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MH Group of School 1 English Notes: 9th

Chapter No. 01

Answers of Short Questions.

Q.No.1: Where is Makkah situated?

Ans: The city of Makkah is situated about fifty miles from the Red Sea.

Q.No.2: Why was the Holy Quran sent in Arabic?

Ans: Arabic is a language of eloquence, so Allah Almighty sent the Holy Quran in Arabic.

Q.No.3: What type of land Arabia is?

Ans: Arabia is a land of unparalleled charm and beauty, with its trackless deserts of sand

dunes in the dazzling rays of a tropical sun.

Q.No. 4: For which ability were the Arabs famous?

Ans: The Arabs were famous for their remarkable memory and ability of eloquence.

Q.No.5: What was the condition of mankind before the Rasool   ?

Ans: Before the Rasool   , mankind stood on the verge of chaos. The civilization had
started crumbling. It had fallen victim of wrong beliefs, social evils, cruelty and injustice.

Q.No.6: Why did the pagan Arabs send a delegation to the Rasool's   uncle?
Ans: They sent a delegation to the Holy Prophet's   kind and caring uncle, Abu Talib
to restrain the Holy Prophet   from preaching Allah Almighty's message.
Q.No.7: What was the first revelation?

Ans: "Read in the name of thy Lord Who created; created man from a clot (of congealed

blood): Read and thy Lord is most Bountiful, Who taught (the use of) the pen, taught man that

which he knew not."

Q.No.8: Why did the Holy Prophet   stay in the cave of Hira?
Ans: The Holy Prophet   stayed in the cave of the mount Hira for meditation and
spent days and weeks in remembrance of Allah Almighty.

Q.No.9: Why did the pagan Arabs threaten the Holy Prophet's   uncle?
Ans: Since the belief of Oneness of God (Tauheed) was threatening the dominance of

the Pagan Arabs in the society, they threatened the Holy Prophet's   uncle.
Q.No.10: What did Hazrat Ayesha    say about the life of the Rasool  
Ans: She said, "His morals and characters are the embodiment of the Holy Quran."
MH Group of School 2 English Notes: 9th
Translate the following paragraph into Urdu.
1. In the fifth and sixth centuries, mankind stood on the verge of chaos. It seemed that

the civilization which had taken four thousand years to grow had started crumbling. At this point in

time, Allah Almighty raised a Prophet from among themselves who was to lift the humanity from

their ignorance into the light of faith.

         

 
  
     
 
 
2. The revelation of the Divine message which continued for the next twenty-three

years had begun, and the Rasool   had arisen to proclaim Oneness of Allah (Tauheed) and
the unity of mankind. His mission was to destroy the nexus of superstition, ignorance, and

disbelief, set up a noble conception of life and lead mankind to the light of faith and divine bliss.
       
        (23)        
           
         
3. The Rasool   and his close companion, Hazrat Abu Bakr Sidique     ,
migrated from Makkah to Madina in the year 622 A.D. When the chiefs of various tribes of

Makkah came to know about the migration of the Rasool   and his close campanion, hazrat
Abu Bakr Siddique   .
    
    622        
     
    
      
4. "Muhammad   , however, was responsible for both the theology of Islam and its main
ethical and moral principles. In addition, he played a key role in proselytizing the new faith, and in

establishing the religious practices."

               

        

Chapter No. 02

Answers of Short Questions.

MH Group of School 3 English Notes: 9th
Q.No.1: What is the highest military award of Pakistan?

Ans: The highest military award of Pakistan is Nishan-e-Haider.

Q.No.2: What makes us stay alert in the wake of foreign invasion?

Ans: It is the spirit of patriotism that makes us stay alert in the wake of foreign invasion.

Q.No.3: As a citizen of Pakistan, what are your duties towards your country?

Ans: We should be loyal to our country. We should work for its progress. We should

develop a sense of patriotism. We should be united and faithful to its ideology.

Q.No.4: What are the qualities of a patriot?

Ans: A patriot loves his country with devotion. He lays down his life for his homeland. He

is selfless and sincere to his country. He works hard for its progress and prosperity.

Q.No.5: How will you define patriotism?

Ans: Patriotism means love and devotion for one's homeland.

Q.No.6: What are the qualities of a patriot?

Ans: A patriot loves his country and he sacrifices his life for it.

Translate the following paragraphs into urdu.

Patriotism gives people the strength and courage to safeguard the interest of the

country and nation. For a patriot, the sovereignty, integrity and honour of the country are supreme

values on which non compromise can be made. Patriots render sacrifice for the preservation and

protection of these values.

            

       
    

Chapter No. 03

Answers of Short Questions.

Q.No.1: What is the most important function that media performs?

Ans: The most important function of the media is to raise awareness about social

problems like corruption, terrorism, drug addiction and other related social evils of the country.

Q.No.2: How does media provide entertainment?

Ans: Media provides us information as well as entertainment. We hear songs, see

MH Group of School 4 English Notes: 9th
dramas and interesting programmes through media. Media is matchless in this regard.

Q.No.3: What is the most important function that media performs?

Ans: Media performs very constructive and corrective function for society. It raises

awareness about many social issues like corruption, terrorism, drug addiction and violation of

human rights.

Q.No.4: What are the two major means of communication?

Ans: Two major means of communication are electronic media and print media.

Q.No.5: Which is your favourite T.V programme? Why?

