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Passage Planning with ECDIS

Chapter 1
0 (1 Henp04( X I aa Sewer Pip£' X [!] Passage p l X M Ba:>KeH rnr X IG translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I mOrders X I L9 CnpaB04H X I+ X

i -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4a/lo - A6B now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe AOW/ll,11 81,8... • Zamun da.NET • Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )Kl,11 80 - AB... e TopeHT"1 I ArenaBG ...

Advantages and disadvantages of ECDIS

Here are some of the advantages of using an ECOIS for

preparing a passage.

• Route information is saved electronical ly

• Dig ital information can be available on the same


• l ess space is needed compared to paper charts

• Planning can stop and start easily with information


• Pla nnino can be done u sing a connected work

station away from the main ECDIS

• Prev iousl y stored rou tes can be re-apprai sC!d to use

aga in

• Routes can be reversed and re-named. exported or


0 (1 Henpo4, X I IJ Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage p l X M Ba>KeH cw X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ aD Orders X I II CnpaB04H X I+ Lil X

i app

0 Ha4a/lo - A6B now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... II n grudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe A0W/ll,11 81,8... • Zamunda.NET ,&,i Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )Kl,1180 - AB... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG...

Preparing the ECDIS for route creation

Offset appl ied to CPS aerial posit ion to

set the CCRP
0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i a pp

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Assessing under keel clearance to prevent grounding

• Ant icipated squat for the planned speed

• Reduction in bow and stern clearance caused by pitching.

• Redu ction in under bilge cle arance caused by rolling.

• Re liabilit y of tha charted soundi ng information

• Port authority ragulations

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa804H X I+ LP X

i appl .oce elearning/details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4;rno - AE,B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,ll.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Reduction in bilge clearance with rolling


degrees metres

10 ....

For a vessel of 50 met ras b aam

0 (1 Henpo4i X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i a pp

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 nolJ..(a M Bx. nolJ..(a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Sett ing safety depth and contour values

ALERT • danger detedion ~rossing safety


0 (1 Henpo4i X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage pl X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpaso4H X I+ LP X

i a pp

0 Ha4a!IO - A68 nolJ..(a M Bx. nolJ..(a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Setting safety depth and contour values

• The contour is highlighted in bold,

making it easy to see

• The unsafe water up t o the contour is

shaded b lue. making it easy to see

• Dangerous depth soundings less

than the set value are h ighlight ed
bold, making them easy to see

• Isolated dangers in safe w ater will

show with the magenta symbol.
making t hem easy to see

• When validating a route. the ECDIS

w ill warn if the route gets close to or
cro sses t he contour

• The p redictive vector ahead of the

vessel g ives• warning if the contour
Is dan gerously close when passage
m aking
0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i a pp

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

The safety depth value

D&pths l&ss than t h& saf&ty d&pth a r& highl ight&d in bold

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa8Q4H X I+ LP X

i appl .oce elearning/details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4a!IO - AE,B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,ll.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Assessing the settings for contour and depth values

Safety contou r

Maximum draft• 12 m&tr&s

.,. squat of 1 m&t r ia "13 m&tr&s

.,. a safety allowanc& of 15% o f draft b&cause of

UKC and confidence zone on the ENC
• 14.8 met res

5 m iat res r ise of t ide

Safety contour= maximum draft + squat+ UKC +

safety allowance+ environmental effects- tide
0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage p l X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i app

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Route and track - some definitions

Lin e o n a c h art b etween two waypoints

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage pl X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa8Q4H X I+ LP X

i appl -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4a!IO - A6B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,ll.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Route and track - some definitions

A series of legs mak ing up the ~ ssage p lan that

the vessel intends to follow - c:an be a rhumb
line or g reat a circ le rou te
0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage p l X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i app

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Route and track - some definitions

.L .,__
A record of where a vessel has been. either over
the ground (SOC. COC. CMG. SMC ) or through
the water (CTW srwi ECOIS displays ground

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage pl X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa8Q4H X I+ LP X

i appl -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4a!IO - A6B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,ll.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Route and track - some definitions

0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage p l X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i app

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Route and track - some definitions

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage pl X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa8Q4H X I+ LP X

i appl -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4a!IO - A6B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,ll.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Chapter summary

• ECDIS can assist w ith passage appraisal. but other sources of

information can also be used.

• Ensuni there is a range of usage charts covering the voyage

• Set and check ship p a rameters

• Set the safety depth contour and safety depth values to

accurately reflect the vesse l drauoht and conditions in the

0 (1 Henpo4i X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage p l X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i app

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 nolJ..(a M Bx. nolJ..(a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...


Which statement best describes why It is important to display a ll information w hen passage planning with a vector chart?

It is important because it is interesting to see what the vessel w ill be passing.

It is important because as w ay points are entered an alarm w i ll sound if one is on top of a sy mbol.

a It is important because in the base or standard layer some obj&cts will not be vi sible on the chart.

It is not Important as the chart detail is alw ays there to see.

Yes. that is correct! To be able to plan effectively we need to see charted objects to know that the route is safe. However. i t is
interesting that the automatic route safety check will usually detect a dangerous object not seen by the p lanner on a Standard
or Base d isplay.

