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Smart Inverters for Seamless Reconnection of

Isolated Residential Microgrids to Utility Grid
Mohsen S. Pilehvar, Student Member, IEEE, and Behrooz Mirafzal, Senior Member, IEEE
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, USA;
2020 IEEE Electric Power and Energy Conference (EPEC) | 978-1-7281-6489-2/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/EPEC48502.2020.9320014

Abstract—This paper proposes an approach to achieve Thus, it is necessary to implement a mechanism to achieve
seamless reconnection of isolated residential microgrids to utility seamless transition between these two modes of operation.
grid. Any abnormal condition on the grid side results in isolating
the residential microgrid from utility grid, and giving the full Regarding three-phase microgrids, the proposed solutions in
responsibility of supplying household loads to local distributed literature to achieve seamless transitions between islanded and
generation (DG) units. However, after resolving the abnormal grid-connected modes can be divided into three main categories.
condition on the grid side, the residential microgrid needs to The first category employs control algorithms into the primary
seamlessly reconnect to the main grid. To this end, a seamless control loops of DG units to deal with transients caused by
transition algorithm is presented which monitors the system transitions between operation modes [10]. However, due to the
condition in real time, and coordinates the operation of all parallel connection of multiple inverters in microgrids,
inverter-based DG units in residential microgrid before employing complex control algorithms at primary control level
reconnection to the main grid. A modified control scheme is without any coordination between inverters can lead to stability
proposed for single-phase inverters which turns them into smart issues. The hierarchical control schemes are used by the second
inverters enable to interact with seamless transition algorithm. category to attain seamless mode-transition capability [11]. The
The proposed approach synchronizes each phase voltage with its third category implements multiagent technology for a seamless
respective grid-side voltage in order to seamlessly reconnect the transition between islanded and grid-connected modes [12].
residential microgrid to the main grid. Case study results are Although multiagent systems reduce the dependency on
carried out in PSCAD/EMTDC environment to verify the validity
communication links, coordinating agents is always a complex
of proposed method.
Keywords—Residential microgrids, seamless transition, smart Regarding single-phase/residential microgrids, a
single-phase inverters hierarchical architecture consisting of primary and secondary
control loops is presented in [13], which enables the microgrid
to transfer seamlessly between islanded and grid-connected
Individual residences in North America are typically using modes. In [14], the smooth transition between operation modes
single-phase feeders at distribution level which are derived from is achieved using a mode-adaptive droop control method.
three-phase systems via a transformer. Seamless transferring Moreover, an estimation algorithm is used in [15] to obtain the
between different operation modes, i.e. islanded and grid grid parameters and implement an adaptive droop controller,
connected, is a challenging issue in residential communities that leading to seamless transition between operation modes.
deserves more attention. This can be achieved by modifying the Nevertheless, the aforementioned methods in [13-15] employ
control scheme of single-phase inverters and turning them into the conventional droop controls, i.e. P-f and Q-V, which assume
smart inverters [1-4]. The residential microgrid can be the lines are inductive. However, in residential microgrids, the
considered as a group of houses which are equipped with rooftop lines are predominantly resistive, resulting in a natural linkage
PV panels and household BESSs connected to their respective between active power and voltage (P-V) [16, 17]. Therefore, in
phase with the ability of operating in both grid-connected and order to avoid the poor performance of traditional droop control
islanded modes [5]. The distributed generation (DG) units are in residential microgrids, it is preferable to utilize the
traditionally operating in active and reactive power (P-Q) inverse/reverse droops, i.e. P-V and Q-f.
control mode, i.e. grid-following mode, when the residential
micogrid is connected to the main grid [6]. On the other hand, This paper proposes an approach to seamlessly reconnect the
during islanded mode of operation, DG units are responsible for residential microgrids to utility grid after resolving the abnormal
regulating the voltage and frequency (V-f) of the system, i.e. condition on the grid side. To this end, a modified control
grid-forming mode. Consequently, the DG units typically scheme is presented for single-phase inverters, turning them into
transfer between P-Q (or grid following) and V-f (or grid smart inverters capable of transferring to the grid-connected
forming) control modes, depending on the operation mode of the mode seamlessly. Besides, a seamless transition algorithm is
system, i.e. grid connected or islanded. During transitions introduced which monitors the system condition in real time,
between operation modes, any mismatch between magnitude and sends commands to static transfer switches (STSs)
and frequency of grid-side and microgrid-side voltages can accordingly in order to enable the residential microgrid to
result in large transients across the household loads which are seamlessly transfer to grid-connected mode. The rest of the
not desirable, especially in the presence of critical loads [7-9]. paper is organized as follows. Section II describes the residential
microgrid under study equipped with the proposed seamless
transition algorithm. The principles of controller design for
This material is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy,
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), Solar Energy
Technologies Office, under Award Number DE-EE0008767.


