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Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI)


Original Question Paper - 2001
Based on Memory







In a certain code language GOVERNMENT is written as PIFXNTOFTY. How will the word SHORTAGE be written in that code language? a) IUSQBVFI b) IUSQBVFI c) IUSQAVFI d) IUSJBVFJ e) None of these In a certain code language EXTIMATE is written as 5-20-1-13-9-20-24-5. How will the word SHIPMENT be written in that code language? a) 19-14-5-13-16-9-8-20 b) 20-14-5-13-16-9-8-19 c) 20-15-5-14-16-9-8-19 d) 20-14-6-13-9-8-20-14 e) None of these If + is written as -, - as , as and as + then what will be the value of the following equation? 7 30 5 1 + 9 = ? a) 205 b) 206 c) 216 d) 256 e) None of these How many such 4s are there in the following sequence that the sum of the imme-




diately preceding as well as immediately following numbers is an odd number? 24347841464234 6244143342541 a) 5 b) 6 c) 4 d) 7 e) None of these What should come in the place of question-mark (?) in the following letter series? YEB WFD UHG SKI ? a) QOL b) TOL c) QGL d) QNL e) None of these Square is related to Perimeter in the same way as Circle is related to a) Circumference b) Diameter c) Area d) Radius e) None of these In a certain code language FREEDOM is written as GQFDENN. How will the word STRONGER be written in that code language? a) TSSNOFFQ b) TSNSOFQF c) TNSSOFFQ d) TNSSFFOQ e) None of these 1


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Suras 8.

Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI) a) S b) W c) F d) G e) None of these 12. The password of a company There is a big below is changed into big a there below is. If the password is key success to the master then what will be the input? a) to master success key the b) the master key to success c) key to the success to master d) success to key the master e) None of these 13. If Some papers are pens and Some pens are pencils, then which of the following conclusions can be drawn? a) All papers are pencils b) Some pens are papers c) All pencils are papers d) All papers are pencils e) None of these 14. If P + Q means P is mother of Q, P - Q means P is brother of Q. P Q means P is father of Q and P Q means P is sister of Q, then which of the following represents X is uncle of Y? a) X M + N Y b) Y M + N X c) X M N Y


Directions (Qns. 10 & 11) : Study the following letter-number sequence carefully and answer the questions given below it : LD2FMN4QATUV7W3 6XCH18JPKRS

10. Which of the following elements is seventh to the right of twelfth from the left end? a) Q b) H c) T d) S e) None of these 11. If the above sequence is written in reverse order then which of the following elements will be the sixth to the left of the eight from the right end? 2


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How many such pairs of letters are there in the word FORGOTTEN, each of which has as many letters between them in the word as there are between them in the English alphabet? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) None of these A peon told his friend, The bell in factory rings every 45 minutes. The last bell rang 15 minutes before. The next will ring at 3.45 PM. At what time the peon gave this information to his friend? a) 3.30 PM b) 2.45 PM c) 2.30 PM d) 3.15 PM e) None of these


Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI) following will be third digit of the fourth number from the right? 4697, 6989, 5392, 7518, 6215, 5942 a) 4 b) 5 c) 2 d) 9 e) None of these 19. The rank of Ajit from the top is 10th and 18th from the bottom. How many students are there in the class? a) 27 b) 28 c) 29 d) 30 e) None of these 20. How many such 5s are there in the following number series, each of which is immediately preceded by an odd number and is immediately followed by 2? 2452513525325 797 a) 3 b) 4 c) 2 d) 1 e) None of these 21. Chunchun remembers that the birthday of his brother falls after August 15 but before August 18 while his sister remembers that the birthday of his brother falls after August 16 but before August 19. What is the birthday of brother of Chunchun? a) August 16 b) August 18 c) August 19 d) August 17 e) None of these 3

d) X M N Y e) None of these 15. What will be the next number in the following number series? 1, 10, 44, 135, 272 ......? a) 544 b) 546 c) 273 d) 373 e) None of these

Direction (Qn.16) : Find the option which bears the same relationship as that of the pair of words given at the question place.
16. Summer : Rainy Season : : ? a) Monday : Sunday b) Summer : Winter c) December : January d) Licence : Driving e) None of these 17. Rajesh started walking towards south and walked 25 metres, he turned to his left and walked 20 metres. Again he turned to his left and walked 25 metres, he then turned to his right and walked 15 metres. How far and in which direction is he now with respect to the starting point? a) 35m east b) 60m east c) 35m north d) 40m east e) None of these 18. If the following numbers are arranged in descending order, then which of the


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Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI) Answer Figures

22. Complete the following number series: 3, 5, 6, 10, 12, 20, 24 a) 48 b) 50 c) 40 d) 44 e) None of these 23. Ram is taller than Shyam but shorter than Anurag. Anurag is taller than Raghu but shorter Chhotu. If Raghu is taller than Ram, then who is the shortest? a) Shyam b) Raghu c) Anurag d) Ram e) None of these 24. In a certain code language 1357 is written as ACEG, then how will ZXUT be written? a) 26, 24, 21, 20 b) 3, 5, 7, 9 c) 2, 4, 6, 8 d) 13, 15, 47, 19 e) None of these 25. Arrival is related to Departure in the same way as Life is related to a) Death b) Livelihood c) Lifelong d) Imprisonment e) None of these

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 27. Problem Figures

Answer Figures

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 28. Problem Figures


Directions (Qns. 26-40) : Which of the following Answer Figures will come after the Problem Figures if the sequence were continued? 26. Problem Figures

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(a) (b)

Answer Figures

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 29. Problem Figures

Answer Figures

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 30. Problem Figures

Answer Figures

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 31. Problem Figures Answer Figures (c) (d) (e)

Suras 32. Problem Figures Answer Figures

Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI) 38. Problem Figures

Answer Figures (e) (a) (b) (c) (d) 39. Problem Figures (e)

(a) (b) (c) (d) 33. Problem Figures Answer Figures

Answer Figures (a) (b) (c) (d) 34. Problem Figures Answer Figures (a) (b) (c) (d) 35. Problem Figures Answer Figures (e) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 40. Problem Figures


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(e) (a) (b) (a) (b)

Answer Figures

(c) (d)


(a) (b) (c) (d) 36. Problem Figures

Answer Figures

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 37. Problem Figures

Directions (Qns. 41-50) : In each of the following questions a pair of figures is given at the left in which the second figure is related to the first figure in a certain way. You have to find out one figure from the Answer Figures which bears the same relationship to the first figure in the second unit of the Problem Figures. 41. Problem Figures

