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1. "Healthier is at her desk when she receives Jay's e-mail" is an example of ..

a. Channel in written application

b. Channel in oral application
c. Environment in oral application
d. Environment in written application
2. Communication can be defined as ...
a. Message
b. Tranfering messages
c. The process of understanding and sharing meaning
d. Understanding
c. The process of understanding and sharing meaning
3. "Jay writes an email to Heather '' is an example of ...
a. Feedback
b. Sources in oral application
c. Sources in written application
d. Channel in written application

c. Sources in written application

4. Which of the following most correctly describes the order of the communication
A. The sender has an idea, the receiver decodes the message, the receiver gets the
B. The sender has an idea, the sender encodes a message, the sender transmits the
message, the receiver gets the message
C. The sender transmits the message, the sender encodes the message, the receiver
sends feedbacks
D. The sender transmits the message, the sender receivers feedback, the receivers
decodes the message
B. The sender has an idea, the sender encodes a message, the sender transmits the
message, the receiver gets the message
5. Fill the blank:
As part of the Design Thinking Process, the ....mode includes observe, engage`, and
immerse actions
A. Empathize
B. Define
C. Ideate
D. Test
A. Empathize
6. ......... once meant happy or carefree; today it refers to homosexuality
A. Happiness
B. Gay
C. Nice
D. Pleasant
B. Gay
7. " A system of symbols, words, and/or gestures used to communicate meaning" is
A. Interaction
B. Code
C. Communication
D. Language
D. Language
8. The action of sorting competing messages, or choosing stimuli which is one very
important part of perception and awareness, is called ...
A. Selection
B. Chance
C. option
A. Selection
9. .... Are ideas based on our previous experiences and convictions and may not
necessary on logic or fact
A. Value
B. Belief
C. Attitude
D. Nonverbal communication
B. Belief
10. Five types of communication contexts
A. extrapersonal , situation, group, public, and mass communication
B. Extrapersonal, interpersonal, group, public, and mass communication
C. Intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, public and mass communication
D. Intrapersonal, personal, group, public, and mass communication
C. Intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, public and mass communication
11. To empathize, we immerse, which means....
A. We view users and their behavior in the context of their lives
B. The foundation of a human-centered design process
C. We interact with and interview users through both scheduled and short intercept
D. We experience what your user experience
D. We experience what your user experience
12...... refer to the intentional and unintentional ways a primary message is
communicated. This may include vocal inflection, gestures and posture, or rate of
speech that influence the interpretation or perception of your message
A. Primary messages
B. Secondary messages
C. Auxiliary messages tin nhắn phụ
D. Report
C. Auxiliary messages
13. ............ Refer to the intentional content, both verbal and nonverbal. These are the
words or
ways you choose to express yourself and communicate your message
A. Report
B. Secondary messages
C. Auxiliary messages
D. Primary messages
D. Primary messages
14............ Refer to the unintentional content, both verbal and nonverbal. Your
audience will form
impressions of your intentional messages, both negative and positive, over which you
have no control
A. Report
B. Secondary messages
C. Auxiliary messages
D. Primary messages
B. Secondary messages
15. Which of the following is a tangible (hữu hình) benefit of effective communication
in an organization?
A. Improved response from employees and supervisors
B. All of the above
C. Increased productivity
D. Faster problem solving
B. All of the above
16. Your how you feel about yourself, your feelings of self-worth, self-
acceptance, and self-respect.
