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Marketing planning and reward systems may lead to an

increase in the use of sales promotion because sales
promotions encourage:

a. marketing managers not to use promotions to help get orders

from retailers.
b. managers to use advertising to build brand equity.
c. long-term increased sales of the companies.
d. the use of price-oriented promotions to generate short-term
e. managers to use consumer-oriented sales promotion to meet
long-term performance goals.
According to McCann-Erickson's concept of emotional bonding,
the strongest relationship that develops between a brand and a
consumer is based on:
A. product benefits. Lợi ích product
B. brand personality tính cách brand
C. feelings or emotional attachments to the brand cảm xúc hoặc
tình cảm gắn bó với thương hiệu
D. rational motive động cơ hợp lý đay là mạnh nhất
E. competitive advantage over similar products in the market

CoverGirl cosmetics have hired Drew Barrymore to appear in

its advertisements in order to help them capture the attention
and interest of the consumers. Through this, the ad illustrates the
application of:
A. ad-to-consumer relevance. Mức độ liên quan giữa quảng cáo
và mguoiwf tiêu dùng
B. brand-to-consumer relevance.
C. positioning strategy.
D. inherent drama.
E. an animatic.
A commercial for Omachi shows singer My Linh preparing
breakfast for her husband and children. She also talks about her
point of view in choosing appropriate noodles for her family. This
commercial is effective in part because it utilizes _____ and
_____ .
Select one or more:
a. slice-of-life
b. spokesperson-oriented định hướng của người phát ngôn
c. celebrity expertise chuyên môn của người nổi tiếng
d. reputational
e. power-based
_______occur when a company pays to sponsor a section of a
A. Paid searches
B. Interstitials
C. Regular sponsorships
D. Content sponsorships
E. Irregular sponsorships
Advertisers can prevent consumers from zapping (loại bỏ)
commercials by:
A. introducing "commercial-free" programming.
B. producing commercials that are meaningful and that attract
and hold attention.
C. devising shorter commercial formats.
D. using product placements.
E. advertising more on cable television.
Company A is a major participant in the advertising and
promotion process. It attracts various others companies who buy
space and time with them which they can provide at discounted
rates. Company A helps these companies reach the target
market effectively with the message. Company A is a(n):
A. advertiser.
B. advertising agency.
C. media organization.
D. full service agency.
E. consultancy.
When we mention _____, it refers to commercials on local
television stations for which the advertisers negotiate directly with
the individual stations.

a. syndication
b. regional advertising
c. spot advertising quảng cáo tại chỗ
d. network advertising
e. sponsorship
Measuring the effectiveness of PR activities provides which of
the following advantages?
A. It helps deal with the problem of clutter.
B. It reduces the high absolute costs connected with PR activities.
C. It helps in reaching specific audience groups.
D. It helps in completing the communication process.
E. It gives management a way to judge the quality of public
relations achievements and activities.
Companies prefer sponsorship arrangements for buying
advertising time because:

A. it allows companies to capitalize on the image of a high-quality


B. it gives the advertiser less control over the placement and the
length of its commercials.

C. it is relatively inexpensive.
D. sponsoring a show enables the advertiser to run more
commercials per hour since time regulations do not apply.

E. it broadens advertising reach, saves money, and reaches a

more aggregated market when compared to buying national
Disadvantages inherent in the use direct marketing include:
A. difficulty in obtaining effectiveness measurements.
B. poor image factors.
C. lack of flexibility.
D. difficulty in acquiring TV time.
E. lack of personalization
One of the primary advantages of using magazines as an
advertising medium is their:
A. selectivity.
B. low clutter level.
C. limited reach and frequency.
D. low absolute costs.
E. long lead time.
According to the _____ hierarchy, advertisers of products like
light bulbs, ketchup, computer paper, nail clippers, and other
items bought without a lot of thought need to use a heavy
repetition strategy.
A. individual response
B. standard learning
C. dissonance-attribution
D. low-involvement
E. high involvement
A(n) _____ is a document that evolves from an organization's
overall corporate strategy and serves as a guide for specific
marketing programs and policies.
A. strategic marketing plan
B. integrated marketing communications plan
C. situation analysis
D. opportunity analysis
Generally, companies that develop Integrated Marketing
Communications (IMC) programs which do not contain specific
A. will have too many benchmark measures against which the
success or failure of their programs can be assessed. B. will
never be successful.
C. may find it difficult to facilitate coordination of the efforts of
various groups working on a promotional campaign since the
various groups may not understand what goal they are working
D. will be able to save money since they won't spend too much
time worrying about what they are trying to do.
E. be more successful than companies that develop IMC
programs with specific objectives.
_____ is something unique or special a firm possesses or does
that gives it an edge (lợi thế) over its competitors.
A. Brand quality
B. Brand equity
C. A competitive advantage
D. Brand power
E. A market opportunity
The _____ is the general category of available delivery systems,
which includes broadcast media, print media, direct marketing,
outdoor advertising, and other support media.
A. media vehicle
B. reach
C. distribution channel
D. medium
E. needledrop
Which of the following statements is false about source

a. High credibility sources are more effective than low credibility

sources when they are arguing for a position opposing their own
best interest.
b. The persuasiveness of a low credibility source may decline
over time due to the sleeper effect phenomenon.
c. A very credible source is less important when the audience has
a neutral position, and such a source may even be less effective
than a moderately credible source when the receiver's initial
attitude is favorable.
d. A low or moderately credible source can be more effective than
a high credibility source when the receiver has a favorable initial
attitude or opinion.
e. High credibility sources are not always more effective than low
credibility sources
Directing a company's efforts towards one or more groups of
customers who share common needs is known as:
A. target marketing.
B. competitive advantage.
C. positioning.
D. market segmentation.
E. branding.
A U.S. executive in Namibia in Africa experienced trouble
negotiating a franchise deal with local investors because the
electricity was constantly shutting off. One of the investors was
unable to attend the meeting because there is so little public
transportation in the country. These problems indicate a problem
with Namibia's:
A. demographic environment.
B. economic infrastructure. Cơ sở hạ tầng kinh tế
C. balance of payments
D. cultural system.
E. advertising system.
Airlines send out mailers or e-mails announcing promotional
airfares. Which of the combinations of promotional media do they
make use of?

a. Sales promotion and direct marketing

b. Advertising and direct marketing
c. Sales promotion and public relations
d. Direct marketing and personal selling
e. Advertising and sales promotion
which of the following is an advantage associated with public

a. Strong connection of the receiver to the source.

b. High absolute cost but low relative cost.
c. Effectiveness at completing the communications product.
d. Ease with which PR activities are coordinated with other
promotional activities even when the activities are performed in
different departments.
e. Use as an effective lead generator.
___ may take on a variety of forms as well as a number of
names such as side panels, skyscrapers, or verticals.

