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Mr. Mutyam Rakesh

SUBJECT: - Appointment Letter

Dear Mutyam Rakesh,

1. We are pleased to inform you that Orane International Pvt Ltd Franchiser Aashya Beauty Academy
Hyderabad has decided to appoint you as Hair trainer stationed at KPHP Hyderabad and this appointment
takes effect from the date you join that is 1st April 2022.

2. DESIGNATION: Hair Trainer

3. REMUNERATION: You will be entitled to the following remunerations:-

 A consolidated package of Rs. 3,00,000 per annum.

4. Your appointment is being made on the basis of particulars such as qualification, experience and bonafide
certificates as given in your resume for employment and in case any information as given by you, are found
false or incorrect, your appointment will be deemed void an initial and the contract of employment shall
come to an end forthwith.

5. During the course of your employment, you will discharge your duties efficiently and diligently to the best of
your ability and shall devote your whole time and attention in the interest of the company and carry out
duties and work assigned to you and shall obey and comply with the lawful orders and given direction to you
from time to time by your superiors. You shall honestly, diligently and faithfully comply with terms &
conditions of your employment. This is a multifunctional job and you can be assigned duties in addition or in
alternative to your present job responsibilities at the sole discretions of your superiors, but your dominant
function, duties and responsibilities shall remain the same i.e. of the job/ position in which you have been

6. You will be given specific job responsibilities related with your appointment in writing/ orally from time to time
and you are expected to perform them in efficient and effective manner.

7. You will abide by the service rules and regulation of the company as in force and amended from time to time
and condition stipulated in the appointment letter in all matters of conduct and discipline and carry all lawful
orders of your superiors.

8. You shall keep all information and secrets of the company secret and shall not either during your
employment hereunder or any time after the termination thereof divulge any information matter or things
relating to the business or interest of the company or its associated companies to any person without
express consent of the company or utilize any confidential knowledge or information acquired during your
service to the detriment or prejudice of the company or its subsidiary companies or for your personal use or
benefit or for making any financial or personal gain there form. You shall also be deemed to have
undertaken not to utilize any trade information or technical know-how or other intellectual property rights of
the company and its parent, subsidiary or associated companies, for your personal use or benefit or in any
manner prejudicial to the interest of the company during or after leaving of employment.
9. Your appointment and continuation in the employment will always be subject
to your physical and mental fitness.

10. As per the policy you are entitled to 14 leaves in a financial year
(7 Casual Leaves and 7 Sick Leaves).

11. In case of availing sick leave more than one the leave will be approved onsubmission
of valid medical certificate/ Doctor Prescription.

12. In case of any change in your residential address during the course of your employment, it shall be your
responsibility to intimate the same in writing immediately to the management.

13. You will be responsible for safe custody of records, and other articles entrusted to you from time to time. In
case of any damage or loss caused due to your negligence or carelessness, you will have to reimburse the
expenses / cost thereof and the management will have the right to make the deduction from your salary to
the extent of the damage/ loss.

14. If you choose to resign from the company your resignation should be deemed to be accepted on the date
you submit the same, but you may be relieved later on expiry of the notice period or earlier at the sole
discretion of the Management.

15. Your appointment will be provisional for a period of three months from the date of your joining duty. After this
period, your services can be terminated with 30days’ notice as also you have the option to resign on giving
30days’ notice. However, the relieving is at the discretion of the management and subject to the satisfactory
handover of all reports, records and any company asset which is under your custody after due clearance by
the management.

16. In case you leave service without giving notice, one month salary in lieu of notice shall be deducted along
with such other amount recoverable from you from your salary or any other amount that may be due from
you. However, nothing would prejudice the right of the management to recover any amount of advance loan
or notice period salary under any independent recovery proceedings.

17. If this is acceptable to you, you are required to return the enclosed copy of this offer letter duly signed by you
to signify the acceptance of terms and condition mentioned in this letter.

For Aashya Beauty Academy.

Authorised Signatory

I have read the terms & conditions mentioned and accept the above term & conditions and sign as having
understood and accepted the same.

Candidate Name


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