Ans: My favourite T.V programme is documentary programme on wildlife and nature

presented by the National Geographic because it focuses mainly on the ever changing world, on

wildlife and nature.

Q.No.6: What are the two major means of communication? Give three examples for


Ans: Electronic media and print media are the two major means of communication. The

examples of electronic media are radio, television and internet, and the examples of print media

are books, magazines and newspapers.


Chapter No. 04

Answers of Short Questions.

Q.No.1: Who was Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubair   ?
Ans: Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubair   was the brave son of Hazrat Asma    ?
Q.No.2: Why was Hazrat Abu Quhafaa   worried?
Ans: Hazrat Abu Quhafaa    was worried about his wealth. He was thinking that
his son Abu Bakar    had migrated with his wealth leaving him and his children in sad

Q.No.3: How did Hazrat Asma   console her grandfather?

Ans: Hazrat Asma     put some stones in the corner of the house and covered
them with a piece of cloth. She told her grandfather that her father had left all the money. The

grandfather felt it. Thus he was consoled.

MH Group of School 5 English Notes: 9th
Q.No.4: Why was Abu Jehl furious?

Ans: Abu Jehl was furious because Hazrat Asma     did not tell him the
whereabouts of her father.

Q.No.5: What happened when Abu Jehl asked about Hazrat Abu Bakar    from
Hazrat Asma    ?
Ans: Hazrat Asma    counter-questioned him, "How would I know?" This
infuriated Abu Jehl. He slapped Hazrat Asma's    face so hard that her earring fell off. She
faced him bravely and did not reveal the secret.

Q.No.6: Which incident in the story showed Hazrat Asma's     love and respect
for the Holy Prophet   ?
Ans: The role Hazrat Asma     played at the time of the migration of the Holy
Prophet   showed her love and respect for the Holy Prophet   . Disbelievers of Makkah
were bent upon taking the life of the Prophet   and were looking for him. She risked her life
and supplied food to Holy Prophet   and his father, Abu Bakr     in the cave of Thaur

Q.No.7: Which incident in the story tells about ht egenerosity of Hazrat Asma   
 ?
Ans: When Hazrat Asma     inherited a garden after the death of her sister Hazrat
Ayesha     , she sold it and gave away all the money among the poor and the needy. She
felt pleasure in doing so.

Q.No.8: What message do you get from the life of Hazrat Asma    ?
Ans: The message we get from the life of Hazrat Asma    is that one should live a
life of bravery, truthfulness, piety, generosity and patience.

Q.No.9: "Her life would always be a beacon of light for all of us." How?

Ans: Hazrat Asma     was an embodiment of bravery, generosity and patience.
She had resolute faith in Allah Almighty and always showed patience in sufferings and hardships.

Therefore, her life would always be a beacon of light for all of us.

Translate the following paragraphs into urdu.

1. Her grandfather, Hazrat Abu Quhafaa, was a disbeliever at that time. He was very

old and had become blind. He said to her, "Asma, I think Abu Bakr    has taken all the
MH Group of School 6 English Notes: 9th
wealth, leaving you and children empty-handed and helpless." At this, she instantly rain to a

corner of the home.

          
             
                      
 
    


Chapter No. 05

Answers of Short Questions.

Q.No.1: What is the central idea of the poem?

Ans: The central idea of the poem is that it presents before us not only the attractive and

exciting beauty of nature but also the purifying and enduring impact of it on human beings.

Q.No.2: What do the daffodils represent in teh poem?

Ans: Daffodils represent nature and its impact on human beings.

Q.No.3: What "wealth" do memories of the scene give to the poet?

Ans: It's about moments in our life that we replay in our memories.

Q.No.4: List the words that heighten the sound effect in the poem.

Ans: Vales and hills, sprightly dance, jocund company.

Write downthe summary of the poem "Daffodils" by William Wordsworth.

The poem "Daffodils" was composed by William Wordsworth. He was a poet of

nature. Nature was his creed. He was an ardent lover of nature. he tells that nature has healthy

and deep impact on human beings. One day he was walking in the countryside to enjoy the

beauty of nature. All of sudden, he saw uncountable daffodils which were moving and dancing

under the trees beside a lake. They were growing in an endless line giving a charming look to the

viewers. They were more charmful than stars and their dance was more beautiful than the dance

of waves. It was a joyful sight. The poet tells that this charming sight often comes to his mind

whenever he is alone. It gives him a huge pleasure which is the blessing of loneliness. It fills the

heart of the poet with happiness and his heart begins to dance with delight.
MH Group of School 7 English Notes: 9th

Chapter No. 06

Answers of Short Questions.

Q.No.1: How much confidence did Quaid-e-Azam have in his nation?

Ans: The Quaid-e-Azam had a great confidence in his nation.

Q.No.2: How can be the possible solution to our present problems?

Ans: The possible solution to our problems is that we should not fall prey to fatal diseases

of disunity, disharmony and disintegration. We should pay heed to the Quaid's warnings and


Q.No.3: How can we become a strong nation?

Ans: We can become a strong nation by remembering Quaid-e-Azam's advice to the

youth, "It is now up to you to work, work and work; and we are bound to succeed."

Q.No.4: What was the Ideology of Pakistan in view of Quaid-e-Azam?