a. Pop-ups
b. Links
c. Pop-unders
d. Interstitials
e. Banner ads
An ad purchased by the Tennessee Department of Tourist
Development encouraging people to choose the state of
Tennessee for that vacation destination was published in
Southern Living magazine. The ad shows various scenic pictures
of Tennessee and includes the slogan, "Tennessee sounds good
to me." In this example, Southern Living magazine would be an
example of a _____, a part of the communication process.
A. channel
B. receiver
C. feedback mechanism
D. source
E. decoder
directing a company's efforts towards one or more groups of
customers who share common needs is known as:
A. target marketing.
B. competitive advantage.
C. positioning.
D. market segmentation.
E. branding.
The _____ is used as the central theme of the advertising
campaign and translated into attention-getting, distinctive, and
memorable messages.
A. animatic
B. big idea
C. brand name
D. logo
E. copy platform
_____ is the process for planning, executing, evaluating, and
controlling the use of the various promotional-mix elements to
effectively communicate with target audiences.
A. Integrated advertising marketing
B. Integrated marketing communications management
C. Market auditing
D. Situation analysis
E. Communications process accounting
_____ is a state of psychological tension or post-purchase
doubt a consumer may experience after making a difficult
purchase decision.
A. Post-purchase evaluation
B. Self-serving bias
C. Cognitive dissonance sự bất hòa về nhận thức
D. Conditioned anxiety
E. Affective response
Which of the following statements is true about public relations?
A. Public relations is same as publicity.
B. Public relations is a short term strategy of enhancing the image
of the company.
C. Public relations is not concerned with the evaluation of public
D. An effective public relations program continues over months
or even years.
E. Public relations deals only with the activities designed to sell a
product or service.
Which of the following would be an example of a channel in the
communication process?
A. The number of customers that redeemed a cents-off coupon
B. A billboard beside an interstate highway
C. The creative people who designed the new Wendy's ad
D. An ad's spokesperson
E. Jennifer Aniston, who appears in the ad for L'Oreal
Which of the following situations offers the advertiser the least
attractive marketing opportunity?
A. High brand development index (BDI) and high category
development index (CDI)
B. High brand development index (BDI) and low category
development index (CDI)
C. Low brand development index (BDI) and high category
development index (CDI)
D. Low brand development index (BDI) and low category
development index (CDI)
E. High survey of buying power index and high brand
development index (BDI)
the perpetual debate over the most effective role for advertising is
A. rationalists and poets.
B. environmentalists and pragmatics.
C. liberals and conservatives.
D. functionalists and operationalists.
E. supporters of centralization and supporters of decentralization.
How does the integrated marketing communications (IMC) plan
approach differ from traditional approaches to promotion?
A. IMC puts more emphasis on advertising and less on sales
B. IMC puts more emphasis on sales promotion and less on
C. IMC recognizes that marketers must be able to use a wide
range of marketing and promotional tools to present a
consistent image to target audiences.
D. IMC places barriers around the various marketing and
promotional functions and requires that they be planned and
managed separately.
E. IMC predominately makes use of mass media communications
in order to attract and retain customers
Media planning is not an easy task. Which of the following is a
reason why media planning is so difficult?
A. Information overload B. Product life cycles differences
C. Media objectives conflict with communication objectives
D. Time pressures inhibit proper planning
E. Non-standardization of the task of media planning
Transformational advertising can differentiate a product or
service by:
A. convincing a consumer of the superior performance of a brand.
B. making the consumption experience more meaningful,
exciting and enjoyable.
C. making a consumption experience last longer.
D. showing performance superiority of one brand over another.
E. proving brand superiority.
Which of the following statements about the role of magazines
and newspapers as advertising media vehicles is true?
A. The advantages and disadvantages associated with the use of
either magazines or newspapers as advertising media vehicles
are the same.
B. Special-interest magazines reach a very selective audience
and are very valuable for reaching specific types of consumers or
market segments.
C. Magazines generate most of their total revenue from
D. Business magazines generate most of their revenue from
subscriptions and single copy sales and are not really dependent
on advertising.
E. Both newspapers and magazines are generally considered
low-involvement media.
Marketers who try to select spokespeople whose traits will
maximize their message influence are concerned about their
credibility. The two important dimensions associated with
credibility are:

A. consistency and image.

B. image and trustworthiness.

C. differentiability and expertise.

D. expertise and trustworthiness. Chuyên môn và độ tin cậy

E. image and expertise.

Marketing objectives that may be aided by _____ activities
include raising awareness, informing and educating, gaining
understanding, building trust, giving consumers a reason to buy,
and motivating consumer acceptance.

