivalry among
industry competitors (e) Access to distribution channels: The
3. Bargaining power of buyers more limited the wholesale or retail
4. Bargaining power of suppliers channels are, tougher will be the entry into
5. Threat of substitute products an industry.
and services.
For example, a new food item may have to
1. The Threat of New Entrants: New displace others from the supermarket shelf
entrants bring new capacity and often via price breaks, promotions, intense selling
substantial resources to an industry with a efforts or some other means
desire to gain market share. And the threat
(f) Cost disadvantages independent of c) High fixed but low marginal costs:
size: Some existing companies may have d) Lack of differentiation or switching
advantages other than size or economies of costs
scale. These are derived from: e) Capacity augmentation in large
(i) Proprietary technology f) High exit barriers
(ii) Preferential access to raw material
sources Common exit barriers
(iii) Government subsidies
(iv) Favorable geographical locations 1. Investment in specialized assets like
plant and machinery are of little or no
g) Government policy: The government can value, and cannot be put to alternative
limit or even foreclose entry into industries, use. So, they have to be continued.
with such controls as license requirements 2. High costs of exit such as
and limits on access to raw materials. retrenchment benefits, etc. that have
to be paid to the redundant workers
Expected Retaliation: How new entrants when a company ceases to operate
believe that the existing companies may 3. Emotional attachment to an industry
react keep owners or employees unwilling
to exit from an industry for sentimental
New entrants are likely to fear expected
retaliation if:
4. Economic dependence on the industry
(a) Existing companies have previously when the firm depends on a single
responded vigorously to new entrants industry for revenue and profit.
(b) Existing companies possess substantial 5. Government and social pressures
resources to fight back discourage exit of industries out of
(c) Existing companies seem likely to cut concern for job loss.
prices to protect their market share 6. Government and social pressures
(d) Industry growth is slow, so newcomers discourage exit of industries out of
can gain volume only by taking the market concern for job loss.
share from existing companies. 7. Strategic interrelationships between
business units and others prevent exit
because of shared facilities, image
2. Intensity of Rivalry among Competitors: and so on.
Rivalry means the competitive struggle
between companies in an industry to gain 3.Bargaining power of buyers: refers to the
market share from each other. Firms use ability of buyers to bargain down prices
tactics like price discounting, advertising charged by firms in the industry or driving
campaigns, new product introductions and up the costs of the firm by demanding
increased customer service or warranties. better product quality and service

The intensity of rivalry is greatest under the According to Porter, buyers are most
following conditions: powerful under the following conditions:

a) Numerous competitors or equally (a) There are few buyers

powerful competitor
(b) The products are standard or
b) Slow industry growth
(c) The buyer faces low switching costs: - The buyer’s switching costs to the
substitutes is low
(d) The buyer earns low profits:
Industry Analysis
(e) The quality of buyer’s products
An industry is thus a group of firms
Retailers can gain significant bargaining
producing similar products or services. By
power over manufacturers when they can
similar products we mean products that
influence consumers.
customers perceive to be substitutes for
4.Bargaining power of suppliers: Suppliers one another.
are companies that supply raw materials,
The basic purpose of industry analysis is to
components, equipment, machinery and
assess the strengths and weaknesses of a
associated products. Powerful suppliers
firm relative to its competitors in the
make more profits by charging higher
prices, limiting quality or services or shifting
the costs to industry participants. 1. Industry Features:. An industry’s
dominant economic features include
A supplier’s bargaining power will be high
such factors as:
under the following conditions:
- Overall size
(a) Few suppliers: When the supplier group - Market growth rate
is dominated by few companies and is more - Geographic boundaries of the
concentrated than the firms to whom it market - Number and sizes of
sells, an industry is called concentrated. competitors
The suppliers can then dictate prices, - Pace of technological change
quality and terms. - Product innovations etc.