Ans: The Ideology of Pakistan was based on the fundemental principle that the Muslims

are an independent nation. He firmly believed taht the new emerging state of Pakistan based on

Islamic principles would reform and regulate the society.

Q.No.5: Why did the Quaid have to take long tours during the ealy days of


Ans: The Quaid had to take long tours during the early days of independence to build

confidence and raise people's spirit.

Q.No.6: What was Quaid's concept of our nation?

Ans: The Quaid's concept of our nation was that we are one nation on the basis of

religion and culture.

Q.No.7: How can we become a strong nation?

Ans: We can become a strong nation by following the Quaid's golden motto, "Faith, Unity

and Discipline". We should remember his advice to the youth to work hard.

Translate the following paragraphs into urdu.

1. Quaid-e-Azam was a man of strong faith and belief. He firmly believed that the new

emerging state of Pakistan based on Islamic principles would reform the society as a whole. In
MH Group of School 8 English Notes: 9th
his Eid message, September 1945, Quaid-e-Azam said, "Islam is a complete code regulating the

whole Muslim society, every department of life collectively and individually."

                  
       
    1945         
     
   
2. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a nation builder and a great patriot. He

wanted to protect the values, culture and traditions of the Muslims of the subcontinent. He gave

the Muslims a sense of identity by securing a separate homeland for them..

     

          
    

Chapter No. 07

Answers of Short Questions.

Q.No.1: Why Sultan Ahmad Masjid is also known as Blue Masjid?

Ans: The interior part of the masjid was adorned with blue tiles which make it look

attractive. It is why, it is known as Blue Masjid also.

Q.No.2: Where is the royal room situated?

Ans: The royal room is situated at the south-east corner.

Q.No.3: Who was appointed as the architect of the Sultan Masjid?

Ans: Sedefhar Mehmat Aga was appointed as the royal architect of the masjid.

Q.No.4: For what purpose does a heavy iron chain hang there?

Ans: A heavy chain was hung there so that the Sultan had to lower his head every time

he entered the court. It was the symbolic gesture to ensure the humility of the ruler in the face of


Q.No.5: Who started the construction of the Blue Masjid?

Ans: Sultan Ahmad started the construction of the Blue Masjid.

Q.No.6: How does the interior of Sultan Ahmad Masjid look?

Ans: The interior of the Sultan Ahmad Masjid is embellished with blue tiles, which gives

its interior an attractive look.

MH Group of School 9 English Notes: 9th
Q.No.7: Why do you think Madrassah and hospice was part of the masjid?

Ans: I think the Madrassah was for the students who came to acquire Islamic religious

education and the hospice was for the needy and the destitude.

Q.No.8: Who constructed the Masjid Sophia?

Ans: the Hagia Sophia Masjid was built by an Ottoman Caliph.

Translate the following paragraphs into urdu.

1. The most important element in the interior of the masjid is the mehrab, which is

made of finely carved marble. To the right of the mehrab is a richly decorated pulpit. The masjid

is so designed that even when it is most crowded, everyone in the masjid can hear and see the

    
       
      
   
2. Construction of the masjid started in 1606. The royal architect Sedefhar Mehmat

Aga, was appointed by the Sultan as in-charge of the project. The opening ceremony was held in

1616. Unfortunately, the Sultan could not see the completion of the masjid in his life. It was

completed in the reign of his successor Mustafa-I.

  
           1609 
  
                  1616
 
3. In the evening, a large number of tourists and Turks gather in the park facing the

masjid to hear the call to the evening prayers. The masjid is flooded with lights and so are the

hearts of the believers with divine love.

        

        

     
   
4. The upper level of the interior is adorned with blue paint. More than 200 stained

glass windows with intricate designs allow natural light to brighten up its interior and the

chandeliers further illuminate it with their glow. The decoration include A'yat from teh Holy Quran.

The floors are covered with carpets.

    
             
    
        
      
MH Group of School 10 English Notes: 9th
5. The masjid has a specious forecourt surrounded by a continuous vaulted arcade. It

has ablution facilities on both the sides. In the centre, there is a fountain which is rather small in

contrast with the magnitude of the courtyard.

             

 
 
   
6. The interior of the masjid at the lower level is lined with more than 20,000

hand-made ceramic tiles in more than 50 different tulip designs. At the gallery level, the design

becomes flamboyant with representation of flowers, fruit and cypresses.

   

   
          
7. The masjid is flooded with lights and so are the hearts of the believers with divine

love. Though much has been lost of the Blue Masjid over the years yet it has not lost the love of

its visitors. The masjid is still one of the most visited monuments of the world.

           

        
         
      

Chapter No. 08

Answers of Short Questions.

Q.No.1: Why does the speaker stop on the darkest evening of the year?

Ans: Hoe stops on the darkest evening of the year because the woods are lovely, dark

and deep.

Write down the summary of the poem "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy

Evening" by Robert Frost.

Robert Frost was a famous American poet who wrote this poem. He focused on

themes of nature. The poet points out at the attractive and exciting beauty of nature and the need

to carry on with the duties of daily life. He wants a balance between them. The poet tells that

once in a snow evening, a traveller stops his pony between woods and a frozen lake to enjoy the

beauty of nature. His pony thinks it a strange thing to stop far away from farmhouse. So he

impatiently awaits his master's next move. But the master is absorbed in the captivating beauty of
MH Group of School 11 English Notes: 9th
nature. The sounds of harness bells, slight wind and falling of soft flakes do not make the master

move. At last, he reminds his daily affairs and he resumes his long journey because he has to

take rest for the night to attend his daily affairs of life.