a. direct-response
b. public relations cái này tăng nhận biết
c. advertising
d. sales promotional cái này là tăng doanh số
e. outdoor marketing
the market for snack food is saturated, but manufacturers
continue to develop new offerings. Which of the following best
explains why the makers of Honey Maid graham crackers found
it necessary to develop and market Honey Maid graham sticks?
A. Consumer's novelty-seeking behavior hành vi tìm kiếm sự mới
lạ của người tiêu dùng
B. To satisfy a physiological need
C. To broaden the marketer consideration set
D. Consumer cocooning
E. To balance any product deletion
_____ is designed to give a company or brand a unique
association or personality and is often transformational in
A. Rational advertising
B. Image advertising quảng cáo hình ảnh
C. Feature appeals
D. Transactional advertising
E. Brand immorality
One reason for consumer's increased sensitivity to sales
promotion is:
A. decrease in competition.
B. increased brand loyalty.
C. the increased amount of power in the hands of the
D. that they save money.
E. the decline in consumer choice.
Rational and emotional advertising appeals:
A. represent two distinctive approaches which should never be
combined because they divide the focus of consumers' attention.
B. are essentially the same.
C. can be combined since consumers' purchase decisions are
often made on the basis of rational and emotional motives.
D. are used together only for low-involvement products.
E. can be combined only for products and not for services.
Prior to the development of integrated marketing
communications, the promotional function in most companies
was dominated by:
A. advertising.
B. sales promotion.
C. public relations.
D. publicity.
E. direct marketing.
Media planning is not an easy task. Which of the following is a
reason why media planning is so difficult?
A. Information overload B. Product life cycles differences
C. Media objectives conflict with communication objectives
D. Time pressures inhibit proper planning
E. Non-standardization of the task of media planning
A spokesperson who delivers an advertising message and/or
demonstrates a product or service is known as a(n):
A. direct source.
B. indirect source.
C. message shaper.
D. source mirage.
E. source echo
the ads that make the experience of using the product richer
tranformational ads
_____ has been the cornerstone of brand-building efforts.
A. mass-media advertising
B. product placement
C. interactive media
D personal selling
E. public relations
term client, in the ad agency industry, refers to the:
A. advertiser or organization that has the product, service or
cause that needs to be marketed.
B. media, which plays a crucial role in the process of marketing
C. advertising agency that specializes in the creation, production,
and/or placement of the
communications message.
D. market for business or consumer products.
E. purchaser of the consumer product advertised.
central theme of the concept of _____ is that all of an
marketing and promotional elements and activities
communicate consistently and in a unified manner with its
A. exchange
B. relationship marketing
C. the marketing mix
D. integrated marketing communications
E. the promotional mix
Which of the following is an example of trade advertising?
A .Ad for a 3 day discount in a restaurant located in a remote area
in San Diego which appears in the local newspaper
B. Advertisement of Coca-Cola placed in Progressive grocer, a
magazine to promote Coca-Cola to food store managers
C. The Silk Federation of Asia advertising the importance of silk
and the various purposes that it could be used for
D. Advertisement of a health drink i.e. 'Complan' that specifies the
benefits of drinking it.
E. SouthWest Airlines ads that appears in the newspapers all
across the country.
A(n) _____ is an advertising agency that is set up, owned, and
operated by the advertiser.
A. self sufficient agency
B. in-house agency
C. creative boutique
D. full service agency
E. collateral agency
Which of the following would constitute a positioning strategy
focusing on the competitor?
A. BMW—"The Ultimate Driving Machine"
B. Coca-Cola—"The Real Thing"
C. Broilmaster grill—"The Most Durable Grill Known to Man"
D. Red Roof Inns—"Equal Value at a Lower Price"
E. Oneida flatware—"Your Table Is Ready"
Which of the following is true about advertising?
A. Advertising is used only for the promotion of mass consumer
B. One disadvantage of advertising is that it gets too personal
with consumers.
C. It is a valuable tool for building company and brand image.
D. The nature and purpose of advertising is usually the same
across various industries.
E. It attempts to create a personal relationship with the
_____ are factors that compel or drive a consumer to take a
particular action.
A. Attributes
B. Evaluative criterion
C. Impulses
D. Motives
E. Wants
An advertising agency that wants its employees to develop
expertise in servicing a variety of accounts should use a(n)
_____ structure.
A. decentralized
B. in-house
C. departmental system
D. creative boutique
E. group system
_____ involves ignoring segment differences and offering just
one product or service for the entire market.
A. Undifferentiated marketing
B. Marketing mix
C. Synchro marketing
D. Positioning
E. Concentrated marketing
Consumer behavior is defined as:
A. the process people engage in when searching for, selecting,
and using products and services they need.
B. the act of physically purchasing a product
C. the process product producers use to design new products
D. a process of conspicuous consumption.
E.the act of making a final decision as to which product to
Division of the market based on age, sex, family size, income,
and other measurable characteristics is known as:
A. quantified aggregation
B. undifferentiated marketing
C. lifestyle aggregation
D. psychographic segmentation
E. demographic segmentation
The first step in the target marketing process is to:
A. determine whether to use a market segmentation strategy or a
mass marketing strategy.
B. identify markets with unfulfilled needs.
C. develop new products.
D. request government approval.
E. develop positioning strategies.
Which of the following describes a limitation associated with the
decentralized organizational structure for advertising?
A. Brand managers are typically highly experienced in advertising
and understand exactly what advertising can do for a brand.
B. With their reliance on intuition, brand managers often
jeopardize the creative activities of the advertising agency
C. Brand managers often end up competing for management
attention, marketing budgets, and other resources
D. Brand managers do not devote enough attention to short-term
planning and administrative tasks
E. Brand managers are often overqualified and want too much
input into advertising.
Which of the following is an example of a marketing exchange?
A. Jenny asked Melisa if she could borrow her pen for a while
since her pen had stopped working
B. In return for painting her fence, Mrs. Maloney gave Larry a
box of homemade fudge.
C. Griffin helped Mandy replace the air filter in her lawn mower.
D. Ken and Maggie gave their son an MP3 player for his birthday.
E. The waitress gave Cyrus a menu, and he placed his food
The agency person who is the focal point of the agency-client
relationship is the:
A. copywriter
B. account planner
C. account executive
D. brand manager
If one subscribes to the theory that "sex sells," which of the
theories would best support this position?
A. Operant conditioning
B. Psychoanalytical theory
C. Postmodernist theory of consumer behavior
D. Cognitive theory
E. Classical conditioning
A(n) _____ is a document that evolves from an organization's
overall corporate strategy and serves as a guide for specific
marketing programs and policies.
A. opportunity analysis
B. integrated marketing communications plan
C. situation analysis
D. strategic marketing plan
E. competitive plan
_____ is the immediate, direct response of the senses to stimuli
like the smell of coffee, the feel of an ocean breeze, and the
taste of chocolate.
A. Perception
B. Attitudinal adjustment
C. Sensation cảm giác với
D. Perception retrieval
E. Evocation
During which stage of the consumer decision-making process
are evoked sets and evaluative criteria relevant?
A. Problem recognition
B. Alternative evaluation
C. Information search
D. Purchase decision
E. Postpurchase evaluation
A(n) _____ refers to the approach used in an advertisement to
elicit some consumer response or influence feeling. The way this
approach is turned into an advertising message is the ____.
A. advertising appeal; advertising campaign
B. creative execution style; advertising appeal
C. creative execution style; advertising campaign
D. advertising appeal; creative execution style
E. brand image; positioning
The _____ is the manner in which an advertising idea is turned
into a message and presented to consumers.
A. advertising appeal
B. creative execution style
C. rational appeal
D. emotional appeal
E. big idea
An ad for Enbrel, a prescription medicine for people who have
rheumatoid arthritis, tells the reader that this drug has proven to
work for people who have had little or no pain relief from other
drugs. The factual, news like nature of the ad indicates that it is
using a(n) _____ appeal.
A. rational lý trí
B. product popularity
C. emotional
D. fear
E. refutational
Which of the following statements is true about
informational/rational advertising
A. The particular features, benefits, or attributes that serve as the
basis for these
appeals are constant across product categories.
B. These types of appeals work well for products but not for
C. The particular features, benefits, or attributes that serve as the
basis for these appeals vary from one product or service category
to another as well as by market segment.
D. The particular features, benefits, or attributes that serve as a
basis for these appeals generally do not vary by market segment.
E. Informational/rational ads create feelings, images, beliefs, and
meanings about the product or service.
Which of the following statements provides a reason for why
marketers use emotional appeals?
A. The favorable feeling created by the appeal may transfer to
the brand.
B. Emotional appeals focus on the consumer's practical,
functional, or utilitarian need for the product or service.
C. Emotional appeals tend to be informative, and advertisers
using them generally attempt to convince consumers that their
product or service has a particular attribute(s) or provides a
specific benefit that satisfies their needs.
D. Emotional appeals persuade the target audience to buy the
brand because it is the best available or does a better job of
meeting consumers' needs.
E. Emotional appeals are easy to execute and cost less than
rational appeals due to lack of creativity.
Transformational advertising can differentiate a product or service
A. convincing a consumer of the superior performance of a brand.
B. making the consumption experience more meaningful,
exciting and enjoyable.
C. making a consumption experience last longer.
D. showing performance superiority of one brand over another.
E. proving brand superiority.
Skyy Vodka's use of cinematic-inspired cocktail moments
created marketing success
A. image advertising
B. television infomercials
C. CEO spokesperson press releases
D. banner advertising
E. rational advertising
Rational and emotional advertising appeals:
A. represent two distinctive approaches which should never be
combined because they divide the focus of consumers' attention.
B. are essentially the same.
C. can be combined since consumers' purchase decisions are
often made on the basis of rational and emotional motives.
D. are used together only for low-involvement products.
E. can be combined only for products and not for services.
According to McCann-Erickson's concept of emotional bonding,
the most basic relationship a consumer has with a brand is how
he or she thinks about the:
A. emotional ties he or she has with the product and/or brand.
B. brand personality.
C. product benefits. Đây là basic
D. self-actualization motives for purchasing.
E. self-esteem motives that will be affected by the purchase.
Taco Bell launched the advertising campaign for its Double
Decker taco by running anonymous full-page ads featuring
basketball stars issuing vague challenges to one another. This is
an example of _____ advertising.
A. reminder
B. teaser trêu ghẹo
C. transformational
D. favorable price appeal
E. news appeal
One important purpose of setting specific advertising goals and
objectives is to:
A. provide a standard against which performance can be
B. put constraints on the creative department.
C. have a method of determining when to delete products from
the product line.
D. forecast the market share level that can be attained by good
E. protect all investors and debt holders.
The more specific the firm's advertising objectives, the:
A. easier it becomes to measure advertising effectiveness.
B. more difficult it is for competitor's advertising to be effective.
C. easier it is to measure the advertising-sales response function.
D. smaller the funding needed to meet advertising goals.
E. more difficult it is for a competitor to use competitive parity
Before setting objectives for advertising and promotion, an
organization should:
A. conduct a situation analysis to identify marketing and
promotional issues facing the firm.
B. develop its media plan and allocate the budget to each media.
C. evaluate the effectiveness of the advertising and promotional
D. conduct test marketing to check the effectiveness of the
marketing strategies developed for the current products and
E. set its advertising and promotional budgets.
Ace Computer has an objective of increasing its share (thị
phân) of the home personal computer
market by 5 percent during the upcoming year. This is an
example of a(n) _____
A marketing
B. organizational
C. advertising
D. functional
E. communication
Arden's task is to determine what was accomplished by his
company's advertising and promotional program for a vinyl
siding cleanser. You can tell him that:
A. his task is impossible.
B. all he needs is the sales results to determine what the program
C. his task could be made easier by setting specific
communication objectives.
D. he just requires the post-promotional consumer awareness
levels to determine what the program accomplished.
E. this is the easiest task his company has ever asked him to
Which of the following statements best describes the
relationship between marketing
and communications objectives?
A. Marketing objectives and communications objectives are
B .Marketing objectives evolve from communication objectives.
C. Communications objectives are derived from (có nguồn gốc)
marketing objectives.
D. Communications objectives can be developed before or after
the development of marketing objectives.
E. There is no relationship between the two.
Which of the following statements is true regarding the
relationship between
advertising and promotion, and sales performance?
A. In mature markets where other marketing mix variables are
stable, it is impossible to determine the relationship between
advertising and/or sales promotion and sales.
B. The repositioning of brands is often done with a goal of
improving sales or market share.
C. When sales expectations are not being met, experienced
managers are not very likely to consider changes in their
advertising and sales promotion programs.
D .Marketing and brand managers are often under pressure to
show sales results and thus may take long-term perspective in
evaluating advertising and promotion programs.
E. Managers prefer sales-oriented objectives because they
provide operational guidelines for those involved in planning,
developing, and executing the advertising and promotional
Assume the Greyhound Bus Company runs a six-month
advertising campaign promoting its
convenient bus routes and excellent on-time service without
conducting any sort of marketing research. At the end of the six-
month period, Greyhound conducts a study and finds 80 percent
of its frequent travelers agree the bus company has convenient
bus routes and excellent on-time service. Greyhound can
conclude that:
A the campaign was successful in changing perceptions
regarding its fares.
B the campaign was successful in changing perceptions
regarding its service.
C the campaign was not successful since it should have nearly 90
percent of riders agreeing that it offers convenient bus routes and
excellent on-time service.
D its advertising is working.
E without benchmark measures, it will never know if the
campaign was a success or a failure
From the perspective of a product manager, a commercial is likely
to be judged as creative if it:
A is novel and innovative.
B has a high level of artistic or aesthetic value.
C communicates the message clearly and leaves a favorable
impression on the target audience.
D wins creative awards.
E is unlike anything currently in the marketplace.
Which of the following statements is true about the relevance of
A Ad-to-consumer relevance refers to situations where the
advertised brand of a product or service is of personal interest to
B Brand-to-consumer relevance refers to situations where the ad
contains execution elements that are meaningful to consumers.
C Brand-to-consumer relevance could be achieved through
making use of celebrities with whom consumers identify.
D Relevance can be viewed in terms of the degree to which an
advertisement provides information or an image that is pertinent
to the brand.
E The use of visual images and other execution techniques that
capture their interest and attention of the consumers help in
increasing brand-to-consumer relevance.
_____ has been described as one of the "new-generation"
marketing approaches being used by companies to better focus
their efforts in acquiring, retaining, and developing
relationships with customers and other stakeholders.

