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Evaluate the view that the Supreme Court is now an ‘imperial judiciary’

Theme/Points Evidence

1.1 senate and president - Checks and balances in place, impeachment

checks and balances → for misconduct
appointment process, - Harriet Miers, Bush nominated her but reps
impeachment for misconduct and dems both didn’t like her
- Impeachment has never actually occurred, but
the threat of impeachment has Abe Fortas 1969

1.2 Unelected and - Court can easily strike down laws made by
unaccountable (life tenure) & legislature or executive, overruling those with
lack of diversity mandate to implement law
- Current SC is majority white, and male as of
2023, at a higher proportion than the current
US population. - only seven judges in the
courts 233 history have been not a white man.
- Trump appointed 3, Obama appointed 3, Joe
Biden appointed 1’
- RBG dying, and leaving the space to be filled
by Kentaji Brown Jackson
- 2016 US v Texas ruled Obama's executive
order of DAPA unconstitutional

2.1 constrained by - Fulton v. City of Philadelphia, first amendment

constitution, can only rule on (especially religious expression) constrained
cases of constitutional rights the court
- In June 22, the SC ruled NY’s gun laws
unconstitutional, in violation of the 2nd
- Snyder v Phelps 2011, 8:1 first amendment
upheld over right to privacy

2.2 Judicial activism → - Brnovich v Democratic National Committee -

depending on their 6-3 ruling where conservative justices voted to
philosophies, they can uphold Arizona state laws which undermined
interpret the constitution the Voting Rights Act (conservative
differently philosophy)
- Bostock v. Clayton County, decided in June
2020 - interpretation of the word ‘sex’, included
sexual orientation and gender identity, and
weakened discrimination (liberal philosophy)
- Made new laws - Obergefell v Hodges
- Roe v Wade

3.1 decline in number of cases - SC can only make legislation when the cases
so limited influence, and only are brought to them - eg. Obergfell v Hodges,
a few landmark and can only same sex marriage was only legalised after the
rule on cases brought to them case was brought to the SC
- SC can only rule on cases brought to them. 168
cases in 1990 compared to 63 in 2021.

3.2 the power of judicial review - March 2021 Uzegbunam v Preczewski used
→. Overturns legislation power of judicial review to uphold 1st
without being checked amendment rights, 8-1, lone dissent by Roberts
who claimed the decision would lead to a
'radical expansion of judicial power' as the
case was moot.
- Judicial review stopped the Line Item Veto -
The power of the president to veto parts of bills
(instead of a full Bill) was ruled
unconstitutional in Clinton vs City of New York
1998, (So SC had great influence over
- Presented with over 8000 cases per year -
given a lot of choice over what to rule on

Cannot enforce their own lack of power to enforce e.g. Shelby county v
rulings Holder attempting to give states the responsibility
of protecting voter rights however lack of
enforcement shown through 2020 election where
polling stations deliberately closed to prevent
minorities from voting

Evaluate the view that the Supreme Court is now a political not a judicial institution

Theme/Points Evidence

1.1 President has no influence Kennedy - Obergefell v Hodges 2015

once they are on the bench Souter - Planned Parenthood v Casey 1992
Also with Bush v Gore 2000 he dissented
Justice Elena Kagan went halfway, upholding the
law’s constitutionality but voting against a major
Medicaid feature of it.
Trump v. Mazars USA, LLP 2020 - subpoena against
Trump upheld illustrates the SC free from presidential

1.2 Appointment Process Trump and Amy Coney Barrett 2020 ACB was openly
(President and Senate) anti abortion and publicly held very christian
conservative views.
Obama nominating Kagan
Garland blocked in 2016 by GOP
Biden nominating Kentaji Brown Jackson

2.1 Can only go as far as the Shurtleff v Boston 2022 (9-0)

constitution - this can be seen Houston Community College System v Wilson 2022
in unanimous cases (1st (9-0)
amendment usually)

2.2 Have the power to broadly Dobbs v Jackson 2022

interpret based on their Second Amendment ruling 6-3 2022
judicial ideology (judicial Carson v Makin
activism) Brnovich v Democratic National Committee - 6-3 ruling
where conservative justices voted to uphold Arizona
state laws which undermined the Voting Rights Act
(conservative philosophy)

3.1 Separation of Powers - Article III states that ‘The justices…shall receive a
have judicial independence - compensation which shall not be diminished’. Means
can’t be controlled? - no judges have fixed salaries so a partisan Congress cannot
political reward - gain nothing defund the supreme court if it were to rule on something
that does not match Congress’ partisan ideology. This
stops congress benefitting and defending its current
ideology and making the SC a political institution, with
judges ruling to help a partisan congress so they can
increase their salary.

3.2 Interest groups have large NRA-ILA - challenge to NY restrictive

influence US - amicus curiae concealed-carry-licensing regime 2021
NAACP 2022 Uni of North Carolina v Students for Fair
The American Civil Liberties Union was involved in
2005 McCreary vs ACLU case.

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