Pre Fi FRIA Banking Laws Notes

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2. Registered (Recorded) Partnership

INSOLVENCY ACT (FRIA) OF 2010 3. Corporation
Republic Act No. 10142
● Individual:
DEFINITION OF TERMS: o Resident and Citizen
o Became Insolvent
Insolvent: ● Group:
The classic definition of an insolvent is one whose liabilities are 1. Parent and subsidiaries
more than his or her assets. So, the assets are not sufficient to 2. Partnerships with more than 50% ownership by
pay off the liabilities. But, under the FRIA: same person
3. Sole Proprietorships owned by the same person
The financial condition of a debtor that is generally unable to
pay its or his liabilities as they fall due in the ordinary course of Exclusions to Debtors:
business; or 1. Banks
2. Insurance companies
An insolvent is a debtor who is generally unable to pay its or 3. Pre-need companies
his liabilities as they fall due in the ordinary course of business 4. NGAs and LGUs
OR has liabilities that are greater than its or his assets. [Sec. 4 Reason: they are governed by their own Laws/Codes
‘Unable to pay its or his liabilities as they fall due in the 1. In Rem
ordinary course of business’. Meaning, liquidity problems. The a. Lucas vs. Lucas: “An action in personam is
debtor has sufficient assets but could not meet his or her or its lodged against a person based on personal
obligations as they mature because those assets are not liquid. liability; an action in rem is directed against
OR the thing itself instead of the person; while
an action quasi in rem names a person as
‘Liabilities are greater than its or his assets’. Classic definition defendant, but its object is to subject that
of an insolvent. person's interest in a property to a
corresponding lien or obligation. A petition
directed against the "thing" itself or the res,
Rehabilitation: which concerns the status of a person, like a
petition for adoption, annulment of marriage,
The restoration of the debtor to condition of successful or correction of entries in the birth certificate,
operation and solvency, if it is shown that its continuance or is an action in rem.”
operation is economically feasible and its creditors can recover - Directed upon the thing itself (the
by way of the present value of payments projected in the plan, solvency) rather than the person of the
more if the debtor continues as a going concern than if it is debtor.
immediately liquidated. [Sec. 4 (gg)] 2. Notice by publication in a newspaper of general
circulation in the Philippines.
In other words, in rehabilitation there is a possibility of restoring ● Jurisdiction over the person is acquired upon
the distressed entity to enable it to meet its obligations, notice of publication, not upon the issuance of
because if it is not rehabilitated, chances are, the creditors summons.
would not be able to recover the full amount of their credits. 3. Summary and Non-adversarial.
So, we allow rehabilitation, so that, later on, if the entity is fully ● Non-adversarial: the defendant is the first person
rehabilitated, then there is a big chance that the creditors can who the judge speaks to. It is a system where
recover the full amounts of their credits. the complete power of the proceedings rests
with the judge.

1. Sole Proprietorship
against the debtor (or that
A. Voluntary Rehabilitation: render the debtor
a. Initiated by: insolvent).
1. Owner of a DTI-Registered Sole iii. Substantial likelihood of debtor’s
Proprietorship rehabilitation (Sec 14)
2. [Approved by at least] Majority of
Partners of a Registered (Recorded)
3. [Approved by at least] Majority of the Filing of Verified Petition
following in a Corporation:
● Board of Directors + 2/3 It is initiated by filing a verified petition, either by the distressed
stockholders (Stock Corp) debtor (voluntary) or creditors (involuntary).
● Board of Trustees + 2/3 members Issuance of Commencement Order
Within five (5) working days from the filing of the original or
Note: Group of Debtors –when one or more amended petition, the court shall issue the commencement
of its members foresee the impossibility of order.
meeting their debts when they fall due may also
file a Voluntary Petition for Rehabilitation. Is the court mandated to automatically issue a commencement
order? No, the court shall determine within five (5) working
b. Requisites to File Voluntary Petition for days whether the petition is sufficient in form and substance. If
Rehabilitation: the court finds that the petition is sufficient in form and
i. Insolvency of debtor; and substance, then it will issue the commencement order within
ii. Viability of rehabilitation five (5) days from filing of the petition.

B. Involuntary Rehabilitation Hearing

a. Initiated by: (Juridical Entities only.)
There is nothing in the law that prohibits the court from
1. Creditor or Group of Creditor with at
conducting a hearing within the five-day period.
least P1 Million or 25% of Subscribed
Capital Stock or Partner’s Contribution,
whichever is higher:
● If stock corporation, whichever
is higher between: P1 Million Issuance of
Filing of Verified Commencement
OR 25% of the SCS. Hearing
● If partnership, whichever is Order
higher between: P1 Million OR
Either by distressed Not prohibited by Within 5 working days
25% of Partner’s Contributions. debtor (voluntary) or law for Courts to from filing petition,
creditors conduct a hearing ONLY IF sufficient in
b. Requisites (Sec. 13): (involuntary) form & substance

i. No genuine issue of fact on law on

ii. Due and demandable liabilities: Rehabilitation proceedings commence upon the issuance of
1. Have not been paid for at the Commencement Order
least 60 days; or A. Section 16:
2. Are generally not met by
(a) identify the debtor, its principal business or
the debtor as they fall due;
activity/ies and its principal place of business;
3. Are prevented from being (b) summarize the ground/s for initiating the
paid because of another proceedings;
creditor (other than the
petitioner/s) initiating a (c) state the relief sought under this Act and any
foreclosure proceeding requirement or procedure particular to the relief
sought; debtor to be rehabilitated;
(d) state the legal effects of the Commencement (n) make available copies of the petition and
Order, including those mentioned in Section 17 rehabilitation plan for examination and copying by
hereof; any interested party;
(e) declare that the debtor is under rehabilitation; (o) indicate the location or locations at which
documents regarding the debtor and the
(f) direct the publication of the Commencement
proceedings under Act may be reviewed and
Order in a newspaper of general circulation in the
Philippines once a week for at least two (2)
consecutive weeks, with the first publication to be (p) state that any creditor or debtor who is not the
made within seven (7) days from the time of its petitioner, may submit the name or nominate any
issuance; other qualified person to the position of
rehabilitation receiver at least five (5) days before
(g) If the petitioner is the debtor direct the service
the initial hearing;
by personal delivery of a copy of the petition on
each creditor holding at least ten percent (10%) of (q) includes Stay or Suspension Order which shall:
the total liabilities of the debtor as determined from
1. suspend all actions or proceedings, in
the schedule attached to the petition within five (5)
court or otherwise, for the enforcement of
days; if the petitioner/s is/are creditor/s, direct the
claims against the debtor;
service by personal delivery of a copy of the
petition on the debtor within five (5) days; 2. suspend all actions to enforce any
judgment, attachment or other provisional
(h) appoint a rehabilitation receiver who may or not
remedies against the debtor;
be from among the nominees of the petitioner/s
and who shall exercise such powers and duties 3. prohibit the debtor from selling,
defined in this Act as well as the procedural rules encumbering, transferring or disposing in
that the Supreme Court will promulgate; any manner any of its properties except in
the ordinary course of business; and
(i) summarize the requirements and deadlines for
creditors to establish their claims against the 4. prohibit the debtor from making any
debtor and direct all creditors to their claims with payment of its liabilities outstanding as of
the court at least five (5) days before the initial the commencement date except as may
hearing; be provided herein.
(j) direct Bureau of internal Revenue (BIR) to file *Commencement Date retroacts to the
and serve on the debtor its comment on or date of filing.
opposition to the petition or its claim/s against the
debtor under such procedures as the Supreme
Court provide;
(k) prohibit the debtor's suppliers of goods or B. Section 17 (In addition to a Stay or Suspension
services from withholding the supply of goods and Order):
services in the ordinary course of business for as
(a) Vest power upon the receiver. vest the
long as the debtor makes payments for the
rehabilitation with all the powers and functions
services or goods supplied after the issuance of
provided for this Act, such as the right to review
the Commencement Order;
and obtain records to which the debtor's
(l) authorize the payment of administrative management and directors have access, including
expenses as they become due; bank accounts or whatever nature of the debtor
subject to the approval by the court of the
(m) set the case for initial hearing, which shall not performance bond filed by the rehabilitation
be more than forty (40) days from the date of filing receiver;
of the petition for the purpose of determining
whether there is substantial likelihood for the (b) Prohibits extrajudicial activities. prohibit or
otherwise serve as the legal basis rendering null
and void the results of any extrajudicial activity or i. If petitioner is:
process to seize property, sell encumbered ● Debtor → met with creditors of at least
property, or otherwise attempt to collection or ¾ of the total obligations
enforce a claim against the debtor after ● Creditor → met with the debtor/s
commencement date unless otherwise allowed in d. Rehabilitation receiver submitting a report, stating the
this Act, subject to the provisions of Section 50 substantial likelihood of successful rehabilitation,
hereof; among others:
i. Sufficient assets
(c) Renders null and void any set-off. serve as the ii. Sufficient cash flow to maintain operations
legal basis for rendering null and void any setoff iii. Debtor acted in good faith and due diligence
after the commencement date of any debt owed to iv. Petition not intended to delay enforcement of
the debtor by any of the debtor's creditors; creditor’s rights
(d) Renders null and void the perfection of any lien. v. Debtor likely to pursue a viable Rehabilitation Plan
serve as the legal basis for rendering null and void e. Petition/Rehabilitation Plan/ Attachments do not contain
the perfection of any lien against the debtor's materially false or misleading statements
property after the commencement date; and f. Debtor/s not committed fraud or misrepresentation