A. Marketing Mix
B. Promotion
C. Integrated Marketing Communications
D. Mass media advertising
E. Mass marketing
The goal of an integrated marketing communications
program is to:
A. have all of a company's marketing and promotional activities
project a consistent unified (thống nhất) image to its customers.

B. control all facets of a product's distribution.

C. communicate with customers primarily through advertising.

D. have complete control over all the channel partners in the

distribution channel.

E. create a brand image so strong that it destroys all of its

To respond to media fragmentation (sự phân mảnh), marketers
are moving away from mass marketing and engaging in:

A. mass media communication.

B. television advertising.
C. micromarketing.
D. mass production.
E. relationship management.
_____ is the sum of all points of encounter (gặp gỡ) or contact
that consumers have with the brand, and it extends beyond the
experience or outcome of using it.

A. Touch point
B. Brand identity
C. Marketing mix
D. Customization
E. Interactive marketing
A(n) _____ is a document that evolves from an organization's
overall corporate strategy and serves as a guide for specific
marketing programs and policies.
A. strategic marketing plan
B. integrated marketing communications plan
C. situation analysis
D. opportunity analysis
E. competitive plan
The first step in the target marketing process is to:

A. develop positioning strategies.

B. request government approval.

C. determine whether to use a market segmentation strategy or a

mass marketing strategy.

D. identify markets with unfulfilled needs.

E. develop new products.

The market segmentation process:

A. divides a market into distinct groups that have heterogeneous

B. divides a market into distinct (riêng biết) groups that will
respond similarly to marketing actions.
C. offers one version of the product to all markets.
D. identifies markets with unfulfilled needs.
E. positions products in the minds of prospects and customers.
From the perspective of a promotional planner, the primary
purpose of most media is to:

A. provide information or entertainment to their subscribers,

viewers, or readers.
B. assume major responsibility for developing the marketing

C. provide an environment for the firm's marketing

communications message.

D. help the company understand the marketplace.

E. provide the funds that pay for advertising and promotions.

A(n) ______ primary function is to provide information or
entertainment to its audience.

A. client's
B. advertising agency's
C. media's truyền thông cung cấp thông tin
D. customer's
E. advertiser's
Direct-marketing agencies, sales promotion agencies and
public relations firms are examples of:

A. different types of advertising agencies.

B. media organizations.
C. collateral services.
D. specialized marketing communication services. Có pr sẽ có
E. in-house agencies.
_____ generally occurs during the first stage in the consumer
decision making process.

A. Internal search
B. External search
C. Problem recognition
D. Alternative evaluation
E. Post-purchase evaluation
A _____ is a desire for something that one does not have.

A. need
B. want khao khát một cái gì đó mà người ta không có
C. product
D. problem
E. mnemonic
The Hierarchy of needs theory was popularized by:

A. Sigmund Freud
B. Sigmund Maslow
C. Consumer Healthcare Products Association
D. Abraham Maslow
E. James Vicary
According to Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the basic
level of needs is:

A. physiological needs. Nhu cầu về vật lý

B. social needs.
C. self-actualization needs.
D. esteem needs.
E. safety needs.
Giải thích: đầu tiên là nhu cầu về thể chất vật lý như đc ăn đc
ngủ, tiếp đến nhu cầu về an toàn như cần có nhà để bảo vệ khỏi
mưa nắng,.....
Lower level needs such as hunger and thirst are important to
marketers because these needs:

A. are the hardest to satisfy.

B. are an ongoing source of motivation for most consumer

purchase behavior.

C. provide marketing opportunities for international marketers who

do not want to make major financial investments in product

D. offer marketers a basis for differentiating their products.

E. are the source for most market development strategies.

Which of the following statements is true about effective

A. Advertising is an effective way of communication because

marketers are able to tell consumers how to interpret their

B. For effective communication, marketers must understand the

meanings that consumers attach to words and symbols and how
these words and symbols are interpreted.

C. Effective integrated marketing communications is usually

nonpersonal in nature.