Chapter No. 09

Answers of Short Questions.

Q.No.1: What is an ICU in a hospital?

Ans: The drug addiction results in permanent mental and physical sickness.

Q.No.2: Why did the nurse ask Hira's sister to come and talk to her?

Ans: The nurse asked Hira's sister to come and talk to her severely injured sister so that

her voice might activate her sister's lifeless neurons and brain.

Q.No.3: Describe some qualities of the nurse in the story: "All is not Lost".

Ans: She is a beginner in the profession of nursing. She is very sincere to her profession.

She is so kind-hearted that she feels the pain of the injured. She is proud of her profession.

Q.No.4: Why did the nurse say: "Where there is a will there is a way"?

Ans: The nurse was of the view that if oneis willing to cure her patient, will succeed in the

long run. One should not be hopeless. Persistent efforts bore fruit for her. When she succeeded

in her efforts, she said, "Where there is a will there is a way".

Q.No.5: Why did the nurse disagree with the doctor's point of view?

Ans: The nurse disagreed with the doctor's point of view, thinking that it was unwise to

leave a patient unattended. According to the nurse, life is very precious, a chance should be

given to a patient.

Q.No.6: To what extent does the recovery of a patient depend upon the doctor and the


Ans: Both are most important individuals in the recovery of a patient. They use their

experiences, knowledge and every kind of device to make patients recover.

Translate the following paragraphs into urdu.

1. I was sent on a three months' training course to Karachi. I made all possible

attempts to leave my patient in good hands. I returned after three months to see my patient's bed
MH Group of School 12 English Notes: 9th
taken up by another. My feet froze to the ground. I did not have the courage to ask, "What


               

            
2. It was the beginning of my profession as a nurse. I worked in the Intensive Care

Unit (ICU) of neurology ward. As a young professional, I wished to save the world. I was excited

to see patients making quick recoveries from devastating accidents, yet I was pained to nurse

those who were struck with acute neurological disorder.

            

                 
  
3. She walked on crutches, which she would leave in a few months. I was so glad that

I had done those exercises on her to keep her limbs in motion. I was glad that my efforts bore

fruit. But most of all, I was happy that Allah Almighty had helped me win a lost battle.

              

        
4. One day, standing bedside a young patient, I wondered if she should make the same

recovery like others. Hira had received severe head and spinal injuries as she was hit by a

speeding bus while crossing a busy road.

      

     
5. I continued to work on Hira. But she was not making much recovery. I felt as

helpless as she was to see her lie on bed in a miserable state. Could I be able to justify my

stance before the senior doctors? I did not lose hope.

                          

        
 

Chapter No. 10

Answers of Short Questions.

MH Group of School 13 English Notes: 9th
Q.No.1: What are the effects of drug addiction?

Ans: The drug addiction results in permanent mental and physical sickness.

Q.No.2: What are the causes of drug addiction?

Ans: Drug addiction is caused by genetic and environmental factors. In this regard, bad

company and troubled domestic background may cause drug addiction. The people dissatisfied

with their lives may also resort to drug addiction.

Q.No.3: What are the effects of drug addiction?

Ans: Permanent mental and physical sickness are the main effects of drug addiction.

Q.No.4: What are the effects of drug addiction?

Ans: Drug addiction has many bgad effects. It causes permanent mental and physical

sickness. It makes the people weak and dependant.

Translate the following paragraphs into urdu.

1. Rehabilitation centres are the best places for the recovery process of the addicts.

Complete medical support and guidance is provided to these people in these centres. Drug

abusers, therefore, must be taken to proper and certified rehabilitation centres where proper

treatment and cure is available for them.

          

   
        
2. Drug addiction is really a very serious threat to any society. In Pakistan alone, there

are almost five million drug addicts. Addicts undergo numerous economic, social and health


         

     
3. Addicts undergo numerous economic, social and he alth problems. The

governments all over the world have been trying to eliminate drug addiction from society but still

more efforts are needed to completely wipe it out.

                 

    
 
MH Group of School 14 English Notes: 9th

Chapter No. 11

Answers of Short Questions.

Q.No.1: How do you define noise pollution?

Ans: Noise pollutionis defined as any form of noise that disrupts the normal function of


Q.No.2: How is transport a source of noise pollution?

Ans: Noise coming from different means of transportation is a major source of noise

pollution. Excessive noise and unwarranted honking by drivers are the major cause of noise

pollution of transportation.

Q.No.3: Why is noise dangerous for human health? (Noise in the Environment)

Ans: Noise pollution can cause aggression, hypertension, stress, hearing loss,

restlessness, depression and sleeplessness. That is why, it is dangerous for human health.

Q.No.4: How can we cope with the serious issue of noise pollution?

Ans: We can cope with this serious issue by developing more awareness about the

dangerous impacts of noise pollution on human health and by showing the responsible attitude.

Translate the following paragraph into urdu.

1. Noise pollution is a serious issue and needs more attention at local and state level.

People must develop more awareness about the dangerous impact of noise on human health. It

is, therefore, a need to acquire more civic sense and responsible attitude to avoid the

unnecessary use of this irritant in the environment.

