Regulation MB ,,: A Complete MCQ On Coal Mines Regulations, 2017 With Up-To-Date DGMS Circulars

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", B MB ;~
k ,
t~, A Complete MCQ on .

f~ii , Coal Mines Regulations, 2017

/!iWith Up-to-date DGMS Circulars

1716 Multiple choice questions (MCQ)
and_- answer

Useful for
• DGMS First Class i xamination
• DGMS Second Class Examination
• MT/GET of CIL, SCCL, NLC India
• Overman Exam and Mining Sirdar Exam


Dy. Manager (CMPDIL Dhanbad)
B.E (Mining Engg.), Gold Medalist
M. Tech (Mining Engg.) (IIT Kharagpur)
First Class Manager's Certificate (Coal)

@hapter No 11 Name I IPage No.I

Chapter I Preliminary 1 - 13
Chapter II Returns, notices and records 14 - 38
Chapter Ill Examination and certificate of competency and
of fitness 39- 61
Chapter IV Inspectors and mine officials 62 - 81
ChapterV Duties and responsibilities of mine management,
contractors, manufacturers, officials, competent
persons and workmen 82 - 103
Chapter VI Plans & sections 104 - 122
Chapter VII Means of access and egress 123 - 129
Chapter VI 11 Winding in shafts 130 - 161
Chapter IX Haulage 162 - 183
Chapter X Mine working 184 - 239
Chapter XI Precautions against dangers from fire, dust, gas
and water 240 - 288

Chapter XII Ventilation 289 - 309

Chapter XI 11 Lighting and safety lamps 310 - 320

Chapter XIV Explosives and shotfiring 321 - 346
Chapter XV Machinery, plant and equipment 347 - 366
Chapter XVI Extraction of methane from working coal mine
or abandoned coal mine 367 - 373
374 - 381
Chapter XVII Miscellaneous

384 - 391
Index of CMR 2017
Chapter I

1. coal mines regulations,2017 have come into force from the date ........ .
A. 27 th November 2017
B. 24th October 2017
C. 21 st September 2017
o. 18th August 2017
E. 1st November2017

2. Coal mines regulation, 2017 is applicable to ........... .

A.All mine
B. All coal mine
C. Al\ underground mine
D. All underground coal mine
E. None of the above

3. The Coal Mines Regulations, 2017 were released by the notification of

which Ministry.................
A. Ministry of Coal
B. Ministry of Mines
C. Ministry of Human Resource Management
D. Ministry of Labour and Employment
E. None of the above

4. Assistant manager means a person possessing a Manager's Certificate

appointed in writing by the 0, A or M to assist the manager in ............ of the
mine or part thereof.
A. management
B. control
C. supervision and direction
D.AII of the above

5. Which of the following statements is true-Auxiliary fan means

A. a forcing fan used in belowground
B. a forcing fan used in aboveground
C. a booster fan used in belowground
.,_ Regulation Bomb"' Chapter_ I

D. a main mechanical ventilator

E. None of the above

6 Forcing fan or an exhausting fan used belowgrt~lutn·d wd~otll~ to·r mainly for
· . . one or more faces forming part of a ven I a mg Is ric 1s known as
A. regulatorfan
B. boosterfan
o. main mechanical ventilator
E. auxiliary fan

7 . A mechanical ventilator used belowground for imp~oving the ~h~le c~rre.nt of

air passing along the intake or return airway of a mine or ventilating district is
A. Ventilating fan
C. Boosterfan
D. Underground fan
E. None of the above

8. Booster fan means a mechanical ventilator used belowground

A. for ventilating one or more faces
B. for boosting the whole current of air of a mine or ventilating district
C. for boosting the two times the incoming air current to the ventilating district
D. for boosting the three times the incoming air current to the ventilating district
E. None of the above

9. Under Coal Mines Regulations 2017, Average output means ................ .

A. the average output per year during the preceding financial year
B. the average output per month during the preceding financial year
C. the average output peryeardurin~ the preceding three financial year
D. the average output per month during the preceding financial three year
E. None of the above

10. Committee defined under Regulation 2(1) of the CMR

2017 as .............. .
A. Means a committee appointed under the CMR, 2017
B. means appointed under section 11 of the Mines Act 195
.,. Regulation Bomb_.

c. Means a committee appointed under mines rule 1955

D. Means a co~mittee appoint~d under section 12 of the MinesAct 1952
E. means appointed under section 9 of the MinesAct 1952

11 . Minimum age for a person to be appointed as a competent person shall not

be less than
A. 21 Years
o. 18Years

12.Acompetent person means a person .............. ?