A. Self-image
B. Self-esteem
C. Self-concept
D. Physical characteristics
B. Self-esteem
17. The .... As you may guess, it used to capture the attention of your audience. While
it may be used anywhere in your messages, it is especially useful at the outset
A. Residual message
B. Introduction
C. Body
D. Attention statement
D. Attention statement
18. the mode during your design process in which you focus on idea generation
A. Define
B. Ideate
C. Test
D. Empathize
B. Ideate
19. A(n) your immediate (trung gian) disposition toward a concept or an object
A. Beliefs
B. Nonverbal communication
C. Attitude
D. Value
C. Attitude
20. The.. is composed of messages the receiver sends back to the source
A. Conversation
B. Noise
C. Channel
D. feedback
D. feedback
21. Your is how to see yourself, how you would describe yourself to others
A. Self-esteem
B. Consistent
C. Self-concept
D. Self-image
D. Self-image
22. During the Design Thinking Process, in which mode you make your idea real?
A. Define
B. Prototype
C. Ideate
D. Test
C. Ideate
23............... is the foundation of a human - centered design process
A. Immerse
B. Observe
C. Empathy
D. Engage
C. Empathy
24. Empathy Map includes:
A. Touch, listen, Talk and silent
B. Hear, analyze, see, touch and do
C. Hear, think, see, feel, do and say
D. Listen,do, see and talk
C. Hear, think, see, feel, do and say
25. In a public speaking situation, the source is ...
A. Audience
B. The person giving the speech
C. coordinator
B. The person giving the speech
26. When you create a message, it is often helpful to think of it as having five parts:
A. Attention statement; Introduction; Body; Analyzing situation; Residual message
B. Attention statement; Analyzing situation; Body; Conclusion; Residual message
C. Introduction; Body; Conclusion; Bonus; Residual message
D. Attention statement; Introduction; Body; Conclusion; Residual message
D. Attention statement; Introduction; Body; Conclusion; Residual message
27. Self-concept is
A. your communications skills help you to understand others
B. your sense of self and awareness of who you are-in many ways.
C. your opinion
B. your sense of self and awareness of who you are-in many ways.
28. Design Thinking Process includes:
A. Empathize, Define, Analyze, Prototype, Test
B. Define, Empathize, Analyze. Protype, Test
C. Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test
D. Empathize, Analyze, Ideate, Test
C. Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test
29. Group communication is generally defined as involving
A. 8-10 people
B. 3-8 people
C. 3-5 people
D. 2-5 people
B. 3-8 people
30. What are the brands you are wearing? What do you think they say about you? Do
you feel that certain styles of shoes, jewelry, tattoos, music, or even automobiles who
you are?" Can be used an examples of .........
A. Their concept
B. Your concept
C. Self-concept
C. Self-concept
31. In your ....... you will make a clear statement your topic. this is also the time to
establish a relationship with your sudence (sự kiện của bạn)
A. attention statement
B. residual message
C. introduction
D. body
C. introduction
32. Your ......... include your eye color, hair length, height, and so forth
A. seff mage
B. self concept
C. physical characteristics
D. self-esteem
C. physical characteristics
33............... mode is when you unpack and synthesize (giải nén và tổng hợp) your
empathy findings into compelling
needs and insights, and scope a specific and meaningful challenge
A. Test
B. Empathize
C. Define
D. Ideate
C. Define
34. A series of essential components conclude
A. Source, Message,Channel, Receiver, Feedback, Environment, Context,
B. Source, Message, Channel, Receiver, Feedback, Environment, Nonverbal
Communication, Contot, Interference
C. Source, Message, Channel, Feedback, Environment, Nonverbel, Communication
Context, Interforence
D. Source, Message, Channel, Receiver, Feedback, Environment, Nonverbal,
A. Source, Message,Channel, Receiver, Feedback, Environment, Context, Interference
35. Design Thinking is an approach to addressing challenges in a thoughtful and fun
way, where you get to apply the 4Cs ...... To your
A. collaboration, challenge, critical thinking, and constructive conflict
B. collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and communication
C. collaboration, challenge, critical thinking, and communication
D. collaboration, creativity, challenge, and communication
B. collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and communication
36. When you have too many ideas, you can use "....... " statements
A. How must we?
B. How can we?
C. What should we ?
D. How might we?
D. How might we?
37. What is called "methodology for creative problem solving. You can use it to inform
your own teaching practice or you can teach a to your students as a framework for
A. Brain storming
C. Design thinking
D. Eisenhower Matrix
C. Design thinking
38. As a communicator, you are responsible for being prepared and being ethical. Being
prepared includes being organised, clear, concise, and punctual.
A. Red
B. Golden
C. Blue
B. Golden
39. The ... is the way in which a message or messages travel between source and
A. Convernation
B. Noise
C. Environment
D. Channel
D. Channel
40. At the end of the message, your.............. should provide the audience with a sense
of closum by summarising your man points and relating them to the overall topic.
A. attention statement
B. conclusion
C. introduction
D. residual message
E. body
B. conclusion
41. Written communication involves the same....... basic elements an oral
A. 8
B. 5
C. 3
D. 4
A. 8
42. are those that anne from within one's self, such on boing hungry
A. External stimuli
B. Selective attention
C. Internal stimuli
C. Internal stimuli
43. Are core concepts and ideas of what we consider good or bad, right or wrong or
what is worth the sacrifice
A. Values
B. Attitude
C. Beliefs
D. No correct answer
A. Values
44. Semantic triangle (tam giác ngữ nghĩa) includes
A. Member, Leader, Power
B. Thought, Subject/object, Word
C. Empathize, Subject/object, Action
B. Thought, Subject/object, Word
45. "Henther expects Jeny to send an email with the call-in information for the call
Jany expects to do so, and does" is an example of .......