D. Effective communication is unaffected by the reception


E. Whether an ad is in black-and-white or in full-color has no

impact on how effectively the message is communicated.
Putting thoughts, ideas or information together in symbolic
form is called:

A. encoding.
B. deciphering.
C. shaping.
D. flighting.
E. decoding.
The _____ is a planning tool that can be used by marketers to
consider how controllable elements of the communications
process interact with the consumers' response process.

A. dissonance/attribution model
B. persuasion matrix ma trận thuyết phục
C. AIDA model
D. response model
E. elaboration likelihood model (ELM)
According to the persuasion matrix, which of the following is a
dependable variable of the communications model?

A. Source
B. Message
C. Comprehension
D. Channel
E. Type of message appeal
A marketer of supercomputers would recruit individuals with
backgrounds in computer science and engineering to work as
salespeople in order to ensure its sales force has high levels of:

A. expertise.
B. trustworthiness.
C. attractiveness.
D. attention.
E. yielding.
One disadvantage of direct marketing is that it results in a lot of
waste coverage

A. True
B. False
Direct marketing:

A. is not a useful tool for a company that is using an integrated

marketing communications plan.

B. seeks the same objectives as advertising, sales promotion, and

personal selling strategies in an IMC plan.

C. is one of the slowest growing forms of promotion in terms of

dollar expenditures.
D. can generate immediate behavioral response. Có thể tạo ra
phản ứng ngay lập tức

E. cannot be combined with other forms of promotional media.

Which of the following is an example of direct-response media?

A. Billboards
B. Place-based media
C. The Internet
D. Product placement phản hồi trực tiếp địa điểm sản phấm như
mua hàng ngay tại điểm bán sản phẩm
E. Guerrilla media
Which of the following statements is true about the growth of
direct marketing?

A. Direct marketing is being used as a promotional media only

after the invention of Internet.

B. All the purchases being made with the use of credit cards are
as a result of direct marketing.

C. One of the major factors contributing to the success of direct

marketing is that so many Americans are now 'time rich and
money poor'.

D. Increase in poverty has led to a rapid increase in direct


E. The rapid technological advancement of the electronic

media and the Internet has led to growth in direct marketing.
Airlines send out mailers or e-mails announcing promotional
airfares. Which of the combinations of promotional media do they
make use of?

A. Advertising and sales promotion

B. Advertising and direct marketing
C. Sales promotion and direct marketing
Gửi bưu phẩm là sale promotion và email là direct mkt
D. Sales promotion and public relations
E. Direct marketing and personal selling
Internet serves as the most effective tools for creating
awareness of the organization and its products especially in case
of large companies.

A. True
B. False không phải là công cụ hiểu quả nhất
Behavior tracking, on the Internet, helps in tailoring the message
to appeal to the specific needs and wants of the target

A. True
B. False
_____ is the place where providers make information available
to users of the Internet.

A. Computer
B. Interstitials
C. Web site
D. Links
E. E-commerce
Naomi has a small consulting business. She wants to use her
Web site to provide background about her company's
qualifications and answer frequently asked questions. Naomi
will design her website with the primary objective of:

A. brand image.
B. allowing customer sampling.
C. providing information.
D. handling objections.
E. inducing trial.
Which of the following is difficult to achieve through the Internet?

A. Creating awareness
B. Generating interest
C. Disseminating information
D. Creating an image tạo ra hình ảnh
E. Creating a strong brand
Which of the following elements of the integrated marketing
communications programs is designed to provide an extra
incentive to consumers to purchase a brand?

A. Advertising
B. Direct mail
C. Public relations
D. Price
E. Sales promotion
Coupons, bonus packs, premiums, and samples are
promotional offers that are targeted towards:

A. consumers.
B. retailers.
C. wholesalers.
D. salespeople.
E. employees
Consumer-oriented sales promotions are part of a promotional
_____ strategy.

A. cooperative
B. pull chiến lược lôi kéo, chiến lược lôi kéo người tiêu dùng
C. trade
D. premium
E. push
Which of the following is an example of consumer-oriented
sales promotion activity?

A. Off-invoice allowances
B. Promotional allowances
C. Point-of-purchase displays
D. Trade shows
E. Coupons
Which of the following statements is true about sales promotion

A. Sales promotion programs are targeted only at consumers.

B. Many sales promotion programs are designed to motivate

distributors and retailers to carry a product and push it to their

C. Nearly three quarters of all sales promotion dollars are spent

on consumer promotions.

D. Sales promotion strategies aimed at customers are called push

E. Sales promotion strategies aimed at marketing intermediaries
are called pull strategies.
Publicity, public relations, and corporate advertising all are
integral (cần thiết, ko thể thiếu) parts of the overall promotional

A. True
B. False
The new role of public relations (PR) is more marketing -
oriented when compared to its traditional role.

A. True
B. False
One main advantage of marketing public relations is that media
time and space are guaranteed.

A. True
B. False
In the traditional perspective, public relations is viewed as a(n)
_____ function whose primary responsibility is to maintain
mutually beneficial relationships between the organization and
its publics.

A. advertising
B. direct response
C. marketing
D. nonmarketing
E. sales
The new role of public relations is one characterized by:

A. less of a communication role.

B. less of a marketing orientation.

C. a tighter, more tightly defined role.

D. a broader, less marketing-oriented role.

E. a broader, more marketing-oriented role.

A decentralized approach to organizing for advertising should be
adopted when the company can use standardized advertising.
đã phi tập chung thì ko nên tiêu chuẩn hóa
A. True
B. False
Many companies prefer a centralized organizational structure to
keep control of the marketing effort and corporate and/or brand

A. True
B. False
Brands or messages that have a primarily verbal appeal are
best suited for worldwide ad campaigns.

A. True
B. False
Which of the following factors is limiting growth opportunities in
the U.S. market for many companies?

A. Huge population growth

B. Saturated markets (thị trường bão hòa) for many products and
C. Low competition from domestic companies
D. Low competition from foreign companies
E. Large markets for foreign products
Swiss-based Nestlé and Netherlands-based Unilever are two of
the world's largest consumer-product companies as a result of:

A. the favorable climatic conditions prevailing in the countries.

B. the large population existing in these countries.

C. the intense competition they face from domestic companies.

D. their ability to market their brands to consumers around the


E. their concentration on domestic markets and minimal

expansion to international markets.
Which of the following statements describes the media's role in
the self-regulation of advertising?

A. The media must accept all advertising they receive because of

the First Amendment that guarantees the freedom of speech.

B. The media cannot refuse to accept advertising for an entire

product class such as hard liquor.

C. The media can refuse to accept individual ads they find

offensive (xúc phạm) or objectionable (phản cảm).

D. Most media accept any advertising they receive since

advertising is their major source of revenue.
E. Most media reject political ads.
Which of the following media has the most stringent review and
approval process for advertising?

A. Local radio
B. Magazines
C. Newspapers
D. Internet
E. The four major television networks
A very frustrating (rất khó chịu), and often expensive, scenario for
both an agency and its client occurs when:

A. a commercial is rejected at the storyboard stage.

B. a commercial that was rejected at the storyboard stage is

accepted at the final stage.

C. a commercial is rejected for reasons such as sex and politics.

D. a commercial is approved at the storyboard stage but then is

rejected after it is produced.

E. a commercial is rejected at the idea generation stage.

The three major participants in the advertising process that work
individually and collectively to encourage truthful, ethical, and
responsible advertising are:

A. advertisers, creatives, and the cable operators.

B. creative boutiques, copywriters, and consumers.

C. children, advertisers, and agencies.

D. advertisers, agencies, and the media.

E. advertisers, government, and the television networks

_____ has been legally defined as "advertising or other sales
presentations which praise (ca ngợi) the item to be sold with
subjective opinions, superlatives, or exaggerations, vaguely
and generally, stating no specific facts."