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‫ݒ‬௔ ݅௔

୥୰୧ୢ ܲ୥୰୧ୢ̴௔
Substation Loads Loads Loads
୥୰୧ୢ ܲ୥୰୧ୢ̴௕ STSa
‫ݒ‬௕ ݅௕
‫ݒ‬௕ Phase-B
ܲ୥୰୧ୢ̴௖ STSb Inverter
‫ݒ‬௖ ൅ Filter
STSc െ

Step-Down ‫ݒ‬ௗ௖ ݅௢ ‫ݒ‬௢

Phase-C PEI
Transformer Controller
Mode Loads Loads

‫ݒ‬௖ ݅௖ Communication Link

Algorithm PEI

୥୰୧ୢ ୥୰୧ୢ ୥୰୧ୢ

Mode Sync_GC ߠ௩̴௔ ǡ ߠ௩̴௕ ǡ ߠ௩̴௖ Loads Loads Loads

Fig. 1. Schematic of residential microgrid equipped with proposed seamless transition algorithm.

single-phase inverters employed in DG units during both grid- III. PRIMARY CONTROL SCHEME
connected and islanded modes are discussed in Section III. The
detailed description of proposed method for seamlessly transfer This section explains the control scheme of each single-
to grid-connected mode along with modified control scheme of phase inverter during grid-connected and islanded modes
single-phase inverters is presented in Section IV. Case study without incorporation of proposed seamless transition
results are provided in Section V to confirm the merits of approach. The direct-quadrature (dq) reference frame
proposed seamless transition approach. Finally, Section VI transformation has been widely used in three-phase systems
concludes this paper. [18, 19]. Nevertheless, as illustrated in Fig. 2, in order to apply
this technique for controller design of single-phase inverters, it
II. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION can be assumed that in addition to the real variable, i.e. voltage
or current, there is also a fictitious variable with the same
The schematic of residential microgrid capable of
magnitude and phase shift of ߨΤʹ . The d-axis and q-axis
seamlessly transfer to grid-connected mode is shown in Fig. 1.
components of voltages/currents can be obtained as follows:
The residential community is derived through a step-down
transformer to meet the voltage level for residential customers. ‫ݔ‬௤ …‘• ߠ െ •‹ ߠ ‫ݔ‬௥
The residential microgrid includes a group of houses which are ቂ‫ ݔ‬ቃ ൌ ቂ ቃ ቂ ቃሺͳሻ
equipped with different DG units. Each DG unit consists of an ௗ •‹ ߠ …‘• ߠ ‫ݔ‬௜
energy source, e.g. rooftop PV panel, connected to its
Assuming that ݀ߠ Τ݀‫ ݐ‬ൌ ߱ is the angular frequency of the
respective phase through power electronics interfaces (PEIs).
system, the active and reactive power can be calculated as
Both voltage and frequency of the system are maintained by the
main grid, when the system is connected to the utility grid. In
such condition, DG units typically operate in P-Q (or grid
ͳ ͳ
following) control mode to cooperate in supplying their ܲ ൌ ‫ݒ‬௤ ݅௤ ൌ ‫ݒ‬௠ ݅௠ ܿ‫߮ݏ݋‬ሺʹሻ
respective household loads. Nevertheless, during islanded ʹ ʹ
mode, the operation mode of DG units should transfer from P-
Q control to V-f (or grid forming) control in order to maintain ͳ ͳ
ܳ ൌ ‫ݒ‬௤ ݅ௗ ൌ ‫ݒ‬௠ ݅௠ •‹ ߮ ሺ͵ሻ
the voltage and frequency of the system. The residential ʹ ʹ
community shown in Fig. 1 is connected to the main grid via
STSs, i.e. STSa, STSb, and STSc, enabling residential where ‫ݒ‬௠ and ݅௠ are the amplitudes of voltage and current,
community to get isloated from the grid in case of abnormal respectively, and ߮ is the phase shift between real parts of
conditions. In order to enable the residential microgrid to voltage and current.
seamlessly reconnect to the main grid, the controllers of single- The inverter-based DG units employed in residential
phase inverters are modified. The main responsibility of microgrid need to be equipped with a control scheme that
seamless transition algorithm is to send appropriate commands enables them to operate during both grid-connected and
to the STSs once its predefined criteria are met. islanded modes. Fig. 3 shows the control scheme of an