A. channel in written application
B. context in oral application
C. channel in oral application
D. context in written application
D. context in written application
46. Two Models of Communication include
A. constructivist model + informational model
B. transactional process + constructivist model quy trình giao dịch + mô hình kiến tạo
C. No correct answers
D. transactional process + informational model
B. transactional process + constructivist model
47............... is an activity, skill and art that incorporates (kết hợp) lessons learned
across a wide spectrum of human knowledge
A. Understanding
B. Studying
C. Communication
D. Transferring
C. Communication
48. Effective communication takes
A. Listen, shoring. communicate
B. Preparation, practice, persistence
C. Leaming, contact, tolking
B. Preparation, practice, persistence
49. To empathize, we engage which means ...........
A. the foundation of a human centered design process
B. we interact with and interview users through both scheduled and short intercept
C. we view users and their behavior in the context of their ives
D. we experience what your user experiences
B. we interact with and interview users through both scheduled and short intercept
50. After the introduction comes the........... of your message. Here you will present
message in detail, using any of a variety of organizational structure
A. residual message
B. introduction
C. body
D. attention statement
C. body
51. refers to manners and behaviour considered acceptable in social and business
a. Greetings
b. Protocol
c. Etiquette
d. introduction
c. Etiquette
52. Why there is no standard definition of social class exits that applies to all
a. Because people in different countries speak different languages
b. Because people in different cultures have different living standards
c. Because people in different cultures have their own way of identifying the classes
d. Because people in different cultures likes differents things
c. Because people in different cultures have their own way of identifying the classes
53. Which is NOT a goal when delivering negative news, in person or in written form?
a. Help the receiver understand and accept the news
b. Maintain trust and respect for the business or organzation and for the receiver
c. Be clear and concise in order not to require additional clarification
d. Get straight to the point and keep it short
d. Get straight to the point and keep it short
54. What is defined as communication within and between business that involves
people from more than one culture?
a. Interpersonal business communication
b. International business communication
c. Multinational business communication
d. Intercultural business communication
d. Intercultural business communication
55. are ways of being that allow us to see, perceive, and reason through our own
cultural awareness
a. Cultures
b. Mindsets
c. Ethnocentrism
d. Confidences
b. Mindsets
56. In intrapersonal communication, with whom do we communicate?
a. We communicate though the intranet
b. We communicate with ourselves
c. We communicate with others
d. We communicate with the customers
b. We communicate with ourselves
57. What is the socialization process you go through to adapt to your society?
a. It is cultural interaction
b. It is acculturation.
c. It is intercultural
d. It is enculturation hội nhập văn hóa
d. It is enculturation
58. According to Schutz, people who crave the spotlight of attention and are highly
motivated to seek belonging are called ......
a. Oversocials
b. Social person
c. Personal individual
d. Undersocials
a. Oversocials
59. According to Schutz, people who may be less likely to seek interaction, may prefer
smaller groups, and will generally not be found on center status are called.....
a. Undersocials
b. Social person
c. Oversocials
d. Personal individual
a. Undersocials
60. What is the process by which the two cultures learn and adapt materials and adopt
pratices from each other?
a. It is interaction
b. It is confusion
c. It is diffusion sự khuyết tán
d. It is copying
c. It is diffusion
61. Schutz defines people who seek limited interaction as....
a. Underpersonals
b. Personal individual
c. Autocrats
d. overpersonals
a. Underpersonals
62. Schutz defines people who have a strong need to be liked and constantly seek
attention from others as ....
a. Overpersonals
b. Autocrats
c. Personal individual
d. underpersonals
a. Overpersonals
63. Schutz calls a man who strikes a healthy balance between being withdrawn and
being the constant center of attention as ....
a. Social person
b. Personal individual
c. Oversocial
d. undersocial
a. Social person
64. ....places the negative news at the beginning of the message
a. The internal communication
b. The indirect approach
c. The external communication
d. The direct approach
d. The direct approach
65. What is the term which refers to " the interpenetration of the global and the local,
resulting in unique outcomes in different geographic areas" (Robertson,2001)?
a. It is Glocalization
b. It is Cosmopolitan
c. It is Grobalization
d. It is Globalization
a. It is Glocalization
66. What "focuses on the imperialistic ambitions of nations, corporations,
organizations, and the like and their desire, indeed need, to impose themselves on
various geographic areas" (Ritzer,2003)?
a. It is localization
b. It is glocalization
c. It is globalization
d. It is grobalization
d. It is grobalization
67. What is "the spread of ways of life across the world both socially and in business"
a. It is business globalization
b. It is business glocalization
c. It is business development
d. It is business cosmopolitan
a. It is business globalization
68. According to Leon Festinger, when we evaluate ourselves in relation to our peers of
similar status, similar characteristics , or similar qualities, we engage in .....
a. Social comparisons
b. Intrapersonal
c. Self-evalution
d. self-concept
a. Social comparisons
69. Which is NOT a goal when delivering negative news, in person or in written form?
a. Reduce the anxiety associated with the negative news to increase comprehension
b. Maintain the relationship, even if a formal association is being terminated
c. Do not spend much time on it because we cannot do much about it
d. Achieve the designated business outcome
c. Do not spend much time on it because we cannot do much about it
70. In some cultures, what are taken seriously that you need to include on your
business card?
