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a game of domestic ghosts

by a grumpy critter
When I lived here...
You once lived here. Maybe it was a place of refuge, maybe one of torment, maybe it was just
one of the many places you passed through, but something about this house hooked you, so that
you lingered even after death. You are ghost that haunts this place, sending a fragment of your
memory across the gulf that separates the dead from the living.

Wha o'l eed How to play

- 4-6 playe Each player takes a turn writing a short passage recollecting something about their life in the house. The first player
-  6-side die represents the oldest ghost in the house. They write their passage at the top of a sheet of paper and then mail it to the
- pae an en next player with an extra stamp. That player writes the rememberance of the next ghost, and so on. The final player
- 2 stamp e player writes their remembrance and mails copies of the finished game to all the other players using each player's spare stamp.
Alternatively, the finished game may be sent back to the previous player, who then sends it back to the player before
- eneloes them, and so on.
Promp lis To write your passage, roll your die against the prompt list options. Then roll again to select a prompt from the list you
options rolled. Alternatively, select a prompt that inspires you.

- 1-2: Sorrow There's no specific length required for your message. It may be as short as a single sentence. It can be several sentences. It
shouldn't be too long, however. Your incorporeal existence, such as it is, isn't conducive to long‐windedness.
- 3-4:  eteen
- 5-6: oy Each player may incorporate anything (or nothing) from the narratives of previous ghosts.

Sorrow Joy
1. How did it all start to go so wrong? 1. What is your favorite architectural feature of the house? What
2. Where was the one part of the house or grounds you refused to does it always make you think about?
use? Why? 2. What is your favorite memory of the house?
3. What did you regret most during your time here? 3. How did your time in the house make you a be er person?
4. What did you long for more than anything else? Why didn't you get 4. Where did you like to spend your time in the house or grounds?
it? What made it so special?
5. Who made you hate this place? What did they do? 5. Who made you love this place? How?
6. What did you realize only when it was too late? 6. What were you thankful you learned in the house?

In between
1. What was something that you were never able to quite fix about the house?
2. Which neighbor always annoyed you? Why?
3. Which neighbor did you especially like? Why?
4. What major change did you make to the house or the grounds?
5. What major national or world event happened while you lived here? What were you doing when you heard?
6. What major life event happened to you, a friend, or a family member while you lived here? How did it change things around the house?

Copyright 2020. Released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 International. Fonts: Reey, Indie Flower, Over the Rainbow, odstemplik, Journal,
Caroni. Written for the #SaveThePost game jam.

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