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1. I will give it back.

Because I feel I should give it back and they are

also just a seller. Money is hard to find and think that one day we
in this circumstance, we also feel bad because have mistakes. So
we should fix the mistake to make it right —> better life.

2. If they are not going too far, I will tell them to pick it up. But if they
are gone too far, i will ignore it. Because I will solve any problems
in the safe way. I don’t want to make it complicated. If the money
that fallen still there, they can obviously find it back.

3. I will wait for another opportunity of high-paying job. I believe that

everyone can’t work well, If they actually don’t have passion on it.
It’s ineffective. You should find the job that you work everyday and
makes you happy. So you will have motivation on it. I heard
someone said :” Happiness is simple life.”. I don’t want to make my
life more complicated. It’s undeniable that money is important but
don’t be a slave for money. We should be a controller of money.

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