A. Deceptive advertising
B. Unfairness
C. Comparative advertising
D. Puffery thổi phồng, phóng đại
E. Affirmative disclosure
A lapse in ethical standards or judgment in advertising and
promotion can be more damaging to a company than the lapses
in other disciplines. Identify the most logical reason for this.

A. These actions are highly visible and hence it could attract

more attention.

B. These actions are monitored by special action committees and

the reactions could be severe.

C. The customers are more aware of the ethical standards in

advertising compared to other disciplines.

D. Government does not regulate the flow of information in the

other disciplines.

E. In most cases, the advertisements and promotions are

managed by third parties.
Advertisers have made false or misleading claims or failed to
award prizes promoted in a contest or sweepstakes. Such false
claims can be reckoned as _____ advertisements.

A. deceptive lừa dối

B. bad taste
C. offensive
D. exploitative
E. odious
Which of the following is the right classification for
advertisements that project a sexual appeal, without any
relevance to the products?

A. Advertising as deceptive
B. Advertising to improper audience
C. Advertising as offensive or in bad taste
D. Advertising as untruthful ads không trung thực
E. Misrepresenting advertisements
The advertising appeals that have received the most criticism for
being in poor taste are those using:

A. misrepresentations.
B. violence.
C. sexual appeals.
D. deceptive claims.
E. deliberate misleading.
There has been found to be a strong product class effect with
respect to the types of ads consumers perceived as distasteful
or irritating (khó chịu). The most irritating commercials tend to
be for:
A. food and beverages.
B. industrial machinery.
C. consumer goods.
D. feminine hygiene products. Sản phẩm vệ sinh phụ nữ
E. health products.
_____ is the process for planning, executing, evaluating, and
controlling the use of the various promotional-mix elements to
effectively communicate with target audiences.

a. Communications process accounting

b. Integrated marketing communications management
c. Situation analysis
d. Integrated advertising marketing
e. Market auditing
2. The rate of product usage in a geographical area may be
calculated through the use of:

a. gross ratings points (GRP).

b. benchmark designated index (BDI).
c. category development index (CDI).
d. brand development index (BDI). Địa lý
e. reach and frequency.
3. Airlines send out mailers or e-mails announcing promotional
airfares. Which of the combinations of promotional media do they
make use of?

a. Sales promotion and direct marketing

b. Advertising and direct marketing
c. Sales promotion and public relations
d. Direct marketing and personal selling
e. Advertising and sales promotion
4.Brand equity is also known as:

a. trademark.
b. customer loyalty.
c. brand position.
d. customer franchise. Nhượng quyền của khách hàng
e. brand logo
5. According to the _____ hierarchy, advertisers of products like
light bulbs, ketchup, computer paper, nail clippers, and other
items bought without a lot of thought need to use a heavy
repetition strategy.

a. Maslow's
b. standard learning
c. high involvement
d. low-involvement
e. individual response
6. How does the integrated marketing communications (IMC) plan
approach differ from traditional approaches to promotion?

a. IMC predominately makes use of mass media communications

in order to attract and retain customers.
b. IMC recognizes that marketers must be able to use a wide
range of marketing and promotional tools to present a consistent
image to target audiences.
c. IMC puts more emphasis on sales promotion and less on
d. IMC places barriers around the various marketing and
promotional functions and requires that they be planned and
managed separately.
e. IMC puts more emphasis on advertising and less on sales
7. According to the marketing and promotions process model,
the marketing process begins with the: promotion là marketing

a. development of the marketing mix.

b. establishment of marketing objectives.
c. development of a marketing strategy and analysis.
d. development of the promotional mix.
e. determination of the target market
8. Integrated marketing communications experts suggest that:

a. nonpersonal communications is more effective than personal

b. firms should communicate with its customers primarily through
one-on-one communication techniques.
c. firms should communicate with its customers primarily through
media advertising.
d. firms should not develop a thorough marketing communications
e. firms should develop a thorough marketing
communications strategy.
9. Which of the following statements is true about spot
advertising? Spot là quảng cáo tại chỗ

a. Spot advertising is easier to buy than advertising on national

b. Spot advertising is mostly confined to station breaks between
programs on network-originated shows.
c. Only local advertisers use spot advertising.
d. Spot advertising does not allow advertisers to adjust to local
market conditions.
e. Spot advertising is subject to less clutter than network
10. Which of the following media strategies is suitable for a new
product with a target audience concentrated in a well-defined
market segment?

a. One that uses a high cost per thousand approach

b. One that emphasizes frequency rather than reach
c. One that balances reach and frequency
d. One that allows continuous communication
e. One that emphasizes reach rather than frequency
1. A commercial for Omachi shows singer My Linh preparing
breakfast for her husband and children. She also talks about her
point of view in choosing appropriate noodles for her family. This
commercial is effective in part because it utilizes _____ and
_____ .
Select one or more:
a. slice-of-life
b. spokesperson-oriented
c. celebrity expertise
d. reputational
e. power-based
12. Companies prefer sponsorship arrangements for buying
advertising time because it:

a. gives the advertiser less control over the placement and the
length of its commercials.
b. broadens advertising reach, saves money, and reaches a more
aggregated market when compared to buying national spots.
c. means the advertiser can run more commercials per hour since
time regulations do not apply.
d. is relatively inexpensive.
e. allows companies to capitalize on the image of a high-quality
13. The people who develop ads and commercials are known
as ____.

a. copy makers
b. innovators
c. creative types
d. animatics
e. illuminators
14. Which of the following statements is false about source

a. High credibility sources are more effective than low

credibility sources when they are arguing for a position opposing
their own best interest.
b. The persuasiveness of a low credibility source may decline
over time due to the sleeper effect phenomenon.
c. A very credible source is less important when the audience has
a neutral position, and such a source may even be less effective
than a moderately credible source when the receiver's initial
attitude is favorable.
d. A low or moderately credible source can be more effective than
a high credibility source when the receiver has a favorable initial
attitude or opinion.
e. High credibility sources are not always more effective than low
credibility sources
15. The ad for Vaseline lotion indicated that it has both beta
hydroxy to defoliate dry skin and alpha hydroxy to moisturize skin.
Someone who knew something about these additives work might
respond to the ad by thinking, "If it has both those ingredients, it
must be really good for my skin. I'm going to buy a bottle." The
individual's response to the ad's copy would be an example of
a. counterargument.
b. source derogation.
c. negative ad execution thought.
d. support argument.
e. positive execution thought
16. Once consumers perceive a problem or need that can be
satisfied by the purchase of a product or service, they begin to
make_____ to go to a purchase decision.

