JD - Knowledge Analyst

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Position: Knowledge Analyst

Manage and coordinate the collation capture and sharing of Benchmarks (market, technical,
cost-related…); Relevant Market Slides (competitive landscape, products descriptions…);
anonymized BP datapoints of ADL’s TIME: PE & Infrastructure Team

 Work with case teams and senior practice affiliates to understand work and solicit most
relevant content
 Capture and process knowledge onto ADL’s intranet platform from case efforts
 Manage metadata to facilitate user searching
 Respond to requests by identifying existing knowledge and relevant content, or by
customizing materials, to support client selling and serving activities

Skills Required

 Organized and focused on delivering tasks within defined deadlines

 Strong analytical skills and logical reasoning ability
 Strong business acumen and financial knowledge
 Proficiency in creating charts, graphs and presentations
 Strong communication and interpersonal skills


 Graduate degree from a Tier 1/2 college, MBA (preferred)

 2-3 years of Secondary Research experience in a Consulting/KPO setup
 Experienced in managing a wide range of qualitative and quantitative research in more
than one industry

About the company

Arthur D. Little is the first management consulting firm in the world. While we have invented
management consulting, we have very much remained focused on innovation, and believe
the current times are extremely exciting, as we are entering an era in which success will be
predicated on creativity. Our culture, our people, and the way we operate are geared
towards excellence in delivering value to our clients when it comes to Anticipate, Innovate,
and Transform. Today, Arthur D. Little continues to provide ground-breaking thought
leadership, including notably through Prism, its biannual journal that touches on emerging
industry trends, strategic thinking, and operational excellence. Our firm’s deep industry
knowledge, linked to our strong expertise in strategy, innovation, and transformation, helps
us solve our clients’ most complex business issues while delivering sustainable results to
their businesses. We are not fond of replicable solutions, as we recognize that each client’s
problem is unique to its industry, its internal culture and organization, and its DNA. Our
clients recognize this value and seek us out when faced with new, uncharted challenges. We
continue to expand our presence and take on projects that enrich our professionals; the next
100 years of Arthur D. Little will be just as exciting as its first century!
Our culture Smart Professionals can differentiate Arthur D. Little from the competition. Being
the First Management Consultancy in the world gave us the privilege to work with A-class
clients from different industries such as Energy & Utilities, Engineering, Telecom, Travel and
Transportation and Health Care. Our clients value us for both our out-of-the-box thinking and
the stringent intellectual rigor we adhere to. Thanks to the exceptional and talented people,
we have on board: their unique blend of entrepreneurship, enthusiasm and a good sense of
humor make them both inspiring and fun to work with.

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