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To Whom It May Concern,

I have known Madison Ward for six years. I am the Athle=c Trainer for Watertown High School and I first
met Madison when she was a football team manager during her junior year of high school. I have also
asked her to care for my children many =mes over the years.

Madison has shown an incredible work ethic. She has a strong dedica=on to taking care of her
responsibili=es. She always throws her full aFen=on and energy into making sure the job is done
efficiently and to the best of her ability. Madison was a wonderful leader for all the football managers.
She kept the others accountable for showing up to prac=ces and games and made sure everyone pitched
in. The coaches could rely on her to follow their instruc=ons and make sure tasks were completed.

Her posi=ve aHtude and friendly personality were what led me to ask for her help caring for my
children. My husband and I needed someone to babysit on a regular basis. Madison was delighted to
help us out. She has cared for our children for the past six years on a regular basis. In high school, it was
one evening a week and it has progressed over the years to helping in the summer during the day to
overnight help. We have never had to worry about our children while they were with Madison. She is
always laughing and giggling with them, and they adore her. In fact, they oIen ask when we are leaving
so Madison can come over again. She started watching our children when they were two and four years
old. Madison was always willing to do any task that they needed, changing diapers, puHng them to bed,
feeding them and caring for them when they didn’t feel well. She never shied away, and she always
stepped up to help us out when we needed it. I could rely on her to be there when we needed her.

It has been wonderful to watch Madison mature from a high school teenager to a remarkable young
woman. We have had many conversa=ons about life, and I am oIen encouraged by her passion and
enthusiasm. She is willing to put in the work to make any goal aFainable. Her hard work and
compassionate personality give her the ability to do anything she chooses, and I am delighted to support
her in whatever that may be.

Please reach out to me if you have any further ques=ons.


Michelle Leitheiser
(605) 237-7171

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