Answer Figures

Answer Figures

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)



(e) 5


Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI) Answer Figures

42. Problem Figures

Answer Figures

(a) (b) (c) (d) 47. Problem Figures


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(e) (e) (a) (b)

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 43. Problem Figures = = + Answer Figures = + + + + = = = = (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 44. Problem Figures

Answer Figures

(a) (b) (c) (d) 48. Problem Figures


Answer Figures

Answer Figures

(a) (b) (c) (d) 45. Problem Figures


(a) (b) (c) (d) 49. Problem Figures


Answer Figures

Answer Figures

(a) (b) (c) (d) 50. Problem Figures


(a) (b) (c) (d) 46. Problem Figures

Answer Figures




Directions (Qns. 51-60) : In the following passages there are blanks, each of which has been
6 numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are


Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI) 54. a) sands b) metals c) grains d) quality e) fruits 55. a) behind b) in c) within d) beside e) under 56. a) sands b) rice c) fruits d) grains e) metal 57. a) enemies b) foes c) children d) followers e) kids 58. a) intelligent b) brilliant c) foolish d) coward e) wise 59. a) fault b) bet c) trick d) net e) choice 60. a) harm b) defeat c) illusion d) conclusion e) with

suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case. One day the king of the 51 was flying about, high up in the air, in a forest, with a 52 of his followers. Early that morning a fowler had 53 some 54 of rice on the ground. Over them he had spread a very fine net. Then he hid, himself 55 a bush and waited. As the king of the pigeons flew along, he saw the 56 on the ground. He stopped at once and said to his 57, Look down! There is rice for us to eat. The pigeons looked down, and there they saw, just near a big banyan tree, grains of shining white rice scattered on the ground. Shall we fly down, said the pigeon king, and eat that rice? No! replied a 58 old pigeon. This is not a rice-field. It is a forest. Rice does not grow in a forest! How did those grains get there? I am afraid that there is some 59 here and we may come to 60. So let us not eat that rice. 51. a) pigeons b) birds c) animals d) forests e) earth 52. a) team b) flock c) hound d) groups e) class 53. a) thrown b) casted c) given d) put e) scattered


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Directions (Qns. 61-75) : Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words / phrases are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions. I was ten year old then, and my brother, Nick, was fourteen. For both of us this buying of a gift for our mother on Mothers day was a time of excitement and great importance. It was our first gift to her. We were very poor. It was just after the first World War and we lived in difficult times of trouble. Our


Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI) 61. How old is the narrator, the one who is telling you the story and how old is Nick? a) Fourteen years and ten years b) Ten years and fourteen years c) Fourteen years and thirteen years d) Thirteen years and fourteen years e) Ten years and thirteen years 62. Why were the narrator and his brother excited? A) Because they were going to give a gift to their mother. B) It was their first gift. C) They were learning French. Codes : a) (A) and (B) only b) (B) and (C) only c) (A) and (C) only d) only (A) e) (A), (B) and (C) 63. Nick came to know about Mothers day at ...... a) home b) office c) the shop d) school e) None of these 64. To whom did the boys tell their secret? a) to their mother b) to their master c) to their father d) to their teacher e) to themselves

father worked now sometimes as a waiter. Birthday and Christmas gifts were taken care of by him as well as he could, but such a thing as a mothers day gift was out-of-the-ordinary luxury. But we had been lucky, Nick and myself. A second hand furniture store had opened on the block, and deliveries were made by means of loading the furniture on a wobbly pushcart, which we carefully pushed through traffic, to the customers home. We got a nickel each and perhaps, a tip. I remember how Nicks thin, dark face lighted up with the joy of the present. He had first thought of it in school; and the thought of surprise and giving grew in him, and myself, and we were highly excited. When we secretly told our father, he was very pleased. He stroked our heads proudly. Its a fine idea, he said. It will make your mother very happy. From his tone, we knew what he was thinking. He had given our mother very little in their life together. She worked all day, cooking and buying, looking after us in illness and stoking the stove in the kitchen with wood and coal to keep us warm in winter. She did her own washing of the family clothes in the bath tub. And she did all these things silently. She did not laugh much, but when she smiled at us it was a beautiful thing - well worth waiting for. 8


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Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI) a) He took advice of his brother happily. b) His face had lighted up with the joy of the present. c) He worked when he was merely ten years old. d) He encouraged his brother to bring a gift. e) None of these 69. Which of the following is NOT TRUE? a) The mother was a lazy woman. b) Their father worked sometimes as a waiter. c) Birthday and Christmas gifts were taken care of by them. d) Nick and his brother had been very lucky. e) None of these

65. How do you know that the narrators family was poor? (A) they lived in difficult times (B) father worked as a waiter (C) father worked only some times (D) giving gifts was a luxury Codes : a) (A) & (B) b) (B) & (C) c) (C) & (D) d) (A), (B) and (C) e) All the above 66. What work did the two boys do? a) They delivered the furniture. b) They worked in Mines. c) They worked as waiters. d) They worked as labourers. e) They accompanied their fathers. 67. According to the given passage, what work did the father do? a) He worked as a teacher. b) He worked as a waiter. c) He worked as an artist. d) He worked as an intelligent artisan. e) He worked as a manager. 68. Which sentence tells us that Nick was very happy at the thought of giving his mother a gift?


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Directions (Qns. 70-72) : Choose the word / group of words which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word given in CAPITALS as used in the passage.
70. OUT-OF THE ORDINARY LUXURY a) something for sadness and not common b) something for enjoyment and not need; not common c) something dirty d) something indifferent to social problems e) something lack of proper treatment 9


Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI) a) presented b) looked c) hid d) decorated e) put One of the issues which were ...... in the meeting was raised by Sainky. a) raised b) discussed c) staged d) developed e) settled Herbert was ...... a poet of religion. He explains in his poems Gods ways to man. a) out and out b) many c) part and parcel d) such e) first and foremost Great ...... depth is required to be a teacher of philosophy. a) intelligent b) intellectuals c) intellectual d) instructive e) insufferable ...... is a previous case taken as an authoritative example for subsequent procedures or cases. a) precedent b) president c) precedence d) practical e) emolument Alok informed me about the accident which had ...... four days before.

