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The Changing View of


Kaldybai Aidana, Zarlykova Aruna

Changes in Grammar Teaching;
Grammar-Based Approaches;
Grammar Translation and Audio-Lingual Methods;
Presentation- Practice-Production(PPP) Models;
Inadequacies of Grammar-Based Approaches;
Communication-Based Approaches.
Changes in Grammar Teaching

Grammar Translation and Audio-Lingual
Presentation- Practice-Production
(PPP) Models

In the PPP model, grammar teaching consists of a structured

sequences of three stages: presentation stage, practice stage and production stage
Inadequacies of Grammar-Based
Based Approaches.

The recognition of the inadequacies of approaches that focused exclusively on

presentation and manipulation of grammatical forms, and the realization that
knowing a language is more than knowing its grammar, led to a shift away
from an exclusive focus on language forms to a focus on meaning and lan-
guage use in communicative contexts. This came to be known as the
communicative approach.
Inadeqacies of Communication-Based Approachs;
Recent Developments;
Focus on Form;
Current Views of FonF;
Communicative Approaches Revisited;
Task-Based Approaches Revisited;
Our Conception of FonF;
Inadeqacies of Communication-Based Approachs
Recent Developments

As mentioned above, there is now ample evidence for the importance of

form-focused instruction. However, form-focused instruction refers to gram-
mar instruction that takes place within communicative contexts. It is this
perspective on form-focused instruction that has been widely advocated in the
literature and has also been supported by SLA research.
Focus on Form

In response to the problems presented by traditional approaches to the

teaching of grammar, on the one hand, and dissatisfaction with purely com-
municative approaches on the other
Long distinguished a focus on form and a focus on meaning. FonFs is the tradi-
tional approach. Focus on meaning is synthetic and is
based on the assumption that learners are analyze language
and arrive at its underlying grammar.

Communicative Approaches Revisited

In keeping with current developments and the recognition of the importance

of grammar instruction, in recent years, many of the proposals in language
teaching advocate an inclusion of a focus on linguistic forms in classroom

Task-based Approaches Revisited

was defined as how well language is produced

as “the elaboration or ambition of the language which is produced,”

as the ability to produce language “without undue pausing or hesitation.”
Our Conception of FonF

FonF as a series of methodological options that, while adhering to the principles of commu-

nicative language teaching, attempt to maintain a focus on linguistic forms in various ways.

Term “form,”taking it to include various formal components of language

including grammatical, phonological, lexical, and pragmatic forms. This approach is

especially important for the foreign language situation where target language

access is limited.


In this chapter, we provided a brief overview of the changes in teaching

grammar over the years. We also examined current developments in
grammar teaching and communicative FonF. As noted, in recent years,
teachers, educators, and researchers agree on the importance of grammar
instruction, develop frameworks and
Thank you for attention!

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