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‫כ‬ ‫כ‬
q-axis of the inverter, i.e. ‫ݒ‬୧୬୴̴ௗ and ‫ݒ‬୧୬୴̴௤ . In addition, ߠ௩̴ୋେ and
ߠ௜̴ୋେ are the angles of inverter output voltage and current,
vr_q respectively, which are extracted using phase-locked loops
ir_q 2) Islanded Mode: During islanded mode, the signal
ߠ command “Mode” is set to “0”, and thus, both voltage and
߮ vr frequency of the system need to be regulated by the inverter-
ii_d based DG units, see Fig. 3. To this end and due to the
vi_d ir predominance of resistive lines over inductive lines in
ir_d residential communities, two inverse/reverse droop
ii_q characteristics, i.e. P-V and Q-f, are implemented in the control
vr_d d-axis scheme of single-phase inverters to achieve the desired voltage
amplitude and angular frequency as follows:
‫כ‬ ‫כ‬
‫ݒ‬௤̴୪୭ୡ ൌ ‫ݒ‬௠ ൌ ξʹ൫‫ݒ‬௡ െ ݉௉ ሺܲ െ ܲ௡ ሻ൯ሺͶሻ
vi ߱୪୭ୡ ൌ ߱௡ ൅ ݉ொ ሺܳ െ ܳ௡ ሻሺͷሻ
Fig. 2. Phasor diagrams of real and imaginary voltages and currents, along with
their respective d-axis and q-axis components. where P and Q are the active and reactive power output of the
individual single-phase inverter which selects proper values to inverter, respectively, obtained by (2) and (3). ‫ݒ‬௡ and ߱௡ are
be controlled depending on the operation mode of the system. the nominal values of inverter output voltage and its angular
frequency, respectively, while ܲ௡ and ܳ௡ are, respectively, the
1) Grid-Connected Mode: During grid-connected mode, dispatched active and reactive power at ‫ݒ‬௡ and ߱௡ . Also, ݉௉
both voltage and frequency of the system are tightly regulated and ݉ொ are the droop coefficients of P-V and Q-f
by the main grid. In such condition, as shown in Fig. 3, the ‫כ‬
characteristics, respectively. As depicted in Fig. 3, ݅௤̴୍ୗ is the
signal command “Mode” is set to “1” to force the inverter to
reference value for q-axis component of inverter output current,
operate in P-Q control mode. The desired active power, i.e. ܲ ‫ כ‬, ‫כ‬
during grid-connected mode can be provided by a supervisory which is obtained by passing the subtraction of ‫ݒ‬௤̴୪୭ୡ and ‫ݒ‬௤
energy management system [20-22], while the desired reactive through a proportional-integral (PI) controller, while the
power, i.e. ܳ‫ כ‬, is typically set to zero to achieve a unity power reference value for d-axis component of inverter output current,
factor. ݅ௗ̴ୋେ ‫כ‬
and ݅௤̴ୋେ are the reference values for dq i.e. ݅ௗ̴୍ୗ , is set to zero. Moreover, the angles of inverter output
components of inverter output current which can be calculated voltage and current, i.e. ߠ௩̴୪୭ୡ and ߠ௜̴୪୭ୡ , are generated locally
using (2) and (3), and then fed into the inner-loop current by integrating ߱୪୭ୡ .
controller to get the desired values for pulse-width modulation