Chapter2 Creating a route an ECDIS

0 (1 Henpo4, X I &I Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I _. Marlow Cr X I LI Orders X I II Cnpa804H X I+ LP X

i app

0 Ha4allO - A68 M Bx. n0IJ..ld (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .11.0WJII-I 8b8... ~ Zamun da.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

~ 10,..,....... - -- '

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ll05"40094'E e ..

2 59' 00 240'N 005•40 43T E

l 59' 00 93~ N 005' 39 974' E Ir"'° LSTNo r•>
4 59' 01 670'N 005' 37 874 E
5 59' 02 70~N 005' 35 798' E 36 3~0· 150
59• 05 650'N oos• 31 951' E 04 3261' 150

• Manual entry of w ay points from a prepared list, • using a tool to automatica lly c reate a route

• r eloading a previously saved route and re-using. • importing a route from an external source

• reversing and re-naming a previously saved route

0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage p l X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i app

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa8Q4H X I+ LP X

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- Waypoint number - ETA to waypoints

- Latitude and Longitude - Turn catenary
- Course between waypoints - Cross track limits
- Distance between waypoints - Planned speed
0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpaso4H X [ + LP X

i a pp

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I BbB... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,llB... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Reasons to edit a saved route

••11 •11 •
• R•using a pr•viously :sav• d rout• w h•r• th•
p assage appr aisal dictated a change in
HNd •
,\ •
R il"flm'I
. . . . . . .f

"' n
waypolnt posi tion ■1-
;iiil•I• •
ffW20iac,.-__. W ■IU"I
• A route reversed for re-u se will have legs in the ,. -llllt·■
w rong position e.g. the wrong lane i n a traffic •1mr 211•
,,," Tiu211:
• After route entry obse r vation show s a waypoint
t o be in a dangerous p lace

• Cross track li m i ts should b e re-appraised for

environmental cond it ions and changed as

• Changing speed values allows the ECDIS to

calculate ETA s more accurately

• The turn rad ius can vary f ro m w ay point to

waypoint and is important to be sat correctly
t o show the turn catanary on the chart.

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpaB04H X I+ LP X

i appl .oce elearning/details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3-a28415da6afa o.. ~ l"? * ._ ='I □

0 Ha4;rno - AE,B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,ll.o6pe ,llOW/11-1 BbB... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )Kl-180 - ,llB... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Value for cross track limit

'\,2Cl. •• --1
200"""1 a&l1 U1 r •
~ .. 11"11.111'1

100 : ::::
,so Uu
-. U11


The cross t rack l imit is used when p lanning to

d etect dangerous objects lying wi thin the corridor
formed by the port and starboard cross track
0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i a pp

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Value for cross track limit


:~ ~o
, : -s o·ii!lller va lue

-- -- -- ---
- Close to danger -

The valu e for c ross track limit is dictated

by tho proximit y o f dang ors

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa8Q4H X I+ LP X

i a ppl elearning/details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3-a28415da6afa o. ~ l"? * ._ ='I □

0 Ha4;rno - A6B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,ll.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Setting cross track limit

Consideration for setting cross t rack limit:

• Le n g th o f vassal and amount o f r udder used
dict ates tho t urn radius
· Stern crosses the l ine further th a n t ho bow

cross-t rack lim i t

S apt p ath
0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i a pp

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Setting cross track limit

Consideration for setting c ross track llmlt: - Sat angle and swept path caused by wind and t ide
• Le n gth of vassal and amount of r udder used - Proximity of dangers reduces error margins makin g
dictates the turn radius set limi ts smaller
• Starn crosses tha lirni further than the bow • Being up w ind and t ide of d anger needs g reat care

cross-track limi t

S ept path

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa8Q4H X I+ LP X

i appl elearning/details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4a!IO - AE,B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,ll.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Use of the turn catenary from t he wheel over position

The waypoint p osition on the channe l edge appears to ba in a wrong position


Waypoint position on cha nal adga

-~-~-~ =
-~-~ -~-~--~~ -----~-
Aouta middles the buoys ------7~ I



0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i a pp

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Pilotage turns and tug assistance

Turn too t ight for the natural turning radius of the vessel
using engine and rudder alone

'1. R.3S


Rout" t ight on g rQQn buoy


Turning CQntr"•

Turn radius ,x,-if_G.5s

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa804H X I+ LP X

i appl .oce elearning/details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4a!IO - A6B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,ll.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Validation process and actions

Dang"rs found ar" h ighlight"d in orang" on the rou t e line or

w ithin th" cross track corridor and a lso show n on th"
validation m"nu as tQXt Th" illustration show s a n orang" star
as the rout" crosses a contour.
0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i app

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Route validation alarms

• The route contains very tight turns w here the radius of turn • dumping ground and spoil ground.
is less than that which the vessel can achieve under normal
turning. It m.iy .ilso t .ike t h e v e ssel into: • dredo ad areas. carg o transhipment a reas and Incine rator

• cau t ionary areas.

• areas where Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) exist.

• Traffic Separation Sche mes (TSS~ traffic zones, traffic

precautionary areas and roundabouts, two w ay traffic
routes. deep w ater route inshore traffic zones.
recommended routes.

• restricted areas and Fairways.

• offshore production areas for oil and gas.

• areas to be avoided that could be user defined.

• military practice areas and submarine transit lanes.

• seaplane landing a reas.

• fi shing grounds. fishing prohib i ted and Marine farms.