a. My email address, full name, and cell phone number in addition to my company
b. My name, email, and home address in addition to my company name
c. My name, nickname, and email in addition to my company name
d. My position and titles or degrees in addition to my company name
a. My email address, full name, and cell phone number in addition to my company name
71. In Japan or South Korea, we should.......
a. Shake hands when presenting business cards
b. Use both hands when presenting business cards
c. Smile when presenting business cards
d. Tell our names when presenting business cards
b. Use both hands when presenting business cards
72. What is "the process of adjusting and adapting to a new and different culture"
(Hazuda, Stern, &Hoffner, 1988)?
a. It is enculturation
b. It is the social situation
c. It is acculturation
d. It is cultural interaction
c. It is acculturation
73. In most countries of Southeast Aisa, Africa and the Middle East, why should we
avoid presenting the card with your left hand?
a. Because we shake hands with our left hand
b. Because it is the rule
c. Because we will use our left hand to keep things
d. Because the left hand is reserved for taking care of bodily functions
d. Because the left hand is reserved for taking care of bodily functions
74. What may have an impact on the success of intercultural (liên văn hóa)
communication encounters?
a. Positions and status
b. Language skills
c. Appearance
d. Family status
a. Positions and status
75. To avoid confusion or misinterpretation (giải thích sai), we should ....
a. Talk loud and clear
b. Be precise (chính xác) and specific
c. Be polite and respectful
d. Explain as much as possible
b. Be precise and specific
76. An important aspect of business protocol is the proper procedure for
a. Papers
b. Pens
c. Emails
d. Business cards
d. Business cards
77. Practices or verbal expressions considered by a society or culture as improper
(không phù hợp) or unacceptable are called _____
A. cultures
B. taboos điều cấm kị
C. superstitions
D. religions
B. taboos
78. In a negative new message, the part that refocuses attention on a solution strategy,
an alternative, or the subsequent actions that will take place called.........
a. Explanation
b. Redirect
c. Buffer or cushion
d. Negative news
b. Redirect
79. What is "the belief that your own cultural background, including ways of analyzing
problems, values, beliefs, language, and verbal and nonverbal communication, is
correct and superior to others"?
a. It is enculturation
b. It is ethnocentrism chủ nghĩa dân tộc
c. It is cultural interactiont
d. It is acculturation
b. It is ethnocentrism
80. What type of message which delivers news that the audience does not want to
hear, read, or receive?
a. The unsolicited messages
b. The positive messages
c. The negative messages
d. The neutral messages
c. The negative messages
81. "What we perceive ourselves to be ," (McLean, S.,2005) and involves aspects of
image abd esteem of ourselves is called.....
a. Self
b. Self-Evaluation
c. Self-concept
d. Intrapersonal
c. Self-concept
82. Places the negative new between a positive introduction, sometimes called a
"buffer" or cushion, and a conclusion
a. The indirect approach
b. The external communication
c. The internal communication
d. The direct approach
a. The indirect approach
83. shift the burn of responsibility from themselves to others, looking to others for a
sense of control (Schutz, W., 1966)
a. Abdicrats
b. Democrats
c. Oversocials
d. Undersocials
a. Abdicrats
84. What refers to the self-talk of intrapersonal communication?
a. Self-concept
b. Self-evulation
c. Social comparisons
d. Internal monologue
d. Internal monologue
85. Aspects of protocol related to successful intercultural communication include
telephone manners and cyberspace etiquette phép lịch sự , sometimes
a. Emoticons
b. Netiquette nghi thức mạng
c. Correspondence
b. Netiquette
86. The verbal and/or nonverbal response to a message is called....
a. Reply
b. Comment
c. News
d. Feedback
d. Feedback
87. The first part of a negative news message, verbal or written , involving neutral or
positive information, is called....
a. Redirect
b. Negative news
c. Explantion
d. Buffer or cushion
d. Buffer or cushion
88. Which is NOT part of the checklist for delivering a negative message?
a. Clear understanding of the audience's title or position
b. Clear understanding of message
c. Clear goal in mind
d. Clear understanding of procedure and protocol
a. Clear understanding of the audience's title or position
89. The communications with one's self, and that may include self-talk, acts of
imagination and visualization , and even recall and memory can be defined as.....
a. Nonverbal communication
b. Interpersonal communication
c. Verbal communication
d. Intrapersonal communication giao tiếp nội bộ
d. Intrapersonal communication
90. refers to customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic, etiquette and courtesies
expected in official dealings with persons in varous cultures
a. Etiquette
b. Introduction
c. Protocol
d. greetings
c. Protocol
1. First.......... are made only once but are remembered for a long time
a. Impressions
b. Handshakes
c. Talks
d. greetings
a. Impressions
92. What is now the common term to replace international or intercultural business
communication when speaking of common business from different countries?