Islanded Mode Current Controller

ܳ௡ ܳ ߱௡ ܲ௡ ܲ ‫ݒ‬௡ ‫ݒ‬௤
݅௤‫כ‬ ‫כݒ‬
൅ ୧୬୴̴௤ ‫ݒ‬ௗ௖
•‹ ߠ௩ ሻΤ‫ݒ‬ௗ௖

‫ݒ‬ ൅ PI ൅
݂ െ ൅
ܳ ܲ ݅௤ െ

߱୪୭ୡ ‫כ‬
‫ݒ‬௤̴୪୭ୡ ‫כ‬
ൌ ‫ݒ‬௠ ߱‫ܮ‬
…‘• ߠ௩ ൅ ‫ݒ‬୧୬୴̴ௗ

ͳ ‫ݒ‬௤ ൅ Filter


‫ݏ‬ ‫ݒ‬ௗ௖
݅ௗ Inverter

ߠ௩̴୪୭ୡ ߠ௜̴୪୭ୡ ‫כ‬ ‫כ‬ ݅ௗ‫כ‬ ‫ݒ‬୧୬୴̴ௗ

݅ௗ̴୍ୗ ݅௤̴୍ୗ െ െ
݅௢ ‫ݒ‬௢

൅ PI ൅

݅௤‫כ‬ ‫ݒ‬ௗ
Mode ݅ௗ‫כ‬
ߠ௜ ‫ݒ‬௤ ൌ ‫ݒ‬௠ ‫ݒ‬௢
ߠ௩ Peak
݅௠ Detection ݅௢
‫כ‬ ‫כ‬
ߠ௩̴ୋେ ߠ௜̴ୋେ ݅௤̴ୋେ ݅ௗ̴ୋେ
ܲ ͳΤʹ ൈ LPF ൈ cos
PLL PLL ʹΤ‫ݒ‬௤ ʹΤ‫ݒ‬௤ ߮ ൅ ߠ௩

‫ݒ‬௢ ܳ‫כ‬ ܳ ͳΤʹ ൈ LPF ൈ sin ߠ௜
݅௢ ܲ‫כ‬
Grid-Connected Mode Power Calculation
Fig. 3. Control scheme of an individual single-phase inverter capable of operating in both grid-connected and islanded modes without implementation of proposed
seamless transition approach.

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Check Islanded Mode

Utility Grid ܳ௡ ܳ ߱௡ ܲ௡ ܲ ‫ݒ‬௡
(Mode = 0)

Available ݂ ‫ݒ‬

Grid-Connection ܳ ܲ
Preparation Sync_GC = 1
୥୰୧ୢ ߱୪୭ୡ ‫כ‬
‫ݒ‬௤̴୪୭ୡ ൌ ‫ݒ‬௠‫כ‬
ሺߠ௩̴୍ୗ ൌ ߠ௩ ሻ
‫כ‬ ୥୰୧ୢ
ሺ‫ݒ‬௤ ൌ ‫ݒ‬௤ ሻ ͳ
‫ݏ‬ Ͳ Inverter
୥୰୧ୢ Keep Sync_GC
୥୰୧ୢ ߠ௩̴௔ ߠ௩̴௔ Filter

‫ݒ‬௔ PLL ୥୰୧ୢ
ߠ௩̴௔ െ ߠ௩̴௔ STSa, STSb, and STSc
ߠ௩̴௕ ߠ௩̴௕ Open ୥୰୧ୢ
ተߠ௩̴௕ െ ߠ௩̴௕ ተ ൏ οߠୋେ ‫ݒ‬௤̴௔ െ