A. who has attained the age of twenty years
B. who has been duly appointed in writing by the manager as a person
competent to supervise or perform that work
c. who is responsible for the duties assigned to him
D. includes a shot firer
E.AII of the above

13. Competent person is appointed by ............ .

A. Manager
E. Owner

14. The following person is not an official but competent person-

A Assistant manager
B. Sampling In-charge
D. Shotfirer
E. mining sirdar

15. Deep hole drilling and blasting is defined as ."d~!" holes more than
........... .... meter in depth and used for opencast working .
.,. Regulation Bomb

16. Working in a mine, where work ~as _been temporarily stopped but which is
'bl d ·nclude unused working ,s called ....... ..... .
access, e an '

A. old working
B. Disused working
c. working place
D. Abandoned working
E. Discontinued working

17 ............... means such working in a mine where work has been temporarily
stopped, but which are accessible and include unused working.
A. Disused Working
B. Discontinued Working
C. Unused Working
D. Accessible Working
E. Noneofthem

18. The moving front of any working place or the inbye end of any galleryis
A. Face
B. Working place
C. Heading
E. District

19. Fiery seam means a seam in which a fire or spontaneous heating exists in
the working belowground or in open cast workings lying within the

A. 7.Smofamine
C. 45 m from a mine
D. Precincts of a mine
E. 60 m from a mine

20. Financial year of the mine means period of 12 months is ?

A.1 s1Julyto31 s1June .. ............ .
B. 1 April to 31 stMarch
..,. Regulation Bomb_.

C 1stJanuary to 31 December

o: 1st March to 28th Feb.

E. None of the above

21 _Acoal seam is said to be degree 111, ifrate of emission of gas in m3/te of coal
raised is more than ............. .

22. In third degree gassy m!ne the rate of emission of CH 4 in general body of air
is exceeds .................. m /tonne of coal produced.
E. >1 to<10

23. Coal seam or part thereof lying within the precincts of a mine not being an
open cast working in which the rate of emission of inflammable gas per tonne of
coal produced exceeds ten cubic meters is called
A. Gassy seam of the first degree
B. Gassy seam of the second degree
C. Gassy seam of the third degree
D. Fiery Seam
E. None of the above

24. General body of air means the general atmosphere in a seam but does not
include general atmosphere in ........ .. ..... .
A. Roof cavities
B. The sealed off area
C. Any borehole drilled in coal
D. BothAand B
E. Both B and C

25. As per Coal Mines Regulations 2017, the term "general body of air" does
not include the atmosphere of the following
A.'Return airways
..,. Regulation Bomb,.

a. Intake airways
c. Roof cavities
o. sealed off areas
E. None of these
26. General body of air means the general atmosphere in a seam and includes
the atmosphere in ... ••••··········
A. Roof cavities
B. The sealed off area
c.Any borehole drilled in coal
D. Both Band C
E. Both Aand C
27. Goat in relation to Bord and pillar or Longwall working means a place as
A. Coal has been extracted but not a working place
B. Coal has been extracted but still a working place
C. Coal is about to be extracted
D. People has lawful access

28. Any place in a mine to which any person has lawful access is called
A. Amine which has submitted Notice of Opening to the DGMS
B. Working Place
C. Working
D. District

29. Heavy Earth Moving Machinery (HEMM) does not include

A. Machinery used in opencast mines
B. Fordigg~ng, drilli~g, dredging, hydraulicking, ripping, dozing, grading,
excavating, loading or transporting minerals or overburden
C. hand held drills
D. drill machines capable of drilling hole of a diameter more than 50 mm
E. None of the above