a. Local business communication
b. Multinational business communication
c. Interpersonal business communication
d. Global business communication
d. Global business communication
93. Edward T. Hali defined the communication between persons of different cultures
a. Interpersonal communication
b. International communication
c. Intercultural communication giao tiếp văn hóa
d. Multinational communication
c. Intercultural communication
94. According to Schutz, the three interpersonal needs are ...
a. Need for power, need for trust, and need for money
b. Need for power, need for trust, and need for control
c. Need for affection, need for trust, and need for belonging
d. Need for affection, need for control, and need for belonging/inclusion
d. Need for affection, need for control, and need for belonging/inclusion
95. In non-English speaking countries, have the information on your card printed in
English on one side and in .....on the other
a. The local language
b. French
c. Chinese
d. spanish
a. The local language
47. What is the structure through which the communication is formulated (xây dựng)
and interpreted (giải thích)?
a. It is feedback
b. It is context
c. It is communicator.
d. It it culture
d. It it culture
97. We may choose to define one's own sense of individual, personal
characteristics, motivations, and actions (McLean,S.,2005).
a. Us
b. Self
c. Yourself
d. Me
b. Self
98. To avoid legal problems when communicating bad news, we should
a. Avoid abusive language or behavior
b. All of the above
c. Avoid contradictions and absolutes
d. Maitain respect and privacy
e. Avoid confusion or misinterpretation
b. All of the above
99. What is the idea that when traditional barriers among people of differing cultures
break down, emphasizing the commonality of human needs, one culture will emerge, a
new culture to which all people will adhere?
a. It is "multinational culture"
b. It is "international culture"
c. It is "world culture"
d. It is "countries culture"
c. It is "world culture"
100. To have a difficult conversation or read bad news, set aside a special time
when you will not be disturbed. Close the door and turn off the TV, music player, and
instant messaging client.
set aside a special time
101. Wait until it is your turn to respond, and then measure your response in
proportion to the message that was delivered to you. Reciprocal turn-taking allows
each person have his say
Example of Take turns
102. Keep silent while you let the other person "speak his piece." If you are reading,
make an effort to understand and digest the news without mental interruptions.
Here is an example of ....
a. Take turns
b. Don't interupt
c. Set aside a special time
b. Don't interupt
103. Why the awareness of the holidays and holy days of other cultures is important
to business?
A. Because it will help us in scheduling our holidays.
B. Because it will help us in scheduling telephone calls and business trips
C. Because it will help us in scheduling our work at home
D. Because it will help us in scheduling our great tours visiting other countries
B. Because it will help us in scheduling telephone calls and business trips
104. The ....... meaning is the common meaning, often found in the dictionary.
A. connotative
B. denotative ký hiệu
C. arbitrary
D. symbolic
B. denotative
105. ... are key words that alert the audience to a change in topic, a tangential
explanation,an example, or a conclusion.
A. Euphemism
B. Jargon
C. convicts ( or indicators) biển chỉ dẫn hoặc chỉ dẫn
D. Doublespeak
C. Signposts ( or indicators)
106. ..... means you go beyond pride (kiêu hãnh) in your culture, heritage (di sản) or
background and hold the 'fouion (niềm tin) that (you? know more and are better than
those of different cultures.
A. Stereotypes
B. Prejudice
C. Ethnocentrism
D. All answers are false
C. Ethnocentrism
107. examples of .......... include a bebief that special charms (bùa chú), omens (điềm
báo), or rituals have supernatural powers.
a. chitchats
b. taboos
c. superstitions mê tin dị đoan
d. values
c. superstitions
108. when conducting business with people of Japan or china, the handshake is often
combined with a ................ so that each culture shows the other proper respect
(Baldrige, 1993, Samovar et al.2009?.
a. smile
b. hug
c. bow cây cung
d. touch
c. bow
109. Which is NOT one of the four main parts of a negative news message?
A. Buffer or cushion
B. Negative news
C. Explaination
D. Salutation lời chào
D. Salutation
110. according to schutz, the person who strikes a healthy balance of need for
affection is called.....
a. a democrat
b. an overpersonal
c. a personal individual
d. a social person
d. a social person
111. the response from the receiver to the sender and is also an essential element of
phone conversations is call ..........
a. opening
b. feeedforward
c. business
d. feedback
d. feedback
112. ..... involve messages or statements that take away from the respect integrity
(tính toàn vẹn) or credibility of a person
a. Face-saving Strategies
b. Face-Detracting Strategies chiến lược làm mất khuôn mặt
c. avoidance strategy
d. supportive communication
b. Face-Detracting Strategies
113. Heather replies with an e-mail saying yes. - is an example of... in written application
b.source in written application
c.source in oral application in written application in written application
114. "G" in Effective Argument Strategies: GASCAP/T means
A. Generalization
B. Group
C. Great
D. General
A. Generalization
115. which is not an element of a crisis communication (khủng hoảng truyền thông)
a. crisis communication eam members with contract information
b. deasignated spokesperson
c. eating place/ resting location
d. media plan with procedures
c. eating place/ resting location
116. the third part of the negative news message. involving the bad news itsefl, and
the emphasis here is on clarity and accuracy, is called .........
a. buffer or cushion
b. redirect
c. nagative news
d. explanation
c. nagative news
117. 'insult tipping' (tiaanf boa xúc phạm) or ..... shows a lack of respect and is
inappropriate regardless of how poor theservice.
a. leaving a few coins
b. leaving an abundant tip
c. leaving nothing
d. leaving
a. leaving a few coins
118. ______ are culturally ingrained (ăn sâu) principles of correct and incorrect
behaviors that, if broken, carry a form of overt or covert penalty.
