Lesson No.1 Note Book Work Family Relationships (1) )

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E. Answer the following questions:-

Q1.What is a family? Name two types of families.

Ans. Family consists of a married couple and their children, both natural (born to that couple)
or adopted. Family members share a common residence and surname.

The two types of families are-

a) Nuclear family
b) Joint family

Q2. Mention the things children learn by watching the family members.
Ans. a) The children learn good behavior, moral values and skills.
b) The children learn to talk politely, greet guests and respect their elders.
c) The older family members automatically pass on values and family traditions to the
younger generation.
d) They also learn family crafts like weaving, painting, pottery etc.

Q3. Differentiate between a joint family and a nuclear family.

Joint family Nuclear family
1. A joint family has parents and their 1. A nuclear family consists of a married
married children living together. couple and their unmarried children.

2. There are many members to provide 2. The parents and siblings provide all
support and companionship in the joint support, companionship and advice to the
family. children in nuclear family.

Q4. What are the advantages of sharing your home with other members of family?
Ans. The advantages of sharing your home with other members of the family are-
a) The family members share the household chores.
b) The sharing reduces the burden on any one family member and encourages responsibility.
c) Sharing space teaches the children importance of cooperation, living in harmony and
caring for the members of the family.
Q5. State two reasons that are responsible for changing family fibre in India?
Ans. a) Large size-
In earlier times, most people were engaged in agriculture. It required many hands that were
available in a joint family. But, the income from land was not sufficient for increase in size of
b) Education and employment-
As women and men got better education, they started taking up jobs outside the home. This
also contributed to the change in the family fibre.

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