71. STROKED a) patted b) beaten c) contributed d) encouraged e) enhanced 72. WOBBLY a) newly b) well made c) well-decorated d) shaky e) balanced Directions (Qns. 73-75) : Choose the word which is most nearly OPPOSITE in meaning of the word given in CAPITALS as used in the passage. 73. SECRETLY a) privately b) untimely c) carelessly d) openly e) unwisely 74. SILENTLY a) aggravately b) noisefully c) quietly d) flourishingly e) war-like 75. GIFT a) subscription b) forfeit c) endowment d) looted e) robbed



Directions (Qns. 76-86) : Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blanks to make the sentence meaningfully complete.
76. After careful thought I bought for my daughter a combination...... with little shiny stones that could even be mistaken for diamonds. 10


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79. 80. 81.


Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI) a) read b) had been reading c) had read d) will have read e) reading 86. Mrs. Laljee in her modest way ...... a little and slipped the chain inside her dress. a) broken b) pushed c) pressed d) flushed e) slipped





a) took place b) had taken c) occurred d) had happened e) passed Seeing his dead father in a movie, the little boy is thrilled because the sight brings his father to him; the mother, on the other hand, finds the scene ...... because it increases her grief hundred fold. a) thrilled b) unlike c) enthusiastic d) unnecessary e) unbearable Mulk Raj Anand is one of the most ...... Indo-Anglian novelists and story-writers of today. a) an eminent b) a famous c) notorious d) eminent e) best ......, every student of English literature must read all the best dramas of Shakespeare. a) According to me b) Accordance with c) In my opinion d) In place of me point of view e) From me opinion After Sheetu ...... the magazines and novels, she decided to go out and meet some friends.

Directions (Qns. 87-91) : Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence so as to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below them. (A) It narrates the heroic deeds of many kings and queens, princes and princesses. (B) The longest of these poems tells the story of the great war between the Kauravas and the Pandavas, the two clans of the same dynasty of King Bharata. (C) The Mahabharata is a collection of many long poems. (D) They were Dhritarashtra and Pandu. (E) All these poems were put together by Vyasa. (F) Two later descendants in King Bharatas dynasty claimed the Kingdom of Hastinapur.


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Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI) 92. Woman after women (a) / claimed to speak against (b) / the present political situation (c) / of Bihar in the meeting. (d) / No error (e) 93. More than one student (a) / have passed the examination (b) / of the first terminal test (c) / of pronoun. (d) / No error (e) 94. If Sunit would have (a) / solving this, he would have (b) / got a reward (c) / in the debate. (d) / No error (e) 95. One should (a) / be honest (b) / to his word (c) / in all situations. (d) / No error (e) 96. When the house was (a) / set on the fire (b) / all the neighboring people (c) / ran and started extinguising it. (d) / No error (e) 97. By this time next year (a) / Mritunjay has had (b) / settled in Buxar (c) / with his parents. (d) / No error (e) 98. All know (a) / that Rani is (b) / the most unique speaker (c) / of her class. (d) / No error (e) 99. Being a rainy day (a) / Ashis decided to stay indoors (b) / and enjoy himself (c) / with music. (d) / No error (e) 100. I advised Prashant (a) / not to walk (b) / on the road (c) / lately at night. (d) / No error (e)

87. Which of the following should be the SIXTH (last) sentence? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E 88. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E 89. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) F 90. Which of the following should be THIRD sentence? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E 91. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) F

Directions (Qns. 92-100) : Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Ignore the error of punctuation, if any.



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Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI)

Directions (Qns. 101-125) : What will come in the place of question-mark (?) in the following questions? 101. 600% of 176 + 32.84 = 1312.04 ? a) 223.2 b) 246.04 c) 221.08 d) 219 e) None of these
1 102. 25% of 1620 + 33 % of 3 7740 = ? + 124 a) 2771 b) 2961 c) 2861 d) 2666 e) None of these


5 8 of 876 + of 582 = ? 4 3 a) 2674 b) 2467 c) 2647 d) 2764 e) None of these (7824 7199) 625 ? = 13


a) 12 b) 21 c) 13 d) 31 e) None of these 109. 8794 - ? + 549 = (674 - 326) a) 9895 b) 8959 c) 9985 d) 5899 e) None of these 110. ? % of 320 = 64 a) 40 b) 20 c) 15.5 d) 25 e) None of these 111.

103. 5


2 3 5 +4 ? =3 7 4 14 19 19 a) 5 b) 6 28 28 28 28 c) 7 d) 6 19 19 e) None of these


298 73 3 + 7 = ? a) 12 b) 21 c) 11 d) 14 e) None of these

105. 8769 125.89 17.865 = ? a) 8624 b) 862.257 c) 8725.345 d) 8825 e) None of these 106. (17)2 + (29)2 = ? + (16)2 a) 875 b) 784 c) 886 d) 874 e) None of these

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25 8 12 7 =? (16 4) + (5 5)

a) 92 b) 39 c) 29 d) 26 e) None of these 112. 25% of 250 +6.5% of 350 =? a) 84.25 b) 80.55 c) 85.15 d) 85.25 e) None of these 113. 5.5 2.3 + 8.7 1.9 = ? a) 28.18 b) 29.81 c) 28.19 d) 29.85 e) None of these 114. 0.55% of 5.50 + 0.75% of 76 = ? 13


Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI) 121. (12)2 (5.5)2 (0.45)2 = ? a) 112.055 b) 113.92 c) 115.55 d) 116.0205 e) None of these
7 8 9 2 122. 5 4 7 12 = ? 3 5 3 5 4 4 a) 389 b) 938 15 15 4 c) 398 d) 375 15 e) None of these

a) 60.025 b) 60.520 c) 60.205 d) 65 e) None of these 115.

=? 25 + 81 4 4 a) 5 b) 4 14 14 4 4 c) 9 d) 11 14 14 e) None of these 17 + 39 14 + 18


14 42 14 +4 =? 17 119 6 8 6 a) 6 b) 4 4 8 4 6 c) 8 d) 8 6 4 e) None of these


0.25 0.0025 100 = ? 5 a) 5 b) 10 c) 0.5 d) 5.5 e) None of these

= 625 ? a) 10 b) 95 c) 110 d) 105 e) None of these 6250




116. ? 634.89 = 7845.675 a) 8340 b) 8408 c) 840.875 d) 940 e) None of these 117. 5424.87 + 678.679 + 65.459 = ? a) 6951 b) 6195 c) 6951.008 d) 6159.95 e) None of these

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123. 876.95 ? = 841.45 + 234.45 642.39 a) 443.44 b) 445 c) 443.85 d) 424.44 e) None of these