30. Up to what diameter of drill hole a Drill mach.

A. More than 50mm me comes under HEMM?
. B. More than and equal to 50mm
C. Less than 50 mm
E. None of the above
,.. Regulation Bomb"' Chapter- I

31. Machinery ~eans ................... .

A portable engine
B. Boiler .
C. power storing apparatus, appliances
o.AII of the above
E. None of the above

_The failure to explode of an entire charge of explosives in a shot hole is

B. Misfire
c. Blown out shot
o. Blown through shot
E. None of the above

33. According to CMR 2017, in connection with blasting, misfire means

A. failure to connect the catridges
B. None of these
C. failure to explode the entire charge of explosives in a shot hole
D. insufficient stemming of shot holes
E. failure to ignite a detonator

34. Which of the following is incorrect regarding Overman?

A. He possesses a Manager's or Overman's Certificate
B. He possesses a Overman's Certificate only
C. He is appointed by the manager in writing, under any designation
whatsoever, to perform the duties of supervision or control in a mine or part
D. He is superior to a sirdar

35. What does CMM stands for?

A. Coal Managers Meeting ·
B. Coal Mines Management
C. Coal Mine Methane
D. Both Band C
E. Coal Mine Method

36 · Permitted explosive means

A. Explosive permitted to use in mine by Regional Inspector
r .,_ Regulation Bomb_.

B. Explosive permitted to use in mine by Chief Inspector


C. Explosive permitted to use in mine by Chief controller of explosive

D. Explosive permitted to use in mine by District magistrate

37.According to CMR 2017, The landing or platform in a shaft, and includes an

excavation there from between the top and the bottom of the shaft is called
A inset
8. banksman
C. collar
D. scaffold

38. According to CMR any place in the mine which has lawful access is called?
A Face
8. Gallery
. C. Working place
D. Working

39. Any excavation made or being made in a mine for search of or obtaining
coal is called?
A. Exploration
8. Working
C. Drilling
D. Boring

40. A person appointed to superintend the lowering and raising of ~e~on~,

tools and materials and to transmit signals at the top of a shaft or inchne 1s
called ............... ?
A. Banksman
8. Onsetter
C. Trammer
D. lnsetter

· t d to superintend the raising and

!~:r~;:~i~~~~n~~o~ita~~~:~e~i~i:~nn~ to transmit signals at any inset or
shaft bottom is called?
A. Banksman
s. Onsetter
c. Trammer
D. lnsetter
.,. Regulation Bomb_. Chapter- I

42 .A seam in which a fire or spontaneous heating exists in the workings below

ground or in open cast workings lying within the precincts of a mine is called as
A. Fiery seam
B. contiguous seam
c. Gassy seam

43. Principal official means as per CMR 2017

A. the senior-most mine official on duty in the mine
B. the senior-most mine official in mining discipline on duty in the mine
c. the senior-most mine official in mining discipline next to manager in the mine
o. the senior-most mine official in mining discipline on duty in the group of mine
or area

44. The meaning of risk as per CMR 2017 is

A. the potential to cause harm
B. Combination of likelihood of a specific unwanted event and its potential
c. Combination of likelihood of a specific unwanted event and its potential
D. Size of loss or damage

45. The combination of likelihood of a specific unwanted event and its potential
consequences is defined as ............... .
A. Risk Assessment
B. All the options
D. Accident Analysis
E. Risk Management plan

46. Socket means a

A. shot hole or part thereof remaining after being charged with explosive and
B. which is not known to be a misfired hole
C. Both the option
D. None of the above

47. Which one of the following definition is added in the New CMR 2017?
A. Manufacturer
B. Supplier
.._ Regulation Bomb_. Chapter-/

C. Designer
D.AII of the above

48. Which one of the following is not an Official?

A. Surveyor
B. Dust In-charge
C. Sampling In-charge
D. Attendance clerk

49. Dust in-charge is

A. An official
C. Supervisory staff
B. Competent person
D. None of the above

50. Any excavation made or being made in a mine for search or obtaining
coal is called
A. Boxing
B. working
C. Drilling
D. Exploration

