Referencing Definitions Lectures and Assignments For MKT10007

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Referencing a definition

Referencing from an Encyclopaedia or Dictionary entry (From Exemplar Harvard Swinburne page 3.)

‘bookkeeper’ 2009, in B Moore (ed.), Australian concise Oxford dictionary, 5th edn, Oxford
University Press, South Melbourne, p. 156.

NOTE: There is no identifiable author for the individual entry, and the entry does not start
with a capital/uppercase letter. The entries will then need to be alphabetised by date and
time, oldest to newest once they have all been created.

Referencing a definition from an online dictionary - Example –

‘Green marketing’ 2020, in American Marketing Association, Definitions of Marketing,

American Marketing Association <


Referencing a Lecture
I think the easiest and most effective way is to choose the recommended style for “Lecture” which is
on the Library’s Harvard referencing pages under ‘other sources’.

Reference list entry

Lecturer, Initial Year when Lecture was first given, 'Lecture title', Course code and name,
Location online, University name, Date of presentation, viewed Day Month Year.

Gao, Y 2017, ‘Lecture 3. Aircraft evaluation and selection’, AVA10005 Aviation regulation &
operation, Learning materials via Canvas, Swinburne University of Technology, 15 August,
viewed 30 August 2017.


Direct quote - "Systems can be natural or artificial" (Tipping 2010)

Paraphrase - Tipping (2010) explained...


Referencing one of your previous Assignments

Swap lecturer’s name for student names, lecture title for assignment title, etc.

Reference list entry

Student Name, Year submitted, 'Assignment Number and Name', Course code and name,
Location online, University name, Date of presentation, viewed Day Month Year.
Smith, A, 2020, ‘Assignment 1 What is Marketing?’, MKT10007 Fundamentals of Marketing,
submitted via Canvas, Swinburne University of Technology, 23 August, viewed 30 August


Direct quote - "The product was prominently displayed on the middle shelf of the jams and
spreads section." (Smith 2020)

Paraphrase - Smith (2020) described the product’s shelf display as...

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