                 
                       
 
2. In Pakistan, there is a dire need to bring down the noise level coming from different

sources. The government must gear up and utilize various means to control unwarranted noise


    
      
    
MH Group of School 15 English Notes: 9th

Chapter No. 12

Answers of Short Questions.

Q.No.1: Who was Hellen Keller?

Ans: Hellen Keller was born in U.S.A. At the age of 19 months, she became blind and

deaf. She continued to study and graduated herself. She overcame her infirmity and wrote books.

She was not discouraged by her weakness. She became famous.

Q.No.2: What makes you feel that the author of the story "Three Days to See" is sad

and depressed?

Ans: The author is sad and depressed that the people with sight can see so little. She is

blind, even so she can see better than people with sight.

Q.No.3: How do you get an impression that Hellen Keller was a great admirer of


Ans: Hellen Keller was a great admirer of Nature. We get this impression when she

admires the rising sun and the pageant of seasons and trees.

Q.No.4: Explain the difference between facilities and opportunities. (Three Days to


Ans: The difference between facilities and opportunity is that facilities mean relaxations

given to a person and opportunities mean a time given to a person to prove himself.

Translate the following paragraphs into urdu.

1. This day I should devote to a hasty glimpse of the world, past and present. I should

want to see the pageant of man's progress, the kaleidoscopic of the ages. How can so much be

compressed into one day? Through the museums, of course?

             

               
2. Perhaps I can best illustrate by imagining what I should most like to see if I was

given the use of my eyes, say for just three days. On the first day, I should want most to see the

people whose kindness, gentleness and companionship have made my life worth-living.

       

        
MH Group of School 16 English Notes: 9th
 
  
        
3. Sometimes, I have thought that it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if

we die tomorrow. Such an attitude would emphasize sharply the values of life. We should live

each day with gentleness, vigour, and a keenness of appreciation which is often lost when time

stretches before us in the constant panorama of more days and months and years to come.

            

        
           
          
 
   
4. If I were the president of a university, I would set up a course called "How t Use

Your Eyes". the professor would try to show his pupils how they could add joy to their lives by

really seeing what passes unnoticed before them. He would try to awaken their dormant and

sluggish faculties.

 
         
        
   
   

1. Write a letter to your mother about the test you have just taken.

Examination Hall,

City, A.B.C,

September 19, 2022.

My dear Mother,

Assalam-o-Alaikum! I am a bit late to reply you. I had been taking home test of the

school. It finished two days ago. I have made up my deficiency in English and I have improved

my math. The result for the test will be given within a week. I will convey it to you the next week.

I hope to get good marks in all subjects. I need your good wishes all the time.

Kindly look after your health.

Love to all at home.

Your loving son,

MH Group of School 17 English Notes: 9th
2. Write a letter to your sister congratulating her on her success in exams.

Examination Hall,

City, A.B.C,

September 19, 2022.

Dear Sister,

Assalam-o-Alaikum! Brother Aqib told me on phone about your excellent result. It is

a happy news for me. I am very happy to know that you stood first in final examination of the 9th

class. It is really a matter of pride for me. I was expecting this. It is all due to your hard work and

prayers of your elders.

Please accept my cordial congratulations on your enviable success.

Yours sincerely,


3. Write a letter to your friend requesting him/her to spend his/her spring holidays with


Examination Hall,

City, A.B.C,

September 19, 2022.

Dear Friend,

Assalam-o-Alaikum! You know well that the annual examination will end very soon. I

am also taking the annual test. My result will be declared on March 31, 2023. After which the

spring holidays will start. You will also be tiring of the continuous study and wishing to have a

change to refresh yourself.

I request you to spend your holidays with us. We shall have long walk and talk

together. We shall also visit Murree. This is all to refresh us after which we will be ready to study

afresh with new zeal and vigour. I hope you will accept my invitation and visit us.

Regards and love to all at home.

Yours truly,


4. Write a letter to your friend requesting him/her to lend you some books.

Examination Hall,

City, A.B.C,
MH Group of School 18 English Notes: 9th
September 19, 2022.

My dear Friend,

Assalam-o-Alaikum! My examination is over and I have not much to do these days. I

am thinking of improving my English. You talked once about your fine collection of English novels

and plays. I want to borrow a few novels from you. I hope that you will not refuse. I assure you

that I shall take care of your books. I shall try to return these books as early as possible.

pay my compliments to your parents.

Your sincerely,


5. Write a letter to your father requesting him to send you some extra funds for payment

of hostel dues.

Examination Hall,

City, A.B.C,

September 19, 2022.

My dear Father,

Assalam-o-Alaikum! You will be happy to know that I stood first in my class. I got

750 marks. I gave a party to my class-fellows and teachers in this respect. I bought some books,

notebooks and a wrist-watch. They have emptied my pocket. Now, I have run short of money. I

shall be grateful if you send me two thousand rupees for the payment of hostel dues.

Pay my regards to all at home.

Yours affectionately,


6. Write a letter to your mother who is worried about your health.

Examination Hall,

City, A.B.C,

September 19, 2022.

Dear Mother,

Assalam-o-Alaikum! I received your letter yesterday. I am glad to know that you are

fine. I was running a temperature due to bad throat. But it was a temporary ailment. I have

recovered now.

You need not worry about my health. I am perfectly all right. I am taking good care
MH Group of School 19 English Notes: 9th
of my diet, and I take exercise regularly. I hope that after these assurances you will stop worrying

about my health.

