Healing Nations April23

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“And the disciples came, and said

unto him, Why speakest thou unto

them in parables? He answered and
said unto them, Because it is given
unto you to know the mysteries of
the kingdom of heaven, but to them
it is not given... Therefore speak I
to them in parables: because they
seeing see not; and hearing they hear
not, neither do they understand”
(Matthew 13:10-11,13).
n the Scripture above, Jesus had just finished teaching a God. 1 Corinthians 2:12 says, “Now we have received,

I large crowd in parables and His disciples came to Him and

asked why He taught them that way. He explained that
only the disciples had been granted revelation knowledge
not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of
God; that we might know the things that are freely
given to us of God.”
of the mysteries or secret truths of the Kingdom of God,
which the rest of the people had not been granted. In other The Holy Spirit helps you see, hear, and understand the
words, the disciples had an understanding imparted to mysteries of the Kingdom of God. If you accept and receive
them that others didn’t have. this revelation knowledge that He brings to you, there will
be a conversion of your condition and a transformation in
Then in the fifteenth verse, the Lord said something very the circumstances of your life.
remarkable, “For this people’s heart is waxed gross,
and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they God’s Word actually functions like a step-up converter;
have closed; lest at any time they should see with their it transforms you from one level of glory to another. It
eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand changes the circumstances of your life and brings healing
with their heart, and should be converted, and I should to your body! When you understand this truth, you’d realize
heal them” (Matthew 13:15). that God doesn’t choose to heal one and not the other. He
has said, “When you see, hear, and understand My Word,
The word “converted” here doesn’t mean a change from you’ll be healed! There’s no option. My healing power is in
sinner to saint. It refers to a transformation of the condition My Word!”
of a man’s life. So, Jesus was actually saying that if at
any time the people have revelation knowledge imparted The reason some people don’t get the results the Word of
to their spirits, there would be a transformation in their God talks about is that they don’t give enough attention
condition and He’d heal them. The results are automatic! to the Word (Proverbs 4:20-22). Let your life become
saturated with the Word of God. The Bible says, “When
The Word of God has been programmed that way; if you the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon
see it with your eyes, hear with your ears, and understand the earth” (Ecclesiastes 11:3).
with your heart, there’ll be a transformation in your life and
God’s healing power will be manifested! You won’t have to go up there and try to bring the rain down;
the clouds will empty themselves of their own accord when
So, the focus of Jesus’ teaching here is the importance they’re full. Just keep taking God’s Word and the time will
of having revelation knowledge. Now, someone may ask, come when no sickness will be able to stay in you and
“How then do I get revelation knowledge?” If you’re born healing will automatically take place. You may have been
again and the Holy Spirit lives in you, revelation knowledge trying to no avail to have children. Keep putting the Word
has been granted to you. The Holy Spirit is the One who in you, and the time will come when your body will respond
imparts the understanding of God’s Word to every child of and you’ll have a miracle!

02 | Healing to the Nations

If you want to make Jesus Christ the Lord
of your life, say this prayer, believing with
all your heart:

“O Lord God, I come to You in the Name

of Jesus. I believe that Jesus Christ
is the Son of the Living God. I believe
that God raised Him from the dead and
I confess with my mouth that Jesus
Christ is the Lord of my life from today.
I receive, by faith, remission of sins
for my soul. Right now, in the Name of
Jesus Christ, I receive eternal life into
my spirit. I am born again!”

If you’ve just said the prayer,

please send an email to
God bless you.

Healing to the Nations Magazine is published by the Healing School. All rights reserved. Reproduction in
whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ISSN 1597 – 0833
– Rita Bisseru Testifies
ita Bisseru’s testimony is a take even a few steps,” she remarks.

