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Eros: beauty and Sensuality

● Erotic love focuses on beauty and physical attractiveness, sometimes to the exclusion of
qualities you might consider more important and more lasting
● The erotic lover has an idealized image of beauty that is unattainable in reality
- The erotic love is mostly focused on intimacy and sex hence becoming highly frail
and shallow.
● Consequently, the erotic lover often feels unfulfilled. In defense of eros, however, it
should be noted that both male and female eros lovers have the highest levels of reward
and satisfaction when compared with all other types of lover
- It is incredible rare to achieve this type of love successfully thats why people are
feeling very miserable however once you actually got hold of it, its beyond

Ludus: Entertainment and Excitement

● Ludus' love is seen as fun, a game to be played. To the ludic lover, love is not to be taken
too seriously; emotions are to be held in check lest they get out of hand and make trouble
● Passions never rise to the point at which they get out of control.
● A ludic lover is self-controlled and consciously aware of the need to manage love rather
than to allow it to control him or her.
- A Ludic lover's self-control and complete consciousness of love are both assets
and weaknesses.
- Because they are naive and don't take love seriously, it's quite difficult for them to
have a successful connection with someone.

Storge Love: Peaceful and Slow

● Peaceful and Slow Like ludus love, storge love lacks passion and intensity
● Storgic lovers do not set out to find lovers but to establish a companion-like relationship
with someone they know and with whom they can share interests and activities.
● Storgic love is sometimes difficult to separate from friendship; it is often characterized by
the same qualities that characterize friendship: mutual caring, compassion, respect, and
concern for the other person.
- The most pragmatic and realistic kind of love on our list is storgic love. This is the
most prevalent kind of love that is being practiced.
- Storgic love is the type of love that I would like to see and feel in my life

Pragma: Practical and Traditional

● The pragma lover is practical and wants compatibility and a relationship in which
important needs and desires will be satisfied.
● In its extreme, pragma may be seen in the person who writes down the qualities wanted
in a mate and actively goes about seeking someone who matches up.
● The pragma lover is concerned with the social qualifications of a potential mate even
more than personal qualities
- Lovers this type is presumably very self centered and only care about things that
can benefit them
- They only see love as a ladder to increased status and social standing.
● The pragma lover therefore asks such questions about a potential mate as, "Will this
person earn a good living?" "Can this person cook?" and "Will this person help me
advance in my career?"

Manic Love: Elation and Depression

● The quality of mania that separates it from other types of love is the extremes of its highs
and lows, its ups and downs.
● The manic lover loves intensely and at the same time worries intensely about and fears
the loss of the love.
● Manic love is obsessive; the manic lover has to possess the beloved completely—in all
ways, at all times.
● It seems almost as if the manic lover is driven to these extremes by some outside force or
perhaps by some inner obsession that cannot be controlled.
- This kind of love is extremely destructive in many different ways, but most
damaging emotionally and potentially physically.
- it is borderline not love for the other party involved
Agape: Compassionate and Selfless

● Agape is a compassionate, egoless, self-giving love. Agape is non rational and

● Agape creates value and virtue through love rather than bestowing love only on that
which is valuable and virtuous.
● The agapic lover loves even people with whom he or she has no close ties.
● Jesus, Buddha, and Gandhi practiced and preached this unqualified love.
- Compared to the other types of love on the list, this type is more oriented toward
a lifestyle, morals, and ethics. It is corroborated by a number of extreme cases of
public figures.
● Agape is a spiritual love, offered without concern for personal reward or gain.
- Agape love is a desire to put another above yourself. It’s not agape love if you’re
just doing empty actions, or being “selfless” for reasons other than to make the
other person’s life better, it’s not agape love
● The agapic lover loves without expecting that the love will be returned or reciprocated.

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