Pay my regards to all at home.

Yours affectionately,


7. Write a letter to your father asking him about the health of your mother.

Examination Hall,

City, A.B.C,

September 19, 2022.

Dear Father,

Assalam-o-Alaikum! From Ali's letter, I have come to know that mother is suffering

from high blood pressure. I am really worried about her. I hope that she is taking precautionary

measures to bring it to normal. Please ask her to take her medicine regularly and inform me

about her present condition as early as possible.

Anxiously waiting for your reply.

Yours affectionately,


8. Write a letter to your friend congratulating him/her on the marriage of his/her sister.

Examination Hall,

City, A.B.C,

September 19, 2022.

My dear Friend,

Assalam-o-Alaikum! I am very pleased to learn about the marriage ceremony of

your sister. Accept my heartiest congratulation on this occasion.

I have received your invitation card but I do not think I will be able to attend the

ceremony as I will be busy in my exams. I really feel sorry for that.

Convey my congratulations and my best wishes to all the members of your family.

Yours sincerely,


MH Group of School 20 English Notes: 9th
Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions give at the

Passage 1. One day a girl found a coin. It rolled away before her broom shen she was sweeping
the yard, and fell with a little clatter against the wall. She ran and picked it up. Someone had

dropped it while crossing the yeard and perhaps had not even troubled to look for it. It was worth

little. But it seemed a whole fortune to her, who never had anytime of her own before. She rubbed

it clean on the sleeve of her blue cotton jacket and put it into her pocket.

Q1. What did the girl find?

Ans: The girl found a coin.

Q2. When did she find it?

Ans: She found it when she was sweeping the yard.

Q3. How had the coin been dropped there?

Ans: Someone had dropped the coin while crossing the yard.

Q4. What was the worth of the coin?

Ans: The coin was worth little.

Q5. Why was it a whole furtune for her?

Ans: She had never a coin of her own. So it was a whole fortune for her.

Passage 2. There was once a man whose doctor gave him medicine which was quite black. His
servant who was illiterate made a mistake and pured out a dose of ink in place of the drug. He

gave it to his master who drank it. After the patient had taken the dose of ink, the servant

somehow realized his mistake. He ran back to his master and said, "Sir, I have given you a dose

of ink instead of the medicine as both were equally black. What should be done now?" The

master replied softly, "Now give me a piece of blotting paper to swallow."

Q1. What was the colour of the medicine?

Ans: The colour of the medicine was quite black.

Q2. What did the servant give to his master?

Ans: The servant gave to his master a dose of ink in place of drug.

Q3. When did the servant come to know of his mistake?

Ans: After the patient had taken the dose of ink, the servant somehow realized his mistake.

Q4. What did the servant do?

MH Group of School 21 English Notes: 9th
Ans: The servant ran back to his master and said, "Sir, I have given you a dose of ink instread of

the medicine as both were equally black. What should be done now?"

Q5. What did the master say to his servant?

Ans: The master said to his servant, "Now give me a piece of blotting paper to swallow."

Passage 3. Once a stag was drinking at a stream. he happened to see his reflection in the
water. He was pleased to see his beautiful horns, but when he saw his thin legs he felt sad as he

thought they were ugly. Suddenly, he saw a pack of hounds at a distance. He ran as fast as his

legs could help him. Soon he left the hounds far behind. He had to pass through a thick forest of

bushes. His horns were caught up in a bush. He tried hard to pull his horns out of it but all in vain.

By now the hounds had come up. They fell upon him and tore him to pieces.

Q1. What was the stag doing?

Ans: The stag was drinking water.

Q2. What did he see in the water?

Ans: He saw his reflection in the water.

Q3. Why was he pleased?

Ans: He was pleased to see his beautiful horns.

Q4. What made him sad?

Ans: His thin legs made hims sad.

Q5. Why did he run?

Ans: He ran for his life.

Passage 4. For three years, the master and all his relatives lived in this valley. Many of the
Muslims too joined them. All supplies to the valley were cut off. The Makkans saw to it that no

food or drink reached the Banu Hashim. The poor Banu Hashim had to live on the leaves and

roots of trees and bushes. The condition of children was particularly pitiable. At last, some

kind-hearted Makkans took pity on Banu Hashim. They tore to pieces the agreement hanging in

the Kaaba. The hunger-stricken Banu Hashim were thus able to come back to their homes.

Q1. Who lived for three years int eh valley?

Ans: The master and all his relatives lived for three years in that valley.

Q2. Who joined the master and his relatives?

Ans: Many of the Muslims joined the master and his relatives.
MH Group of School 22 English Notes: 9th
Q3. What did the Makkans do?

Ans: They tore the pieces of agreement hanging in the Kaaba.

Q4. What was the condition of the children?

Ans: The condition of the children was pitiable.

Q5. Who took pity on the Banu Hashim?

Ans: Some kind-hearted Makkans took pity on the Banu Hashim.

Passage 5. Musa was Commander-in-Chief, and teh gates were in his charge. They had been
barred when the Christians came in view, but Musa threw them open. "Our bodies", he said, "will

bar teh gates". The young men were kindled by such words, and when he told them, "We have

nothing to fight for but the ground we stand on; and without that we are without a home or a

country", they were ready to die with him. With such a leader, the Moorish cavaliers performed

feats of bravery in the plain which divided the camp from the city.