(e) Consolidates resolution of any legal

proceedings. consolidate the resolution of all legal EXCEPTIONS TO STAY OR SUSPENSION ORDER
proceedings by and against the debtor to the court
Section 18. Stay or Suspension Order shall not apply:
Provided. However, That the court may allow the
continuation of cases on other courts where the (a) to cases already pending appeal in the Supreme Court
debtor had initiated the suit. as of commencement date Provided, That any final and
executory judgment arising from such appeal shall be
referred to the court for appropriate action;
(b) subject to the discretion of the court, to cases pending or
C. Section 19: Waiver of taxes and fees due to the filed at a specialized court or quasi-judicial agency which,
national government and to local government units upon determination by the court is capable of resolving the
Upon issuance of the Commencement Order by claim more quickly, fairly and efficiently than the
the court, and until the approval of the court: Provided, That any final and executory judgment of
Rehabilitation Plan or dismissal of the petition, such court or agency shall be referred to the court and shall
whichever is earlier, the imposition of all taxes and be treated as a non-disputed claim;
fees including penalties, interests and charges (c) to the enforcement of claims against sureties and other
thereof due to the national government or to LGUs persons solidarily liable with the debtor, and third party or
shall be considered waived, in furtherance of the accommodation mortgagors as well as issuers of letters of
objectives of rehabilitation. credit, unless the property subject of the third party or
accommodation mortgage is necessary for the rehabilitation
of the debtor as determined by the court upon
EFFECTIVITY OF COMMENCEMENT ORDER: recommendation by the rehabilitation receiver;
Section 21: For the duration of the rehabilitation proceedings (d) to any form of action of customers or clients of a
for as long as there is substantial likelihood of success. securities market participant to recover or otherwise claim
moneys and securities entrusted to the latter in the ordinary
Requirements in determining whether there is substantial
course of the latter's business as well as any action of such
likelihood for the debtor to be successfully rehabilitated:
securities market participant or the appropriate regulatory
a. Proposed Rehabilitation Plan complies to the minimum agency or self-regulatory organization to pay or settle such
contents prescribed claims or liabilities;
b. Sufficient monitoring of the debtor’s business by the
(e) to the actions of a licensed broker or dealer to sell
rehabilitation receiver for the protection of the creditors
pledged securities of a debtor pursuant to a securities
c. Attempts by the debtor and creditor to reach a
pledge or margin agreement for the settlement of securities
reasonably possible consensus on the proposed
transactions in accordance with the provisions of the
Rehabilitation Plan
Securities Regulation Code and its implementing rules and o Give due course to the petition,
regulations; o Dismiss, or
▪ When debtor is not really insolvent
(f) the clearing and settlement of financial transactions
▪ Sham proceeding, intended to
through the facilities of a clearing agency or similar entities
delay the enforcement of rights or
duly authorized, registered and/or recognized by the
the creditors (esp. in voluntary)
appropriate regulatory agency like the Bangko Sentral ng
▪ Petition/Rehabilitation
Pilipinas (BSP) and the SEC as well as any form of actions
plan/attachments contain materially
of such agencies or entities to reimburse themselves for any
false or misleading statements
transactions settled for the debtor; and
▪ Fraud/misrepresentation
(g) any criminal action against individual debtor or owner, o Convert to Liquidation proceeding
partner, director or officer of a debtor shall not be affected
by any proceeding commend under this Act. Substantial Give
Insolvent? Yes Likelihood of Yes Due
Rehabilitation? Course

As against the sureties (item c): N N

JA: “If the court issues an order declaring an entity or a o o
distressed corporation to be in a state of suspension of
payment, there should be no actions against the guarantor Convert to Liquidation Proceeding
because the guarantor is subsidiarily liable only. The guarantor
is the insurer of the solvency of the debtor. You first have to Section 24. Report of the Rehabilitation Receiver
prove the insolvency of the debtor, if the guarantor invokes the
benefit of exhaustion. ⮚ Within 40 days from initial hearing

The surety binds himself or herself solidarily liable with the ⮚ Report made by Rehabilitation Receiver
principal debtor, so the liability of the surety is direct and
⮚ Stating his preliminary findings and recommendations
primary. Therefore, an action against the surety will proceed
regardless of the pendency of the proceedings for
rehabilitation. a. Debtor’s insolvency and its cause/s, including any
unlawful or irregular acts that contributed to it,
Judge Adviento’s Case:
b. Whether the Underlying Assumptions, Financial
A case for collection of sum of money filed against a
Goals and Procedures to achieve them as
corporation and against the sureties in the same complaint.
contained in the Rehabilitation Plan are realistic,
However, the corporation was declared insolvent by the
feasible and reasonable.
commercial court.
c. Substantial likelihood for the debtor to be
Dropped the corporation as defendant because the claim by
successfully rehabilitated,
the creditor against the distressed corporation must be filed
before the liquidator. But, the action continued as against the d. Petition to be dismissed;
e. The debtor should be dissolved and/or liquidated


⮚ Not entitled to participate, but still entitled to receive THE REHABILITATION RECEIVER
As defined
a. Natural or Juridical Person (as represented)
THE REHABILITATION COURT (Sec. 25) Note: Juridical Entity + Representative are solidarily
liable for fraud.
⮚ Filed in Special Commercial Court (RTC)
⮚ Within 10 days from receipt of Receiver’s Report, the
b. Qualifications (Section 29)
Court may:
Minimum Qualifications: proper or relevant to the operations and
business of the debtor and for its rehabilitation;
a. Citizen of the Philippines or Resident 6
months immediately preceding the h. To sue and recover, with the. approval of the
nomination court, all property or money of the debtor paid,
transferred or disbursed in fraud of the debtor
b. Good Moral Character and with
or its creditors, or which constitute undue
acknowledged integrity, impartiality and
preference of creditor/s;
i. To monitor the operations and the business of
c. Requisite knowledge of insolvency and other
the debtor to ensure that no payments or
relevant Commercial Laws, Rules and
transfers of property are made other than in the
ordinary course of business;
d. Has no conflict of interest unless expressly or
j. With the court's approval, to engage the
impliedly waived by prejudiced party
services of or to employ persons or entities to
assist him in the discharge of his functions;
k. To determine the manner by which the debtor
c. Reports to court his/its preliminary findings and may be best rehabilitated, to review) revise
recommendation within 40 days from initial hearing and/or recommend action on the Rehabilitation
Plan and submit the same or a new one to the
d. Powers, Duties and Responsibilities (Section 31) court for approval;
⮚ principal duty of preserving and maximizing the l. To implement the Rehabilitation Plan as
value of the assets of the debtor during the approved by the court, if 80 provided under the
rehabilitation proceedings Rehabilitation Plan;
⮚ determining the viability of the rehabilitation of m. To assume and exercise the powers of
the debtor management of the debtor, if directed by the
⮚ preparing and recommending a Rehabilitation court pursuant to Section 36 hereof;
Plan to the court, and n. To exercise such other powers as may, from
⮚ implementing the approved Rehabilitation Plan time to time, be conferred upon him by the
court; and

a. To verify the accuracy of the factual allegations o. To submit a status report on the rehabilitation
in the petition and its annexes; proceedings every quarter or as may be
required by the court motu proprio. or upon
b. To verify and correct, if necessary, the motion of any creditor. or as may be provided,
inventory of all of the assets of the debtor, and in the Rehabilitation Plan.
their valuation;
c. To verify and correct, if necessary, the e. Removal (Section 32)
schedule of debts and liabilities of the debtor;
⮚ May be removed any time
d. To evaluate the validity, genuineness and true
amount of all the claims against the debtor; ⮚ Motu proprio or upon motion of creditor/s
holding more than 50% of the total obligations
e. To take possession, custody and control, and
to preserve the value of all the property of the ⮚ On the following grounds:
debtor; a. Incompetence, gross negligence, failure to
f. To sue and recover, with the approval of the perform or failure to exercise the proper
court, all amounts owed to, and all properties degree of care in the performance of duties
pertaining to the debtor; and powers;

g. To have access to all information necessary, b. Lack of particular or specialized

competency required; described in subsections (d) and (e);
c. Illegal acts or conduct in the performance of h) provide for equal treatment of all claims within
his duties and powers; the same class or subclass, unless a particular
creditor voluntarily agrees to less favorable
d. Lack of qualification, or presence of any
i) ensure that the payments made under the plan
e. Conflict of Interest after appointment;
follow the priority established under the
f. Manifest lack of independence that is provisions of the Civil Code on concurrence
detrimental to general body of the and preference of credits and other applicable
stakeholders laws;
j) maintain the security interest of secured
creditors and preserve the liquidation value of
the security unless such has been waived or
THE REHABILITATION PLAN modified voluntarily;
*Assisted/prepared by CPA k) disclose all payments to creditors for pre-
A. Contents (Section 62) commencement debts made during the
proceedings and the justifications thereof;
a) specify the underlying assumptions, the
financial goals and the procedures proposed to i) describe the disputed claims and the
accomplish such goals; provisioning of funds to account for appropriate
payments should the claim be ruled valid or its
b) compare the amounts expected to be received
amount adjusted;
by the creditors under the Rehabilitation Plan
with those that they will receive if liquidation l) identify the debtor's role in the implementation
ensues within the next one hundred twenty of the Plan;
(120) days;
m) state any rehabilitation covenants of the debtor,
c) contain information sufficient to give the the breach of which shall be considered a
various classes of creditors a reasonable basis material breach of the Plan;
for determining whether supporting the Plan is
in their financial interest when compared to the n) identify those responsible for the future
immediate liquidation of the debtor, including management of the debtor and the supervision
any reduction of principal interest and penalties and implementation of the Plan, their affiliation
payable to the creditors; with the debtor and their remuneration;

d) establish classes of voting creditors; o) address the treatment of claims arising after
the confirmation of the Rehabilitation Plan;
e) establish subclasses of voting creditors if prior
approval has been granted by the court; p) require the debtor and its counter-parties to
adhere to the terms of all contracts that the
f) indicate how the insolvent debtor will be debtor has chosen to confirm;
rehabilitated including, but not limited to, debt
forgiveness, debt rescheduling, reorganization q) arrange for the payment of all outstanding
or quasi-reorganization. dacion en pago,  debt- administrative expenses as a condition to the
equity conversion and sale of the business (or Plan's approval unless such condition has
parts of it) as a going concern, or setting-up of been waived in writing by the creditors
a new business entity or other similar concerned;
arrangements as may be necessary to restore r) arrange for the payment" of all outstanding
the financial well-being and visibility of the taxes and assessments, or an adjusted amount
insolvent debtor; pursuant to a compromise settlement with the
g) specify the treatment of each class or subclass BlR Or other applicable tax authorities;
s) include a certified copy of a certificate of tax
clearance or evidence of a compromise e. Compromises on amounts or rescheduling of
settlement with the BIR; payments shall be binding regardless of whether
or not such is successfully implemented.
t) include a valid and binding r(,solution of a f. Claims after approval/not treated by such are not
meeting of the debtor's stockholders to subject to Suspension Order.
increase the shares by the required amount in
cases where the Plan contemplates an ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY OF A REHABILITATION PLAN
additional issuance of shares by the debtor; a. That the debtor has assets that can generate more
u) state the compensation and status, if any, of cash is used in its daily operations rather than if sold.
the rehabilitation receiver after the approval of b. Liquidity issued can be addressed by a practicable
the Plan; and business plan that will generate enough cash to
sustain daily operations.
v) contain provisions for conciliation and/or c. The debtor has a definite source of financing for the
mediation as a prerequisite to court assistance proper and full implementation of a Rehabilitation
or intervention in the event of any Plan that is anchored on realistic assumptions and
disagreement in the interpretation or goals.
implementation of the Rehabilitation Plan
a. Absence of a sound and workable business plan, or
B. Creditor Approval (Section 64) –by both classes:
b. Baseless and Unexplained assumptions, targets and
secured and unsecured creditors
Deemed approved: when, in one class, creditors
c. Speculative capital infusion or complete lack of capital
holding more than 50% of total claims voted in favor
infusion for the execution of business plan, or
of the plan
d. Cash flow cannot sustain daily operations, or
e. Negative net worth where assets are near full or are
C. Cram Down Rule
fully depreciated.
Note: Most of the time, majority of creditors would
vote against the Plan, for wanting to be prioritized or
paid in full regardless of the liabilities of the debtor
A. Success or Failure
being more than its assets.
● Terminated upon motion of any stakeholder or by the
The Court will still approve a Rehabilitation Plan in receiver
spite of the opposition of majority of the creditors: ● Court will issue order declaring either Success or Failure
● Rehabilitation is feasible, and of the Rehabilitation Plan
● Opposition is manifestly unreasonable Instances of Failure of Rehabilitation (Section 74):
a. Dismissal of the petition
D. Period to Confirm (Section 72)
b. Debtor’s failure to submit a Rehabilitation Plan
⮚ court shall have a maximum period of 1 year from
the date of the filing of the petition to confirm a c. Under the plan, there is no substantial
Rehabilitation Plan. likelihood of successful rehabilitation with a
reasonable period
E. Effects of Confirmation (Section 69). Rehabilitation
Plan: d. In the implementation, there is failure to
a. shall be binding upon the debtor and all person perform the obligations, or failure to realize the
who may be affected by it, including creditors – targets set forth
whether or not they participated in the e. Fraud in securing the approval of the R. Plan
proceedings or opposed the Rehabilitation Plan
b. Debtor shall comply to the provisions thereof f. Other analogous circumstances
c. Payments shall be made in accordance with such
d. Contracts and arrangements between the parties
shall be interpreted as continuing to apply as not
B. Effects of Termination (Section 75)
to have conflict to such.
a. Discharge of Rehabilitation Receiver subject to
his submission of a final accounting; and Remember in a Court-Supervised Rehabilitation:
b. Lifting of the Stay/Suspension Order and any
court order holding in abeyance any action for
the enforcement of a claim against the debtor
Filing of Verified Issuance of
Hearing Commencement Order