R statement of faith in God, with

whom anything is possible.
She is full of joy as she tells her story
Having to make sudden adjustments
to her life and daily routines was
jarring for Rita. It was a difficult time
of liberty and a new lease on life. but she hadn’t come to the worst
Having suffered multiple fractures of her ordeal yet. In October of the delivered a damning verdict that
in a domestic accident that altered same year, she had another surgery broke the dear woman’s heart.
her life, she lived with the hurt and because her prosthesis had moved “When I heard that I would never
anguish for several months. Various and some screws had come loose. walk again and that I would have to
treatments didn’t help her condition After the surgery, things went from use the neck brace for the rest of my
and it seemed there would be no bad to worse. life, I burst out in tears,” she recalls.
end to the pain, but her story took
a different turn when she discovered “The second operation took me
Healing Streams Live Healing further downhill,” she says. “I lost
Services with Pastor Chris. my voice and I had problems
swallowing, eating, and breathing
Here is how it all began: “On July properly. There was pain in my
14, 2021, I collapsed in my kitchen abdomen and around my knees and
and I was rushed to the hospital. It ankles, and painful heat sensations
turned out that I had fractured my in my feet.”
spine and my neck, which caused
a compression at the C6 vertebra
and injured my spinal cord,” Rita “I lost my voice
recounts. and I had problems
swallowing, eating,
The doctors performed an and breathing properly.
emergency surgery to relieve the There was pain in my
pressure on Rita’s spine. Then, abdomen and around
they fitted a prosthesis to support my knees and ankles,
her head and neck. But the damage and painful heat
had been done and there was no
sensations in my feet.”
reversing the effects of the injury
to her spinal cord. After a month in
rehab, she returned home with two Alarmed at these developments,
mobile aids – a wheelchair and a the neurosurgeon was consulted
walker. “I was using a wheelchair urgently to ascertain what was Over the course of the five months
and I needed a walker if I wanted to happening. He examined Rita and that followed, there were moments
04 | Healing to the Nations
when Rita found her condition and my abdomen. At this time,
unbearable and most unfair. She Pastor Chris was still attending to “I can now move both
would cry and pray to the Lord for a those in the auditorium with him. I’d arms. I can move my
way out. never felt like this before. neck, which I couldn’t
do before. I can bend
She reminisces: “I didn’t want to “When it was time for Pastor Chris and touch my toes. I
be in that situation anymore. I was to pray for those of us watching can walk! I can talk! I
tired of using a wheelchair. This online, I accepted my healing. I
am healed! Glory
wasn’t how I was created. I wanted received it when the man of God
to God!”
to walk again and to be able to do said ‘Be healed!’ I got up and started
the things God wanted me to do.” walking. I was healed!”
miracle! Filled with appreciation, she
News of the Healing Streams in After many months of excruciating says, “I want to say thank you to the
March 2022 brought Rita comfort agony, Rita has a new story to tell; man of God, Pastor Chris, for his
and confidence, and an assurance a testimony that makes people all faithfulness to our Lord Jesus Christ.
of God’s love for her. “I realized over the world glorify the Name of Thank you because I am healed.
that I serve a miracle-working the Lord Jesus. Healing Streams Sir, God bless you for what you are
God when a doctor invited me Live Healing Services with Pastor doing for the people in the world.
to the Live Healing Services and Chris was her set time for a divine I love you.”
helped me register. As I prepared, appointment. The power of the Holy
I trusted the Lord Jesus for total Spirit went through her body and Testimonies continue to pour in
healing and restoration. I believed set everything right. as many declare the wondrous
I would get a miracle,” Rita states. miracles that transformed their
“I can now move both arms. I can lives. Indeed, Healing Streams Live
Rita narrates her experience while move my neck, which I couldn’t do Healing Services with Pastor Chris
participating at a healing center near before. I can bend and touch my is touching lives and bringing God’s
her home in Durban, South Africa: toes. I can walk! I can talk! I am unfailing healing power to people
“I was there in church for the three healed! Glory to God!” she testifies. right where they are.
days of the Healing Streams. On
the third day, I felt these sensations Rita is whole and well. She is To register for the next edition, go
that ran through my body; strange walking unaided after almost a year to www.healingstreams.tv/LHS.
spasms that went through my legs of being wheelchair-bound. What a God bless you.
Healing to the Nations | 05
lobal Miracle Faith Seminar (GMFS) is
a special follow-up event to the Healing
Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor
Chris. With unforgettable highlights on the impact
and testimonies from the healing services, GMFS
is a celebration of supernatural feats. Remarkable
teachings on faith and living in divine health help
participants worldwide to apprehend the infinity of
God’s love for all; thus, strengthening them to retain
their miracles. Through impartation segments and
prayer for the sick, the power of God is directed to
people where they are, making them whole.