A. Roles
B. Norms
C. Decisions
D. Networks
B. Norms
119. why should we avoid giving perfume or wine as gifts the to French people
a. Because those are their specialties
b. Because those are expensive
c. Because those are not expensive
d. Because those are what they do not like
a. Because those are their specialties
120. ...... involves the act of creating your speech from the elements you have
gatheres. You may start to consider what comes first, what gose last, and how you will
link your ideas and examples together
A. Revision
B. Incorporation
C. Production
D. Incubation
C. Production
122. In ..... communication. one person speaks to a group of people; the same is true
of public written communication, where one person writes a message to be read by a
small or large group.
a. intrapersonal
b. puplic
c. mass
d. interpersonal
b. puplic
123. What is NOT a stratefy for effective meetings?
A. Send out the last meeting's minutes one week before the next meeting.
B. Make sure the participants know their role and requirements prior to the meeting.
C. Wait for all participants to arrive to the meeting before you can start it
D. Start and end your meetings on time.
C. Wait for all participants to arrive to the meeting before you can start it
124. Protect credibility and separate message from messenger
a. face-saving strategies
b. avoidance strategies
c. face-detracting strategies
d. defensive communication
a. face-saving strategies
125. a problem with understanding acceptable male/famale relationships in any
culture is the ..........................
a. attitudes
b. believes
c. stereotypes khuôn mẫu
d. values
c. stereotypes
126. such language, which is interpreted (thông dịch) as defamatory (phỉ báng), or
harming the reputation (danh tiếng) of the person, if in written form, is called......
a. libel phỉ báng
b. slander
c. complaint
d. feedback
a. libel
127. Using gender as a discriminating factor like referring to adult women as 'girls' or
using the word 'man' to refer to humankind are examples of.....
A. Racist language
B. cliché
C. Sexist language
D. Slang
C. Sexist language
128. the concept of a self-fullfilling prophecy (lời tiên tri tự ứng nghiệm), in which
someone's behavior comes to match and mirror others' expectations, it not new.
A. True
B. False
A. True
129. What is NOT a hallmarkv (đặc trưng) rule of media interviews?
A. Anything you say can and often will be used against you.
B. Never say anything you would not feel comfortable hearing quoted out of context on
the evening news.
C. Be prepared for the unexpected as well as the expected.
D. Always answer all the questions you are asked.
D. Always answer all the questions you are asked.
130. Do not wear ............ in Thailand because these colors have funeral (tang lễ)
connotations (hàm ý).
A. red and solid yellow
B. black or solid white
C. red and solid blue
D. yellow and solid grey
B. black or solid white
131. In Asian countries, a proper handshake is ____
A. firm
B. brusque and firm
C. gentle
D. light and quick
C. gentle
132. When travelling, knowing consumption taboos of the host culture is
A. important
B. unimportant
C. professional
D. unnecessary
C. professional
133. To empathize, we observe (quan sát), which means...
A. the foundation of a human-centered design process
B. we view users and their behavior in the context of their lives
C. we interact with and interview users through both scheduled and short intercept
D. we experience what our user experiences
B. we view users and their behavior in the context of their lives
134. Travel etiquette (phép lịch sự) also involves courteous treatment of airline
personnel. Flight attendants should also be treated
A. with a hug
B. with a kiss
C. with a tip
D. with respect
D. with respect
135. "If you were born female, then your view of the world may be different from that of
a male, and may be similar (C to that of many other females. Being female means that
you share this "femaleness" trait with roughly half the world's population."
Here is an example of.
A. demographic traits đặc điểm nhân khẩu học
B. individual differences
C. perceptions
A. demographic traits
136. ______ are public proclamations (lời tuyên bố) that ridicule (nhạo báng) or
criticize someone to honor them.