51. In case a mine is situated partly in one district and partly in another, the
District Magistrate for the purpose of Coal Mines Regulations, 2017 shall be
the one authorized in this behalf by ............. .
A. Central Government
B. Regional Inspector of Mines (RIM)
C. State Govt Concerned
D. Chief Inspector of Mines (CIM)

52. Match the following

P. abandoned working 1. working in a mine as have been
discontinued for any reason and are
inaccessible or rendered inaccessible
but are likely to be worked again
Q. discontinued working 2. any part of workings below ground
wherefrom a pillar or part thereof, or in
the case of longwall workings, coal has
been extracted but which is not a
working place
_,. Regulation Bomb_.

R. disused working

3. working as have been abandoned

with no intention of working in future
s. goat 4. working in a mine where work has
been temporarily stopped, but which
are accessible and include unused
P. p-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1
Q. P-2, Q-1, R-4, S-3
R. P-3, Q-1, R-4, S-2
S. P-1, Q-2, R-3, S-4

53 _Match the following

-Gassiness of the Percentage of Rate of emission of inflammable
seam inflammable Qas gas _per tonne of coal produced
...P. Gassy seam of 1. exceeds 0.1 X. exceed ten cubic meters
first degree
a. Gassy seam of 2. not exceed Y. exceeds one cubic meter but
second degree 0.1 does not exceed tencubic meters
R. Gassy seam of Z. Not exceed 1cubic meter
third degree

A. P-1-X, Q-1-Y, R-2-2

B. P-2-X, Q-2-Y, R-2-X
C. P-2-Z, Q-1-Y, R-X
D. P-1-Z, Q-2-Y, R-X

54. Match the following

P. Month 1. a calendar month
a. Quarter 2. a period of three months ending on
the 31 March, 30th June, 30th Sept.
and 31 st Dec.
R. Calendar Year 3. a period of twelve months from the
1 day of April to the last day of March
of the successive year
S. Financial year 4. a year from the first day of January
to the 31st day of December
A. P-1, Q-2, R-3, S-4
B. P-1, Q-2, R-4, S-3
C. P-2, Q-1, R-4, S-3
D. P-2, Q-1, R-3, S-4

. Average material handled of any mine means
_:.,.:.....:.....:.R..::..:eg~u:..:..::la_ti...::....:on_B_o_m_b__.:___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--=C~hapter.

A. Average material (Coal and Overburden) handled per year during 3

preceding financial year
8. Average Overburden handled pe~ year during 3 pr~ceding financial Year
C. Average Coal dispatched from mines per year during 3 preceding
financial year
D. None of the above

56. The total number of regulation in CMR 2017 is

C. 258

57. Which one of the following is the new regulation added in CMR 2017 as
compared to CMR 1957
A. Safety management plan
B. Mechanised Opencast working
C. Strata control and monitoring plan
D. Workings at height
E. All of the above

58. Which one is the new chapter added in CMR 2017

A. Plans & sections
B. Machinery, plant and equipment
C. Extraction of methane from working coal mine or abandoned coal mine
D. Miscellaneous
E. Lighting and safety lamps

59. Match the following

Designation Appointed under regulation
P. Manager 1. 31
Q. Safety Officer 2.29
R. Ventilation officer 3.27
S. Shotfirer 4. 190
A. P-1, Q-3, R-2, S-4
8. P-2, Q-1, R-3, S-4
C. P-3, Q-1, R-2, S-4
D. P-3, Q-2, R-1, S-4

.,. Regulation Bomb_..
------::.----------- - - - - - - - ~C~h~ap~te~r__:_-!_
(Chapter - I Preliminary )
Qns. No. Answer Qns. No. Answer
1. A 31. D
2. B 32. B
3. D 33. C
4. D 34. B
5. A 35. C
6. E 36. 'B

7. C 37. A
8. B 38. C
9. B 39. B
10. D 40. A
11. C 41. -s {

12. E 42. A I
13. A 43. B
14. D 44. C
15. B 45. - -c
16. B 46. CY
17. A 47.
18. A 48. D
19. D 49. A
20. B 50. B
21. B 51. A
22. B 52. C
C 53. C
E 54. B
D 55. A
A 56. E
A 57. E
27. C
28. B 58.
59. D
29. C
30. A

38. Risk: Combination of likelihood of a specific unwanted event and its
potential consequences
Consequence : Size of the loss or damage
Likelihood : Chance that the hazard might occur
48. Official - Asst. manager, a ventilation officer, a safety officer, a sampling in-
charge, a dust in-charge, an overman, a sirdar, an engineer and a surveyor.

