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0 eri eraresi ened Cl orriucies teen arate BCT sre icctaencd Vocabulary 1 How many big life events can you think of, e.g. getting married? Make alist. 2 Complete the sentences with the pairs of words in the box. ceremony/remember _engagement/married separated/divorced retire/mortgage graduate/year partner/anniversary relationship/ive pregnant/birth 11 Myson and his girlfriend have just announced their “They'e planning to get in the spring. 2 Every year they hold a big those ‘who died in the war 3 really didnt enjoy being -butafter! gave tomy son, everything completely changed! 4 ‘first met my. five years agonow. It's actually our. next Friday. 5 Idortwont to 6 Oncel, to Lnilt've paid off my from university Im going to take a off and travel around Asia, 7 Wwebeen ina serious. for quite a long time. We together and have two cats. 8 Myparents: when! was ten, but they only last year. 3 What's the noun form of the words in the box? engaged - engagement engaged die divorce graduate married pregnant retire separated 4 Workin pairs. Think of examples of life events from Exercises 1, 2and3. Prince Harry and Meghan Mac ceremony was held at Windsor C ust got married. A big Reading 5 Read the website article. Which is the biggest life eventin your opinion? 6 Read the article again and answer the questions. 1. Who didsomething later than they wanted? 2 Whohas had todeal with two dificult situations? 3 Whois lacking forward to something? 4 Whois not looking forward to something? 5 Who gotsome financial help? ‘final year at university and | ‘think graduating wil be the biggest thing ever for me. 1'm studying Business ‘Management and doing my degree really hasn't been easy, I'd never lived away from home uniil | started here, so that was tough, and the course has been teally hard work as wel. Honestly, as soon as | finish my last exam, I'm going to go out and party for the whole weekend. It'll be great! Max. | got married last year and maniage has definitely been Se the biagest thing in my ite. ‘We'd been ina serious ‘elationship fora long time, bul we didn't lve together before we were married. After the ceremony, we moved into a flat that my father bought for us, and the fist few weeks were amazing, However, after thal, | started missing my own space and my freedom ~ and I started finding his habits a bit annoying, I'm sure get used to ital, though. Emmita Without a douib, the most important event in my ffe was the birth of my daughter. was 41 at the time, quite old, and we'd wanted chien for years, but we'd had lots of problems, 90 when | fist held her in my arms, it was just amazing. Words can't really daserina that fealing Iwas just pure love, Pure Unconditional love. She's 18 now and getting ready to leave home. The house will ‘eel so empty once she's gone. Lina

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