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The story of the bomb threat at the high school is a clear example of how technology has

become an integral part of criminal activities. With the ever-increasing use of technology, it is
essential for law enforcement agencies to understand the intricacies of technology and its role in
crime. In this case, the technology crime investigator acted swiftly and efficiently to resolve the
situation, regarding its knowledge of compliance, law, and regulation because it prevents threats
and give justice to people received menaces.

The compliance, law, and regulation play a crucial role in ensuring that people use
technology responsibly and lawfully. In the case of the bomb threat, the perpetrator had violated
multiple laws, including making a bomb threat, disrupting public order, and endangering lives.
The technology crime investigator had to adhere to a strict set of compliance regulations to
ensure that the investigation was conducted lawfully.

Furthermore, the investigator had to comply with the regulations set by Internet Service
Providers (ISPs) to trace the email back to the computer in the school library. The use of audit
logs and surveillance tapes was also essential in proving the suspect's guilt. Compliance, law,
and regulation can also act as a deterrent for individuals who may be considering engaging in
criminal activities involving technology. Knowing that their actions are illegal and could result in
serious consequences may dissuade individuals from committing crimes in the first place.

In conclusion, it is informative and safe for individuals and organizations to understand

and comply with the laws and regulations governing technology to prevent criminal activities
such as cyberbullying, cyberstalking, and hacking. Law enforcement agencies should also be
well-equipped and trained to investigate technology-related crimes and bring the perpetrators to
justice. By adhering to these regulations, law enforcement agencies can effectively investigate
technology-related crimes and bring the perpetrators to justice, as was the case in the high school
bomb threat incident.
K. (n.d.). Cybercrime Module 2 Key Issues: Offences against the confidentiality, integrity and

availability of computer data and systems.


P.D. No. 1727. (n.d.).

Crimes of Disrupting Public Order - PART II Chapter VI Section 1 - PRC Criminal Law -

Amended by the Fifth Session of the Eighth NPC on 14 March 1997). (n.d.).

What Is Regulatory Compliance? - Definition, Plan & More | Proofpoint US. (2022, February

28). Proofpoint.

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