._ Regulation Bomb_.
Chapter- I/

Chapter II

1. The notice for commencement of any mining operation is given under

A. Section 12 of the Mines Act
B. Section 16 of the Mines Act
C. Section 24 of the Mines Act
D. Section 25 of the Mines Act

2. The surface plan accompanied in the notice of opening shall contains

A. Boundaries of the mine
B. the shafts or openings of the mine,
C. trijunction or revenue pillars and
D. other prominent and permanent surface features
E. All of the above

3. Notice of opening a mine shall be given to

A. Regional Inspector of Mines only
8. Chief Inspector of Mines only
C. Chief Inspector of Mines and copy thereof to the Regional Inspector
D. Regional Inspector of Mines and copy thereof to the Chief Inspector

4. If the boundary of mine is changed a plan showing the new boundary

shall be submitted within ................. ?
A. 7 days
B. 15 days
C. 30 days
D. 3 months

5. Notice of commencement of any mining operation shall be submitted in

the form specified by the Chief Inspector and accompanied by ........... :........ .
A. copy of Surface plan under Reg 65. 1(a)
8. copy of Ventilation Reg 65. 1(b)
C. copy of Safety management plan under Reg 104.
D. Options A& C
E. Options B & C

-t Regulation Bomb_. Chapter- II

_Notice of opening a mine shall be accompanied by

A. surface Plan
B. safety management Plan
c. Both Safety Management Plan and Surface Plan
o. Manpower Plan
7. The CMR 2017 came into force from the date of its publication in the
official Gazette i.e. 27.11.2017. A mine has already been opened on dated
18.10.2017, the plan under the Regulation 3(2)(a) of The CMR shall be
submitted on or before .............. ..
A within 60 days from 27.11.2017
s. within one year of coming into force of these regulations
c. within 60 days from 18.10.2017
o. within 30 days from 18.10.17
E. within 30 days from 27.11.2017

8. If a mine has already been opened, the plans required to be submitted

under regulation 3(2) (a) shall be submitted within .. ............ days of coming
into force of the CMR, 2017, to Regional Inspector?
A 90 days
B. 120 days
C. 180 days
D; 30 days
E. 60 days

9. Notice of opening is given in the form ................. .

A. Form 1-A
B. Form 1-B
C. Form 1-C
D. Form 1-D

10. Notice of commencement of any mining operation shall be given so as to

reach the persons concerned at least ............... months before
commencement of mining operations
A. 3
B. 1
C. 6
D. 2

.,. Regulation Bomb_.

11. When a mine has been opened, the owner, agent or manager shall

forthwith communicate the actual date of opening to

A. Regional Inspector of Mines only
B. Chief Inspector of Mines only
C. Chief Inspector of Mines and Regional Inspector
D. ChieflnspectorofMinesand Regional Inspector and District Magistrate.

12. When a mine has been opened the 0, A or M shall

communicate the actual date of opening to Cl, RI & DM. ···················
A. Within 7 days
B. within 15 days
C. Forthwith
D. After 3 days.

13 .. In the case of a mine which is situated partly in one district and partly in
another, the district magistrate for the purpose of these regulations shall be
A. Both District magistrate
B. District magistrate in which largest part of the mine falls
C. District magistrate authorised by the DGMS
D. District magistrate authorised by the Central government

14. The owner, agent or manager shall submit annual reports to CIM, RIM
and DM and on or before ............... of every year?
A. 1 January
B. 1 February
C. 1 March
D. 1stApril

15. The annual returns shall be submitted as per CMR 2017 by owner,
agent or manager on or before ................ of every year.
A. 20th February
B. 1st January
C. 1stApril
D. 1st February