Either by distressed Within 5 working days Not prohibited by

debtor (voluntary) or from filing petition, law for Courts to
C. Section 75: If the termination of the proceedings is creditors (involuntary) ONLY IF sufficient in conduct a hearing
due to failure of rehabilitation or dismissal of petition form & substance

for reasons other than technical grounds, the

proceedings shall be immediately converted to
Then in a Pre-Negotiated Rehabilitation:


*creditor and debtor have not gone to court yet, but have met Issuance of
and agreed on a rehabilitation plan out-of-court Court Approval of
Commencement Publication
Rehabilitation Plan
A. Filing of Verified Petition Including Order Published once WITHOUT objection:
*may be done by debtor alone or jointly with the for Publication a week for 2 Within 10 days from 2nd
and consecutive publication
creditors (Sec. 76) Stay/Suspension weeks in a WITH objection:
Order newspaper of -120 days max for Court to
B. Endorsed by creditors holding at least 2/3 of the *Same with Court- general approve/disapprove
Supervised circulation in -No Action of Court within
obligation (Sec. 76)
the PH the 120 days = approved
*including secured creditors holding majority (more
than 50%) of the total secured credits and unsecured
creditors holding majority of the total unsecured

Initial Order, pursuant to Sec. 77

JA: The court will issue an initial order within five (5) *Note: Verified Objection is submitted to court not later than 8
working days if it finds that the petition is sufficient in days from the 2nd publication.
form and substance.

This initial order will also include an order for the

publication or a directive for the publication of the
initial order. It also includes a stay or suspension C. Approval or Objection:
order. a. Approved
Section 78. Approval of the Plan. - Within ten
After publication, because the initial order must be (10) days from the date of the second
published once a week for 2 consecutive weeks in a publication of the Order, the court shall
newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines, approve the Rehabilitation Plan unless a
within ten (10) days from the 2nd publication of the creditor or other interested party submits an
order, if there are no objections filed in court, then the objection to it in accordance with the next
court will approve the rehabilitation plan. If there are succeeding section.
objections, then the court has a maximum period of
120 days to approve or disapprove the rehabilitation
plan. If the court does not or if no action is taken Section 81. Period for Approval of
within 120 days, the rehabilitation plan is deemed Rehabilitation Plan. - The court shall have a
approved.” maximum period of one hundred twenty (120)
days from the date of the filing of the petition
to approve the Rehabilitation Plan. If the court Rehabilitation Plans. – 
fails to act within the said period, the
(1) Debtor must agree to the out-of-court or
Rehabilitation Plan shall be deemed approved.
informal restructuring/workout agreement or
Rehabilitation Plan;
(2) Approved by creditors:
b. Objected
Section 79. Objection to the Petition or (a) Secured: representing at least sixty-
Rehabilitation Plan. - Any creditor or other seven (67%) or 2/3 of the secured
interested party may submit to the court a obligations of the debtor;
verified objection to the petition or the
Rehabilitation Plan not later than eight (8) (b) Unsecured: representing at least
days from the date of the second publication seventy-five percent (75%) or ¾ of the
of the Order mentioned in Section 77 hereof. unsecured obligations of the debtor; and
(c) Total: holding at least eighty-five
percent (85%) of the total liabilities.
The objections shall be limited to the following:
a. The allegations in the petition or the
Rehabilitation Plan or the attachments B. Standstill Period
thereto are materially false or Section 85.
The standstill period is agreed by the parties
b. The majority of any class of creditors do pending the negotiation and finalization of the
not in fact support the Rehabilitation agreement. This should not last for more than 120
Plan; days.
c. The Rehabilitation Plan fails to
accurately account for a claim against
the debtor and the claim in not Requirements for standstill period
categorically declared as a contested (1) Must be approved by the creditors
claim; or representing more than 50% of the
d. The support of the creditors, or any of liabilities,
them was induced by fraud. (2) Notice is published in a newspaper of
general circulation in the Philippines,
once a week for 2 consecutive
Copies of any objection to the petition of the weeks, and
Rehabilitation Plan shall be served on the
debtor, the rehabilitation receiver (if (3) Shall not exceed 120 days.
applicable), the secured creditor with the
largest claim and who supports the
Rehabilitation Plan, and the unsecured
C. Cram Down Effect
creditor with the largest claim and who
Section 86.
supports the Rehabilitation Plan.
The rehabilitation or restructuring plan that is
approved pursuant to an informal rehabilitation
plan should have the same legal effect as
confirmation of a rehabilitation plan under Section
OUT OF COURT OR INFORMAL REHABILITATION 69 (court-supervised rehabilitation).

A. Minimum Requirements
Section 84. Minimum Requirements of Out-of-
Court or Informal Restructuring Agreements and
LIQUIDATION OF INSOLVENT JURIDICAL DEBTORS their comment. After filing of the comment by the
debtor and the creditors, if the court finds the
A. Voluntary Liquidation petition to be meritorious, it will issue the
1. Filing of Verified Petition liquidation order.
*Voluntary Liquidation initiated by the debtor
2. RTC designated as Special Commercial Court
2. RTC designated as Special Commercial Court 3. 3 nominees as liquidator
3. Petition must contain at least 3 nominees as *Petition for Involuntary Liquidation already
liquidator contains the names of the nominees, just like in
Note: the voluntary liquidation.
- In rehabilitation, we have nominees as the
receiver; in liquidation, we have nominees as 4. Bond
liquidator. Section 105 (last paragraph)– The petitioning
creditor/s shall post a bond in such as the court
If there is a pending proceeding for rehabilitation or shall direct, conditioned that:
pre-negotiated rehabilitation proceeding, the debtor - if the petition for liquidation is dismissed
may file in the same proceeding a verified motion for by the court, or
liquidation. - if withdrawn by the petitioner , or
- if the debtor shall not be declared an
If there is no pending rehabilitation proceeding, then insolvent,
file a new action for liquidation. the petitioners will pay to the debtor all costs,
expenses, damages occasioned by the
If the petition is sufficient in form and substance, the proceedings, and attorney’s fees. [from the
court will issue a liquidation order. bond]

B. Involuntary Liquidation
1. Verified Petition by 3 or more Creditors THE LIQUIDATION ORDER
*Involuntary Liquidation initiated by 3 or more
creditors of the insolvent juridical debtor: Section 112. Liquidation Order shall:

- Stock Corporation: aggregate claim of creditors (a) declare the debtor insolvent;
must be the higher between: P1Million or 25% of (b) order the liquidation of the debtor and, in the case
the subscribed capital stock of a juridical debtor, declare it as dissolved;

- Partnership: aggregate claim of creditors must (c) order the sheriff to take possession and control of
be the higher between: P1Million or 25% of the all the property of the debtor, except those that
Partner’s Contributions may be exempt from execution;
(d) order the publication of the petition or motion in a
If there is a pending rehabilitation proceeding, newspaper of general circulation once a week for
the creditors may also file a verified motion for two (2) consecutive weeks;
liquidation during the pendency of the
rehabilitation proceeding. (e) direct payments of any claims and conveyance of
any property due the debtor to the liquidator;
If there is no pending rehabilitation proceeding,
(f) prohibit payments by the debtor and the transfer of
then they may file a separate verified petition for
any property by the debtor;
(g) direct all creditors to file their claims with the
If the Court finds that the motion or petition is liquidator within the period set by the rules of
sufficient in form and substance, it shall issue an procedure;
order directing the publication of the motion or
the petition. It shall direct the debtor and all the (h) authorize the payment of administrative expenses
creditors, not just the petitioning creditors, to file as they become due;
(i) state that the debtor and creditors who are not
petitioner/s may submit the names of other
nominees to the position of liquidator; and THE LIQUIDATION PLAN

(j) set the case for hearing for the election and A. Period of Submission by Liquidator
appointment of the liquidator, which date shall not
Section 129. The Liquidation Plan. - Within three
be less than thirty (30) days nor more than forty-
(3) months from his assumption into office, the
five (45) days from the date of the last publication.
Liquidator shall submit a Liquidation Plan to the
court. The Liquidation Plan shall, as a minimum
Section 113. Effects of the Liquidation Order: enumerate all the assets of the debtor and a
schedule of liquidation of the assets and payment
(a) the juridical debtor shall be deemed dissolved and of the claims.
its corporate or juridical existence terminated;
(b) legal title to and control of all the assets of the
debtor, except those that may be exempt from The Liquidator will prepare a liquidation plan which
execution, shall be deemed vested in the liquidator will be submitted to Court within 3 months from his
or, pending his election or appointment, with the assumption of office.
(c) all contracts of the debtor shall be deemed The Liquidation Plan shall observe the provisions
terminated and/or breached, unless the liquidator, under the Civil Code on the concurrence and
within ninety (90) days from the date of his preference of credits. (The discussions under these
assumption of office, declares otherwise and the provisions are material only when we have insolvent
contracting party agrees; debtors)

(d) [Secured creditors are not affected but they may B. Concurrence and Preference of Credits (Section 133,
waive their lien] no separate action for the referring to the Civil Code)
collection of an unsecured claim shall be allowed. The Liquidation Plan and its implementation shall
Such actions already pending will be transferred to ensure that the concurrence and preference of credits
the Liquidator for him to accept and settle or as enumerated in the Civil Code of the Philippines
contest. If the liquidator contests or disputes the and other relevant laws shall be observed, unless a
claim, the court shall allow, hear and resolve such preferred creditor voluntarily waives his preferred
contest except when the case is already on appeal. right.
In such a case, the suit may proceed to judgment,
and any final and executor judgment therein for a
claim against the debtor shall be filed and allowed SUSPENSION OF PAYMENT (FOR INDIVIDUAL DEBTORS)
in court; and
The law does not provide for the rehabilitation of individual
debtors. You cannot rehabilitate an individual debtor; you can
*If a secured creditor does not waive their lien, only rehabilitate a juridical debtor.
then they may foreclose the security or they can
agree with the liquidator that his particular amount An individual debtor, who is a resident and citizen of the
is the value of the property and ask the liquidator Philippines and has become insolvent, however, can file a
to deliver to them the property and they will verified petition for suspension of payment.
condone the obligation; or they can agree with the
liquidator for the liquidator to sell the property and A. Liquidity Issue (Sufficient, but Solid Assets)
that from the proceeds, they will be paid. A petition for suspension of payment is filed only if the
debtor has liquidity problems –the individual debtor
has sufficient property to cover all the debts but could
(e) no foreclosure proceeding shall be allowed for a not meet or pay these debts when they fall due
period of one hundred eighty (180) days. because this debtor has liquidity problems (the debtor
has solid assets, like real properties that cannot easily
be disposed of)
Example of written evidence of claims: official
B. Verified Petition receipts, statement of accounts.
The insolvent debtor may file a verified petition in the
province or city where he or she has resided for at Quorum Requirement: There must be presence of
least 6 months prior to the filing of the petition. creditors holding at least 3/5 of the total liabilities.