124. ? 12.5 = 15 a) 186.05 b) 185.5 c) 195.5 d) 187.5 e) None of these

250 ? = ? 1000 a) 50 b) 505 c) 500 d) 550 e) None of these Directions (Qns. 126-130) : A wrong number is given in the following number series. Find out that wrong number. 126. 20, 32, 84, 325, 1580 a) 20 b) 325 c) 84 d) 1580 e) None of these 127. 18, 60, 185, 564, 1698 a) 18 b) 564 c) 1698 d) 185 e) None of these


Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI) would be the ratio between their ages after four years? a) 8 : 11 b) 9 : 12 c) 7 : 9 d) 12 : 16 e) None of these If the sum of three consecutive numbers is more than middle number by 130, then find the middle number. a) 64 b) 65 c) 66 d) 60 e) None of these When prices of coal are reduced by 16%, then sale increases by 25%. What will be effect on sale? a) 5% increase b) 5% decrease c) 5.5% increase d) 6% decrease e) None of these A train running at the speed of 125 kmph crosses a platform in 19.5 seconds. Find the length of the train. a) 625 metres b) 1065 metres c) 1575 metres d) Data inadequate e) None of these The ratio between gents and ladies in a colony is 9 : 5 respectively. If the number of gents is 40 more than the number of ladies then find the total number of gents and ladies in the colony. a) 150 b) 140 c) 401 d) 410 e) None of these 15

13 of a certain 12 number is 520, then what is 60% of that number? a) 1252 b) 1152 c) 1552 d) 1225 e) None of these 133. The average age of Vijay, Sanjay and Pappu is 45 years. If the ratio of their ages is respectively 3 : 4 : 2, then find the age of Sanjay. a) 55 years b) 60 years c) 75 years d) 25 years e) None of these 134. The ratio between the ages of Rinky and Nikky is respectively 3 : 5. Four year hence the sum of their ages would be 96 years. What

132. If 25% of


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137. 138.

128. 10, 14, 7, 11, 6, 9.5 a) 6 b) 7 c) 14 d) 9.5 e) None of these 129. 16, 8, 25, 12, 36 a) 16 b) 8 c) 12 d) 25 e) None of these 130. 9, 29, 54, 84, 120 a) 120 b) 29 c) 84 d) 9 e) None of these 131. Amit sold an article for Rs. 630 and earned a profit of 20%. Find the cost price for Amit. a) Rs. 555 b) Rs. 535 c) Rs. 552 d) Rs. 525 e) None of these




Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI)

9 13 14 , , 11 12 13 15 9 15 , , d) 13 11 9 e) None of these A certain sum becomes Rs. 2735 in 3 years and Rs. 3008.5 in 4 years at compound interest. What is the rate of interest? a) 10% b) 15% c) 20% d) 25% e) None of these What should be added to 13291 to make it divisible by 11? a) 9 b) 12 c) 15 d) 11 e) None of these Raju bought four shirts at the rate of Rs. 885. He spent Rs. 100 on their washing. Now he wants to earn a profit of 25%. At what price he should sell his shirts? a) Rs. 1135 b) Rs. 1136.50 c) Rs. 1137.50 d) Rs. 1145 e) None of these If 96 men can complete a work in 56 days working 5 hours per day, then in how many days 105 men will complete the same work by working 8 hours per day?

139. Amit and Abhishek started a business investing Rs. 7,000 and Rs. 11,000 respectively. If they earned a net profit of Rs. 48,000 then what will be the ratio of their profits? a) 5 : 8 b) 3 : 6 c) 6 : 11 d) Cannot be determined e) None of these 140. If three-fourth of a number is 4.8 then what will be 500% of that number? a) 32 b) 23 c) 48 d) 64 e) None of these 141. Sanjay secured 15 more marks in Mathematics than that in Chemistry. If he secured 125 marks in Chemistry and Geography, then how many marks did he secure in Mathematics? a) 65 b) 56 c) 75 d) Data inadequate e) None of these 142. Which of the following fractions are in descending order? 11 13 15 , , a) 9 11 13 14 17 12 , , b) 13 19 9 16




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144. 145. 146.


Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI) a) 2% loss b) 1% profit c) 1% loss d) Cannot be determined e) None of these 149. What should be subtracted from 15, 28, 20 and 38 each so that the resultant numbers become proportional? a) 2 b) 4 c) 10 d) Cannot be determined e) None of these 150. The length of a rectangular plot is 4 times that of its breadth. If the area of that plot is 200 sq.metres, then what is its length? a) 25 m b) 62 m c) 27 m d) 20 m e) None of these


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a) 23 b) 25 c) 33 d) 32 e) None of these 147. The cost price of a pen is Rs. 79 and that of a pencil is Rs. 109. What will be the cost price of six dozen pens and 9 dozen pencils approximately? a) Rs. 17560 b) Rs. 17460 c) Rs. 15540 d) Rs. 16490 e) None of these 148. Aslam sold two vehicles for Rs. 46,000 each. If he gains 10% on the first and loses 10% on another, then what is his gain or loss percent in this transaction?

(e) None None


Directions (Qns. 151-185) : In each question below a combination of Name and Address is given in the first column at the left followed by four such combinations one each under the columns (a), (b), (c) & (d). You have to find out the combination which is exactly the same as the combination in the first column. The number of that column which contains that combination is the answer. If all the combinations are different, the answer is (e).

(d) Jayajeet Singh N 83/6 Relief Road Fx-3172-32621 G.S. Sangwan Pantawash House Bhivani Rajasthan-845014 Gurdas Singh Nakai Rampura Bridges Bhatinda Phone-28363 Chrush Robert 26, Ziwago Road Nicaragau-69

Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI)


A' S

151. Jayajeet Singh M 83/6 Relief Road Fax-3172-32621 152. G.S. Sangwan Pantawash House Bhivani Rajasthan-845014 153. Gurdas Singh Nakai Rampura Bridge Bhatinda Phone-28363 154. Chrush Robert 62, Ziwago Road Nicaragua-69

(a) Jayajeet Singh M 8361 Relief Road Fax-3172-32621 G.S. Sangwan Pantawash House Bhivani Rajasthan-845041 Gurdas Singh Nakia Rampura Bridge Bhatinda Phone-28363 Chrush Robert 63, Ziwago Road Nicaragua-69

(b) Jayajeet Singh M 83/6 Relief Road Fax-3172-32621 G.S. Sangwan Pentawash House Bhivani Rajasthan-845014 Gurdas Singh Nakai Rampur Bridge Bhatinda Phone-28363 Chrush Robert 62, Ziwago Road Nicaragua-69