16. The owner or manager shall submit annual reports to District Magistrate
and Chief Inspector on or before ............... of every year?
A. 1st Feb

._ Regu=/a~tio_n_B_o_m_b__._ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~C~h~a~pt~er~-~/1~
a. 14th March
c. 20th may
o. 14th Jan
E. 20th Feb

17 _The owner, agent or manager shall submit every year annual reports to
A. CIM and RIM
B. OM and CIM
c. DM and CIM, RIM
D. OM and CIM or RIM

18. Annual Return shall be submitted to

A. The Chief Inspector and District Magistrate
B. Regional Inspector of Mines
c. Chief Inspector & Regional Inspector
o. Chief Inspector, Regional Inspector & District Magistrate
E. The Chief Inspector of Mines

19. The annual return submitted by 0, A or M shall contains details of

A. Manpower
B. Production
C. Machinery and Equipment
D. All of the above

20. Notice of annual return is submitted in the form .............. .

A. Form 2A
B. Form 28
C. Form 3
D. Form 48

21. If a mine is abandoned or closed or working thereof is discontinued over

a period exceeding 60 days if a change occurs in the owner of mine the
annual returns shall be submitted within ................ days abandonment or
closure or change of ownership or within ............... days of
A. 30: 90
B. 60: 90
C. 30: 60
D. 60: 120

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __:C~hapter-

22. What is the Circular No. of Shram-Suvidha - unified portal of Ministry

labour and employment? 0f

A. Circular (Gen.) 1/2015

B. Circular (Tech.) 1/2015
C. Circular (Legislation) 1/2015
D. Both A and B
E. None of these

23. In Shram-Suvidha - unified portal of Ministry of labour and employment

Annual return of coal mine for preceding year, the following part of return '
shall be submitted
A. PART-A : The Coal Mines Regulations, 1957
B. PART-B : The Mines Rules, 1955
C. PART-C : Mines Vocational Training Ruies, 1966
D. All of the above

24. When it is intended to abandon a mine or seam or to discontinue

working thereof for a period exceeding 60 days the owner or manager shall
give notice not less than ............... before such abandonment or
A. 15 days
B. 30 days
C. 40 days
D. 60 days
E. 90 days

25. Notice of abandonment shall be given when it is intended to abandon

the mine for a period exceeding ............ days
E. 10

26. If a mine/working is intended to abandon /discontinue for a. p~riod

exceeding 60 days, the notice shall be submitted to the CIM within
............... days


-t Regulation Bomb_.

8. 90 days
C. 60 days
o. 40 days
E. 30 days

27 _When a ~ine or seam ha~ been aba_ndoned or the working thereof has
been discontinue~ ove~ a_period exceeding 60 days the owner, agent or
manager give notice within ........ .......... days of the abandonment or
A. 7 days
B. 15 days
c. 30 days
o. 40 days

28. Notice of abandonment, closure or discontinuance of a mine shall be

submitted not less than 30 days before such abandonment or
discontinuance, when
A. it is intended to abandon or close a mine or seam or to discontinue
working thereof for period exceeding 7 days
B. it is intended to abandon or close a mine or seam or to discontinue
working thereof for period exceeding 30 days
C. it is intended to abandon or close a mine or seam or to discontinue
working thereof for period exceeding 60 days
D. it is intended to abandon or close a mine or seam or to discontinue
working thereof for period exceeding 120 days
E. none of the options

29. Notice of abandonment shall be given to the following authorities

A. CIM only
B. RIM only
C. OM only
D. To all the above

30. On account of unforeseen circumstances, if a mine is abandoned,

closed or discontinued before a Notice has been given, or without previous
intention discontinuance extends to beyond a period of 60 days, the notice
shall be given .................. .
A. Within 15 days
B. Within 30 days

._ Regulation Bomb_.