The last edition of the seminar was held on Saturday,

17 December 2022, and it was a memorable day
for many! This epochal event had billions of people The seminar commenced with a segment of intense
participating privately and from healing centers prayer and intercessions led by Pastor Rhoda
across various countries. Olusina, a Healing School minister. Afterward,
participants were treated to a special highlight of
Healing Streams Live Healing Services that took
place in November.

Loveworld Singers led melodious hymns and spiritual

songs in worship to the Lord, praising and thanking
Him for His marvelous works and the myriad miracles
all over the world.

As the program progressed, Pastor Dave Ogbaka

– a Healing School minister – introduced those with
him on set and several who connected via video
conference as testifiers with awesome healing
testimonies to share with the world. Their stories not
only attested to the wonders the Lord wrought in their
lives, but also showed what each person’s miracle
meant to them, and how they were doing exploits in
their cities with these testimonies.
06 | Healing to the Nations
Such was the story of Praise Valiant. In 2012, Praise
was diagnosed with ascites. What started as a little
pain and discomfort turned into a 10-year ordeal that
consisted of several unsuccessful treatments for her
swollen abdomen and eventually led to her being
confined to a wheelchair.

Praise took a step of faith by participating in the July

2022 Healing Streams Live Healing Services with
Pastor Chris, and her story changed forever. Now
healed and living the miraculous daily, she carries out
healing outreaches to many cities, sharing the good
news of God’s healing power.

The Director of the Healing School, esteemed Pastor

Deola Phillips, exhorted the global audience on the
true meaning of being in Christ and having Christ in
you. “If you’re born again, you are in Christ and Christ
is in you; you’re not an ordinary person,” she said. “It
means that the totality of the character and nature of
the Lord Jesus, His life and power, and the glory of His
anointing, are resident in you. This is the expectation
and assurance of glory. Hallelujah!”

She further expatiated the effects of manifesting Christ

in one’s body are divine health and wholeness: “Christ
in you makes you whole! Christ in you is your assurance
of health, prosperity, and life manifested. In Christ, your
body is inundated with divinity, that’s why you can walk
out of sickness at any time you choose.”

Following this faith-elevating session of the Word,

Pastor Deola prayed for the sick, proclaiming healing,
health, and soundness for all. It was a delightful moment
for all who required healing as the Lord granted their
hearts’ desires.

Pastor Dave returned to share some testimonies of

miracles that had taken place from all over the world.
Among them was that of Lillian from the United States
of America who said, “I experienced some pain in my
bones, joints, and muscles. But when Pastor Deola
started sharing God’s Word, I discovered that I no
longer feel any pain. I’m free. Glory to God!”

The service rounded off with praise and thanksgiving

for the mighty things the Lord had done! Testimonies
have been pouring in ever since and there’s room
for more.

The next edition of Global Miracle Faith Seminar

is here! Saturday, 15 April 2023, will be a most
memorable day for many worldwide. Don’t miss
the opportunity to receive and revel in miracles.

Register now at www.healingstreams.tv/gmfs.

And remember to share the program with others
through your Healing Streams Virtual Center. Also,
send your testimonies to us via email:
Healing to the Nations | 07
Restored To Life & Health
Isaiah worked on a construction site. One day, while he went about his business as usual, an
accident occurred. Timber fell from the fifth floor and landed on his head, leaving a very deep
cut. He was rushed, unconscious, to the hospital. He underwent several emergency surgeries
but remained unconscious. The situation looked bleak until a healing outreach team visited
the hospital where Isaiah was admitted.

“We found him in a coma at the hospital,” says Pastor Steven Victory from Blessed Worship
Sanctuary Mission, Kenya, leader of the outreach team. “Our man of God, Pastor Chris, has
taught us what to do. So, we prayed in faith and declared him healed. Then we put a copy
of Healing to the Nations Magazine near him and left. Two days later, we had a testimony.”

James, Isaiah’s brother, picks up the story: “After the doctors attended to my brother, we
waited day after day for him to come out of the coma but nothing happened. Then, two days
after the outreach team came and gave us Healing to the Nations Magazine, my brother woke
up and drank some milk.”

Isaiah was restored to life and health by the power of God. Despite the severity of his injuries,
he recovered without any neurological deficits and is back to a normal life. Hallelujah!