(b) Product is differentiated: Example: Video games, computers and

(c) Dependence of supplier group on the pharmaceuticals
2. Industry Boundaries: Firms within the
(d) Importance of the product of the firm: (e)
same industry could differ across
Threat of forward integration:
various parameters, such as:
(f) Lack of substitutes:
(a) Breadth of market
(b) Product/service quality
5. Threat of substitute products: A
(c) Geographic distribution
substitute performs the same or a similar
(d) Level of vertical integration
function as an industry’s product
(e) Profit motives
Thus, according to Porter, “substitutes limit
3. Industry Environment: Based on their
the potential returns of an industry by
environment, industries are basically of two
placing a ceiling on the prices firms in the
industry can profitably charge”.
(a) Fragmented Industries: A fragmented
It will suffer in terms of profitability and
industry consists of a large number of small
growth potential in the following
or medium-sized companies, none of which
is in a position to determine industry price.
- It offers an attractive price and
Many fragmented industries are
characterized by low entry barriers and (d) Barriers to entry: Are the obstacles that
commodity type products that are hard to a firm must overcome to enter an industry,
differentiate. and the competition from new entrants
depends mostly on entry barriers.
(b) Consolidated Industries: A consolidated
industry is dominated by a small number of 5. Industry attractiveness: Industry
large companies (an oligopoly) or in attractiveness is dependent on the
extreme cases, by just one company (a following factors:
monopoly). These companies are in a - Profit potential
position to determine industry prices. - Growth prospects
- Competition
According to Michael Porter, industries can - Industry barriers etc.
be categorized into: 6. Industry performance: This requires
an examination of data relating to:
Emerging industries: Are those in the
(a) Production
introductory and growth phases of their life
(b) Sales
(c) Profitability
Mature industries: Are those who reached (d) Technological advancements
the maturity stage of their life cycle.
7. Industry practices: refer to what a
Declining industries: Are those in the majority of players in the industry do with
transition stage from maturity to decline. respect to products, pricing, promotion,
distribution etc.
Global industries: Are those with
manufacturing bases and marketing This aspect involves issues relating to:
operations in several countries. Competition
(a) Product policy
varies during each stage of industry life
(b) Pricing policy
(c) Promotion policy
4. Industry Structure: Structural attributes (d) Distribution policy
are the enduring characteristics that give an (e) R&D policy
industry its distinctive character. (f) Competitive tactics.

Industry structure consists of four elements: 8. Industry’s future prospects: The future
outlook of an industry can be anticipated
(a) Concentration: It means the extent to
based on such factors as:
which industry sales are dominated by only
(a) Innovation in products and services
a few firms.
(b) Trends in consumer preferences
(b) Economies of scale: Firms that enjoy (c) Emerging changes in regulatory
economies of scale can charge lower prices mechanisms
than their competitors, because of their (d) Product life cycle of the industry
savings in per unit cost of production. (e) Rate of growth etc.

(c) Product differentiation: Real perceived

differentiation often intensifies competition Competitive Analysis
among existing firms.
Competitive analysis is the process of
identifying competitors and evaluating their
strategies in order to determine their
weaknesses and strengths in order to better
your own company. There are two theories of economics –
theory of monopoly and theory of perfect
There are four types of competition in a free competition. These represent two extremes
market system: of industry competition.

perfect competition In a monopoly context, a single firm is

monopolistic competition protected by barriers to entry, and has an
oligopoly opportunity to appropriate all the profits
monopoly generated in the industry.
 Under monopolistic competition, many
sellers offer differentiated products— In a “perfectly competitive industry,
products that differ slightly but serve competition is unbridled and entry to the
similar purposes. By making industry is easy.
consumers aware of product
differences, sellers exert some control
over price.
 In an oligopoly, a few sellers supply a
sizable portion of products in the
market. They exert some control over
price, but because their products are
similar, when one company lowers
prices, the others follow.
 In a monopoly, there is only one seller
in the market. The market could be a
geographical area, such as a city or a
regional area, and does not
necessarily have to be an entire
country. The single seller is able to
control prices. Most monopolies fall
into one of two categories: natural and

Most monopolies fall into one of two

categories: natural and legal

 Natural monopolies include public

utilities, such as electricity and gas
suppliers. They inhibit competition, but
they’re legal because they’re
important to society.
 A legal monopoly arises when a
company receives a patent giving it
exclusive use of an invented product
or process for a limited time, generally
twenty years.

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