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Outcome Image Description

3 This is a photo of when me and

the rest of my class got initiated
into Theta Xi here at URI. It was
a lot of work and commitment to
join but was completely worth it.
It caused a lot of up and down
emotions since I didn't feel like I
had time to focus on this and
school but they were super
understanding and were able to
help me through it by assisting in
homework, setting up classes
and more.

5 This photo is of my new puppy.

She has a lot of energy and just
seeing her really helps me
manage my stress and makes
me forget about everything that's
on my mind.

8 This image shows my

lifeguarding schedule from last
summer. I was able to use my
VIA strengths such as Prudence
to make sure I am constantly
staying on top of everything and
paying attention to the water
constantly. I have to constantly
be thinking about my next move.
Making a save (which has
happened) also forces me to
think on my toes on what to do
and how to respond.
11 This photo may not seem bad to
most. I am willing to share my
grades to show how I was
struggling in this class. I felt very
stressed and overwhelmed with
this class and other things
happening in my life.

12 This image shows my

involvement in the leadership
institute at the beginning of this
school year. I am in the very top
row, in the middle. I am with the
rest of my team (yellow team).
My two peer leaders Kevin and
Sarah really taught me a lot
about myself and since then I
wanted to be just like them, being
able to lead others in the same
way. I then applied for the peer
leader position and am very
happy to say I can fulfill this goal
by helping others in this
upcoming school years
Leadership Institute program.

17 This photo shows my Gallup

strengths that I grew familiar with
this semester. They show both
my strengths and even my
27 This photo shows me and my
swim team after we won our first
ever championship. My coach is
the reason why we got here and
he truly expressed servant

41 This photo is from one of the

slides in our HDF190 class where
we learned about Relational

42 This photo is of my shared drive

from my BAI211 class where me
and my partners were constantly
working together to complete all
the assignments here.

44 This photo shows some of my

test grades from my ACC201
class. This shows how well I
have been doing and have been
excelling it. I felt like I have been
learning a lot in this class and am
learning at an exponential rate
due to my mindset of allowing
myself to do it.

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