“This is a delightful story of how God is working in our world today. I am an eyewitness to
what God can do. We have seen people saved and transformed, and we have seen their
faith lifted. We thank God for Isaiah and many others who have been healed through this
magazine,” Pastor Victory remarks.

08 | Healing to the Nations

Dear Pastor Chris,

Thank you very much, sir, for answering the Lord’s call to take
healing to the nations. Many lives have been blessed and changed
because you said yes.

My testimony is regarding my legs. I had ongoing issues with my

legs for years. As such, I have a disability bus pass to make it
easier for me to move around the city.

I was on my way home one evening and waiting for the bus while
watching Healing Streams TV on my phone. Then, God told me
that I was healed and instructed me to discard my disability bus
pass and start buying a regular yearly bus pass. I wondered
what He meant until I woke up to the reality of my miracle the
next morning.

I saw that my legs had become normal. There was no more

inflammation or bruises, and my skin tone was already returning
to normal. I was unable to wear high heels because of my legs and
feet, but that is all history now.

I expected healing for my legs and many other things in my life.

With this miracle, I know the Lord has answered everything.

~ Gerardine Mandzoua from the United Kingdom

Healing Streams TV is an online healing and miracle channel that broadcasts divine health realities
and directs God’s healing power to people wherever they are, through their devices. Expand Healing
Streams TV’s reach today by getting others to watch and by sponsoring the broadcasts.

See how at www.healingstreams.tv/partner

Healing to the Nations | 09
very parent knows the vital role healthy food and snacks play in keeping their children

E hale and hearty. Unfortunately, the little ones, in their infinite wisdom can sometimes
rebel against the very thing they need. Thus, it is upon every parent to find creative ways
to make food, especially fruits and vegetables, a fun and delightful option.

There are people who don’t think “healthy” and “snack” should go together. Providing healthy
snacks may seem difficult, but there are plenty of creative and delicious options to choose from,
including frozen smoothies, cucumber rolls, specialty pizzas, exotic salsas, and banana rolls.

With schools resuming soon after the Easter holiday, these easy-to-make super-healthy snacks
will continue the festivities and still contain all the essential nutrients your children need.

• Veggie Pizza: Almost every child loves pizza. Rather than spend time kicking against
the penchant for junk food, after which you’d probably give in just to gain some peace,
consider adding vegetables to the mix. Bell peppers, mushrooms, onions, and olives
are packed full of vitamins and other micro and macronutrients; also, they make yummy
pizza toppings instead of pepperoni, beef, and chicken!

• Smoothies: Smoothies are a great way to feed your toddler and pre-teen vegetables and
healthy fats. Try simple smoothie blends of yogurt with their favorite fruits (pineapples,
strawberries, blueberries, apples, etc.) and you are good to go! For an extra fun option,
fill popsicle containers with these smoothies. A few hours later, your children will have
sweet and delicious low-sugar popsicles. Most fruits contain vitamins A, C, and E, as well
as potassium, magnesium, zinc, and calcium, which are all vital nutrients for children.

• Cucumber Snacks: The best part of making delicious cucumber rolls for your children
is that you can enlist their help. Slice long strips of red and yellow bell peppers, celery,
and cucumber. Then, spread cream cheese on the inside of the cucumber strips, add
the other ingredients, and roll them up. This provides a large amount of dietary fiber,
minerals, and vitamins.

• Banana Rolls: Banana is a must-have for every growing child due to their myriad health
benefits such as improving brain function, digestion, eyesight, and bone development,
as well as blood pressure and energy levels. Each bite delivers dietary fiber, potassium,
probiotics, and whole grains. Slice a banana, dunk the pieces in Greek yogurt, and roll
them in oatmeal or a bran mix. Once done, freeze the banana rolls on a cookie sheet for
one or two hours.

• Veggie/Fruit Mix Salsa: Cooking with your kids gets them excited to try new things.
Together, you can cut up tomatoes, onions, jalapeño peppers, cilantro, mango, and
pineapple and blend them in a food processor with your favorite spices. Once your salsa
is sliced and diced, serve with whole-wheat or corn tortilla chips. This healthy snack is
colorful, uniquely flavored, and packed with fiber, phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals.