(c) Jayajeet Singh M 83/6 Relief Road Fax-3172-3621 P.S. Sangwan Pentawash House Bhivani Rajasthan-845014 Gurdas Singh Nakai Rampura Bridge Bhatinda Phone-28363 Chrish Robert 62, Ziwago Road Nicaragua-69




None None None




155. Balwinder Singh Man Gogo Cotton Factory Ludhiana-184632 156. R.K. Dhaami C/o Ratlam Singh Phone-244714 157. Dr. Pushpendra Chhabra Main Road, Bakhtiarpur Quarter Number-69 158. Shri Sneha Lal Assistant Manager Phone No-2896285 159. Nancy Burnwal QR/69 Dinanath Market Bank Road, Motihari 160. Prof. S P Faria Sri Krishna University Bhawanipur-725 161. Srinathan Ayappa Shivaji Park Madras-896289 162. Hans Margenthau 69 Commercial Building Islamabad, Pakistan Balwindar Singh Man Gogo Cotton Factory Ludhiana-184623 R.K. Dhaami C/o Ratlam Singh Phone-247144 Dr. Pushpendra Chabra Main Road, Bakhtiarpur Quarter Number-69 Shri Sneha Lal Assistant Manager Phone No-2896285 Nancy Burnwal QR/96 Dinanath Market Bank Road, Motihari Prof. S P Pharia Sri Krishna University Bhawanipur-725 Srinathan Ayappa Shivaji Park Madras-896289 Hans Margenthau 69 Comercial Building Islamabad, Pakistan None Balwinder Singh Man Goga Cotton Factory Ludhiana-186432 R.K. Dhami C/o Ratlam Singh Phone-244741 Dr. Pushpendra Chhabra Main Road, Bakhtiarpur Quarter Number-69 Shri Snehi Lal Assistant Manager Phone No-2896285 Nancy Barnwal QR/69 Dinanath Bazar Bank Road, Motihari Prof. S P Faria Sri Krishan University Bhawanipur-725 Srinathan Ayapa Shivaji Park Madras-896289 Hans Margenthau 96 Commercial Building Islamabad, Pakistan Balwinder Singh Man Gogo Cotton Factory Ludhiana-184362 R.K. Dhaami C/o Ratlom Singh Phone-244714 Dr. Pushpendra Chhabra Main Road, Bakhtiarpura Quarter Number-69 Shri Sneha Lal Assistant Manager Phone No-896285 Nancy Burnwal QR/69 Dinanath Market Bank Road, Motihari Prof. S P Faria Sri Krishna University Bhawanipura-725 Srinathan Ayappa Shivaji Parks Madras-896289 Hans Margenthau 69 Commercial Building Islamabad, Pakistan

Balwinder Singh Man Gogo Cotton Factory Ludhiana-184632 R.K. Dhaami C/o Ratlam Singh Phone-244714 Dr. Pushpendra Chhabra Main Road, Bakhtiarpur Quarter Number-689 Shri Sneha Lal Assistant Manoger Phone No-2896285 Nancy Burnwaal QR/69 Dinanath Market Bank Road, Motihari Prof. S P Faria Sri Krishna University Bhawanipur-725 Srinathan Ayappa Shivaji Park Madras-2896289 Hans Margenthau 69 Commercial Building Islamabad, Pakistan

Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI)



None None None None



Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI)

None None None

163. Dr. UNL Das Bangaon, Behtatola Sahrasa-852212 164. Mr. Hwang Shulley H/9 Yangsi Road Japan-982851 165. A K Dutta H/9 Yangsi Road Rajendrapur, Katihar-58 166. Mrs. Deva Dastidar Veer Kunwar Chauk, Rohtak, Fax-96251082 167. Vincent Beckar QN/95 UK Road United Kingdom 168. Dr. Shahbano Teliyapatti, Motihari East Champaran-46 169. Yusuf Pervez Faislabad, Pakistan Phone No.-696285 170. Mangal Charan Mahto Delhi Press Bhavan E-39, Chandni Chowk Dr. UNL Das Bangaon, Behtatola Sahrasa-852214 Mr. Hwang Shulley M/9 Yangsi Road Japan-982851 A K Datta H/9 Yangsi Road Rajendrapur, Katihar-58 Mrs. Deva Dastidar Veer Kunwar Chauk, Rohtak, Fax-96251082 Vincent Beckar QN/95 UK Road United Kingdom Dr. Shahbano Teliyapatti, Motihari East Champaran-46 Yusuf Parvez Faislabad, Pakistan Phone No.-696285 Mangal Charan Mahto Delhi Press Bhavan E-39, Chandni Chowk Dr. VNL Das Bangaon, Behtatola Sahrasa-852212 Mr. Hwang Shalley H/9 Yangsi-Road Japan-982851 A K Dutta H/9 Yangsi Road Rajendrapur, Katihar-58 Mrs. Deva Dastidar Veer Kunwar Chauk, Rohtak, Fax-96251082 Vincent Beckar QN/95 UK Road United Kingdom Dr. Shahbano Teliyapatti, Motihari East Champaran-46 Yusuf Pervez Faislabad, Pakistan Phone No.-696285 Mangal Charan Mahto Delhi Press Bhavan E-39, Chandni Chowk Dr. UNL Das Bangaon, Bihtatola Sahrasa-852212 Mr. Hwang Shulley H/9 Yangsi Road Japan-982851 P K Dutta H/9 Yangsi Road Rajendrapur, Katihar-58 Mrs. Deva Dastidar Veera Kunwar Chauk, Rohtak, Fax-96251082 Vincent Beckar QN/95 UK Road United Kingdom Dr. Shahbano Teliyapatti, Motihari East Champaran-46 Yusuf Pervez Faislabad, Pakistan Phone No.-2696285 Mangal Charan Mahto Delhi Press Bhavan E-39, Chandni Chowk

Dr. UNL Das Bangaon, Behtatola Sahrasa-852212 Mr. Hwang Shulley H/9 Yangsi Road Japan-982851 A K Dutta H/9 Yangsi Road Rajendrapur, Katihar-58 Mrs. Deva Dastidar Veer Kunwar Chauk, Rohtak, Fax-9625108 Vincent Beckar QN/59 UK Road United Kingdom Dr. Shahbano Teliyapatti, Motihari Each Champaran-46 Yusuf Pervez Faislabad, Pakistan Phone No.-696285 Mangal Charan Mahto Delhi Press Bhavan E-39, Chandni Chowk