Communication Link
୥୰୧ୢ ߠ௩̴௖ ୥୰୧ୢ
ߠ௩̴௖ െ ߠ௩̴௖ Rate
‫ݒ‬௖ PLL No ߠ௩̴୪୭ୡ Limiter ‫ݒ‬ௗ௖ ݅௢ ‫ݒ‬௢
& Mode = 0
୥୰୧ୢ ‫ݒ‬௔ Ͳ
‫ݒ‬௔ െ ‫ݒ‬௔ Sync_GC ݅௤‫כ‬
‫ݒ‬௕ ‫ݒ‬௤ ൅
 ተ‫ݒ‬௕ െ ‫ݒ‬௕୥୰୧ୢተ ൏ ο‫ݒ‬ୋେ െ
Current ݅ௗ‫כ‬
୥୰୧ୢ ‫ݒ‬௖ Grid Connected ͳ
‫ݒ‬௖ െ ‫ݒ‬௖ ୥୰୧ୢ Controller ߠ௩
Yes Ͳ PI
Mode = 1 ‫ݒ‬௢
STSa, STSb, and STSc ‫כ‬ ‫כ‬
ߠ௩̴୍ୗ ൌ ߠ௜̴୍ୗ ݅ௗ̴୍ୗ
Power ݅௢
Fig. 4. The proposed algorithm for seamless transition to grid-connected mode. Calculation ߠ௩
Ͳ ݅௤‫כ‬
݅ௗ‫כ‬ ߠ௜
ߠ௩ P Q
This section discusses the necessity of achieving a
‫כ‬ ‫כ‬
residential microgrid which can seamlessly transfer to grid- ߠ௩̴ୋେ ߠ௜̴ୋେ ݅௤̴ୋେ ݅ௗ̴ୋେ
connected mode, and proposes a seamless transition algorithm ‫ݒ‬௢
along with an improved control scheme for single-phase ݅௢
Grid-Connected Mode
inverters to attain this. The proposed technique to achieve
Fig. 5. Modified control scheme of an individual single-phase inverter (in
seamless transitions while transferring to grid-connected mode Phase-A) with implementation of proposed seamless transition approach.
is shown in Fig. 4. The main objective of seamless transition
algorithm is to turn the residential microgrid into a residential TABLE I
community in which the angle difference between the phases is SYSTEM PARAMETERS
120 degrees, and preparing it to reconnect to the main grid Parameter Symbol Value
seamlessly. Nominal voltage (line to neutral) ܸ௡ ʹͶͲ V

After resolving the abnormal condition on the grid side, the Nominal angular frequency ߱௡ 377 rad/s
residential microgrid can reconnect to the main grid, i.e. grid- P-V droop coefficient of 1st DG in Phase-A ݉௉ୈୋଵି௔ 0.0006 kV/kW
connected mode. To this end, as illustrated in Fig. 4, the signal Q-f droop coefficient of 1st DG in Phase-A ݉ொୈୋଵି௔ 0.009 Hz/kVAr
“Sync_GC” is firstly set to “1” and transferred to the controllers P-V droop coefficient of 2nd DG in Phase-A ݉௉ୈୋଶି௔ 0.0003 kV/kW
of all inverters through communication links. As can be seen in Q-f droop coefficient of 2nd DG in Phase-A ݉ொୈୋଶି௔ 0.0048 Hz/kVAr
Fig. 5, this results in feeding the angles of grid voltages, i.e. P-V droop coefficient of 1st DG in Phase-B ݉௉ୈୋଵି௕ 0.0003 kV/kW
୥୰୧ୢ ୥୰୧ୢ ୥୰୧ୢ
ߠ௩̴௔ , ߠ௩̴௕ , and ߠ௩̴௖ , to the controllers and taking the q-axis Q-f droop coefficient of 1st DG in Phase-B ݉ொୈୋଵି௕ 0.0048 Hz/kVAr
୥୰୧ୢ ୥୰୧ୢ ୥୰୧ୢ
components of grid-side voltages, i.e. ‫ݒ‬௤̴௔ , ‫ݒ‬௤̴௕ , and ‫ݒ‬௤̴௖ , as P-V droop coefficient of 1st DG in Phase-C ݉௉ୈୋଵି௖ 0.0003 kV/kW
Q-f droop coefficient of 1st DG in Phase-C ݉ொୈୋଵି௖
the reference for ‫ݒ‬௤ . Right after synchronization of grid 0.0048 Hz/kVAr

voltages with phase voltages of residential microgrid, the signal

command “Mode” is set to “1”. This leads to seamless inductances in Phase-A, Phase-B, and Phase-C are 30.6 mH,
transferring to grid-connected mode by reclosing the grid STSs, 15.3 mH, and 10.2 mH, respectively. Consequently,
see Fig. 4. considering the nominal voltage of 240 V for single-phase
feeders, the total load demands in Phase-A, Phase-B, and
V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Phase-C are 15kW+j5kVAr, 25kW+j10kVAr, and
This section evaluates the performance of the system during 50kW+j15kVAr, respectively.
transition to grid-connected mode with and without the As illustrated in Fig. 6, the operator reconnects the
proposed seamless transition method. To this end, the detailed residential microgrid to the utility grid, i.e. Mode = 1, at t = 42.5
model of a residential microgrid, with the parameters listed in s. As the result, as shown in Figs. 6(a) and 6(b), the DG units in
Table I, is developed in PSCAD/EMTDC environment. Two Phase-A and Phase-C, i.e. DG1-a, DG2-a, and DG1-c, become
DG units, i.e. DG1-a and DG2-a, are employed in Phase-A of unstable right after reconnecting to the main grid. This is
the developed residential community, while Phase-B and because of the lack of synchronization between the phase
Phase-C each consist of one DG unit, i.e. DG1-b and DG1-c. A ୥୰୧ୢ
voltages, i.e. ‫ݒ‬௔ , ‫ݒ‬௕ , and ‫ݒ‬௖ , and grid-side voltages, i.e. ‫ݒ‬௔ ,
delay of 4 ms is considered for the STSs. The equivalent load ୥୰୧ୢ ୥୰୧ୢ
resistances in Phase-A, Phase-B, and Phase-C are, respectively, ‫ݒ‬௔ , and ‫ݒ‬௖ , leading to extremely distorted power and
3.84 ȳ , 2.304 ȳ , and 1.152 ȳ , while the equivalent load current transferred to the utility grid, see Figs. 6(c)-6(f).

