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Fill in the blanks:

1. The body organ that cannot be seen from outside are called internal organs.
2. Flat teeth are in front of the mouth.
3. Tongue is used for tasting and speaking.
4. Saliva is secreted by salivary glands.
1. Flies can transfer germs to uncovered food.
B. Match the following:


1. milk teeth a. absorption of water 1-e

2. large intestine b. absorption of digested food 2-a

undigested waste is
3. permanent teeth c. 3-d
4. rectum d. thirty two 4-c

5. small intestine e. twenty 5-b

C. Tick (√) the correct option:

1. The teeth used to tear food into pieces, are known as –

a) incisors b) √ canines c) molars d)
2. Ria’s mother is thirty two years old. She is likely to have –
a) 20 permanent teeth b) 20 temporary teeth c) √ 32 permanent teeth d) 32
temporary teeth
3. The organ, which secretes digestive juices in the small intestine, is the –
a) √ liver b) salivary glands c) stomach d) food
4. The food gets completely digested in the –
a) mouth b) stomach c) √ small intestine d) large


D. Answer the following questions.
Q-1 Name the organ through which food enters the stomach.
Answer-1 The organ through which food enters the stomach is oesophagus or food pipe.

Q-2 How many sets of teeth are formed during one’s life time? Name them.
Answer-2 Two sets of teeth are formed during one’s life time. They are:
a. Milk teeth and
b. Permanent teeth

Q-3 Write differences between Milk teeth and Permanent teeth.

Answer -3


They are temporary. They are permanent teeth.
They appear between They appear at the age of 6 years to
2. 6 months -3 years. 12 years.
They are 20 in number They are 32 in number.

Q-4 What do you mean by the term digestion?

Answer-4 Our food contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats and other nutrients. These complex
materials are broken down into simpler forms in our digestive system. This is called

Q-5 What happens to the food when it enters the stomach?

Answer-5 When food enters the stomach: -
i) It is stored there for some time.
ii) Then, it gets mixed up with the digestive juices secreted bt the walls of stomach.
iii) The food is partially digested in the stomach.

E. Answer the following questions in detail.

Q-1 List five good habits that should be taken care of at the time of eating food.
Answer-1 Some good habits that should be taken care are as follows:
a) Wash your hands before and after eating food.
b) Chew food properly before swallowing
c) Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water.
d) Eat a balanced diet.
e) Do not speak while eating or chewing food.
f) Eat green vegetables and fruits every day.

Q-2 Name the different types of teeth present in our mouth .Also mention their function.
Answer-2. The three types of teeth are:
a) Flat teeth – (Incisors 4 + 4) – The four-flat chisel-shaped teeth in front of our mouth are
incisors. They are used for biting and cutting the food.
b) Pointed Teeth – (Canines,2+2) Sharp pointed teeth on either side of flat teeth are canines.
They are used for tearing the food.
c) Broad and Grooved teeth (Premolars, 4+4 and Molars, 6+6) – Teeth present at the back of
our teeth are broad and have grooves in them. They are used for chewing and grinding the

Q-3 Why is it important to chew the food properly?

Answer-3 We need to chew the food properly because: -
a) Chewing helps in breaking the food in small pieces.
b) It helps in proper mixing up of digestive juices with the food for proper digestion.
c) Chewing makes it easier to swallow.
Q-4 Why is washing of fruits and vegetables important to us?
Answer-4 Unwashed fruits and vegetables can carry germs and diseases which can cause
diarrhoea, vomiting and other stomach ailments. So, washing of fruits and vegetables are
Unwashed fruits and vegetables carry eggs of worms. These eggs are too small to be seen by
naked eyes.
When these eggs reach the stomach of a human being, they hatch there and produce worms.
These worms live in stomach and intestines and consume the food that is meant for human

Q-5 What happens to the food when it enters the stomach?

Answer-5 The sugar present in sweets gets deposits on the teeth. It causes bacteria to grow on
the teeth which lead to tooth decay.

Q-6 Complete the given food path:

Answer-6(To make the flow chart in the notebook too in vertical form)


Oesophagus Stomach Small intestine Large intestine

or food pipe

Anus Rectum

Q-1 Name the helping organs in our digestive system.

Answer-1 The helping organs in our digestive system are:
a) Liver
b) Pancreas

Q-2 What is the function of saliva and where it is produced?

Answer-2 Saliva converts insoluble starch into soluble sugar. It is secreted by three pairs of
salivary glands present in the mouth.

Q-3 Mention the structure and function of:

a) Small intestine
b) Large intestine
Answer-3 Small intestine – It is a long coiled structure of approximately 7 metres. The food
is completely digested here. The walls of small intestine absorb the food and pass it to the
blood. The blood carries the digested food to all the parts of body.

Large Intestine: large intestine is approximately 1.5 metres long. It is thicker than small
intestine. Excess of water is absorbed by the walls of large intestine absorb water and then
pass it into blood stream.

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