Q1. Who was the chief commander and what was in his charge?

Ans: Musa was the chief commander and incharge of the gates.

Q2. When were the gates barred?

Ans: The gates were barred when the Christians came in vew.

Q3. Who threw them open?

Ans: Musa threw them open.

Q4. What did Musa say?

Ans: He said, "Our bodies will bar the gates. We have nothing to fight for but the ground we

stand on; and without that we are without a home or country."

Q5. What effect had his words on the young men?

Ans: On hearing his words, the young men were ready to die with him.

Passage 6. Making pottery on the potter's wheel is called "throwing". The thrower is a very
skilful workman. But there is another method of shapping articles out of clay, 'moulding'. A plaster

mould is made and the clay is pressed into it. This is a quicker and less difficult way and must be

used to make things like handles; but all the most beautiful pottery is thrown. When a piece of

pottery is taken off the wheel, it is put aside to dry, after which a design may be painted on it with

special colours that will stand great heat; it is then ready to be fired. This is done in a large oven

or kiln. The pieces of pottery are placed in earthenware tubs called 'saggers' so that the flames
MH Group of School 23 English Notes: 9th
cannot touch the potery.

Q1. What is 'throwing'?

Ans: "Throwing" is making pottery on the potter's wheel.

Q2. What is the other method of shaping articles?

Ans: The other method of shaping teh articles is moulding.

Q3. What is the advantage of 'moulding'?

Ans: It is a quicker and easy method of making things.

Q4. How does the potter make designs on the pieces of pottery?

Ans: The potter paints designs on pots with special colours.

Q5. How are the pieces of pottery baked in fire?

Ans: The pieces of pottery are baked in a alrge oven or kiln. They are put in earthenware tubes

called "the sagers".


Use the following words/ phrases/ idioms in your sentences.

Conquest: The conquest of Sindh was done by Muhammad bin Qasim.

Influential: Media coverage is very influential at people.

Alleviate: Her nice attitude alleviated my worries.

Fit of fury: He gave her a slap in a fit of fury.

Responsible: Who is responsible for this loss?

Across: We saw them walking across the street.

Construct: She is capable of constructing a grammatical sentence.

Impressive: She is an impressive writer.

Miserable: He had faced miserable financial conditions in teh last year.

Adorn with: On Pakistan Day, the roads were adorned with lights and beautiful flowers.

Instead of: Instread of my son, I sent my brother for the business dealing.

Demolish: The old building will be demolished on the next Sunday.

Enclosed: I enclosed the receipt in teh letter.

Eliminate: He was eliminated before he got to the finals.

Meditation: She spent the morning in calm breathing and meditation.

Dignity: The mayor thhinks that it is beneath his dignity to wait someone.
MH Group of School 24 English Notes: 9th
Entertain: He entertained us with jokes in the party.

Solitude: We cannot live a happy life in solitude.

Accustomed to: I am not accustomed to being treated like this.

Along with: He will go along with you in that meeting.

Generosity: Because of your generosity, a deserving student can go to the college.

Ignorance: Government of Pakistan is fighting against poverty and ignorance.

Sacrifice: A patriot sacrifices his life for his country.

Refuge: Teachings of the Holy Prophet   is our first and last refuge.
Fall a prey: He fell a prey to H.I.V, and died.

Impressive: Her reply was very impressive.

Surprise: he was surprised to see me.

Motherland: Pakistan is my beloved motherland.

Man in the street: The man in the street cannot understand Pakistani politics.

Reveal the secret: If you reveal the secret, no one will hide it.

Click away: On internet, every country is a click away.

State: After the accident, I found him in a state of shock.

Bits and pieces: I keep my sewing bits and pieces in that cupboard.

Invasion: The spirit of patriotism makes people alert int he wake of foreign invasion.

Century: The sixth century saw a good change of religion.

Quietly: He opened the door and spoke quietly to someone.

Geared up: Students are geared up for the tutorial day.

Chaos: The country is in chaos right now.

Majesty: Now, your Majesty, what would you like to do today?

Gradually: His powers of speech returned gradually.

Care: She takes care of her children.

Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation centres are the best places for the recovery process of the


Immense: We take immense pride inour religion.

Keep an eye: We should keep an eye on our enemy.

Nationalism: We are not believers of nationalism but Islamic brotherhood.

Spacious: Almost all of the guests were able to fit into the spacious living room.
MH Group of School 25 English Notes: 9th
Resolute: The players were resolute to win the competition.

Delegation: Our headmaster welcomed the delegation.

Pass through: One has to pass through many difficulties to reach his goal.

Dexterously: He fought dexterously and won the match too quickly.

Migration: The migration of Hazrat Muhammad   from Makkah to Madina is a great event
of Islamic history.

Sluggish: The economic recovery has so far been sluggish.

Influence: The article will influence public perception and build awareness of disability issues.

Gaze: He stopped and gazed up at his face.

Mellow: She did not fight with her because she was in mellow mood.

Panorama: During the climb, the marvelous panorama of Rakaposhi peaks steadily widens.

Curative: They spent too much on curative medicine and too little on preventive medicine.

Relapse: She stayed out of trouble for a long time, but then she relapsed into her old ways.

Jocund: Their hearts were jocund and sublime.