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Mode Mode
(0) to (1) (0) to (1)

The merits of proposed method in seamless reconnection of

Reactive Power (kVAr)

Active Power (kW)

residential microgrid to the main grid is confirmed in Fig. 7.

Based on the introduced seamless transition algorithm shown
in Fig. 4, after the availability of grid and at t = 40 s, the signal
Grid Grid
Islanded Connected Islanded Connected “Sync_GC” is changed from “0” to “1” in order to synchronize
the phase voltages with grid voltages. At t = 42.5 s, the
prespecified criteria for the difference between magnitudes and
(a) (b) angles of phase voltages and grid voltages are met, and
Qgrid-a subsequently, the signal command “Mode” is changed from “0”
Qgrid-b to “1”, i.e. grid-connected mode. As depicted in Figs. 7(a)-7(d),
Reactive Power (kVAr)

Active Power (kW)

40 right after switching to grid-connected mode, the DG units start
generating their desired active and reactive power, while the
Islanded Connected -20
quality of power delivered to/from the utility grid is
-40 Islanded
significantly improved. As can be found from Fig. 7(e), this is
-60 Connected because of synchronizing the phase voltages with their
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 respective grid-side voltages before reconnecting to the utility
(c) (d)
Mode grid. Comparing Figs. 6(f) and 7(f) indicates that employing the
600 (0) to (1) va vb vc proposed seamless transition method leads to the injection of
c much less distorted currents into the grid, while overcurrents

are considerably suppressed.
Grid In this paper, a seamless transition approach has been
-400 Grid
Islanded Connected
Connected presented for residential microgrids during transition from
42.46 42.5 42.54 42.58
islanded to grid-connected mode. To this end, an improved
Time (s) Time (s) control scheme for single-phase inverters has been presented.
(e) (f)
Besides, a seamless transition algorithm has been introduced
Fig. 6. Transferring to grid-connected mode without implementation of
proposed seamless transition approach. (a) Active power of DG units. (b) which monitors the system condition in real time and sends
Reactive power of DG units. (c) Active power of grid. (d) Reactive power of appropriate signal commands to the STSs in order to ensure
grid. (e) Phase voltages. (f) Phase currents. seamless transition. As the result and after resolving the
Mode Mode abnormal condition on the grid side, the residential microgrid
(0) to (1) (0) to (1)
has been reconnected to the main grid seamlessly. The stable
P DG1-a P DG2-a
QDG1-a Q DG2-a operation of DG units during abnormalities has been guaranteed
40 P DG1-b P DG1-c QDG1-b Q DG1-c by implementing the proposed method, while the power quality
Grid 10 Grid has enhanced considerably. The efficacy and superiority of the
30 Connected Connected
proposed approach in ensuring seamless transitions in
Islanded 0
residential microgrids has been confirmed by case study results.

0 -10
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
(a) (b) [1] B. Mirafzal and A. Adib, "On grid-interactive smart inverters: features
50 25 and advancements," IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 160526-160536, 2020.
P grid-a Qgrid-a [2] A. Adib, J. Lamb, and B. Mirafzal, "Ancillary services via VSIs in
40 P grid-b 20 Qgrid-b
microgrids with maximum DC-bus voltage utilization," IEEE Trans. Ind.
Active Power (kW)

P grid-c Qgrid-c
30 15 Appl., vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 648-658, 2019.
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