• anchorage areas. anchoring prohi bited and ice areas.

• pipeline and cable areas.

• particu larl y Sensi t ive Sea Areas (PSSA).

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage pl X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translat e - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa804H X I+ LP X

i appl elearning/details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4;rno - A6B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m n grudev - Yahoo!... 0 JJ.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Need for revalidation of the route

• Changed

• New information

A validat ed route with alerts can still be used In

mon it o r mode on the ECDIS
0 (1 Henpo4i X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i a pp

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 nolJ..(a M Bx. nolJ..(a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Chapter summary

• Routes are created by manual insertion of w aypoints, using

prev iously saved routes or automatically

• Cross track limits should be set for Ci'ach leg depending on

the proximity of dangers

• The turn catenary is useful to assess proximi ty to danger on a


• Route validation confirms the route is safe - use v isual and

automatic methods

• The safety depth settings are Important for the validation


• Respond to validation alarms - don't ignore them

• Validate at the correct chart scale

0 (1 Henpo4, X I &I Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage pl X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I _. Marlow Cr X I LI Orders X I II Cnpa804H X I+ LP X

i app details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1-97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4allO - A68 M Bx. nolJ..(a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamun da.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...


Is t he follow ing statement true o r fa lse? ' ECDIS Automatic route validation removes t he need t o have a visual check on the
route '



Yes. that is correct! Most ECDIS are very good at detecting dangers. But remember. they rely on the ENC cell to be correct. A
0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage p l X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i app

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...


Which answ er bast describes h ow the safety depth contour is seen on an ECDlS?.

As a solid li ne highlighted in bold .

As an orange dotted line on the contour.

The contour line p u lses to make i t visible.

As an orange dashed l ine on t h e contou r.

Yes. that is correct ! The line stands out from the others and the w ater up to it has blue shading. The val u e can often be set o n or

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage pl X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa8Q4H X I+ LP X

i appl -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4a!IO - AE,B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,ll.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Question 2

Is t h e fol lowing st atem ent true or fa lse? 'A previously stored route should a lways be re-appraised before using it again.'



Vas. that is corr ect ! There w ill a lw ays be something different to t h e last t ime it was used. The obvious con ditions t hat chan ge are

Chapter3 Route monitoring and Date recording

0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage p l X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i app

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Contingency plan

,_ I
28 ©•PJ

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage p l X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa8Q4H X I+ LP X

i appl -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4a!IO - A6B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,ll.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

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0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i a pp

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Short term recording

Previous 12 hou rs

• Date and t ime

• Posit ion

• Heading and speed

• ENC source

• Chart edit ion

• Chart cel l

• Chart u pdate h istory

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa8Q4H X I+ LP X

i a ppl elearning/details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3-a28415da6afa 0.. ~ l"? * .. ='i □

0 Ha4;rno - AE,B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,ll.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Long term recording

• Entire voyage track

• Time marks not exceeding fou r hours

0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i a pp

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Logbook in addition to
voyage recording

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa8Q4H X I+ LP X

i appl .oce elearning/details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4a!IO - AE,B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,ll.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Setting the vessel 's predictive vector or guard zone

Predictive VfilCtor show s ground t rack

0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i a pp

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Predictive vector time setting

Vect or length set for 3.5 minutes - too tong for leg

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa804H X I+ LP X

i a ppl elearning/details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4;rno - A6B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,ll.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Situation awareness and t he predictive vector

Situation awareness Is present t ime but a lso in the future

0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i app

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Geographical monitoring footprint

C"ographic footprint

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translat e - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa8Q4H X I+ LP X

i appl elearning/details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4;rno - A6B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m n grudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,ll.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Route monitor window

• Rout" b"ing monitor"d - N" w tow n IAT: 52"'52.IIN SPD: l 2ICTS
~O~R~ - - ~
t o Sandness Ad)W rour.: j Newtown to S.ndnHA

• Nex t waypoin t number - 1 ..... ~

• Course and spQed to w ay poin t -

'"'""· l ..,
orrffltWP: Q]
177.S0 0 .8 8 NM (RL) ...,.,,, = "11"""'' •··~~,~...~...=,,~"~I
Timi to WOP:I 07 mn 59 s
• Time to w heel over point - 0 7min 59s

• Tu rn ing details and nex t co u r sg -

Nt!rtlegtumto~ btao •,rnn
A:ad"IUS~ H M Oist(BHM
t urn at 6 d " gr""s p"r m in u te to
210 .0 w ith a 1 m il" radius

• l "g distanc" • 3.2 N M

• Cross track " rro r - 91 m Qtnils to

st a rboa rd

• ETA to waypoint 3 - 08 June at 15.23


0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i a pp

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Route monitor alarms

• Cross t rack limit oxcoodod

• Whool ovor posit ion

• Waypoin t impossi b le to reach

• CMG and p lanned track diffor by

more than t w o degrees

• End of routo

• Crit ical point lnsortod b y tho


• Grounding a larm

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa804H X I+ LP X

i appl .oce elearning/details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4a!IO - A6B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,ll.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Position check and redundancy

• Radar fix from radar rangos or

boar ings

• Fix w ith v isual cross bearings

• Other electronic systems such

as Glonass or Syl edis

• Astronomical position
08 0

• A DR posit ion
0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpaso4H X [ + LP X

i a pp

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 nolJ..(a M Bx. nolJ..(a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I BbB.. . ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,llB... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Track control on ECDIS


If th e autopilot li mits the rudder angle it may be impossible to ach ieve a turn rate
large enough to make th e turn as p l anmi d . resu lt ing in an overshoot as show n.
0 (1 Henpo4i X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i app

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 nolJ..(a M Bx. nolJ..(a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Perfectly on track or is she?