A. Gala dinners
B. Conference
C. Toasts
D. Roasts
D. Roasts
137......... is one of the most useful lifelong habits you can practice to boost your
business communication skills.
a. singing
b. physical exercise
c. reading
d. zen
c. reading
138. your supporting reasons for the claim - means ...... (Toumin's Three-part
Rhetorical Strategy
a. claim
b. data
c. warrant
b. data
139. Which statement is NOT correct?
A. Conflict is always a sign of a poor relationship.
B. Conflict cannot be avoided.
C. Conflict cannot always be resolved.
D. Conflict is not always bad.
A. Conflict is always a sign of a poor relationship.
140. Declarative sentence (câu tường thuật) will
A. Make a statement
B. ask a question
C. convey a command
D. express a strong emotion
A. Make a statement
141. ... mean "People value family or community over the needs of the individual"
A. individualistic cultures
B. collectivistic cultures.
C. uncertainty-accepting cultures
D. uncertainty-rejecting cultures
B. collectivistic cultures.
142. ... govern (điều chỉnh) the order of words in a sentences. In some language, such
as German, syntax (cú pháp) or word order is strictly prescribed (quy định nghiêm
ngặt). English syntax, in contrast, is relatively flexible and open to style
A. Syntactic rules quy tắc cú pháp
B. Contextual rules
C. Semantic rules
A. Syntactic rules
143. ... is the deliberate use of words to disguise, obscure, or change meaning.
Doublespeak is often presentin bureaucratic communication, where it can serve to
cast a person or an organization in a less unfavorable lightthan plain language would do
A. Doublespeak
B. cliché
C. Jargon
D. Euphemism
A. Doublespeak
144. A ... as the name implies (ngụ ý), resembles oral communication in style, tone, and
word choice. It canbe appropriate for some audiences, and may serve you well in
specific contexts, but it can easily come across asless than professional
A. message
B. tranfering
C. conversational tone
D. communicational
C. conversational tone
145. A ... is a once-clever word or phrase that has lost its impact through overuse
A. Jargon
B. Slang
C. cliché
D. Racist language
C. cliché a framework that organizes main idea and subordinate(cấp dưới) ideas in a
hierarchical series of roman numerals and alphabetical letters.
a. Schedule
B. Timeline
C. Outline
D. report
C. Outline
147...means *People value individual freedom and personal independence
A. Collectivistic Cultures
B. Uncertainty-Rejecting Culture
C. Uncertainty-Accepting Cultures
D. Individualistic Cultures
D. Individualistic Cultures
148 ...defined as generalizations about a group of people that oversimplify their culture
(Rogers. E, and Steinfat.T, 1998), can be the significant barrier to effective intercultural
A. Stereotypes
B. All answers are wrong
C. Prejudice
D. Ethenocentrism
A. Stereotypes
149 ...illustrated (minh họa) a connection between a point and an examples. You may
find visual aids work well with this type of transition.
A. A claridication transition
B. A transition by cause and effect or result
C. a place transition
D. a transition by example
D. a transition by example
150. Imperative (mệnh lệnh) sentences:
A. express a strong emotion
B. Ask a question
C. make a statement
D. convey a command truyền đạt một mệnh lệnh
D. convey a command
151. The ...., a message or thought that stays with your audience well after the
communication is finished, is an important part of your message. Ask yourself of the
following:• What do I want my listeners or readers to remember?• What information do I
want to have the audience retain or act upon?• What do I want the audience to do?
A. Conclusion
B. Introduction
C. Residual message
D. Attention statement
C. Residual message
152. What is the ____ mode inculde: observe, engage, immerse actions
A. Define
B. Emphathize
C. Text
D. Ideate
B. Emphathize
153. "Speech to demonstrate (chứng minh)" means
A. show the audience how to use, operate, or do something
B. amuse the audience by engaging them in a relatively light-hearted speech that may
have a serious point or goal.
C. increase the audience's knowledge, teach about a topic or issue, and share your
D. influence the audience by presenting arguments intended to change attitude, beliefs
or values.
A. show the audience how to use, operate, or do something
154. "Speech to inform" means
A. show the audience how to use, operate, or do something
B. amuse the audience by engaging them in a relatively light-hearted speech that may
have a serious point or goal.
C. increase the audience's knowledge, teach about a topic or issue, and share your
D. influence the audience by presenting arguments intended to change attitude, beliefs
or values.
C. increase the audience's knowledge, teach about a topic or issue, and share your
155. "S" in Effective Argument Strategies: GASCAP/T means
A. Sign
B. Signal
C. Strength
D. Seen
A. Sign
G Generalization
A Analog
S Sign
C Consequence
A Authority
P Principle
T Testimony lời khai

Sự khái quát
Sự giống nhau
Dấu hiệu
Hậu quả
Thẩm quyền
Nguyên tắc
Lời khai
157. ____ is the use of existing or newly invented words to take the place of standard
or traditional words with the intent of adding anunconventional, nonstandard, humorous,
or rebellious effect. It differs from jargon in that it is used in informalcontexts, among
friends or members of a certain age group, rather than by professionals in a certain
A. Racist language
B. cliché
C. Jargon
D. Slang
D. Slang
158. "Inhale and lift up your body and spirit, exhale and soften your chest and
shoulder connecting to the earth" is called ____ activity
A. Ant Push up
B. Tiger Push up
C. Lizzard Push up
D. Snake Push up
C. Lizzard Push up
159. _______communication normally involves two people, and can range from intimate
and very personal to formal and impersonal
A. Group
B. Interpersonal
C. Mass
D. Intrapersonal
B. Interpersonal
160. The _______ states the main thesis, purpose, or topic of the paragraph; it defines
the subject matter to be addressed in that paragraph.