Attached to the petition is: Voting Requirement: (for the approval of a proposed
(1) a schedule of debts and liabilities, agreement*): at least 2/3 of the number of creditors
(2) an inventory of assets, and holding the Quorum (at least 3/5 of the liabilities).
(3) a proposed agreement with his/her creditors
*Remember that in filing the petition for suspension of
C. 3 Nominees for Commissioner payment, there is already proposed agreements
Also included in the petition are the names of the attached to the petition. These will be subjected to the
nominees as commissioner. It would be the job of the approval of the creditors during the creditors’
commissioner to receive the written evidence of the meeting.

There is no commissioner for juridical debtors VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION (INDIVIDUAL DEBTORS)

because the suspension order is included in the Just like a juridical person, an individual debtor can file a
petition for rehabilitation, and it already contains the petition for voluntary liquidation.
names of the nominees for receiver. The
commencement order also already includes a stay or (a) Application
suspension order, but there is a separate petition for - Insolvency issue with debts exceeding P500,000.00
suspension or payment for individual debtors. - Filing of verified petition

In suspension for payment, the debtor has liquidity issue.

SUSPENSION OF PAYMENT ORDER Whereas, in voluntary liquidation, there is an insolvency
issue, which means that the assets of the debtor are not
A. When issued sufficient to pay off the liabilities.
If the court finds the petition to be sufficient in form
and substance within 5 working days from the filing of Can any debtor whose assets are less than his liabilities
the petition, then it will issue an order pursuant to file a petition for voluntary liquidation?
Section 95. The petition includes the appointment of a NO, because there is a minimum amount of debt before
commissioner who will preside in the creditor’s you can file a petition. For individual debtors, the debts
meeting. must exceed P500,000.00.

B. Prohibition on Unsecured Creditors An insolvent individual debtor with assets less than his
Unsecured creditors are prohibited from instituting liabilities and the amount of debt exceeds P500,000.00,
proceedings for collection. may file a verified petition for voluntary liquidation.

Why are we focusing on unsecured creditors and not Attached to the petition is:
the secured creditors? Because secured creditors can (1) A schedule of debts and liabilities and
still proceed against the securities attached to the (2) An inventory of the assets.
obligation. So, if you are a mortgagee, you can
proceed to foreclosure of the mortgage, unless you TN: In suspension of payments, the debtor also submits
waive your preference over the specific property. the names of 3 nominees for commissioner. In Voluntary
Liquidation, there is no such requirement.
C. Creditors’ Meeting
During the creditors’ meeting, which is presided by The act itself of the insolvent individual debtor of filing a
the appointed commissioner, the creditors will present petition for voluntary liquidation is an act of insolvency.
the written evidence of their claims. So, it is already an admission of the debtor being
(3) days for the purpose of hindering or
delaying the liquidation or of defrauding his
(b) Liquidation Order creditors;
- Issued if petition is sufficient in form and substance
- Within 5 working days from filing f) That he has confessed or offered to allow
judgment in favor of any creditor or claimant
What will the court do with the petition? for the purpose of hindering or delaying the
Within 5 working days from filing of the petition, if the liquidation or of defrauding any creditors or
court finds that the petition is sufficient in form and claimant;
substance, it will issue a liquidation order immediately, g) That he has willfully suffered judgment to be
because, again, the act of the debtor of filing such petition taken against him by default for the purpose
is already an admission of insolvency. There is no more of hindering or delaying the liquidation or of
need to determine whether the debtor is in fact insolvent. defrauding his creditors;
h) That he has suffered or procured his property
INVOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION (INDIVIDUAL DEBTORS) to be taken on legal process with intent to
This is filed by a creditor or group of creditor of an individual give a preference to one or more of his
debtor whose claim amount to at least P500,000.00 creditors and thereby hinder or delay the
liquidation or defraud any one of his creditors;
A. Application i) That he has made any assignment, gift, sale,
- Creditors with at least P500,000.00 claim conveyance or transfer of his estate,
- Verified petition property, rights or credits with intent to hinder
Note: For Voluntary Liquidation, debts must exceed or delay the liquidation or defraud his
P500,000.00, for Involuntary Liquidation, debts must creditors;
be at least P500,000.00.
j) That he has, in contemplation of insolvency,
The creditor or group of creditors may file a petition made any payment, gift, grant, sale,
for involuntary liquidation in the special commercial conveyance or transfer of his estate,
court in the province or city where the debtor resides. property, rights or credits;
k) That being a merchant or tradesman, he has
The petition must allege at least one act of insolvency
generally defaulted in the payment of his
enumerated in Section 105:
current obligations for a period of thirty (30)
Section 105. Acts of insolvency which the petition
for liquidation must allege (at least one):
l) That for a period of thirty (30) days, he has
a) That such person is about to depart or has
failed, after demand, to pay any moneys
departed from the Republic of the Philippines,
deposited with him or received by him in a
with intent to defraud his creditors;
fiduciary; and
b) That being absent from the Republic of the
m) That an execution having been issued
Philippines, with intent to defraud his
against him on final judgment for money, he
creditors, he remains absent;
shall have been found to be without sufficient
c) That he conceals himself to avoid the service property subject to execution to satisfy the
of legal process for the purpose of hindering judgment.
or delaying the liquidation or of defrauding his
d) That he conceals, or is removing, any of his
B. Show Cause
property to avoid its being attached or taken
- Why debtors should not be adjudged an insolvent
on legal process;
- Forbids payment of debts and transfer of assets
e) That he has suffered his property to remain
under attachment or legal process for three
Upon filing of the petition by the creditor/s, the court Article 2239. If there is property, other than that mentioned
will issue an order requiring the debtor to show cause in the preceding article, owned by two or more persons, one
why he or she should not be adjudged an insolvent. of whom is the insolvent debtor, his undivided share or
interest therein shall be among the assets to be taken
Remember that in voluntary liquidation, the filing of possession of by the assignee for the payment of the
the debtor is already an act of insolvency, hence the insolvent debtor's obligations. (n)
court immediately issues a liquidation order; however,
in involuntary liquidation, it is the creditors that allege Article 2240. Property held by the insolvent debtor as a
the insolvency of the debtor. Thus, the court issued a trustee of an express or implied trust, shall be excluded
Show Cause Order to allow the debtor to show-cause from the insolvency proceedings. (n)
why he/she should not be adjudged or declared