Vessel sy mbol perfectly on t rac k. the mon itor page agr&QS also.


~ fl(2) .R.5S

0 (1 Henpo4i X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpaso4H X I+ LP X

i app

0 Ha4a/lo - A68 nolJ..(a M Bx. nolJ..(a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...


The w hole radar p ict ure over

RMar over1ay: laid

AlS overtay: ~

08: 44: 17 MON ITOR

0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i a pp

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

AIS and radar targets



Fusion can be radar return to AIS or AIS to radar ret urn

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa8Q4H X I+ LP X

i appl .oce elearning/details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4a!IO - AE,B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,ll.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

AIS and radar targets

Fusion can be radar return to AIS or AIS to radar ret urn

0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i app

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

ECDIS radar targets and collision avoidance

Base anti-co llision manoeuvres on the Coll. Aegs.. bu t some ECDIS

software can interpret the Coll Aegs and giv e ad v ice.

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage pl X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translat e - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa804H X I+ LP X

i appl elearning/details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4;rno - A6B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m n grudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,ll.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

More specialised uses of ECDIS

• Docking mode - w orking the vessel close to berths

- Lock mode -working the vesse l i n or out of locks
- FPSO mode - a shuttle tanker offloading an FPSO
• DP mode - for a vessel on d y namic posi tioning
• Anchoring mode - lots of sea floor detail for anchoring
0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i a pp

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... mngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...
Docking mode on ECDIS

Predictive vector can be curved on some ECDIS'

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage pl X M Ba)KeH rnr X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa804H X I+ LP X

i a ppl elearning/details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4;rno - A6B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... mngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,ll.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... "" Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Reliance on ECDIS

Aki to navigation
0 (1 Henpo4i X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passag ◄•1 X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i a pp

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 nolJ..(a M Bx. nolJ..(a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Chapter summary

• A route in monitor mode hills ii window o11vo11ilable w i th


• Continue appraisal as the voya g e progresses changi ng ECDIS

safety limits as n9cessar y

• Ther e is 12 hour record ing and w hole voyage record ing. also
a logbook facil ity

• The pred ictive v ector helps prevent grounding and should

be set to the correct v a lu e for each leg of the rou t e

• Th ere are tools to assist moni toring such as notes. position

fixing a n d radar over 1ay

• Do not use ECDIS solely to d ecide upon anti collision

manoeuvr es

• Th er e are other modes of ECDIS su ch as docking and track


0 (1 Henpo4, X I &I Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage pl X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I _. Marlow Cr X I LI Orders X I II Cnpa804H X I+ LP X

i app details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1-97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4allO - A68 M Bx. n0IJ..ld (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamun da.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...


Select the option t hat correctly comp letes the following state ment: ' ECDIS' Automatic Voyage Record ing is best described

...ECDIS sav in g voyage data in a ccordance w it h ECDIS regu lations.'

...the function that the VDR has on board the vessel.'

...ECDIS sav ing voyage data in accordance w it h Company regu lation s.'

...the connection to the vessel 's VDR.'

0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage p l X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i a pp

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Question 4

Select from the options the statement that best describes the information that should be recorded by ECDIS for the whole

✓ ECDIS should r ecord the entire route w ith time marks.

0 ECDIS should make nav igational recordi ngs 9v ery 12 hours. not for the w hole voy age.

ECDIS should r"cord all information including radar pictur".

ECDIS should r "cord course. speed and t h e charts used on the voyage.

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage pl X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa8Q4H X I+ LP X

i appl .oce -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4a!IO - A6B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,ll.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Question 2

Select the option whic h best describes why ECDIS shows t w o connected rout"s on th" display. one red the o the r orange in

The orange route is for search and rescue.

✓ There is a contingency route p lanned.

There are two routes d i splayed to be validated.

Tho 2nd Officer is p lanning another voya ge.

0 (1 Henpo4i X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage p l X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i app

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 nolJ..(a M Bx. nolJ..(a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...


Select from the options the correct answer to this question. ' Can saved voyage recordings be altered after the voyage?'



Yes. that is correct! The recording system cannot normally be a ltered b y an operator. The records are important as they can
provide evidence if there are any disputes.

0 (1 Henpo4, X I &I Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage pl X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I _. Marlow Cr X I LI Orders X I II Cnpa804H X I+ LP X

i app

0 Ha4a!IO - A68 M Bx. (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .11.0WJII-I 8b8... ~ Zamun da.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Question l of 15

Which option BEST answ ers the following question: ' When passage planning on the ECDIS. w hich t wo safety functions should
always be set?

0 Safety depth contour and safety depth value.

Safety depth and UKC at a w aypoint number.

Speed of the vessel and ETA to destination.

Course and speed of the vessel.

