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LECTURER NOTE: educational sis document has been redacted in some parts to serve as an ssignment template What is Marketing? Student Number: Course’ BA-BUSI0 Tutor: Tutorial: Due Date: Date submitted: Word Count: 845 words MKT1007 Fundamentals of Marketing — Assignment 1 Assessment Task — Semester 1, 2020 Part 1. Public Opinion (“Vox Pop”) CALUM BRIDGES Age: 21 years old Residence: Melboume, Victoria Education: High school, first-year Bachelor of Business ‘Student Occupation: Part -Time Food Attendant Life stage: Currently studying full-time while working part- time Goal for the future: Hopes to have a stable career in Business, begin his master’s degree “Marketing is a type of strategy business's use to promote their products”. Calum is a 20-year-old student from Melbourne studying Business at Swinbume University of Technology. He currently works Part- time at a fast-food restaurant which goes directly towards living expenses. Coming from a lower-class socioeconomic status Calum ‘understands the importance of education and the need to have a steady income in the future. Calum does not have any experience in the field of marketing as he has never studied the concept before. As a result, his response lacks detail, which most certainly will expand whe®) he delves into the upcoming marketing unit this semester. Nevertheless, Calum response is. direct and targeted. MKT1007 Fundamentals of Marketing — Assignment 1 Assessment Task — Semester 1, 2020 ANNE JONES A aT Residence: Occup 2tior: Education: Life st: Goal for the future: Dl “Marketing is| Anne is a| Anne’s career in marketing has meant that her response is positive MKT1007 Fundamentals of Marketing — Assignment 1 Assessment Task — Semester 1 2020 ’ i | MKT1007 Fundamentals of Marketing — Assignment 1 Assessment Task — Semester 1 2020 Part 2. Formal Definitions ‘The American Marketing Association DEFINITION: “Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and ciety at large” (American Marketing Association 2017). This definition is reputable as The American Marketing Association regularly gathers a panel of scholars and updates their definition every three years. This indicates that the AMA definition remains dynamic and efficient within the marketing industry. . DEFINITION: MKT1007 Fundamentals of Marketing — Assignment 1 Assessment Task — Semester 1 2020 Part 3. Synthesis What is Marketing? u Mert, SS FF This conclusion derives from research conducted on marketing definitions made by The American Marking Association : ‘The AMA is a ‘professional organisation’ which place a high emphasise of “exchanging goods that have a high value for the customer” (American Marketing Association 2017). ’s definition refers to the need create value for customers in his definition. These — Docks pe a . ie ————.sgqsOMaulN__ES diferent yet sania viewpoi °! Public opinion definition MKT1007 Fundamentals of Marketing — Assignment 1 Assessment Task — Semester 1 2020 References ABC News, (2019), US teen [Image], viewed 17 March 2020, American Marketing Association , 2017. The Definition of Marketing, What is Marketing, viewed 19 March 2020, Beyond Blue, (2020), Young Men [Image], viewed 17 March 2020, . iStock Photo, (2020), 60-year-old women [Image], viewed 17 March 2020, . Lamb C.W, Hair J.P, MeDaniel C. , Summers J & Gardiner M, 2017. MKTG4. 4th Edition ed. South Melbourne: Cengage.

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