The Court may also issue an order forbidding debtor CHAPTER 2 Classification of Credits
from making payments (in effect, suspension of
payments), and from transferring any property Article 2241. With reference to specific movable property of
belonging to him. the debtor, the following claims or liens shall be preferred:
(1) Duties, taxes and fees due thereon to the State or any
C. Liquidation Order
subdivision thereof;
- Default of Debtor, or
- Finding in favor of petitioning creditors (2) Claims arising from misappropriation, breach of trust, or
malfeasance by public officials committed in the
If the debtor defaults (does not file his comment to the performance of their duties, on the movables, money or
petition) or if after trial, and the issues were found in securities obtained by them;
favor of the creditors, then the court will issue a
liquidation order. (3) Claims for the unpaid price of movables sold, on said
movables, so long as they are in the possession of the
debtor, up to the value of the same; and if the movable has
been resold by the debtor and the price is still unpaid, the
lien may be enforced on the price; this right is not lost by the
immobilization of the thing by destination, provided it has
CONCURRENCE AND PREFERENCE OF not lost its form, substance and identity; neither is the right
CREDITS lost by the sale of the thing together with other property for a
lump sum, when the price thereof can be determined
Civil Code Articles 2236 – 2251
CHAPTER 1 General Provisions (4) Credits guaranteed with a pledge so long as the things
pledged are in the hands of the creditor, or those
Article 2236. The debtor is liable with all his property,
guaranteed by a chattel mortgage, upon the things pledged
present and future, for the fulfillment of his obligations,
or mortgaged, up to the value thereof;
subject to the exemptions provided by law. (1911a)
(5) Credits for the making, repair, safekeeping or
Article 2237. Insolvency shall be governed by special laws
preservation of personal property, on the movable thus
insofar as they are not inconsistent with this Code. (n)
made, repaired, kept or possessed;
Article 2238. So long as the conjugal partnership or
(6) Claims for laborers' wages, on the goods manufactured
absolute community subsists, its property shall not be
or the work done;
among the assets to be taken possession of by the
assignee for the payment of the insolvent debtor's (7) For expenses of salvage, upon the goods salvaged;
obligations, except insofar as the latter have redounded to
(8) Credits between the landlord and the tenant, arising from
the benefit of the family. If it is the husband who is insolvent,
the administration of the conjugal partnership or absolute the contract of tenancy on shares, on the share of each in
the fruits or harvest;
community may, by order of the court, be transferred to the
wife or to a third person other than the assignee. (n) (9) Credits for transportation, upon the goods carried, for the
price of the contract and incidental expenses, until their divided;
delivery and for thirty days thereafter;
(9) Claims of donors or real property for pecuniary charges
(10) Credits for lodging and supplies usually furnished to or other conditions imposed upon the donee, upon the
travellers by hotel keepers, on the movables belonging to immovable donated;
the guest as long as such movables are in the hotel, but not
(10) Credits of insurers, upon the property insured, for the
for money loaned to the guests;
insurance premium for two years. (1923a)
(11) Credits for seeds and expenses for cultivation and
Article 2243. The claims or credits enumerated in the two
harvest advanced to the debtor, upon the fruits harvested;
preceding articles shall be considered as mortgages or
(12) Credits for rent for one year, upon the personal pledges of real or personal property, or liens within the
property of the lessee existing on the immovable leased and purview of legal provisions governing insolvency. Taxes
on the fruits of the same, but not on money or instruments mentioned in No. 1, article 2241, and No. 1, article 2242,
of credit; shall first be satisfied. (n)
(13) Claims in favor of the depositor if the depositary has Article 2244. With reference to other property, real and
wrongfully sold the thing deposited, upon the price of the personal, of the debtor, the following claims or credits shall
sale. be preferred in the order named:
In the foregoing cases, if the movables to which the lien or (1) Proper funeral expenses for the debtor, or children under
preference attaches have been wrongfully taken, the his or her parental authority who have no property of their
creditor may demand them from any possessor, within thirty own, when approved by the court;
days from the unlawful seizure. (1922a)
(2) Credits for services rendered the insolvent by
Article 2242. With reference to specific immovable property employees, laborers, or household helpers for one year
and real rights of the debtor, the following claims, preceding the commencement of the proceedings in
mortgages and liens shall be preferred, and shall constitute insolvency;
an encumbrance on the immovable or real right:
(3) Expenses during the last illness of the debtor or of his or
(1) Taxes due upon the land or building; her spouse and children under his or her parental authority,
if they have no property of their own;
(2) For the unpaid price of real property sold, upon the
immovable sold; (4) Compensation due the laborers or their dependents
under laws providing for indemnity for damages in cases of
(3) Claims of laborers, masons, mechanics and other
labor accident, or illness resulting from the nature of the
workmen, as well as of architects, engineers and
contractors, engaged in the construction, reconstruction or
repair of buildings, canals or other works, upon said (5) Credits and advancements made to the debtor for
buildings, canals or other works; support of himself or herself, and family, during the last year
preceding the insolvency;
(4) Claims of furnishers of materials used in the
construction, reconstruction, or repair of buildings, canals or (6) Support during the insolvency proceedings, and for three
other works, upon said buildings, canals or other works; months thereafter;
(5) Mortgage credits recorded in the Registry of Property, (7) Fines and civil indemnification arising from a criminal
upon the real estate mortgaged; offense;
(6) Expenses for the preservation or improvement of real (8) Legal expenses, and expenses incurred in the
property when the law authorizes reimbursement, upon the administration of the insolvent's estate for the common
immovable preserved or improved; interest of the creditors, when properly authorized and
approved by the court;
(7) Credits annotated in the Registry of Property, in virtue of
a judicial order, by attachments or executions, upon the (9) Taxes and assessments due the national government,
property affected, and only as to later credits; other than those mentioned in articles 2241, No. 1, and
2242, No. 1;
(8) Claims of co-heirs for warranty in the partition of an
immovable among them, upon the real property thus (10) Taxes and assessments due any province, other than
those referred to in articles 2241, No. 1, and 2242, No. 1; which enjoy preference, as to the amount not paid, shall be
satisfied according to the following rules:
(11) Taxes and assessments due any city or municipality,
other than those indicated in articles 2241, No. 1, and 2242, (1) In the order established in article 2244;
No. 1;
(2) Common credits referred to in article 2245 shall be paid
(12) Damages for death or personal injuries caused by a pro rata regardless of dates.
(13) Gifts due to public and private institutions of charity or
(14) Credits which, without special privilege, appear in (a) a
public instrument; or (b) in a final judgment, if they have
Concurrence of credits occurs when the same specific property
been the subject of litigation. These credits shall have
of the debtor or all of his properties are subject to the claims of
preference among themselves in the order of priority of the
several creditors.
dates of the instruments and of the judgments, respectively.
For example, Mr. A bought a car, and he has not yet fully paid
Article 2245. Credits of any other kind or class, or by any the price. Security interest was created over that car in order to
other right or title not comprised in the four preceding secure the payment. However, the car figured in an accident
articles, shall enjoy no preference. (1925) and so work was done to repair the car. Mr. A was also not
able to pay the mechanic, and so there was a mechanic’s lien
on the car. The seller and the mechanic have credits over the
particular car that concur. These are credits with respect to the
CHAPTER 3 Order of Preference of Credits
Concurrence of credits implies the possession by 2 or more
Article 2246. Those credits which enjoy preference with
creditors of equal rights or privileges over the same property or
respect to specific movables, exclude all others to the extent
all of the properties of the debtor.
of the value of the personal property to which the preference
*According to Tolentino, there must be an insolvency or other
Article 2247. If there are two or more credits with respect to type of in rem litigation proceeding of the debtor’s estate.
the same specific movable property, they shall be satisfied *The rules on concurrence and preference of credits become
pro rata, after the payment of duties, taxes and fees due the significant only if there is an insolvent debtor.
State or any subdivision thereof. (1926a)
Article 2248. Those credits which enjoy preference in PREFERENCE OF CREDITS
relation to specific real property or real rights, exclude all
others to the extent of the value of the immovable or real Preference of Credits is the right held by a creditor to be
right to which the preference refers. preferred in the payment of his claims above the others; IOW,
Article 2249. If there are two or more credits with respect to the right to be paid first.
the same specific real property or real rights, they shall be
satisfied pro rata, after the payment of the taxes and
assessments upon the immovable property or real right. CLASSIFICATION OF CREDITS
1. Absolutely Preferred Credits (No. 1 Arts, 2241, 2242, &
Article 2250. The excess, if any, after the payment of the No. 2, Art. 2244):
credits which enjoy preference with respect to specific a. Duties, taxes and fees due thereon to the State or
property, real or personal, shall be added to the free any subdivision [Article 2241 (1)]; with reference to
property which the debtor may have, for the payment of the specific movable property.
other credits. (1928a) b. Taxes due upon the land or building [Article 2242
Article 2251. Those credits which do not enjoy any (1)]; with reference to specific immovable property
preference with respect to specific property, and those and real rights.
c. Credits for services rendered the insolvent by FIRST. Absolutely Preferred over Specific Movable or
employees, laborers, or household helpers for one Immovable
year preceding the commencement of the
proceedings in insolvency [Article 2244 (2)]; with SECOND. Specially Preferred Credits
reference to other property, real or personal.
These must be paid first over the others listed in the THIRD. Ordinary Preferred Credits
LAST. Common Credits
2. Specifically Preferred Credits (Arts. 2241 & 2242, except
the State)

Note: For those enumerated under Art. 2241, this has

been effectively modified by the PPSA, because there is
no more chattel mortgage and pledge.

With respect to specific movable property in 2241, after

paying No.1, then the other credits listed there which
concur among themselves, will be paid proportionately.

There is no preference of credits here. Not anyone of the

credits listed are to be paid first, all of them will be paid
This also applies to Art. 2242, in that after paying No.1,
the other creditors listed will be paid proportionately.
3. Ordinary Preferred Credits (Art. 2244, except No. 2 –
employment claims) A. New Central Bank Act
Note: This has been modified – No. 2 (employment B. The General Banking Law of 2000
claims) is the No.1 of the list now. C. Secrecy of Bank Deposits Act
D. Anti-Money Laundering Act
Under the PDIC Charter, in case of dissolution of a bank,
the secured portion under the PDIC is P500,000.00. The
unsecured portion of the bank deposit, which is NEW CENTRAL BANK ACT (RA 7653, as amended by
considered as a simple loan or mutuum, on the other RA 11211)
hand, is considered a preferred credit under No. 9 of Art.
2244. State Policy:
To maintain an independent central monetary authority
Before the new PDIC Charter took effect, the unsecured responsible for money, banking and credit concerns
portion of bank deposits were considered ordinary credits
and do not enjoy any preference. Now, the new PDIC Independent Central Monetary Authority - a GOCC which
Charter (RA 10846), provides that the uninsured portion enjoys fiscal and administrative autonomy
of bank deposits is considered preferred credit which fall
under No. 9 of Art. 2244.
4. Common Credits; not preferred (Art. 2245)
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas is the independent central
These credits do not enjoy any preference at all. monetary authority in the Philippines.

It has a capital of P200 Billion, fully subscribed by the

ORDER OF PAYMENT Government. It is only the Government that is the shareholder,
so to speak, of BSP.
7. Financial Advisor and Official Depository of the
PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF BSP: Government (Sec. 113)
Before the Government undertakes any credit
To maintain price stability conducive to a balanced and operation abroad, the Government through the
sustainable growth of the economy. Secretary of Finance, requests an opinion from the
BSP on the monetary implication of a contemplated
To promote and maintain monetary stability and the action.
convertibility of the peso.

Since BSP is a corporate body, it needs a governing body just
1. Financial Supervision (Sec. 3) like in any corporation. In a stock corporation, the governing
It supervises the operations of banks and exercises body is called the Board of Directors, in a non-stock
regulatory powers over institutions performing quasi- corporation, Board of Trustees. In BSP, the governing body is
banking functions and institutions performing similar the Monetary Board.

2. Liquidity Management Composition (Section 6)

It formulates and implements monetary policy aimed
at influencing money-supply consistent with its It is composed of 7 members:
primary objective to maintain price stability. 1. Chairman – Governor of the BSP
2. Cabinet of the President, one who is appointed by the
3. Lender of Last Resort (Sec. 82 and 83) President.
It lends money to banks through commercial credits, 3. 5 members from the private sector who shall serve
production credits and other credits and advances. full-time as Members of the Monetary Board.
There are also instances when it extends loans with
the maturity of just 7 days without collateral to banks, No member of the Monetary Board may be reappointed more
especially when banks have urgent need for cash in than once.
order to maintain its liquidity.
Term (Section 6)
4. Currency Issuance (Sec. 50)
Its most important function is the power and authority The term shall be 6 years. Of the 5 members in Item 3, there
to issue currency within Philippine territory. Only BSP shall be 3 members who shall have a term of 6 years, and 2
can print the currency of the Philippines. who have 3 years.

5. Management of Foreign Currency Reserves (Sec. 65 Vacancy created by death, resignation or removal shall by
and 71) filled by appointment of a new member to complete the
BSP is tasked to maintain international reserves unexpired period of the term.
adequate to meet any foreseeable net demand for
foreign currencies.
Section 71 requires that BSP shall endeavor to
maintain a net positive foreign asset position so that BSP exercises supervision over, and conducts examination of
its gross foreign exchange will always exceed its banks and quasi-banks, including subsidiaries and affiliates.
gross foreign liabilities.
One of the functions of the BSP is financial supervision of
6. Determination of Foreign Exchange Rate (Sec. 74) banks, so BSP has departments tasked to supervise and
It determines through the Monetary Board the examine banks. There is a separate department to supervise
exchange rate policy of the country. and examine commercial banks, there is also a separate
department for rural banks. Not just banks, but also when it is satisfied that the institution can continue to
subsidiaries and affiliates. operate on its own and the conservatorship is no longer
necessary. The conservatorship shall likewise be terminated
Subsidiary –more than 50% of its voting stock owned or should the Monetary Board, on the basis of the report of the
controlled by bank or quasi-bank conservator or of its own findings, determine that the
continuance in business of the institution would involve
Affiliates –50% or less of its voting stock owned or controlled probable loss to its depositors or creditors, in which case
by bank or quasi-bank the provisions of Section 30 shall apply.