0 (1 HenpoYt X I LI Sewer Pipe X l!J Passage p l X M Ba>KeH 01 r X IG trans late - X I _,, Marlow Cr X I LI Orders X I LI CnpaeoYH X I + Lil X

i app1 OLP/ elearning/details/ 4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 HaYa/lO - AbB now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!. .. 0 ,l],o6pe ,ll,OW/11-1 BbB... "" Zamunda.NET "" Zelka.ORG • Kaprn Ha )l(l-180 - ,ll,B ... TopeHrn I Arena BG ...

Question 2 of 15

When does an object have an isolated danger symbol d isplayed on it?

When an object has less depth than the safety depth or contour setting .

When there is an isolated danger buoy in safe water.

When an object in safe water is considered safe to pass over.

When an object in safe water has more depth than the safety contour.

0 (1 HenpoY1 X I LI Sewer Pipe X l!J Passage p l X M Ba>KeH 01 r X IG trans late - X I _,, Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I II CnpaeoYH X I + Lil X

i app1 m/ OLP/e learning/details/ 4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3- a28415da6afa

0 HaYa/lO - AbB now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,l],o6pe .n,owm-1 BbB... "" Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • KapTa Ha )l(l-180 - ,QB... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Question 3 of 15

Se lect which option BEST answers this question. ' Is there one disadvantage with passage planning on an ECDIS?'

Yes. there is. because the process is tota lly different to paper charts.

No , there is not, because it saves the bridge team lots of time.

Yes. the view of the chart is generally not as big as the paper chart.

No. there is not. because all t he appraisal information the planner needs is on the ECDIS.

0 (1 HenpoYt X I LI Sewer Pipe X l!J Passage p l X M Ba>KeH 01 r X IG trans late - X I _,, Marlow Cr X I LI Orders X I LI CnpaeoYH X I + Lil X

i app1 learning/details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 HaYa/lO - AbB now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!. .. 0 ,l],o6pe ,ll,OW/11-1 BbB... "" Zamunda.NET "" Zelka.ORG • KapTa Ha )l(l-180 - ,ll,B ... TopeHrn I Arena BG ...

Question 4 of 15

Which answer BEST describes the effect on the chart disp lay w hen the ECDIS safety depth value is set.

Depth va lues shallow er than the depth are h ighl ighted in bold .

There w il l be alarms act ivated to let the operator know the depth under keel.

Depth v alues deeper than the depth are h ighli ghted in bold .

The w hole sea area below that depth turns dark blue.

0 (1 HenpoY 1 X I LI Sewer Pipe X l!J Passage p l X M Ba>KeH 01 r X IG trans late - X I _,, Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I II CnpaeoYH X I + Lil X

i app1 m/OLP/e learning/details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 HaYa/lO - AbB now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,l],o6pe .n,owm-1 BbB... "" Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • KapTa Ha )l(l-180 - ,QB... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Question 5 of 15

What is the difference between route and track w hen passage making?

There i s no d ifference between the tw o .

0 The rou te is planned . The track is w here the v essel h as been .

The route is w here the vessel is now. The track i s up ahead .

The rou t e d ictates the h eading . The track i s a ll the legs o n the route.
0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage p l X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i a pp

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Question 6 of 15

Which answ er BEST complet es the fo llowing statement: ' In sert mode w hen route planning wi t h ECDIS means...

... the rou t e is ready for va lidation .'

w aypoints a r e b'1ing ed it ed .'

0 ...w ay points are b eing adde d to a route list.'

.. chart corrections are b eing dow n load e d .'

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage pl X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa8Q4H X I+ LP X

i a ppl .oce elearning/details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4a!IO - AE,B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,ll.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Question 7 of 15

W h ich st at emen t c orrectly describes t he pro cess of ECDIS au t omatic rout e v a lidation?

' It is t he ECDIS computer c h ecking fi les are c orrect .'

' It is t h e only w ay t o make sure th e route is sa fe .'

0 ' It is t h e ECDIS checking the route fo r sa fety.'

' This is w hen th e ECDIS chec k s t h at the route i s not a copy.'

0 (1 HenpoYt X I LI Sewer Pipe X l!J Passage p l X M Ba>KeH 01 r X IG trans late - X I _,, Marlow Cr X I LI Orders X I LI CnpaeoYH X I + Lil X

i app1 learning/details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 HaYa/lO - AbB now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!. .. 0 ,l],o6pe ,ll,OW/11-1 BbB... "" Zamunda.NET "" Zelka.ORG • KapTa Ha )l(l-180 - ,ll,B ... TopeHrn I Arena BG ...

Question 8 of 15

W h ic h statement best describes why the value of the turn radius is important in rou t e creation on an ECDIS?

' It is n ot import ant as the Master alw ays changes course h is w ay.'

'Turn rad ius allow s ETAs to be w orked from it. '

0 ' Because the va lu e should be on t h e passage p lan.'

' Because at w aypoints t he w heel over position is set from it .'

0 (1 HenpoY I X I LI Sewer Pipe X l!J Passage p l X M Ba>KeH 01 r X IG trans late - X I _,, Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I II CnpaeoYH X I + Lil X

i app1 m/OLP/e learning/details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 HaYa/lO - AbB now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,l],o6pe ,ll,OW/11-1 BbB... "" Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • KapTa Ha )l(l-180 - ,QB... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Question 9 of 15

Se lect the option w hi ch correct ly completes t he following statement: ' When valid ating a rou t e using ECD IS, it is im p orta nt t o
have all ava ilable charts beca use ...