Select one:
a. problem recognition ở đây đã nhận ra rồi
b. information search sau khi nhận ra cần tìm kiếm thông tin
products or services
c. subliminal problem avoidance
d. postpurchase evaluation
e. purchase decision
17. Company A is a major participant in the advertising and
promotion process. It attracts various others companies who buy
space and time with them which they can provide at discounted
rates. Company A helps these companies reach the target
market effectively with the message. Company A is a( n ):

a. consultancy.
b. advertiser.
c. advertising agency.
d. full service agency.
e. media organization.
18. A ( n ) _____ is a document that evolves from an
organization's overall corporate strategy and serves as a guide for
specific marketing programs and policies.
a. situation analysis
b. opportunity analysis
c. competitive plan
d. strategic marketing plan
e. integrated marketing communications plan
19. During stage of alternative evaluation of the consumer
decision making, process like _____ and _____ are
consequences important. Tâm lý và chức năng

a. Postpurchase evaluation
b. purchase decision
c. psychosocial
d. information search
e. functional
20. Media planning is not an easy task. Which of the following is
a reason why media planning is so difficult?

a. Product life cycles differences

b. Non-standardization of the task of media planning
c. Time pressures inhibit proper planning
d. Media objectives conflict with communication objectives
e. Information overload
21. Which of the following statements is true about creative
strategy and execution?

a. Ads that are very creative may not increase sales of a brand.
b. Good creative strategy cannot help a struggling brand regain its
former prominence.
c. A good creative strategy and execution guarantees a brand will
exceed its sales objectives.
d. A good creative strategy almost never helps generate sales for
a brand.
e. Companies have no trouble coming up with creative advertising
that differentiates their brands from the competition.
22. _____ was known as the stepchild of the promotional mix.

a. Direct marketing
b. Advertising
c. Sales promotion
d. Publicity
e. Public relations
23. _____ may take on a variety of forms as well as a number of
names such as side panels, skyscrapers, or verticals.

a. Pop-ups
b. Links
c. Pop-unders
d. Interstitials
e. Banner ads
25. Which of the following situations offers the advertiser the
most attractive marketing opportunity? Most là high and high

a. High brand development index (BDI) and low category

development index (CDI)
b. Low brand development index (BDI) and low category
development index (CDI)
c. Low brand development index (BDI) and high category
development index (CDI)
d. High brand development index (BDI) and high category
development index (CDI)
26. One of the primary advantages of using magazines as an
advertising medium is their:
a. selectivity.
b. long lead time.
c. low absolute costs.
d. limited reach and frequency.
e. low clutter level.
27. The number of households in a market area that own a
television set is referred to as:

a. households using television.

b. designated market area.
c. audience size.
d. a program rating.
e. the universe estimate. Ước tính
28. Ads are often called _____.

a. creative
b. animatics
c. work plans
d. storyboards
e. copy platforms
29. Consumers are generally receptive to advertising in
magazines because:

a. the ads are relevant to them and can be of value in making a

purchase decision.
b. ads in magazines are intrusive and cannot be ignored.
c. magazines are a low-involvement medium.
d. most magazines do not contain many ads, and thus, clutter is
not a problem.
e. of its very short lead time.
30. TV commercials often rely on the concept of _____, whereby
they portray the characters in the ad as entertaining, arousing,
upbeat, and/or exciting that can affect the emotions of
consumers and put them in a favorable frame of mind.

a. outcome integration.
b. mood transfer. Chuyển tâm trạng
c. informational integration.
d. emotional integration.
e. rational integration
31. Support media can be broadly divided into:

a. aerial media and ambient media.

b. non traditional media and below-the-line media.
c. outdoor media and transit media.
d. outdoor media and in-store media.
e. traditional support media and non-traditional support media.
32. Good creative strategy and execution can often be central
to determining the success of a product or service or reversing
the fortunes of a struggling brand. The reason is that:

a. the development of good creative strategy is a science and is

explained by marketing research.
b. they know that good creative strategy and execution are
often critical to the success of a product or service.
c. they believe strongly in competitive parity.
d. they realize marketing success is unrelated to their creative
advertising effort.
e. they want to win creative awards in order to respond to the
intangibility and homogeneity characteristics of service
33. Which of the following statements about the role of magazines
and newspapers as advertising media vehicles is true?
a. None of the answers are correct.
b. Magazines generate most of their total revenue from
c. The advantages and disadvantages associated with the use of
either magazines or newspapers as advertising media vehicles
are the same.
d. Special-interest magazines reach a very massive audience and
are very valuable for reaching general types of consumers or
market segments.
e. Both newspapers and magazines are generally considered
high-involvement media.
34. The most common form of advertising on the Web is:

a. pop-ups.
b. interstitials.
c. links.
d. video sharing.
e. banners.
35. Given an advertising objective of achieving maximum
awareness in an undifferentiated target market, the strategy
should be to maximize:

a. cost per thousand (CPM).

b. cost per rating point (CPRP).
c. reach.
d. frequency.
e. gross rating points (GRPs).
36. Selectivity, reproduction quality, creative flexibility, and
prestige are all potential advantages of which of the following
advertising medium?
a. Place-based media
b. Billboards
c. Magazines có tính selectivity cao
d. Local newspapers
e. Local radio
37. The _____ is used as the central theme of the advertising
campaign and translated into attention-getting, distinctive, and
memorable messages.

a. animatic
b. big idea
c. copy platform
d. logo
e. brand name
38. The share of a television audience indicates the:

a. percentage of the defined target market that is exposed to a

message at least once during the relevant time period.
b. percentage of households using TV tuned to a particular
program in a specified time period.
c. number of people who responded to a televised direct-
response ad.
d. percentage of all households using television during a specific
time period.
e. average number of exposures to a message received by each
member of the target market.
39. When we mention _____, it refers to commercials on local
television stations for which the advertisers negotiate directly
with the individual stations.

a. syndication
b. regional advertising
c. spot advertising quảng cáo tại chỗ
d. network advertising
e. sponsorship
40. Many companies are willing to spend hundreds of millions of
dollars each year on creative advertising because:

a. they know that good creative strategy and execution are

often critical to the success of a product or service.
b. the development of good creative strategy is a science and is
explained by marketing research.
c. they want to win creative awards in order to respond to the
intangibility and homogeneity characteristics of service.
d. they believe strongly in competitive parity.
e. they realize marketing success is unrelated to their creative
advertising effort.
41. Nearly two-thirds of all advertising dollars spent in
magazines, are spent in _____ magazines.

a. consumer
b. national
c. regional
d. business
e. international
42. To encourage customers to open mail offering them a
subscription to Home Companion, the front of the envelope
advised there was a gift inside. Inside was an attractively
laminated bookmark. This is an example of combining direct
marketing with:

a. product placement.
b. support media. Khuyến khích as well as encourage
c. personal selling.
d. place-based media.
e. advertising.
43. _____ is the process of improving the volume of traffic
driven to one's site by a search engine through unpaid
(organic) results as opposed to paid inclusions.

a. Behavioral targeting
b. Contextual targeting
c. Rich media marketing
d. Search engine optimization
e. Linking
44. Why are organizations like KFC, Heinz Foods, Toys R Us,
and Anheuser Busch placing more emphasis on sales
promotions than ever before?

a. Because they are convinced that sales promotions can be

used to build brand equity more effectively and more quickly
than other promotional mix elements.
b. Because the use of sales promotions allows them to cut back
and/or completely eliminate the use of coupons.
c. Because the use of allowances, deals, and premiums confuse
d. Because consumers have less time to shop.
e. Because they want to use sales promotions rather than engage
in price wars.
45. Which of the following statements is true about public

a. Public relations is same as publicity.

b. An effective public relations program continues over
months or even years.
c. Public relations is a short term strategy of enhancing the image
of the company.
d. Public relations is not concerned with the evaluation of public
e. Public relations deals only with the activities designed to sell a
product or service.
46. The new role of public relations is one characterized by:

a. less of a communication role.

b. a tighter, more tightly defined role.
c. a broader, more marketing-oriented role.
d. less of a marketing orientation.
e. a broader, less marketing-oriented role
47. Which of the following is an advantage associated with public

a. Strong connection of the receiver to the source.