SEC. 29. Appointment of Conservator. – Whenever, on the When we discussed FRIA, we discussed about corporations in
basis of a report submitted by the appropriate supervising or distress, and one of the ways in order to restore the liquidity
examining department, the Monetary Board finds that a problems of a corporation is to have it rehabilitated, so the
bank or a quasi-bank is in a state of continuing inability or corporation or may be the creditors file a petition for
unwillingness to maintain a condition of liquidity deemed rehabilitation.
adequate to protect the interest of depositors and creditors,
the Monetary Board may appoint a conservator with such With respect to banks, the equivalent of such action is
powers as the Monetary Board shall deem necessary to conservatorship.
take charge of the assets, liabilities, and the management
thereof, reorganize the management, collect all monies and Requisites to be placed under Conservatorship
debts due said institution, and exercise all powers
necessary to restore its viability. The conservator shall 1. A report is submitted by the appropriate department
report and be responsible to the Monetary Board and shall
have the power to overrule or revoke the actions of the 2. Finding of Liquidity Problem/s
previous management and board of directors of the bank or The Monetary Board finds that the bank or quasi-bank
quasi-bank. is in a state of continuing inability or unwillingness to
maintain a condition of liquidity deemed adequate to
protect the interest of depositors and creditors.
The conservator should be competent and knowledgeable
in bank operations and management. The conservatorship 3. Appointment of conservator
shall not exceed one (1) year. The conservator shall receive The Monetary Board will then appoint a conservator
remuneration to be fixed by the Monetary Board in an
amount not to exceed two-thirds (2/3) of the salary of the Term of Conservatorship: Not more than 1 year.
president of the institution in one (1) year, payable in twelve
(12) equal monthly payments: Provided, That, if at any time Note: Action of the Monetary Board is final and executory. It
within the one-year period, the conservatorship is could only be questioned through a petition for certiorari filed
terminated on the ground that the institution can operate on before the Court of Appeals or the Supreme Court.
its own, the conservator shall receive the balance of the
remuneration which he would have received up to the end
of the year; but if the conservatorship is terminated on other COSERVATOR
grounds, the conservator shall not be entitled to such
remaining balance. The Monetary Board may appoint a Qualification: Competence and knowledge in bank operations
conservator connected with the Bangko Sentral, in which and management.
case he shall not be entitled to receive any remuneration or
emolument from the Bangko Sentral during the Functions:
conservatorship. The expenses attendant to the 1. Take charge of assets, liabilities, and management
conservatorship shall be borne by the bank or quasi-bank thereof
concerned. 2. Reorganize management
3. Collect all monies and debts due
4. Exercise all powers to restore viability of the bank
The Monetary Board shall terminate the conservatorship
Note: Like a Rehabilitation Receiver of a private stock (d) (d) has willfully violated a cease and desist order
corporation, the conservator has the power to overrule or under Section 37 that has become final, involving acts
revoke actions of previous management and Board of or transactions which amount to fraud or a dissipation
Directors of the bank. of the assets of the institution; in which cases, the
Monetary Board may summarily and without need for
prior hearing forbid the institution from doing business
TERMINATION OF CONSERVATORSHIP in the Philippines and designate the Philippine Deposit
Insurance Corporation as receiver of the banking
Grounds: institution.
1. When Monetary Board is satisfied that the institution
can continue to operate on its own; or For a quasi-bank, any person of recognized competence in
2. When Monetary Board determines that continuance of banking or finance may be designated as receiver.
business would involve probable loss to depositors or
The receiver shall immediately gather and take charge of
Probable Loss all the assets and liabilities of the institution, administer the
same for the benefit of its creditors, and exercise the
It does not require that there be an imminent loss for the general powers of a receiver under the Revised Rules of
termination of conservatorship, probable loss is sufficient. Court but shall not, with the exception of administrative
expenditures, pay or commit any act that will involve the
In case of the second ground, the Monetary Board may transfer or disposition of any asset of the institution:
summarily terminate the conservatorship without prior hearing. Provided, That the receiver may deposit or place the funds
Close the bank. The law says forbid the institution from doing of the institution in nonspeculative investments. The
business in the Philippines and designate the PDIC as receiver shall determine as soon as possible, but not later
receiver. than ninety (90) days from take-over, whether the
institution may be rehabilitated or otherwise placed in such
The job of a receiver of a bank is to liquidate the bank. So, a condition so that it may be permitted to resume business
don’t be confused by the receiver of a bank and the receiver of with safety to its depositors and creditors and the general
a private corporation. The former is tasked to liquidate the public: Provided, That any determination for the
bank; whereas the latter is tasked to rehabilitate the private resumption of business of the institution shall be subject to
corporation. prior approval of the Monetary Board.

The receiver in banks is equivalent to the liquidator under

FRIA. If the receiver determines that the institution cannot be
rehabilitated or permitted to resume business in
accordance with the next preceding paragraph, the
RECEIVERSHIP (Sec. 30) Monetary Board shall notify in writing the board of directors
SEC. 30. Proceedings in Receivership and Liquidation. – of its findings and direct the receiver to proceed with the
Whenever, upon report of the head of the supervising or liquidation of the institution. The receiver shall:
examining department, the Monetary Board finds that a
(1) file ex parte with the proper regional trial court, and
bank or quasi-bank:
without requirement of prior notice or any other action,
(a) is unable to pay its liabilities as they become due in a petition for assistance in the liquidation of the
the ordinary course of business: Provided, That this institution pursuant to a liquidation plan adopted by the
shall not include inability to pay caused by Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation for general
extraordinary demands induced by financial panic in application to all closed banks. In case of quasi-banks,
the banking community; the liquidation plan shall be adopted by the Monetary
Board. Upon acquiring jurisdiction, the court shall,
(b) has insufficient realizable assets, as determined by upon motion by the receiver after due notice,
the Bangko Sentral, to meet its liabilities; or adjudicate disputed claims against the institution,
(c) cannot continue in business without involving probable assist the enforcement of individual liabilities of the
losses to its depositors or creditors; or stockholders, directors and officers, and decide on
other issues as may be material to implement the
liquidation plan adopted. The receiver shall pay the manner, has suspended the payment of its deposit or
cost of the proceedings from the assets of the deposit-substitute liabilities or is unable to pay its
institution. liabilities as they become due and demandable in the
ordinary course of business (not about extraordinary
demands induced by financial panic), then the bank
(2) convert the assets of the institution to money, dispose may be placed under receivership.
of the same to creditors and other parties, for the
purpose of paying the debts of such institution in 2. Balance sheet/Insolvency Test
accordance with the rules on concurrence and If the Monetary Board finds that the bank has
preference of credit under the Civil Code of the insufficient realizable assets, as determined by the
Philippines and he may, in the name of the institution, BSP to meet its liabilities, then there is insolvency
and with the assistance of counsel as he may retain, issues present.
institute such actions as may be necessary to collect
and recover accounts and assets of, or defend any 3. Probable Losses
action against, the institution. The assets of an If the Monetary Board finds that the bank or quasi-
institution under receivership or liquidation shall be bank cannot continue in business without involving
deemed in custodia legis in the hands of the receiver probable loss to its depositors or creditors.
and shall, from the moment the institution was placed JA: Remember, here, the second ground for the
under such receivership or liquidation, be exempt from termination of conservatorship, if the continuance of
any order of garnishment, levy, attachment, or the bank involves a probable loss.
4. Violation of Cease-and-Desist Order
The actions of the Monetary Board taken under this A violation of CDO which has become final involving
section or under Section 29 of this Act shall be final acts or transactions which amount to fraud or
and executory, and may not be restrained or set aside dissipation of the assets of the bank.
by the court except on petition for certiorari on the
ground that the action taken was in excess of Close Now, Hear Later
jurisdiction or with such grave abuse of discretion as The Monetary Board may just summarily, without need of prior
to amount to lack or excess of jurisdiction. The petition hearing, forbid the bank or quasi-bank from doing business in
for certiorari may only be filed by the stockholders of the Philippines and designate the PDIC as receiver.
record representing the majority of the capital stock
within ten (10) days from receipt by the board of So, for banks, PDIC is designated as receiver.
directors of the institution of the order directing
receivership, liquidation or conservatorship. For quasi-banks and non-stock savings and loan associations,
any person of recognized competence in banking, credit, or
finance may be designated as receiver.
The designation of a conservator under Section 29 of
this Act or the appointment of a receiver under this The rule here is: Close now, hear later. So, no hearing, no prior
section shall be vested exclusively with the Monetary announcement to the public that the bank will be closed. Why?
Board. Furthermore, the designation of a conservator It will cause panic.
is not a precondition to the designation of a receiver.
Action of Monetary Board is Final and Executory

If the Monetary Board decides to close the bank, it shall notify

Grounds in writing the Board of Director, through the receiver (the
PDIC), the decision to close the bank.
1. Equity Test
Whenever upon report of the Head of the Supervising But the closure will not take effect upon notice to BoD, rather,
or Examining Department of the BSP, the Monetary the closure of the bank shall be deemed effective upon service
Board finds that a bank or quasi-bank has notified the of notice.
BSP or has publicly announced a unilateral closure or
has been dormant for at least 60 days or, in any
NOTICE OF CLOSURE, WHEN EFFECTIVE There are entities in the lending of funds obtained in the form
(1) Upon service of the notice of closure by receiver, of deposits.
PDIC, to the highest-ranking officer of the bank
present in the bank premises, or If we talk of a private stock corporation, initially, the capital of
(2) In his absence, by posting the notice of closure in the the corporation comes from the paid-in capital of the
bank premises or on its main entrance. stockholders. Eventually, it will accumulate assets. But, for
banks, the funds lent by the bank come from the deposit of
After service of notice, receiver shall takeover the bank and clients.
exercise its powers as such.

Entities engaged in the borrowing of funds through the
Procedure issuance, endorsement or assignment with recourse or
acceptance of deposit substitutes as defined in Section 95 of
It is the job of the receiver or PDIC to liquidate the bank. Republic Act No. 7653 (hereafter the “New Central Bank Act”)
Liquidation of a bank is covered by a separate law, RA 10846 for purposes of relending or purchasing of receivables and
– Resolution and Liquidation Framework for Banks. other obligations.

What are examples of Quasi-Banks?