A. body sentences
B. conclusion sentences
C. topic sentences
C. topic sentences
161. What is the socialization process you go through to adapt your society?
A. It's cultural interaction
B. It's intercultural
C. It's enculturation hội nhập văn hóa
D. It's acculturation
C. It's enculturation
162. Intercultural can take place within a country between people of different cultural
backgrounds and not necessarily between peoplefrom different countries.True or
false ?
A. True
B. False
A. True
163. What may have an impact on the success of intercultural communication
A. Position and status
B. Family status
C. Appearance
D. Language skills
A. Position and status
164. _____ is the sharing and understanding of meaning between individuals,
departments, or representatives of the same business.
A. External communication
B. Internal communication
C. Interpersonal
D. Intrapersonal
B. Internal communication
165._____ is the sharing and understanding of meaning between individuals,
departments, or representatives of the business and parties outside the organization.
A. External communication
B. Internal communication
C. Interpersonal
D. Intrapersonal
A. External communication
166. _____ are behaviors generally expected in specific situations and are established,
socially acceptable ways of behaving in given circumstances (trường hợp)?
A. Customs
B. Communication
C. Mindsets
D. Interactions
A. Customs
167. In _____ societies such as the Arab culture, people have definite ideas on what
constitutes proper (cấu thành đúng) behavior between males and females.
A. low-context
B. high-context
C. Mustims
D. multicultural
B. high-context
168. Office customs and practices include _____
A. typical day off, friend and family membes, holidays, degree of formality, and
B. typical hours of work, lunch and break times, degree of formality, and hiring/firing.
C. typical hours of work, friend and family membes, hobbies and likes, degree of
education, and hiring/firing.
D. typical hours of work, friend and family membes, dinner time, degree of formality, and
B. typical hours of work, lunch and break times, degree of formality, and hiring/firing.
169. Why are educational titles used in introductions of people?
A. Because, in introductions, education titles are used as a sign of respect and
acknowledgement of the person's education achivement.
B. Because without high education people cannot be successful.
C. Because everyone likes to be perceived as well-educated.
D. Because educational titles are more important than professional or job titles.
A. Because, in introductions, education titles are used as a sign of respect and
acknowledgement of the person's education achivement.
170. What type of message which delivers that the audience does not want to hear,
read, or receive?
A. The unsolicited messages.
B. The negative messages.
C. The neutral messages.
D. The positive messages.
B. The negative messages.
171. Proper "netiquette" avoids dissing which means _____
A. mass mailings or commercial advertisements to numerous news groups.
B. speaking ill someone.
C. sending vicious, insulting messages.
D. typing the messages in all capital letters.
B. speaking ill someone.
172. _____ means using someone else's writing without giving credit to the source
A. Legal ethic
B. Plagiarism
C. Borrowing
D. Asking
B. Plagiarism
173. _______ is what happens when your thoughts occupy (chiếm) your attention
while you are hearing, orreading, a message.
A. Psychilogical noise
B. Self concept
C. Physical noise
D. Stress
A. Psychilogical noise
174. The ___________ brings the paragraph to a close; it may do this in any of several
ways. It mayreinforce the paragraph's main point, summarize the relationships among
the body sentences, and/or serve as a transition to the next paragraph.
A. body sentence
B. topic sentence
C. conclusion sentence
C. conclusion sentence
175. What should be the first step in accepting an award?
A. It is to give credit where credit is due.
B. It is to link your award to a motivational anecdote
C. It is to say thank you
D. It is to show your happiness
C. It is to say thank you
176. Brief statements that zero in on the point of a larger or longer message, are often
excised from interviews and articles, and presentedapart from the context in which they
were originally written or spoken.
A. slogans
B. quotes
C. sound bites
D. zingers
C. sound bites
177. In Malaysia, pointing with your index finger is taboo, but you may point with _____
A. your other two fingers
B. your thumb ngón tay
C. your other three fingers
D. your little finger
B. your thumb
178. _______ means "People often focus on rules for every circumstance and do not
like ambiguity (mơ hồ) or not knowing what the outcome will be."
A. Individualistic cultures
B. Collectivistic cultures
C. Uncertainty-Accepting cultures
D. Uncertainty-Rejecting cultures
D. Uncertainty-Rejecting cultures
179. Memorable sayings extracted fromwritten or verbal messages are called ______
A. quotes
B. zingers
C. soundbites
D. slogan
A. quotes

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