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Lauryn Reeves

Math 1040 Refleciton paper

I have learned a few things from this assignment, but one of the biggest

takeaways is that I could use stats in the real world more than I think. Stats are

constantly around us and we just don’t pay attention to it all the time. It would not be out

of the normal to collect data for a job, or school assignment that you are doing and have

to do tables and estimates and proportions, etc. Even in a sports game, there are stats

surrounding every player. I think that because of this project, I will now pay more

attention to stats in the real world.

This assignment also helped me with my problem-solving skills. In each part of

the project, you had to think about how you were going to approach it. For example, in

part 1, I had to decide which method of sampling would work best for me. It took some

narrowing down but in the end, I chose the one that made the most sense to me and the


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