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(creck rape Article The Nexus of Trade Openness, Institutions and Economic Growth: An Empirical Investigation of BRICS Countries Mehraj Ahmad Sheikh! and Mushtaq Ahmad Mali? Abstract Foreign Tade Review 56(2) 206-215, 2021 {©2021 Incian inceoe of Foreign Trade Reprints and permissions: insagepubsconijounalspernesianeinga ‘DOK 10.117710015732521995162 ourassagepub comhomehr SAGE The empirical limits of this study lie in investigating the nexus between trade ‘openness, institutional quality and economic growth in emerging BRICS coun- tries, Having nascent institutions, the study aims to analyse their role in determin- ing the trade-growch relationship. Using endogeneity expunging GMM technique, the empirical evidence shows—first, imports play a crucial part in augmenting growth. While exports and overall trade openness do show a positive impact, they lack the statistical significance. Second, institutional infrastructure shows an Indirect effect by augmenting the economic performance when complemented ‘with higher imports. These countries stand to gain more from imports with Improved insticutional infrastructure. JEL Codes: F10,04,C23 Keywords Trade openness, institutions, economic growth, BRICS " Deparanent of Commerce Aga Muslin University Alar, Uttar Pradesh, nda, 2 Department of West Asan ScudesAgarh Muslim Universi Aligarh, Ucar Pradesh, na ‘Corresponding author Metra Arad Shalth Department of Commerce Aligarh Muslin University Aligarh, ar Pradesh 202001, Ind mai: mehrajde@graiicom

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