Translate the following sentences into English

There were mango trees in our garden.    
We read newspaper daily.    
Is the baby sleeping?  
The students raised slogans.   
The people had been extinguishing the fire for two hours.   
Were all the questions difficult?  
The rainy season has started.  
I am not wasting the time.  
 
It is drizzling.  
Pakistan is my beautiful country.     
The tea was hot.  
He will come to see me.  
Who is there on the roof?  
Where are the people dancing?  
MH Group of School 26 English Notes: 9th
The clock has struck four.   
You did not keep your promise.   
Was he taking part in the sports? 
The birds were caught.  
He shall pay the fine.      
We shall have taken rest.   
it is very hot today.   
He does not take exercise regularly.  
Has water frozen in the lake?    
You had been preparing the speech for five days.    
The teacher will be teaching English to the class.     
This poem will be translated.    
The result was not declared in time.   
  
All the candidates had come to examination hall before it    
started.  
The doctor advises the patient to take rest.     
The guest of honour has distributed the prizes.   
Did you reach home safe and sound?  
Why was the police dispersing the procession? 
The enemy will not win the war.  
Who will have thrown a stone at the vehicle?  
Is the shopkeeper overcharging from the customer?         
Lahore is famous for its gardens.  
These women have no ornaments.   
Smoke is rising from the hearth.  
The noble woman brought up the orphan child.  
He will have been making lame excuses since yesterday.    
The guest of honour will be distributing the prizes.   
The players have been playing football since 4 o'clock.    
Is it hailing?    
Why do these students waste time?  
 
MH Group of School 27 English Notes: 9th
Pakistan is progressing by leaps and bounds.     
Who knocked at the door?    
You had been writing the essay for three days. 
When will the stars be shining?  
They will go for a walk in the morning.  
The gardener will not have been plucking flowers since morning.   
We do not run this factory.     
When has your friend married?   
  
The grandmother told us a strange story.     
My brother will give me gifts.   
The farmer will have been ploughing for four days.    
No tree was cut down from the jungle.      
When will you vacate the house? 
The boys had plucked the flowers before the sun rose.   
Why dows he spend more than his income?      
We have been waiting for you for several hours.      
I did not make fun of him.       
We had already heard this news.  
It had been raining for two days.    
Your application is being under consideration.      
Fee is not being collected here.   
We do not like boxing.     
The Court has decided in my favour.   
He had been writing the letter for an hour.   
The doctor has been examiniing the patient for ten minutes.   
We did not visit all the historical places.       
The rich man will help the poor.  
They will have completed their work.    
Had the patient been died before starting the treatment?  
The property was divided among all the brothers.    
We boarded the train.    
MH Group of School 28 English Notes: 9th
The students told the lesson.   
He has not been taken into custody.   
Fields are being levelled.    
I am given a prize.    
Have you finished the work?    
The sun has not set in.   
He does not hate anyone.   
You looked after my brother.     
He will come to see me.  
The patient has been crying for ten days.   
The fishermen are catching fish.  
There was a lion in the cage.  

Change the voice of the followings: (Active/Passive voice)

We use milk for making cheese. Milk is used for making cheese by us.

The driver opened the door of the car. The door of the car was opened by the driver.

The boy is climbing the wall. The wall is being climbed by the boy.

We shall have killed the snake. The snake will have been killed by us.

Why did she write such a letter? Why was such a letter written by her?

Girls will sing songs. Songs will be sung by the girls.

We do not run this factory. This factory is not run by us.

Have you finished your work? Has your work been finished by you?

You were telling a story. A story was being told by you.

Milk is given by the goat. The goat gives milk.

The picture is made by the boy. The boy makes the picture.

They had gained nothing. Nothing had been gained by them.

We shall have killed the snake. The snake will have been killed by us.

They caught the thief. The thief was caught by them.

The teacher was helping the students. The students were being helped by the teacher.

The children are loved by the mother. The mother loves the children.
MH Group of School 29 English Notes: 9th
He had told me to do it. I had been told by him to do it.

He will write a letter. A letter will be written by him.

They are buying this house. This house is being bought by them.

She has not beaten the dog. The dog has not been beaten by her.

She was teaching the students. The students were being taught by her.

I was given five films by her. She gave me five films.

Nothing had been gained by them. They had gained nothing.

They have bought a horse. A horse has been bought by them.

The mother loves the children. The children are loved by the mother.

She gave me five films. I was given five films by her.

We shall have killed the snake. The snake will have been killed by us.

The dog has not been beaten by her. She has not beathen the dog.

This house is being bought by them. They are buying this house.

The picture is made by the boy. The boy makes the picture.

She gave me two films. I was given two films by her.

She was teaching the students. The students were being taught by her.

Nothing had been gained by them. They had gained nothing.

She will write a letter. A letter will be written by her.

Naushaba is helped by Khurshid. Khurshid helps Naushaba.

The students were being taught by her. She was teaching the students.

Why were they beating the boy? Why was the boy being beaten by them?

The sudden noise frightened the child. The child was frightened by the sudden noise.

She likes apples. Apples are liked by her.

He took away my books. My books were taken away by him.

Why was such a letter written by her? Why did she write such a letter?

A letter will be written by him. He will write a letter.

He will give you a gox of chocolate. You will be given a gox of chocolate by him.

He took away my books. My books were taken away by him.

We shall have finished our work by March Our work will have been finished by us by March

next. next.

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