None None




171. Charles Schiecher 306, Mount Road New Haveli Home, Jhunjhunu 172. Mrs. Meghna Parit East of Shivalaya Fax-8962850 173. Raitoro Hashimoto N/76 Will Common Street Peiking, China 174. Randhir Chandra Verma Branch Manager Office 68, Gwalior 175. Mohammad Azad Ali Lions Park, Karachi Phone-692851 176. Mewalal Patel Patiala-69 Punjab, India 177. JK Colonel House LP Apartment Quarter No.-692 Charles Schiecher 308, Mount Road New Haveli Home, Jhunjhunu Mrs. Meghna Parit West of Shivalaya Fax-8962850 Raitoro Hashimoto N/76 Will Common Street Peiking, China Randhir Chandra Verma Branch Manager Office 68, Gwalior Mohamad Azad Ali Lions Park, Karachi Phone-692851 Mewalal Patel Patiala-69 Punjaab, India JK Colonel House LP Apartment Quarter No.-692 None Charles Schiecher 306, Mount Road New Haveli Home, Jhunjhunu Mrs. Meghna Parit East of Shivalaya Fax-8962850 Raitoro Hashimoto N/76 Will Common Street Peiking, China Randhir Chandra Verma Branch Manager Office 68, Gwalior Mohammad Azad Ali Lion Park, Karachi Phone-692851 Mewalal Patels Patiala-69 Punjab, India JK Colonel House LP Apartment Quarter No.-692 Charles Schiecher 306, Mount Road New Haveli Home, Jhunjhunu Mrs. Meghna Parit East of Shivalay Fax-8962850 Raitora Hashimoto N/76 Will Common Street Peiking, China Randhir Chandr Verma Branch Manager Office 68, Gwalior Mohammad Azad Ali Lions Park, Karachi Phone-692851 Mewalal Patel Patiala-69 Punjab, India JK Colonel House LP Apartment Quarter No.-692

Charles Schiecher 306, Mount Road New Haveli Home, Jhunjhunu Mrs. Meghna Parit East of Shivalaya Fax-8962850 Raitoro Hashimoto N/67 Will Common Street Peiking, China Randhir Chandra Verma Branch Manager Office 86, Gwalior Mohammad Azad Ali Lions Park, Karachi Phone-692851 Mewalal Patel Patiala-69 Punjab, India JK Colonel House LP Apartments Quarter No.-692

Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI)



None None None None



Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI)

None None None

178. Pamulpati Sriramanam Gwarigaon, Bangalore Fax-892851 179. Ashwini Kumar Alok District Agriculture Office, 48, Samastipur, Bihar 180. Sri Thukai Chatterjee Bokaro Steel City Sector-62 181. Anwar Hussain Fazil State Bank of India Aurangabad-6928562 182. Prof. J A Shumpiter Mona Commercial Building, Phone No.-328501 183. Arnawaz Dhodi International Secretariat PQ/29 Allahabad 184. Kumar ST Sahane Agriculture Officer Pakaridayal-38 185. R P Pujari C/o Sriniwas Chandra Fax-823545 Pamulpati Sriramanam Gwarigaon, Bangalore Fax-892851 Ashwini Kumar Alok District Agriculture Office, 48, Samastipur, Bihar Sri Thukai Chatterjee Bokaro Steel City Sector-62 Anwar Hussain Fazil State Bank of India Aurangabad-692856 Prof. J A Shumpiter Mona Commercial Building, Phone No.-328501 Arnawaz Dhodi International Secretariat PQ/92 Allahabad Kumar ST Sahane Agriculture Officer Pakaridayal-38 R A Pujari C/o Sriniwas Chandra Fax-823545 Pamulpati Sriramanam Gwarigaon, Bangalore Fax-892851 Ashwini Kumar Alok District Agricalture Office, 48, Samastipur, Bihar Sri Thukai Chatterjee Bokaro Steel City Sector-62 Anwar Hussain Fazil State Bank of India Aurangabad-6928562 Prof. J A Shumpiter Mona Commercial Building, Phone No.-328501 Arnawaz Dhode International Secretariat PQ/29 Allahabad Kumar ST Sahane Agriculture Officer Pakaridayal-38 R P Pujari C/o Sriniwas Chandra Fax-823545 Pamulpati Sriramanam Gwarigaon, Bangalore Fax-892851 Ashwini Kumar Alok District Agriculture Office, 48, Samastipur, Bihar Sri Thukai Chatterjee Bokaro Steel City Sector-62 Anwar Hussain Fazil State Bank of India Aurangabad-6928562 Prof. J A Shumpiter Mona Commercial Building, Phone No.-328501 Arnawaz Dhodi International Secretariat PQ/29 Allahabad Kumar ST Sahane Agriculture Officer Pakaridayal-38 R P Pujari C/o Sriniwas Chandras Fax-823545

Pamulpati Sriramanam Gwarigaon, Banglore Fax-892851 Ashwini Kumar Alok District Agriculture Office, 48, Samastipur, Bihar Sri Thukai Chatterje Bokaro Steel City Sector-62 Anwar Hussain Fazil State Bank India Aurangabad-6928562 Prof. J B Shumpiter Mona Commercial Building, Phone No.-328501 Arnawaz Dhodi International Secretariat PQ/29 Allahabad Kumar ST Sahane Agriculture Officer Pakaridayal-83 R A Pujari C/o Sriniwas Chandra Fax-822545


Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI)

Number 7 0 2 5 8 3 6 1 4 9 Letter K J D M S HW N C T

Directions (Qns. 186-190) : In each question below five words are given. You have to find out which word will be in the Middle or the Third if all the words are arranged in alphabetical order. The number in the brackets representing the Third or Middle word is the answer.
186. a) Physiotherapy b) Physiognomy c) Physiology d) Physiological e) Physicist 187. a) Distributive b) Disturbance c) Distraction d) Distinguish e) Distraught 188. a) Sacerdotal b) Sacrament c) Sacrosanct d) Sacrilege e) Sackcloth 189. a) Masticate b) Masterpiece c) Materialist d) Matchmaker e) Masterly 190. a) Benefit b) Beneficent c) Benefaction d) Beneficiary e) Benevolent

You have to find out which of the answers (a), (b), (c) or (d) has correct coded form of the given number group. If none of the coded form is correct, mark (e), i.e., None of these as your answer. 191. 26749 a) WDKCT b) DWKCT c) CWDKT d) KWDCT e) None of these 192. 30152 a) CJNDM b) NHJMD c) NHJDM d) DHJNM e) None of these 193. 84712 a) SCKND b) DCKNJ c) JCKND d) KCSND e) None of these 194. 69053 a) STJMH b) TWJHM c) TWJMH d) WTJMH e) None of these 195. 42361 a) DCNWH b) NDCWH c) CDHWN d) WHNCD e) None of these