C. None of the options

D. within ?days
E. forthwith

31. Person who is responsible to send Notice of abandonment to CIM

copies of up to date plan and section of mine workings is '
A. Owner
B. Agent
C. Manager
D.Aor B
E.A, Bore

32. Notice of closure, abandonment is submitted in the form

A. Form 1-A
B. Form 1-B
C. Form 1-C
D. Form 1-D

33. Notice of discon_tinuance is submitted in the form

A. Form 1-A
B. Form 1-B
C. Form 1-C
D. Form 1-D

34. When it is intended to reopen a mine or seam after abandonment or

after discontinuance for a period exceeding 60 days, the owner or manager
not less than before resumption of mining operations give to the CIM, RIM,
A. 7 days
B. 15 days
C. 30 days
D. 40 days

35. The notice of reopening of a coal mine shall be given to

A. Chief Inspector, Regional Inspector & District Mining officer
B. Chief Inspector, Regional Inspector, District Magistrate
C. Chief Inspector, Regional Inspector, Chief of Pollution Control Board.
D. Chief Inspector, Regional Inspector, Controller, IBM
E. None of these
..,. Regulation Bomb_..

36 . When a mine has been reopened, the owner, agent or manager of the

mine shall forthwith communicate the actual date of the reopening to

A: ·ch·i~f .l.nspector, Regional Inspector & District Mining officer

B. Chief Inspector, Regional Inspector, District Magistrate
c. Chief Inspector and Regional Inspector
D. Chief Inspector of mines

37. Notice of reopening a mine is submitted in the form

A. Form 1-A
B. Form 1-B
c. Form 1-C
D. Form 1-D

38. When a change occurs in the name or ownership of mine or the

address of the owner; the owner or manager shall within ............... from
the date of change give to the Chief Inspector and Regional Inspector?
A. 7 days
8. 15 days
C. 30 days
D. 40 days
E. 60 days

39. The change of ownership and address of mine shall be submitted of

CIM and RIM within ............... days
A. 3 days
8. 7 days
C. 14 days
D. 30 days

40. When the employment of person is terminated or such person leaves

the employment the O, A or M shall give notice within ................... from
the day of such termination?
A. 7 days
B. 15 days
C. 30 days
D. 40 days

._ Regulation Bomb_. fl Chapter -

41. Notice of change of address of owner shall be submitted within

............... days to ................ & ............. ..
A. 7, CIM, RIM
B. 15, CIM, OM
C. 7, CIM, OM
0. 30, CIM, RIM

42. The statement in respect of responsibilities of the agent shall be

submitted within ................ ?
A. 7 days
B. 15 days
C. 30 days
0. 40 days
43. Notice of change in name of mine shall be submitted in form .......... .

A. 2-A
8. 2-8
C. 2-C
0. 2-D
E. 2-E

44. Notice of change of ownership of a mine shall be submitted in form ......

A. 2-A
B. 2-B
C. 2-C
0. 2-0
E. 2-E

45. Notice of change of address of owner shall be submitted in form ..........

A. 2-A
B. 2-B
C. 2-C
0. 2-0
E. 2-E

.,. Regulation Bomb_.

46 _Notice of appointment of an agent,_ manager, engineer, surveyor,

Chapter- I/

ventilation officer, safety officer, or assistant manager is given in form

····· ·········
A. 2-A
B. 2-B
C. 2-C
D. 2-D
E. 2-E

47. Notice of termination of an agent, manager, engineer, surveyor,

ventilation officer, safety officer, or assistant manager is given in ............... .
A. Form 2-A
B. Form 2-8
c. Form 2-C
D. Form 2-D
E. Form 2-E

48. Match the following form in relation to CMR 2017

Name of the Form
P. Notice of change in ownership of mine 1. Form 2-A
Q. Notice of change in address of 0, A or M
2. Form 2-E
R. Notice of change in name of mine 3. Form 2-B
S. Notice of appointment of agent manager etc. 4. Form 2-C
T. Notice of termination of agent manager etc. 5. Form 2-D

A. P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1, T-5

B. P-5, Q-1, R-4, S-3, T-2
C. P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-5, T-2
D. P-1, Q-2, R-3, S-4, T-5

49. The owner, agent or manager shall inform to RIM by telephone and shall
be give notice within ............... of such accident I occurrence?
A. 12 hours
B. 24 hours
C. 36 hours
D. 48 hours

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