Try one or more of these suggestions today, and create more exciting recipes as you go. Who
said eating healthy at snack-time couldn’t be fun, delicious, and nutritious at the same time?

10 | Healing to the Nations

“My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let
them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.
For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh”
(Proverbs 4:20-22).
magine that a certain wonder drug with the ability to cure any kind of sickness, disease, or pain has just been produced.

I It’s an all-around drug that can heal the body of anything. If you were barren, it would help you conceive; if you were
bulimic or anorexic, it would cure the eating disorder; if you were bald, it would make your hair grow again; if you were
sick with a terminal disease, it would heal it; it could do just anything! If such a drug were possible, it would be in very
high demand the world over. Even if they weren’t sick, many people would like to have it, just in case anything happened.
Incidentally, the Word of God is that drug!

God has already sent His Word concerning your divine healing and health. Now, see yourself in it! Don’t see yourself
broken and bound by any infirmity; see yourself healed in Christ Jesus, and say it. Say to yourself, “I refuse to be sick; I
have been healed in Christ Jesus!” As you do this consistently, it won’t be long before God’s Word will produce a miracle
in your body!

I enjoy God’s boundless grace; it empowers me to I have received an abundance of grace, and I reign in life
overcome all obstacles and overlook all lying vanities with dominion over sickness and death. I have received
the adversary tries to put in my path. No weapon of evil, eternal life, which makes it impossible for sickness or
disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can disease to dominate my body. No infirmity can corrupt or
prosper because I am favored and graced. Hallelujah! ravage my body.

God’s unfailing Word has brought me to a place of rest, The Word of God is working mightily in me. No matter the
strength, power, and dominion. Supernatural blessings, circumstance, regardless of what I feel or see, the Word
divine health, and prosperity are mine in abundance. I’m produces what it talks about in my life. I am full of life! By
impregnable to pain, sickness, disease, or infirmity. the Word, I live in safety, health, victory, prosperity, joy, and
love. Blessed be God!
Thank You, Father, for making me an associate of the
God-kind. I am conscious of the divine life that is at work I live in the glorious liberty of my divine life in Christ. I
in me, causing me to dwell in health every day. No infirmity grow daily in grace and in the wisdom of God. My body is
can thrive in my body because Christ is my life. sound; its systems and organs are functioning perfectly.
I’m waxing stronger and stronger every day. Amen.
God’s Word in my mouth is quick and powerful, sharper
than any two-edged sword. With my words, I cut off every The ability of God is at work in me today and I’m conscious
situation that is contrary to God’s provisions. I refuse to be of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for my
sick because the life of God is in every part of my body. sufficiency is of God. My strength is renewed daily and I’m
divinely energized for victory and all-around success.
I live a triumphant life in Christ, far above the world and
its systems. The glory of God is at work in me; therefore, The Word is working mightily in me! The Spirit of Him that
sickness, disease, and infirmity have no place in or around raised Jesus Christ from the dead dwells in me and He
me. My life is the manifestation of the beauty and perfection vitalizes my body. Health, strength, victory, and prosperity
of Christ. Glory to God! are mine now by the power in the Name of our Lord Jesus.

Life springs up from within me because I am a life-giving I live in Zion; therefore, sickness is far from me. My
spirit. I reject sickness in my body. I am a dispenser and a members are instruments of God’s righteousness. Sin and
giver of life to everyone and everything I come in contact sickness have no dominion over my body. My atmosphere
with. When I lay hands on the sick, they recover. is the manifest presence of the Holy Ghost.

Healing to the Nations | 11

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Christ Embassy Healing School Christ Embassy Healing School
303 Pretoria Avenue (Cnr. Harley and 21/23 Ize Iyamu Road
Bram Fischer), Randburg, Gauteng Ikeja, Lagos

P. O. Box 323, Randburg 2125 P. O. Box 13563, Ikeja, Lagos

Tel: +27 11 326 2467 Tel: +234 808 678 3344

+27 799 675 852 +234 803 981 6243
+27 799 675 853 +234 (01) 888 5066


Christ Embassy Healing School Christ Embassy Healing School
8623 Hemlock Hill Dr. 31 Conair Parkway,
Houston Woodbridge ON,
Texas 77083 L4H0S4, Canada

Tel: +1 832 724 9390 Tel: +1 289 622 1634

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