... if there are raster charts on the ECDIS they w ould b e used .'

0 . . if not, dangerous obj ects not present in sma ll scale charts cou ld be mi ssed.'

... ECD IS cannot automatically l oa d c h arts at the correct scale.'

... ECDI S has no in t ell igence and has to be helped .'

0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage p l X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i app

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Question 10 of 15

Which statement BEST describes why a previously validated route would have to be re-validated?

' It would not need re-va lidatin g because o n ce validated that is sufficient.'

0 ' Revalidation is necessary w hen there h ave been chart updates.'

' Revalidation is necessary w h en it has been removed from th e display.'

' Revalidation is necessary w h en it h a s been put out of moni tor mode.'

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage pl X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa8Q4H X I+ LP X

i appl -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4;rno - AE,B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,ll.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Question 11 of 15

The illustration shows a vessel on passage w ith AR PA radar t arget informat ion over laid on ECDIS. and vector length is 12
m inutes. Is there any r isk of collision with the target?

No - risk of colli sion does not exist a s t he target will'ff_,....,__ _;--'-- - - - - - ; ' - - - - - t - - -

Not sure. b ecause ECDIS should not be used for c olli

0 Yes - the re is risk of co llision as the vectors meet.

0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage p l X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i app 1-97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Question 12 of 15

The illustration shows a vessel on passage w ith A RPA radar target informat ion over laid on ECDIS. and the vector length is 12
minutes. W hich option BEST completes the following statement: ' The action that should be t aken is to ..

.. . stand on w i th caut ion as the t arget is the giv~ Ne~ 3) w

assess the situation f rom ECDIS t hen manoeuvre accordl n gly.~
17 ◄s_BM

.check the CPA and TCPA if c lose a lter course t o Pff1·'

0 .. co rrectly apply the Regulations for P revent ing Co llisions.'

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage pl X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa8Q4H X I+ LP X

i appl

0 Ha4a!IO - A6B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,ll.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Question 13 of 15

The illustration shows a vessel on passage w ith AR PA radar t arget informat ion over laid on the ECDIS. a nd the vec tor le ngth is
12 m inutes. Is there a n y r isk of collision w i th the target'?

0 No • r isk of collision does not exist.


Not su,o, bocauso tho ECDIS cannot bo usod to, cornslo n assossm
Yes - there is risk of collisio n.

No - r isk of collision does not exist as the targ et will pass ahead.
0 (1 HenpoYt X I LI Sewer Pipe X l!J Passage p l X M Ba>KeH 01 r X IG trans late - X I _,, Marlow Cr X I LI Orders X I LI CnpaeoYH X I + Lil X

i app1 learning/details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 HaYa/lO - AbB now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!. .. 0 ,l],o6pe ,ll,OW/11-1 BbB... "" Zamunda.NET "" Zelka.ORG • KapTa Ha )l(l-180 - ,ll,B ... TopeHrn I Arena BG ...

Question 14 of 15

How are sleeping AIS targets shown on the ECDIS display?

Blue or greqn trianglc.>s.

Orange triangles.

0 Green or blue circles.

Orange circles.

0 (1 HenpoY I X I LI Sewer Pipe X l!J Passage p l X M Ba>KeH 01 r X IG trans late - X I _,, Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I II CnpaeoYH X I + Lil X

i app1 m/OLP/e learning/details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 HaYa/lO - AbB now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,l],o6pe ,ll,OW/11-1 BbB... "" Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • KapTa Ha )l(l-180 - ,QB... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Question 15 of 15

Which option best describes the correctness of the following statement: ' ECDIS can be relied upon totally to always display
the vessel's correct position. '

As GPS feeds most ECDIS devices this i s a correct statement.

Not correct • the position should be routine ly checked w ith other means.

Not really correct - once a week the 2nd Officer should make a check.

Comict. as the system will always show the right position using GPS
0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage p l X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i a pp

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Assessment summary

Chapter!, 3 points out of 5 (60% ) Q

Chapter 2 , 4 points out of 5 (80% )Q
Chapter 3, 3 points out of 5 (60% ) Q

Total Score: 10 points out of 15 (67% )

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage pl X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa8Q4H X I+ LP X

i appl .oce -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4a!IO - A6B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 JJ.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Answered wrong:
Select w hich option BEST answ ers this question. ' Is t here one
d isad van tage with passage planning on an ECDIS?'

W h ich answ er BEST describes the effect on the chart d isplay w hen the
ECDIS safety depth val ue is set.
0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage p l X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i app

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Answered wrong:
Which statement best describes why the value of the turn radius is
important in rout@ c r@ation on an ECDIS?

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage pl X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa8Q4H X I+ LP X

i appl -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4;rno - AE,B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,ll.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...


Answered wrong:
How are sleeping A IS targets shown on the ECDIS d isplay?

Which option best describes thlil correctnfilss ot t h lil following

statement: ' ECDIS can be retied upon totally to al ways display the
vessel's correct posit ion.'

0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage p l X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpaso4H X [ + LP X

i app

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 nolJ..(a M Bx. nolJ..(a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I BbB.. . ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,llB... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Question 1 of 15

Which answ er BEST describes the effect on th e chart display w hen the ECDIS safety depth value is set.

