Tutorial - Swiss Manager

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Swiss Manager Tutorial - All You Need to

Know on How Run a Tournament!

04 Aug 2016

This is a tutorial on Swiss Manager - a FIDE approved software for managing Swiss, Round
robin and team tournaments. After going through this tutorial, you should be able to conduct
tournaments on your own using Swiss Manager.

If you are using the demo version of Swiss Manager then the maximum number of players
allowed is 60.
How to conduct a tournament using Swiss Manager?
Step 1: Create a new tournament

First thing is to create a new tournament. In swiss manager the tournament file is stored as .TUN


Give it some name and set the number of rounds.

Step 2: Input players

Input players by clicking on Input option as shown in the image. Mention name, rating, sex and
other fields that you think is necessary for the tournament. The order doesn’t matter. It will sort it

You may have to click on manually input to insert names.

Step 3: Start pairing

Once the player list is complete pairing should be done using the icon shown in the picture

Once you click that, you will see a window asking to input some options which you can choose
if necessary. But I think for me it wasn’t required. Click on Start.
Step 4: Check pairing list

See the pairing by clicking on this icon.

You should see something like this.

Step 5: Print out the pairing

Once you click Print a pairing list pdf similar to the image is generated. Print this out on paper
and hand it over to an arbiter. If you are the arbiter then ask players to refer to the pairing list.
Players with their names on the left will play with white colored pieces.
Step 6: Take results and input

Once you get the result from all the boards, click on the icon as shown below

That will open up the pairing result with options to input results. Select appropriate result input.
Step 6: Start pairing again

So this ends first round. Now repeat the pairing procedure by clicking on the icon shown below.

Once the games are done, input the result again as shown in Step 6 till the last round.

Step 7: Output final standing

After all the rounds, the pairing icon will be disabled. Now you should take out the print out of
final standings by clicking on the button as shown.

This should output the final ranking as shown below.

Things to remember
Avoid pairing between clubs or teams

This was something bothering me for a long time. I did not know how to avoid pairing between
players from the same school. They would be really unhappy to see the pairing if they have to
play on one of their own. So in order to avoid this (you should avoid this at least in the first
round) give every player a CNo. which is available while entering the names manually.

Now in the pairing menu, check protected round.

Please note that you should uncheck this option for successive rounds. If not it would be hard for
the software to pair fairly.

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