Activity 7 OLBPTNC

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1. Basically, internet is a great way to connect with the entire world. Most of us use the internet as a way
to connect with other people, sharing information, sharing of files, for entertainment, socializing, and
many other things that could be beneficial for us.

2. 2. People are obsessed and have made smartphones a part of their life. It’s a part of every tiny thing you
do in a day. Torch? Camera? Stopwatch? Calendar? Calls? Texts? Music? Compass? And lot more. When
everything fits in a tiny piece of tech, you get obsessed to it and that’s how you find it difficult to live
without it. But not impossible. Maybe you should try a take a day without your smartphone and to see
3. how it works, try reading my other answers on an experience with a day without a smartphone.
3. As of January 2020, there are 73,000,000 people using the internet in the country, penetrating 67% of
the total population.

4. The constant need for social interaction, especially in a country divided by over seven thousand islands
and with an increasing number of overseas workers, were among the leading factors that contributed
to the growing number of social network users in the Philippines

5. The Internet has changed business, education, government, healthcare, and even the ways in which
we interact with our loved ones—it has become one of the key drivers of social evolution. The changes
in social communication are of particular significance. ... The Internet has removed all communication

6. Advantages are reconnecting With Loved Ones. Social media is a great way to help you reconnect and
reunite with your loved ones. Some families go their separate ways and live on different countries but
still able to remain a family using the power of social networking sites. For others, they’ve reunited
with their long-lost sibling or parent due to a tragedy long ago or lovers who have gone separate ways
but found each other again online and continued their love story. Disadvantages Privacy Policies Does
Not Cover Everything Once you make a comment or post a picture of you on the internet, it stays there
long enough for other people to criticize you, make fun of you or make copies of your most
embarrassing posts and scatter it to other social networking sites.

7. The Internet had a huge impact in our lives and is by far just the beginning. In future the impact of
global network will increase steadily because our economic life will become more and more
dependent on interconnecting each other. Only a major calamity like a global scale nuclear war can
delay or reverse this process. Is the Internet evil or good? Is same like paper but at much higher scale.
You can use same paper for printing science books, porno magazines or Satanist propaganda. The
paper is same but the content we add to it make it evil or good.

8. The main purpose of the Internet is to provide global access to data and communications. Use of the
Internet and networking is essential for advancing research in science, medicine, engineering and
design as well as in maintaining global defense and surveillance.

9. The original concept for Facebook involved a way to bring the social experience of college to the
Internet. Mark Zuckerberg wanted to create an environment that could help college students
connect with one another.

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