0 Depth values sh a llow er than the depth are h ig hlig hted in bold.

The w hole sea area b e low that dept h turns dark blue.

The re w ill be alarms activ ated to let the ope rator know the depth under kee l.

De pth values defilpe r than the depth arfil highlightfild in bold.

0 (1 HenpoYt X I LI Sewer Pipe X l!J Passage p l X M Ba>KeH 01 r X IG trans late - X I _,, Marlow Cr X I LI Orders X I LI CnpaeoYH X I + Lil X

i app1 LP/e learning/details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 HaYa/lO - AbB now.a M Bx. now.a (1 84) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!. .. 0 ,l],o6pe ,ll, O W/11-1 BbB... "" Zamunda.NET "" Zelka.ORG • KapTa Ha ::t::l-180 - ,ll,B ... TopeHrn I Arena BG ...

Question 2 of 15

S8 lect whic h option BEST answ8rs this qu8stion. ' Is th8 re one d isadvantag" w ith passage p lanning on an ECDIS?'

No , there is not. because all t he a ppraisal information the pl anner needs is on the ECDIS.

Yes, there is. because t h e process is tota lly differ ent t o p a per charts.

Yes. the v iew o f the chart is g enerally not as b ig as the p aper cha r t.

No . ther e is not. because it saves t he b ri dge team lots of tim e.

0 (1 HenpOYl X I LI Sewer Pipe X l!J Passage p l X M Ba>KeH c1-1 r X IG trans late - X I _,, Marlow Cr X I LI Orders X I II CnpaeoYH X I + Lil X

i app1 LP/e learning/details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 HaYa/lO - AbB now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,l],o6pe ,ll,OW/11-1 BbB... "" Zamunda.NET "" Zelka.ORG • KapTa Ha ::t::l-180 - .QB ... TopeHrn J Arena BG ...

Question 3 of 15

Whic h answ 1;1r correctly compl1;1t1;1s the followi ng stat1;1ment: ' On t he ECDIS, spot depth sound ings w ith less value than t h 1;1
safety dept h se tting are shown ...

... in b right re d .'

... in a great ly en larged font.'

... the same as any ot her depth f igures. '

... as bol d figures.'

0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage p l X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i app

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Question 4 of 15

What is the difference betw een route and track w hen passage making?

The route d ictates the heading. The track is a ll the legs on the route.

0 The route is planned. The track is w here the vessel has been.

Thine is no difference betwee n the two.

The route is w here the vessel is now. The t r ack is up ahead.

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage pl X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa8Q4H X I+ LP X

i appl -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4a!IO - A6B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,ll.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Question 5 of 15

W hen does an object have an isolated dang er symbol displayed on it?

W hen there is an isolated danger buoy in safe water.

W h e n an object in safe w ater has more d e pth than the safety contour.

W hen an object in safe w ater is considered safe to pass over.

0 W h e n a n object has less depth than the safety depth or contour setting.
0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage p l X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i a pp

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Question 6 of 15

Select t he option w h ich corre ctl y complotos tho follo wino statement: 'W hen v a lidat ino a rout e usino ECDIS, it is important to
h ave a ll available cha rts because...

...ECDIS h as no i nt e llioence a nd has to be helped.'

...i fthoro are raster c h arts on the ECDIS they w o u ld be used.'

...ECDIS cannot aut omatically load charts at the correct scale.'

0 ..i f not. dangerous obje cts not present in small scale charts cou ld be m i ssed.'

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage pl X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa8Q4H X I+ LP X

i a ppl -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4a!IO - AE,B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,ll.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Question 7 of 15

W h ich st at emen t B EST describes w hy a previou sly validated route w ould have to b e r e-va lidat ed?

' Revalidation is necessary w hen it has been removed f rom the display.'

' It w ould not n eed re-va lida t ing b e cause once validate d th at is sufficie nt.'

' Reva lidatio n is necessary w h e n it has boon put out o f m o nit or mode.'

0 ' Reva lidat ion is nec essary w h en there h ave b een c h art updates.'
0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage p l X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i a pp

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now,a M Bx. now,a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Question 8 of 15

Which st at emen t correct ly describes t he process of ECDIS aut omat ic rout e v a lidat ion?

' It is t he ECDIS computer c h eckin g fi les are correct .'

' It is the only w ay to make sure the route is safe.'

' This is w hen th e ECDIS checks that the route is not a copy.'

0 ' It is t he ECDIS checking the route for safet y.'

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage pl X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa804H X I+ LP X

i a ppl .oce -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4a!IO - AE,B now,a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,ll.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Question 9 of 15

W h ich a n swer BEST complet es the fo llow ing stat ement: ' Insert mode when rou te p lanning wi t h ECDIS means...

tho route is ready for va lidat io n .'

waypoints are bein g edited.'

. chart corrections a re being downloaded.'

0 ...waypoints are bein g added to a route list .'

0 (1 HenpoYt X I LI Sewer Pipe X l!J Passage p l X M Ba>KeH 01 r X IG trans late - X I _,, Marlow Cr X I LI Orders X I LI CnpaeoYH X I + Lil X

i app1 learning/details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 HaYa/lO - AbB now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!. .. 0 ,l],o6pe ,ll,OW/11-1 BbB... "" Zamunda.NET "" Zelka.ORG • KapTa Ha )l(l-180 - ,ll,B ... TopeHrn I Arena BG ...

