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My purpose for downloading the movie is to watch it and comply for the final requirement which
is to compose and submit Reflection Paper. But since the movie has an interesting story I
encouraged my two kids (6 and 4 years old) and my husband to join with me for watching it.
While we are watching my kids are keep on asking about the face of Auggie. They are
wondering if Auggie is bad or good. When Auggie cried my two little kids were also almost
cried. I can say that this movie is really good to watch of a whole family. Lots of emotion that’s
why lots of scenes in this movie made me cry because as a mother too I felt the pain and struggle
of mother (Julia Roberts) on how to comfort his son whenever there is someone who
discriminate him.

The story revolves to Auggie. Auggie is a young boy who has a genetic disorder and has a hard
time for interacting with other people and making friends.He used to wear helmet to avoid
exposure of his face in public and to avoid bullying from other people. Because of physical
appearance of Auggie his parents had homeschooled him for years. But time comes that his
mother wants Auggie to send him in a private school for him to experience the real world. This
decision is not easy for Auggies parent that’s why his parents argued about this. But his mother
is determined.

The first scene that I love is during 1st day of school of Auggie. I like Mr. Tushman on how he
value, appreciate, and encourage Auggie in school. I admire also Jack for being good to Auggie
on their first day of school (their first meeting too). But for Julian character I would say that he
needs more values education. Julian is rude and bad influence child. Despite of rudeness of
Julian, Auggie still managed his emotion. He stay calm and I like the way he response to
Julian.Another teacher that I like is Mr Brown, he encourage students to participate in the class.If
he observes that his student seems feel shy to participate he still insists so that everybody feels
not behind in the class. During class pictorial when Auggie act to be apart from his classmate he
controlled him. He wants his class intact and happy together.

As future educator it is very important that as early as now we should understand the importance
of presence of every student. It is very important that students feel comfortable and safe in the
class.Good teachers able to control his/her class not the students to control the class.

The second scenario that I love was when Auggie is crying due to his ugly face, his mom is
patiently listen and the words that he gave to Auggie as advised was the best ever advised I heard
for us to realized that its ok to be different from others. Everybody has a mark on face and that
marks somehow recognize us if who we are but the most matters is our heart (what’s inside in
our heart).The words of our mother are the most to value. Auggie is lucky enough for having
family who is always at his back. His father always reminds him that he is very proud to him. He
loves him so much.His sister (Via) with constant reminder that “ we are born to stand out”

In times of difficulties and sadness the presence and love of every family member is enough for
us to keep going. When other people look down us just ignore them and show off your talent and
focus on what you want to be somedayWe cannot please everybody and bear in our mind that we
are not created and born to please everyone. Our own self is the responsible for our future. So we
need to stand up, may we look different from others, maybe they sees that we are ugly but our
face is not hindrance for us to continue our dream.
My most favorite scene in the movie was when Auggie simply whisper to his mom “thank
you…… for making me go to school” during graduation ceremony.At first he struggle because
nobody likes him except Jack and Summer. Julian and his company almost every day bullied him
that’s why he almost give up. But the strong determination of his mother has big impact for his
journey. His mother never tires to push him to believeon his capability. His mother wants him to
experience the normal life and real world. His mother believes that someday Auggie can do

That simple word from Auggie is meant different meaning and realization. Mother really knows
what is best for his/her children. Mother is the first person and always believes on his/her child
capability. Mother is the first person who is willing to sacrifice for the sake of his/her child.
That’s why Auggieis grateful for his mother.

Then the reply of his mom just “ YOUARE WONDER” The motherly love for Auggie was
beyond compare. You can really see how genuine the love of mother for Auggie.She never
counts her sacrifices and support to Auggie. Hearing appreciation words coming from Auggie is
the best reward for his mother.

Before I end this writing I want to highlight the another good character of Auggie – on his
success he never forget his friends, teachers, family and every people surrounds him who support
and believe on him during his journey especially his mother for not giving up him.

Last, this movie gives a lot of inspiration and morals not only to those people with genetic
disorder but also to parents, to other member of the family, to teacher, school administrator,
students and to other people out there who are judge mental. Last word that I want on this movie
isthat “When given a choice between being right or being kind, CHOOSE KIND. Appreciate
everyone for who they are.Be kind even others are not because every act of kindness you show
can make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

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