Lending and financing companies


Classification of Banks
1. Universal Banks Stock Corporation
Also known as ‘expanded commercial banks’, can It must be organized as a stock corporation.
also function as an investment house, and they have
the power to invest in non-aligned enterprises. Funds are obtained from the public
Meaning, the funds must have been obtained from more than
2. Commercial Banks 20 persons
Those that perform ordinary banking functions, like
accepting deposits, extending loans, issuing letters of Minimum capital requirements are satisfied
credit, discounting deposit instruments. It must meet the minimum capital requirements as prescribed
by the Monetary Board. It would depend on the classification of
3. Thrift Banks the bank.
Defined under RA 7906, aka ‘Thrift Banks Act’
Board of Directors:
4. Rural Banks Since it is a stock corporation, it requires that there must be a
Defined under RA 7353, aka ‘Rural Banks Act of Board of Directors.
Under the General Banking Law, there are two requirements:
5. Cooperative Banks ● Must have at least 5 but not more than 15 members
Defined under RA 6938, aka ‘Cooperative Code of the ● Must have at least 2 independent directors
Independent Director
6. Islamic Banks A person other than an officer or employee of tha bank, its
Defined under RA 6848, aka ‘Carter Al-Amanah subsidiaries, or affiliates, or related interests.
Islamic Investment Bank of the Philippines.
The law requires at least 2 independent directors, but in the
7. Others Manual of Regulation for Banks (MORB), it says that the
What are banks in general?
number of independent directors must at least be 1/3 of the Yes. But they must not be given any preferential treatment
number of members of the BOD, but not less than 2 directors. than those of other clients of the bank. So, it must be an arms-
So, if there are 5 directors, there must be at least 2 length transaction.
independent directors. If there are 15, at least 5 (1/3 of the 15
directors) must be independent.

Fit and Proper Rule Procedural Requirements:

1. Written Approval by Majority of the Board of Directors
This provides that the Monetary Board shall prescribe, pass There must be a written approval by majority of the
upon, and review the qualifications and disqualifications of BoD, excluding the director who wishes to take loan
individuals elected or appointed as bank directors or officers, from the bank and also those who wish to act as an
and disqualify those unfit. endorser or a guarantor or a surety.

Meaning, the Monetary Board can remove a director, which is 2. A report must be submitted to the BSP.
not how we remove a director of a stock corporation (non-
bank). 3. Amount must not exceed the unencumbered deposit
and book value of paid-in contribution.
The amount involved must not exceed the
NATURE OF BANK FUNDS AND BANK DEPOSITS unencumbered deposit and book value of the paid-in
capital contribution of the concerned director or
Article 1980 of the Civil Code officer.
Article 1980. Fixed, savings, and current deposits of money (Amount Involved < Unencumbered Deposit + Book
in banks and similar institutions shall be governed by the Value of the Paid-In Capital Contribution of the
provisions concerning simple loan. person)

Unencumbered Deposit: is the deposit that is not

So, these are loans by the bank from the depositors. subject to a lien.
Example: If the unencumbered deposit of a director is
P1M and his PICC is also P1M, the credit
SINGLE BORROWER’S LIMIT (SBL) accommodation that can be given to him must not
exceed P2M.
General Rule: Not more than 20% of the new worth of the
Exception: Increase by additional 10%, unless otherwise OFFICERS
prescribed by the Monetary Board. 1. Make false entries in any bank report

A person or a juridical entity that obtains credit 2. Disclose information relative to funds or property of
accommodations from a bank cannot be granted more than private individuals
20% of the net worth of the bank, even if the person/juridical This is covered by Secrecy of Bank Deposits Act
person is a preferred client. This is the Single Borrower’s Limit.
3. Accept gifts, fees or commissions
It can, however, be increased by 10% as may be determined They cannot accept gifts, fees, or commissions in
by the Monetary Board. But, as a general rule, it cannot connection with the approval of a loan or other credit
exceed 20%, at any point in time, of the net worth of the bank. accommodation from the bank

4. Overvalue any security

DOSRI (Directors, Officers, Stockholders, and Other Related They cannot overvalue or aid in overvaluing in a
Interests) security for the purpose of influencing in any way the
actions of the bank.
Can DOSRI obtain loans from the bank?
For example, increasing the appraised value of a 5. Under the AMLA
proposed collateral in order to increase the loanable 6. Under the Human Security Act
amount of the applicant. This is prohibited. 7. Under the Terrorism Financing Prevention and
Suppression Act
5. Outsource inherent banking functions
They cannot outsource inherent banking functions.



To discourage hoarding and to encourage people to deposit amended)
money in banks.
So that the money can be utilized to extend loans in order to To protect and preserve the integrity and confidentiality of bank
assist in the economic development of the country. Remember accounts, and to ensure that the Philippines shall not be used
that the funds of the banks come from deposits, so this is as a money laundering site for the proceeds of any unlawful
where the banks source the funds to lend to borrowers. activity.

To encourage people who hoard their money in their

respective homes to deposit their money in the bank, so that it COVERED TRANSACTION(S)
can be used to develop the capital market in the country. Any transaction in cash or other equivalent monetary
instrument involving a total amount in excess of P500,000.000
within one banking day.
If you notice, if you transfer money, the most commonly used
What deposits are covered by the law? vehicle for transferring funds now is GCash. When you transfer
All bank deposits, whether in peso account or foreign-currency cash to a GCash account, you are also required to fill in the
denominated accounts. portion for the purpose of the transfer.

General Rule: All bank deposits of whatever nature are Even when you transfer money from one account to another,
considered absolutely confidential (Section 2). the purpose is also indicated. This is a requirement under
Absolutely Confidential: May not be examined, inquired or
looked into by any person, government official, bureau or Even when you go to Palawan Money Transfer (or other
office. money transfer agents), you need to indicate the purpose for
the transfer even if the amount is minimal, because they need
Prohibited Act: Disclosure by any bank official or employee to to report this. They have regular reports to be submitted.
any persons of any information concerning the deposits (Sec.