Question 10 of 15

Which option BEST answers th is question? 'When route validating how does the ECD lS inform the p lanner of a problem

'There will be an a larm sound both v isu al and aud iblg.'

' It does not because it corrects any problems found .'

0 ' It makes a r£>port show ing the findings.'

' By high lighting t h& probl£>m t£>xt in bold .'

0 (1 HenpoY 1 X I LI Sewer Pipe X l!J Passage p l X M Ba>KeH 01 r X IG trans late - X I _,, Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I II CnpaeoYH X I + Lil X

i app1 m/OLP/e learning/details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 HaYa/lO - AbB now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,l],o6pe .n,owm-1 BbB... "" Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • KapTa Ha )l(l-180 - ,QB... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Question 11 of 15

Which answer BEST describes AIS fusion on an ECDIS?

Bringing together a d is played radar return and AIS t arg£>t symbol.

When a target 's AIS signal has a l arge grror on it.

The discrepa ncy between radar and AIS displayed positio ns.

When two adjac&1nt AIS targets come together and merge as one.
0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage p l X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i app

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Question 12 of 15

H ow are sleeping A IS targets shown on th" ECDIS display?

0 Blue or green triang les.

Orange circles.

Orange triangles.

Green or blue circles.

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage pl X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa8Q4H X I+ LP X

i appl -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4a!IO - AE,B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,ll.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Question 13 of 15

W h ich answer BEST describes how a dangerous AIS target is seen on the ECDIS display?

It show s with a blue triangle a nd vector.

It shows as a red triangle.

It shows as a b lue triangle.

0 It shows wi t h a red triangle and vector.

0 (1 HenpoYt X I LI Sewer Pipe X l!J Passage p l X M Ba>KeH 01 r X IG trans late - X I _,, Marlow Cr X I LI Orders X I LI CnpaeoYH X I + Lil X

i app1 learning/details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 HaYa/lO - AbB now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!. .. 0 ,l],o6pe ,ll, O W/11-1 BbB... "" Zamunda.NET "" Zelka.ORG • KapTa Ha )l(l-180 - ,ll,B ... TopeHrn I Arena BG ...

Question 14 of 15

W h ic h a n sw&r corr&ctly compl&t&s t h& followi ng stat&m&nt: ' S&tt ing the turn rad ius on an ECDIS i s important b&cau se...

. a Po rt State Control Officer w ou ld ex pect to see i t .'

0 .the route could n ot be val idated w ithout it .'

the ECDIS p rocedures indicate it shou ld be done.'

th& turn catenary on th e d i splay is set from it .'

0 (1 HenpoY1 X I LI Sewer Pipe X l!J Passage p l X M Ba>KeH 01 r X IG trans late - X I _,, Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I II CnpaeoYH X I + Lil X

i app1 m/OLP/e learning/details/4cbe8bba-2c5b-4df1 -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 HaYa/lO - AbB now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,l],o6pe .n,owm-1 BbB... "" Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • KapTa Ha )l(l-180 - ,QB... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Question 15 of 15

Whic h st atem e nt BEST describes docki n g mode on an ECDIS?

' ECD IS showi ng a large scale chart for berthing.'

' For use w hen tugs are connected to the vesse l so the pilot can see them.'

'W h en the v essel is going into a dry dock - it show s the dock out li ne.'

'As the vessel is app roac h ing the berth the ECDIS voy age record ing has been stopped .'
0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage p l X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpa804H X [ + LP X

i app

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 now.a M Bx. now.a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I 8b8... ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,ll8... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Answered wrong:
Select which option BEST answers this question. ' Is there one
d isad vantage with passage p lanning on an ECDIS?'

Which answ&r correctly completes t he following statement: ' On the

ECDIS. spot depth soundings with less value than the safet y depth
setting are shown...

0 (1 Henpo4, X I L!J Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage pl X M Ba)KeH rn r X [ G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X I II Orders X I mCnpa8Q4H X I+ LP X

i appl -97d3-a28415da6afa

0 Ha4a!IO - AE,B now.a M Bx. nmua (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 ,ll.o6pe ,ll0W/11-1 8b8... " " Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - .118... e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Assessment summary

Chapter 1, 3 points out of 5 (60%) Q

Chapter 2, 5 points out of 5 (100% )
Chapter 3, 3 points out of 5 (60% ) 0
Total Score: 11 points out of 15 (73%)
0 (1 Henpo4, X I II Sewer Pipe X [!] Passage p l X M Ba:+:eH rn r X I G translate - X I- Marlow Cr X [ II Orders X I II Cnpaso4H X [ + LP X

i app

0 Ha4a/l0 - A68 nolJ..(a M Bx. nolJ..(a (184) - ns... m ngrudev - Yahoo!... 0 Ao6pe .II.OW/II-I BbB.. . ~ Zamunda.NET ~ Zelka.ORG • Kapra Ha )1(1-180 - ,llB.. . e TopeHrn I ArenaBG ...

Answered wrong:
Which answQr BEST dQscrib Qs AIS fusion o n an ECDIS?

Which answQr corrQctly complQtQs thQ following statQmQnt: 'SQtting

thQ turn radius on an ECDIS is important because...

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