Directions (Qns. 191-195) : The number group in each question below is to be codified according to the following letter codes :


A' S

Directions (Qns. 196-200) : The following news item in each question below is to be classified into one of the following five areas : a) Political and Social b) Sports and Culture


Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI) d) Science and Health e) Miscellaneous 198. There is increase in the GDP growth rate in the current fiscal. a) Political and Social b) Sports and Culture c) Economics and Commerce d) Science and Health e) Miscellaneous 199. Lakhs of people rendered homeless in Rajasthan due to flood. a) Political and Social b) Sports and Culture c) Economics and Commerce d) Science and Health e) Miscellaneous 200. The Supreme Court tightens the grip over corrupt politicians. a) Political and Social b) Sports and Culture c) Economics and Commerce d) Science and Health e) Miscellaneous

c) Economics and Commerce d) Science and Health e) Miscellaneous In each of the following questions one news item is given. You have to classify them into one of the five areas. Corresponding serial number (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e) of the areas as the case may be is your answer. 196. A new medicine is discovered for the treatment of malaria. a) Political and Social b) Sports and Culture c) Economics and Commerce d) Science and Health e) Miscellaneous 197. 1st Asian Games were held in New Delhi. a) Political and Social b) Sports and Culture c) Economics and Commerce



A' S


Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI)

1. (b) 9. (d) 17. (a) 25. (a) 33. (d) 41. (b) 49. (d) 57. (d) 65. (e) 73. (d) 81. (c) 89. (c) 97. (b) 2. (b) 10. (b) 18. (c) 26. (c) 34. (b) 42. (b) 50. (b) 58. (e) 66. (a) 74. (a) 82. (e) 90. (e) 98. (c) 3. (b) 11. (b) 19. (a) 27. (a) 35. (a) 43. (a) 51. (a) 59. (c) 67. (b) 75. (2) 83. (d) 91. (e) 4. (b) 12. (e) 20. (a) 28. (b) 36. (c) 44. (a) 52. (b) 60. (a) 68. (b) 5. (a) 13. (b) 21. (d) 29. (d) 37. (b) 45. (a) 53. (e) 61. (b) 69. (a) 6. (a) 14. (d) 22. (c) 30. (e) 38. (d) 46. (c) 54. (c) 62. (a) 70. (b) 7. (a) 15. (c) 23. (a) 31. (c) 39. (a) 47. (d) 55. (a) 63. (d) 71. (a) 79. (c) 87. (d) 95. (c) 8. (b) 16. (c) 24. (a) 32. (e) 40. (e) 48. (c) 56. (b) 64. (c) 72. (d) 80. (c) 88. (a) 96. (b)

76. (d) 84. (c)

92. (a)

105. (e) 106. (d) 107. (c) 108. (a) 109. (e) 110. (b) 111. (c) 112. (d) 113. (e) 114. (e) 115. (b) 116. (e) 117. (e) 118. (c) 119. (c) 120. (e) 121. (e) 122. (c) 123. (a) 124. (d) 125. (c) 126. (b) 127. (d) 128. (a) 129. (d) 130. (a) 131. (d) 132. (b) 133. (b) 134. (e) 135. (b) 136. (a) 137. (d) 138. (b) 139. (d) 140. (a) 141. (d) 142. (a) 143. (a) 144. (e) 145. (e) 146. (d) 147. (b) 148. (c) 149. (a) 150. (e) 151. (b) 152. (d) 153. (c) 154. (b) 155. (a) 156. (a) 157. (c) 158. (b) 159. (d) 160. (a) 161. (b) 162. (a) 163. (a) 164. (e) 165. (c) 166. (b) 167. (b) 168. (b) 169. (c) 170. (a) 171. (a) 172. (c) 173. (b) 174. (c) 175. (d) 176. (d) 177. (b) 178. (c) 179. (d) 180. (b) 181. (c) 182. (b) 183. (d) 184. (b) 185. (c) 186. (d) 187. (e) 188. (b) 189. (a) 190. (d) 191. (b) 192. (e) 193. (a) 194. (d) 195. (3) 196. (d) 197. (b) 198. (c) 199. (e) 200. (a) 25


99. (a) 100. (d) 101. (a) 102. (c) 103. (b) 104. (a)

A' S
77. (b) 85. (c) 78. (a) 86. (d) 93. (b) 94. (a)


Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI)

26. (c) All the designs move in clockwise direction in each subsequent figure and in the first step a new design appears in the upper right sector and in the next step a new design appears in the lower left sector. 27. (a) First the arrow interchanges its position with that of the signs placed on its right in three subsequent steps. It is then followed by the pin. As any two signs interchange places both of them get inverted. 28. (b) The shaded part moves clockwise one and two steps alternately. 29. (d) Similar figure appears alternately and each time it appears, it rotates 90 clockwise. 30. (e) In one step, the middle design on the left side and the upper and lower symbols on the right side move one step clockwise. In the next step, the other three designs move one step anticlockwise. 31. (c) All the designs move anticlockwise in the subsequent figures. In the first step, a new design 26 appears in upper left sector and in the second step a new design appears in the lower right sector. Each design is moving clockwise through one step in each subsequent figure and the design which reaches in lower sector gets doubled. The changes from Problem Figure (a) to (b) can be seen in the figure. Similar changes occur from Problem (c) to (d). This problem is based on the rule a=c=e and b=d. In each subsequent figure, one new design is added in front of the preexisting design(s) and all designs move one step anticlockwise. The first element from top moves to the third position, the second element occupies the top position and is reversed, the third element moves to the lower most position and the fourth element moves to the second position. In every figure on the top and bottom one line has been added subsequently.