EXCEPTIONS TO ABSOLUTE CONFIDENTIALITY RULE: Under Section 3 of the law, the covered institutions are the
1. Upon depositor’s written permission banks, insurance companies and securities dealers.
2. In cases of impeachment (for impeachable public
officials) This was broadened in the IRR dated November 22, 2018. We
3. Upon order of competent court (in cases of bribery, have 2 sets now: (1) Financial Institutions under Sec. 3, and
dereliction of duty by public officials) (2) Designated Non-Financial Business and Professions.
4. If subject matter of litigation (the money deposited)
A. Financial Institutions
a. Persons supervised and/or regulated by the 3. Amount involved not commensurate with financial
BSP (Sec. 3a[1]) capacity of client.
b. Persons supervised or regulated by the
Insurance Commission (Sec. 3a[2]) 4. Client’s transaction is structured to avoid being
c. Persons supervised or regulated by the SEC subject to reporting requirements
(Sec. 3a[3]) Where it may be perceived that the client’s
transaction is structured in order to avoid being the
B. DNFBPs (Designated Non-Financial Business and subject of reporting requirements under the Act.
Professions) (Sec. 3b)
a. Jewelry Dealers 5. Any circumstance observed to deviate from the profile
b. Dealers in Precious Metals of client or client’s past transactions
c. Company Service Providers
- acting as formation agent of juridical 6. Transaction is related to an unlawful activity
- acting as a director of a corporation, 7. Any similar or analogous transaction
providing a registered office or business
address, or
- acting as a nominee shareholder for MONEY LAUNDERING AS A CRIME
another person)
d. Persons, including lawyers, accountants and A crime whereby the proceeds of an unlawful activity are
other professionals those who: transacted, thereby making them appear to have originated
i. manage the money of the clients, from legitimate sources.
ii. render management services for
banks, Why is it called money laundering?
iii. are engaged in the organization of You launder money. When you launder clothes, you make
contributions for the creation, them clean, right? So, when you launder money, you make the
operation, and management of money clean. Because it is the fruit of an illegal activity.
iv. render services in the creation,
operation or management of HOW MONEY LAUNDERING IS COMMITTED:
juridical persons or arrangements A. Section 4, RA 9160, as amended by RA 9194
e. Casinos SEC. 4. Money Laundering Offense. — It is
We know that dirty money is constantly committed by the following:
being laundered in casinos. (a) Any person knowing that any monetary
instrument or property represents, involves, or
relates to, the proceeds of any unlawful activity,
SUSPICIOUS TRANSACTIONS transacts or attempts to transact said monetary
instrument or property.
(b) Any person knowing that any monetary
Transactions with covered persons/institutions, regardless of
instrument or property involves the proceeds of
the amounts involved, under any of the following any unlawful activity, performs or fails to perform
circumstances: (Section 3) any act as a result of which he facilitates the
offense of money laundering referred to in
1. No underlying legal or trade obligations paragraph (a) above.
There is no underlying legal or trade obligation, (c) Any person knowing that any monetary
purpose or economic justification. instrument or property is required under this Act to
be disclosed and filed with the Anti-Money
2. Client not properly identified Laundering Council (AMLC), fails to do so.
Where the client is not properly identified. In fact,
when you send money through a money transfer B. Rule 9, Section 1, 2018 IRR of the AMLA (Nov. 22,
entity, you need to indicate the full name, contact 2018)
number, and address of the recipient. RULE 9 – MONEY LAUNDERING AND
TERRORISM FINANCING (e) “Robbery” and “Extortion” under Articles 294, 295,
Section 1. Money Laundering. 296, 299, 300, 301 and 302 of the Revised Penal Code, as
Money laundering is committed by: (f) “Jueteng” and “Masiao” punished as illegal
(a) Any person who, knowing that any gambling under Presidential Decree No. 1602;
monetary instrument or property (g) “Piracy on the High Seas” under the Revised Penal
represents, involves, or relates to the Code, as amended, and Presidential Decree No. 532:
proceeds of any unlawful activity: (h) “Qualified Theft” under Article 310 of the Revised
(1) transacts said monetary Penal Code, as amended;
instrument or property; (i) “Swindling” under Article 315 and “Other Forms of
(2) converts, transfers, disposes of, Swindling” under Article 316 of the Revised Penal Code, as
moves, acquires, possesses or amended:
uses said monetary instrument (j) “Smuggling” under Republic Act No. 455, and
or property; Republic Act No. 1937, as amended, otherwise known as
(3) conceals or disguises the true the “Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines”;
nature, source, location, (k) Violations under Republic Act No. 8792, otherwise
disposition, movement or known as the “Electronic Commerce Act of 2000”; Page 21
ownership of or rights with of 93
respect to said monetary (l) “Hijacking” and other violations under Republic Act
instrument or property; No. 6235, otherwise known as the “AntiHijacking Law”;
(4) attempts or conspires to commit “Destructive Arson”; and “Murder”, as defined under the
ML offenses referred to in (1), Revised Penal Code, as amended;
(2), or (3) above; (m) “Terrorism” and “Conspiracy to Commit Terrorism”,
(5) aids, abets, assists in, or as defined and penalized under Sections 3 and 4 of
counsels the commission of the Republic Act No. 9372;
ML offenses referred to in (1), (n) “Financing of Terrorism” under Section 4 and
(2), or (3) above; and offenses punishable under Sections 5, 6, 7 and 8 of
(6) performs or fails to perform any Republic Act No. 10168, otherwise known as the “Terrorism
act as a result of which he Financing Prevention and Suppression Act of 2012”;
facilitates the offense of ML (o) “Bribery” under Articles 210, 211 and 211-A of the
referred to in items (1), (2), or (3) Revised Penal Code, as amended, and “Corruption of
above. Public Officers” under Article 212 of the Revised Penal
(b) Any covered person who, knowing that a Code, as amended;
covered or suspicious transaction is (p) “Frauds and Illegal Exactions and Transactions”
required under the AMLA to be reported under Articles 213, 214, 215 and 216 of the Revised Penal
to the AMLC, fails to do so. Code, as amended;
(q) “Malversation of Public Funds and Property” under
UNLAWFUL ACTIVITIES Articles 217 and 222 of the Revised Penal Code, as
Rule 3, Section 1 of 2018 IRR of AMLA (Nov. 22, 2018) amended;
RULE 3 – UNLAWFUL ACTIVITIES (r) “Forgeries” and “Counterfeiting” under Articles 163,
Section 1. Unlawful Activities. 166, 167, 168, 169 and 176 of the Revised Penal Code, as
Unlawful activities refer to any act or omission, or series or (s) Violations of Sections 4 to 6 of Republic Act No.
combination thereof, involving or having direct relation, to 9208, otherwise known as the “Anti Trafficking in Persons
the following: Act of 2003, as amended”;
(a) “Kidnapping for Ransom” under Article 267 of Act (t) Violations of Sections 78 to 79 of Chapter IV of
No. 3815, otherwise known as the Revised Penal Code, as Presidential Decree No. 705, otherwise known as the
amended; “Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines, as amended”;
(b) Sections 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13, 14, 15 and 16 (u) Violations of Sections 86 to 106 of Chapter IV of
of Republic Act No. 9165, otherwise known as the Republic Act No. 8550, otherwise known as the “Philippine
“Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002”; Fisheries Code of 1998”;
(c) Section 3 paragraphs b, c, e, g, h and i of Republic (v) Violations of Sections 101 to 107, and 110 of
Act No. 3019, as amended, otherwise known as the “Anti- Republic Act No. 7942, otherwise known as the “Philippine
Graft and Corrupt Practices Act”; Mining Act of 1995”;
(d) “Plunder” under Republic Act No. 7080, as (w) Violations of Section 27(c), (e), (f), (g) and (i) of
amended; Republic Act No. 9147, otherwise known as the “Wildlife
Resources Conservation and Protection Act”; *CTR - Covered Transaction Report
(x) Violations of Section 7(b) of Republic Act No. **STR - Suspicious Transaction Report
9072, otherwise known as the “National Caves and Cave
Resources Management Protection Act”; RULE 22 – TRANSACTION REPORTING
(y) Violation of Republic Act No. 6539, otherwise Section 5. Safe Harbor Provision.
known as the “Anti-Carnapping Act of 2002, as amended”;
(z) Violation of Sections 1, 3, and 5 of Presidential No administrative, criminal or civil proceedings shall lie
Decree No. 1866, as amended, otherwise known as the against any person for having made a CTR or an STR in the
decree “Codifying the Laws on Illegal/Unlawful Possession, regular performance of his duties and in good faith, whether
Manufacture, Dealing In, Acquisition or Disposition of or not such reporting results in any criminal prosecution
Firearms, Ammunition or Explosives”; under the AMLA or any other Philippine law.
(aa) Violation of Presidential Decree No. 1612,
otherwise known as the “Anti-Fencing Law”; Page 22 of 93
(bb) Violation of Section 6 of Republic Act No. 8042, ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING COUNCIL (AMLC)
otherwise known as the “Migrant Workers and Overseas
Filipinos Act of 1995, as amended”;
(cc) Violation of Republic Act No. 8293, otherwise Composition:
known as the “Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines, 1. BSP Governor as Chairman
as amended”; 2. Commissioner of IC as Member
(dd) Violation of Section 4 of Republic Act No. 9995, 3. Chairman of SEC as Member
otherwise known as the “Anti-Photo and Video Voyeurism
Act of 2009”; Functions:
(ee) Violation of Section 4 of Republic Act No. 9775, 1. Section 7, RA 9160, as amended by RA 9194
otherwise known as the “Anti-Child Pornography Act of The AMLC shall act unanimously in the discharge
2009”; of its functions as defined hereunder:
(ff) Violations of Sections 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 (c), (d) and (e), (1) to require and receive covered transaction
11, 12 and 14 of Republic Act No. 7610, otherwise known reports from covered institutions;
as the “Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, (2) to issue orders addressed to the appropriate
Exploitation and Discrimination”; Supervising Authority or the covered institution to
(gg) Fraudulent practices and other violations under determine the true identity of the owner of any
Republic Act No. 8799, otherwise known as the “Securities monetary instrument or property subject of a
Regulation Code of 2000”; covered transaction report or request for
(hh) Felonies or offenses of a nature similar to the assistance from a foreign State, or believed by the
aforementioned unlawful activities that are punishable under Council, on the basis of substantial evidence, to
the penal laws of other countries. be, in whole or in part, wherever located,
representing, involving, or related to, directly or
indirectly, in any manner or by any means, the
Predicate Offenses proceeds of an unlawful activity;
(3) to institute civil forfeiture proceedings and all
All unlawful activities (as enumerated above) are predicate other remedial proceedings through the Office of
offenses to money laundering. the Solicitor General;
(4) to cause the filing of complaints with the
With respect to money laundering, a predicate offense is one Department of Justice or the Ombudsman for the
prosecution of money laundering offenses;
which gives rise to funds that may then be laundered in order
(5) to initiate investigations of covered
to obscure or cover up the illegal source. transactions, money laundering activities and other
violations of this Act;
(6) to freeze any monetary instrument or property
SAFE HARBOR PROVISION (Section 5, IRR) alleged to be proceeds of any unlawful activity;
(7) to implement such measures as may be
No administrative, criminal, or civil proceedings against any necessary and justified under this Act to counteract
person for having made a *CTR or an **STR in the regular money laundering;
performance of his duties and in good faith, whether or not (8) to receive and take action in respect of, any
such reporting results in any criminal prosecution under the request from foreign states for assistance in their
AMLA or any other Philippine laws. own anti-money laundering operations provided in
this Act;
(9) to develop educational programs on the Notice to the depositor that his account has been frozen
pernicious effects of money laundering, the shall be issued simultaneously with the issuance of the
methods and techniques used in money freeze order. The depositor shall have seventy-two (72)
laundering, the viable means of preventing money hours upon receipt of the notice to explain why the freeze
laundering and the effective ways of prosecuting order should be lifted. The AMLC has seventy-two (72)
and punishing offenders; and hours to dispose of the depositor’s explanation. If it fails to
(10) to enlist the assistance of any branch, act within seventy-two (72) hours from receipt of the
department, bureau, office, agency or depositor’s explanation, the freeze order shall automatically
instrumentality of the government, including be dissolved. The fifteen (15)-day freeze order of the AMLC
government-owned and -controlled corporations, in may be extended upon order of the court, provided that the
undertaking any and all anti-money laundering fifteen (15)-day period shall be tolled pending the court’s
operations, which may include the use of its decision to extend the period.
personnel, facilities and resources for the more
resolute prevention, detection and investigation of No court shall issue a temporary restraining order or writ of
money laundering offenses and prosecution of injunction against any freeze order issued by the AMLC
offenders. except the Court of Appeals or the Supreme Court.

Under Secrecy of Bank Deposits Act, one of the To prevent the owner of the deposit from withdrawing his or its
exceptions is AMLA, meaning the bank deposits may deposit from the bank and to preserve the money instrument,
be inquired or examined upon. the Council can apply for a Freeze Order.

A. Authority to Inquire A. Applied ex parte before the CA

The Council has the authority to inquire into or
examine any particular bank deposit or investment, The application for Freeze Order is not filed in any
upon court order (not just by its whim, not just for any court, but is filed in the Court of Appeals.
reason, not just at any time it wants to, but only upon
court order). B. Issued after the determination that the probable cause
exists that any monetary instrument is related to an
B. Grounds for Probable Cause unlawful activity.
Grounds: Probable Cause that the deposits are
related to: What’s the purpose of the Freeze Order?
(1) An Unlawful Activity; or
(2) A Money Laundering Offense The purpose of a Freeze Order is to temporarily
preserve the monetary instruments that are in any
The Council will only have the authority to inquire into bank way related to an unlawful activity or laundering by
deposits where the Court finds probable cause and then issues preventing the owner of the deposit account from
a court order to that effect. utilizing them during the duration of the Freeze Order.

Exceptions: Where no Court Order is required Order is effective for 20 days, unless extended

No Court Order is required for: The Freeze Order is effective only for 20 days. It is temporary.
(1) Kidnapping for ransom But, it can be extended up to the maximum of 6 months only.
(2) Violation of RA 9165 (Comprehensive Dangerous
Drugs Act of 2002) Why? To give time to AMLC to build its case.
(3) Hijacking and other violations of RA 6235

Freeze Order cannot be extended for an indefinite


Section 10. Authority to Freeze - Upon determination that

probable cause exists that any deposit or similar account is In Ligot v. Republic (GR 176944, March 6, 2013):
in any way related to an unlawful activity, the AMLC may “A freeze order is an extraordinary and interim relief issued
issue a freeze order, which shall be effective immediately, by the CA to prevent the dissipation, removal, or disposal of
on the account for a period not exceeding fifteen (15) days. properties that are suspected to be the proceeds of, or
related to, unlawful activities as defined in Section 3 (i) of
RA No. 9160, as amended. The primary objective of a
freeze order is to temporarily preserve monetary
instruments or property that are in any way related to an
unlawful activity or money laundering, by preventing the
owner from utilizing them during the duration of the freeze
order. The relief is pre-emptive in character, meant to
prevent the owner from disposing his property and thwarting
the State's effort in building its case and eventually filing
civil forfeiture proceedings and/or prosecuting the owner.”

“a freeze order is meant to have a temporary effect; it was

never intended to supplant or replace the actual forfeiture
cases where the provisional remedy — which means, the
remedy is an adjunct of or an incident to the main action —
of asking for the issuance of an asset preservation order
from the court where the petition is filed is precisely
available. For emphasis, a freeze order is both a
preservatory and preemptive remedy.”

“Thus, as a rule, the effectivity of a freeze order may be

extended by the CA for a period not exceeding six months.
Before or upon the lapse of this period, ideally, the Republic
should have already filed a case for civil forfeiture against
the property owner with the proper courts and accordingly
secure an asset preservation order or it should have filed
the necessary information. Otherwise, the property owner
should already be able to fully enjoy his property without
any legal process affecting it. However, should it become
completely necessary for the Republic to further extend the
duration of the freeze order, it should file the necessary
motion before the expiration of the six-month period and
explain the reason or reasons for its failure to file an
appropriate case and justify the period of extension sought.
The freeze order should remain effective prior to the
resolution by the CA, which is hereby directed to resolve
this kind of motion for extension with reasonable dispatch.”

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