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CLIL A  Unit 3

Focus on ICT: Making a digital presentation

1 Read the tips about making a digital presentation. background data different
Complete 1-6 with the words in the box. difficult size words

✔ ✘
Slides Use bullet points. Don’t use more than four Don’t use complete sentences. Keep slides
or five bullet points per slide. short and simple.
Use your own (1)  . Never Don’t use a lot of animation.
read from the slides.
Use images to make your message
Fonts Use at least an 18-point font. A WHOLE LINE IN CAPITALS IS
Use different (2)  fonts for (3)  TO READ.
main points and secondary points. Don’t use a complicated font.
Use a font which is easy to read; for Don’t use a very small font.
example, Times New Roman or Arial.
Colour Use a font colour that contrasts with the Don’t use a different colour for each point.
(4)  .
Background Use a light and simple background. Don’t use (5)  backgrounds for
each slide.
Graphs Use graphs instead of long texts to show Don’t make your graphs too small or too
(6)  . complicated.

My favourite sports: My school subjects are 7

• football Maths, English, Spanish, 6

• tennis 5 Bus
ICT, science, history,
4 3.5
• basketball geography, RE and art. I 3.0 3.0
3 2.5
like all my subjects. I’m 2
2.0 Cycle
not very good at maths, 1 Walk
but I’m quite good at art. 0 Taxi
January February March

2 Look at slides A–D. Which slide shows …? 3 Prepare your own slide about your free-time
1 a good use of bullet points activities. Include information about:
2 a complicated background • How often you do them.
3 a small font • What you like.
4 a complicated font • What you don’t like.
5 a complicated graph
6 a good, clear presentation of data


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