32. (e)

33. (d)


A' S
34. (b) 35. (a) 36. (c) 37. (b)


Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI) while a new element is substituted in its place. The figure loses one attachment, rotates anticlockwise through 90, regains the lost attachment, loses the diametrically opposite attachment and so on. The entire figure rotates clockwise through 135. The central hexagon adopts two positions alternately, the small hollow element shifts to the diagonally opposite corner and becomes black, and the existing black element is replaced by a new empty (unblackened) element. The number of dots inside the element increases by one alternately while the number of sides of the element increases by one continuously. The element at the Centre displaces the element at top left corner which displaces the element at bottom right which displaces the element at top right which displaces the element at bottom left which shifts to the top centre, resulting in the second figure. The element at top centre then shifts to the centre 27

38. (d) 39. (a) Here in each step outer figure's size has been reduced and becomes inside figure. Again in the place of outer design a new figure is drawn. 40. (e) The D rotates 90 clockwise direction and turns upside down. 41. (b) The entire figure rotates in clockwise direction through 90 while one line segment gets added to it. 42. (b) The small H and large E enlarge and reduce alternately with the simultaneous shifting through one side length of V anticlockwise and E clockwise, and further accompanied by anticlockwise rotation of E through 90. 43. (a) The column of elements shifts as follows: right, left, centre and so on. With each shift, first the lower two elements and then the upper two elements interchange positions alternately, and with each interchange the third element gets replaced by a new one. 44. (a) The element at the bottom expands and occupies the top position

45. (a)

46. (c) 47. (d)


A' S
48. (c) 49. (d)


Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI) and the pairs of elements in the top row and bottom row interchange places within themselves, resulting in the third figure, after which the above cycle continues. Thus, the next position would be as per the answer figure (d). 50. (b) The element shifts in anticlockwise sense through half-side length and one side length alternately, simultaneously rotating itself clockwise through 90.

101. (a) 600% of 176 + 32.84 = 1312.04 - ? 104. (a)
298 73 3 + 7

1088.84 = 1312.04 x

x = 1312.04 1088.84 = 223.2

102. (c) 100 % of 25% of 1620 + 3 7740 = x + 124 405 + 2580 = x + 124 x = 2861 103. (b)
3 5 2 5 +4 x = 3 7 4 14 37 19 47 + =x 7 4 14 148 + 133 94 =x 28 x= 19 187 =6 28 28



A' S
105. (e) 106. (d) 107. (c)

Applying BODMAS Rule

= 225 3 + 7 = 15 3 + 7

= 5 + 7 = 12

8769 125.89 17.865

= 8643.11 17.865
= 8625.245

(17)2 + 29 2 = x + (16)2 289 + 841 = x + 256

x = 1136 256 = 874

5 8 of 876 + of 582 4 3 = 1095 + 1552 = 2647

Suras 108. (a)

7824 7199 625 = 625 625

Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI)

C.P. = 100 S.P. = 100 + Pr ofit%

x = 13 =

x = 13 x

100 630 120

= Rs. 525 132. (b) 25% of

13 x = 520 12 12 100 = 1920 13 25 1920 60 100

= 25 13

x = 12
109. (e) 8794 x + 549 = 674 326

x = 520

9343 x = 348

110. (b) x% of 320 = 64

x = 64 100 320

= 20

111. (c)

25 8 12 7 200 84 = (16 4) + (5 5) 4
116 = 29 4

(Applying BODMAS Rule) 131. (d) S.P. = Rs. 630 Profit = 20%

A' S
= 1152
9S = 135 4 S=

x = 9343 348 = 8995

60% of 1920 =

133. (b) Total age of Vijay, Sanjay and Pappu = 45 3 = 135 Ratio of their ages =V:S:P=3:4:2
V 3 3S = V= S 4 4 S 4 2S = P= P 2 4

Given, V + S + P = 135
3S 2S +S+ = 135 4 4

135 4 = 60 years 9


Suras 134. (e)

Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI)

Total sales
= 84 125 = 10,500

R 3 3N = R= N 5 5 Four years hence sum of their ages = 96

Increase in sales
= 10,500 10,000 = 500

Increase %
= 500 100 = 5% 10,000

R + 4 + N + 4 = 96
R + N = 88;
3N + N = 88 5 3N 88 5 = 88; N = = 25 5 3 3N 3 65 = = 39 5 5 After 4 year ratio of their ages R= R + Y 39 + 4 43 = = N + 4 65 + 4 69

137. (d) Length of platform is not given Data inadequate 138. (b)
G 9 = L 5

A' S
G= 9L 5 L= 40 5 = 50 4


(1) (2)


and G = 40 + L ----Using (1) in (2)

9L 4L L = 40 = 40 5 5

135. (b) Let the consecutive numbers be x, x + 1, x + 2 Given, x+x+1+x+2 = x + 1 + 130 2x = 128 x = 64 Middle number = x + 1 = 65 136. (a) Originally let price of 1kg coal be Rs. 100 and Sales be 100 kg 30

G = 40 + 50 = 90 Total = G+ L = 50 + 90 = 140 139. (d) Ratio of their share only can be determined. Profit ratio cannot be determined.

Suras 140. (a)

3 x = 4.8 4 x= 4. 8 4 = 6. 4 3

Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI) A = 3008.5 Amount on C.I.
r = P1 + 100

500 6.4 500% of 6.4 = 100

r 3008 .5 = 27351 + 100

3008 .5 r= 1 100 = 10% 2735

= 6.4 5 = 32
141. (d) M = 15 + C C + G = 125 One more data has to be given Data inadequate. 142. (a) L.C.M. of 9, 11, 13 = 1287
11 1573 = 9 1287

144. (e) 13291 Sum of digits in odd places = 1 + 2 + 1 = 4 Sum of digits in even places = 9 + 3 = 12 Difference = 12 - 4 =8 (which should be a multiple of 11 or 0) 11 - 8 = 3 3 must be added.

13 1521 = 11 1287 15 1485 = 13 1287

11 13 15 > > 9 11 13

which is in descending order. 143. (a) C.I. = 3008.5 - 2735 = 273.5 P = 2735


A' S
= =

145. (e) C.P. = Rs. 885 Amount spent on washing = Rs.100 Total C.P. = Rs. 985 Profit = 25% S.P.
100 + Pr ofit % C.P. 100

125 985 100 = Rs. 1231.25


Suras 146. (d)

Bank Clerks Exam. Original Q/A, 2001 (SBI) 149. (a) hours 5 8 Days 56 ? Let x be subtracted for the numbers to be in proportion Thus, Product of means = product of extremes
(28 x )(20 x ) = (15 x )(38 x )

Men 96 105

96 5 56 105 8

x = 32 days 147. (b) C.P. of 6 dozen pens = 79 12 6 = Rs. 5688 C.P. of a dozen pencils

x 2 48x + 560 = x 2 53x + 570

5x = 10 x = 2

2 2

= 109 12 9 = Rs.11772 Total C.P. = 5688 + 11772 = Rs. 17460

148. (c)

x Loss % = 10

10 = = 12 = 1 10

1% loss.


A' S
u= u u2 =

150. (e)

9 b 2 Area = u b 2u = 200 9

2u 2 = 200 9
200 9 = 900 2

u = 30m

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