b. High absolute cost but low relative cost.
c. Effectiveness at completing the communications product.
d. Ease with which PR activities are coordinated with other
promotional activities even when the activities are performed in
different departments.
e. Use as an effective lead generator.
48. Marketers who are being held accountable for strategy
implementation often need concrete methods to show the
effectiveness of their decision-making. For this reason, many
marketers rely on:

a. out-of-home advertising media.

b. sales promotions such as coupons and price discounts.
c. personal selling instead of mass-media advertising.
d. event sponsorships.
e. a strategy that eliminates any advertising carryover effect.
49. Had globalization not occurred, most European companies
would not have been able to compete against larger U.S. and
Japanese companies because of:

a. the lack of funds among Europeans.

b. the inability to achieve economies of scale owing to the small
size of most of the European nations.
c. all are correct.
d. the political and legal differences amongst the nations.
e. the cultural differences prevailing amongst nations.
50. Disadvantages inherent in the use direct marketing include:

a. lack of flexibility.
b. difficulty in acquiring TV time.
c. difficulty in obtaining effectiveness measurements.
d. lack of personalization.
e. poor image factors.
51. Marketing objectives that may be aided by _____ activities
include raising awareness, informing and educating, gaining
understanding, building trust, giving consumers a reason to buy,
and motivating consumer acceptance.

a. direct-response
b. public relations pr cung cấp thông tin giáo dục, hiểu,....
c. advertising
d. sales promotional
e. outdoor marketing
According to McCann-Erickson's concept of emotional bonding,
the strongest relationship that develops between a brand and a
consumer is based on:
A. product benefits.
B. brand personality.
C. feelings or emotional attachments to the brand.
D. rational motives.E. competitive advantage over similar
products in the market
CoverGirl cosmetics have hired Drew Barrymore to appear in
its advertisements in order to help them capture the attention and
interest of the consumers. Through this, the ad illustrates the
application of:
A. ad-to-consumer relevance.
B. brand-to-consumer relevance.
C. positioning strategy.
D. inherent drama.
E. an animatic.
A commercial for Omachi shows singer My Linh preparing
breakfast for her husband and children. She also talks about her
point of view in choosing appropriate noodles for her family. This
commercial is effective in part because it utilizes _____ and
_____ .
Select one or more:
a. slice-of-life
b. spokesperson-oriented
c. celebrity expertise
d. reputational
e. power-based
_____ occur when a company pays to sponsor a section of a site.
A. Paid searches
B. Interstitials
C. Regular sponsorships
D. Content sponsorships
E. Irregular sponsorships
Advertisers can prevent consumers from zapping commercials
A. introducing "commercial-free" programming.
B. producing commercials that are meaningful and that attract
and hold attention.
C. devising shorter commercial formats.
D. using product placements.
E. advertising more on cable television.
Company A is a major participant in the advertising and promotion
process. It attracts various others companies who buy space and
time with them which they can provide at discounted rates.
Company A helps these companies reach the target market
effectively with the message. Company A is a(n):
A. advertiser.
B. advertising agency.
C. media organization.
D. full service agency.
E. consultancy.
When we mention _____, it refers to commercials on local
television stations for which the advertisers negotiate directly with
the individual stations.

a. syndication
b. regional advertising
c. spot advertising
d. network advertising
e. sponsorship
Measuring the effectiveness of PR activities provides which of the
following advantages?
A. It helps deal with the problem of clutter.
B. It reduces the high absolute costs connected with PR activities.
C. It helps in reaching specific audience groups.
D. It helps in completing the communication process.
E. It gives management a way to judge the quality of public
relations achievements and activities.
Companies prefer sponsorship arrangements for buying
advertising time because:

A. it allows companies to capitalize on the image of a high-

quality program.

B. it gives the advertiser less control over the placement and the
length of its commercials.

C. it is relatively inexpensive.

D. sponsoring a show enables the advertiser to run more

commercials per hour since time regulations do not apply.

E. it broadens advertising reach, saves money, and reaches a

more aggregated market when compared to buying national
Disadvantages inherent in the use direct marketing include:
A. difficulty in obtaining effectiveness measurements.
B. poor image factors.
C. lack of flexibility.
D. difficulty in acquiring TV time.
E. lack of personalization
One of the primary advantages of using magazines as an
advertising medium is their:
A. selectivity.
B. low clutter level.
C. limited reach and frequency.
D. low absolute costs.
E. long lead time.
According to the _____ hierarchy, advertisers of products like light
bulbs, ketchup, computer paper, nail clippers, and other items
bought without a lot of thought need to use a heavy repetition
A. individual response
B. standard learning
C. dissonance-attribution
D. low-involvement
E. high involvement
A(n) _____ is a document that evolves from an organization's
overall corporate strategy and serves as a guide for specific
marketing programs and policies.
A. strategic marketing plan
B. integrated marketing communications plan
C. situation analysis
D. opportunity analysis
Generally, companies that develop Integrated Marketing
Communications (IMC) programs which do not contain specific
A. will have too many benchmark measures against which the
success or failure of their programs can be assessed. B. will
never be successful.
C. may find it difficult to facilitate coordination of the efforts of
various groups working on a promotional campaign since the
various groups may not understand what goal they are working
D. will be able to save money since they won't spend too much
time worrying about what they are trying to do.
E. be more successful than companies that develop IMC
programs with specific objectives.
_____ is something unique or special a firm possesses or does
that gives it an edge over its competitors.
A. Brand quality
B. Brand equity
C. A competitive advantage
D. Brand power
E. A market opportunity
The _____ is the general category of available delivery systems,
which includes broadcast media, print media, direct marketing,
outdoor advertising, and other support media.
A. media vehicle
B. reach
C. distribution channel
D. medium
E. needledrop
Which of the following statements is false about source

a. High credibility sources are more effective than low credibility

sources when they are arguing for a position opposing their own
best interest.
b. The persuasiveness of a low credibility source may decline
over time due to the sleeper effect phenomenon.
c. A very credible source is less important when the audience has
a neutral position, and such a source may even be less effective
than a moderately credible source when the receiver's initial
attitude is favorable.
d. A low or moderately credible source can be more effective than
a high credibility source when the receiver has a favorable initial
attitude or opinion.
e. High credibility sources are not always more effective than low
credibility sources
Directing a company's efforts towards one or more groups of
customers who share common needs is known as:
A. target marketing.
B. competitive advantage.
C. positioning.
D. market segmentation.
E. branding.
A U.S. executive in Namibia in Africa experienced trouble
negotiating a franchise deal with local investors because the
electricity was constantly shutting off. One of the investors was
unable to attend the meeting because there is so little public
transportation in the country. These problems indicate a problem
with Namibia's:
A. demographic environment.
B. economic infrastructure.
C. balance of payments.
D. cultural system
.E. advertising system.
Airlines send out mailers or e-mails announcing promotional
airfares. Which of the combinations of promotional media do they
make use of?

a. Sales promotion and direct marketing

b. Advertising and direct marketing
c. Sales promotion and public relations
d. Direct marketing and personal selling
e. Advertising and sales promotion
which of the following is an advantage associated with public

a. Strong connection of the receiver to the source.

b. High absolute cost but low relative cost.
c. Effectiveness at completing the communications product.
d. Ease with which PR activities are coordinated with other
promotional activities even when the activities are performed in
different departments.
e. Use as an effective lead generator.
___ may take on a variety of forms as well as a number of names
such as side panels, skyscrapers, or verticals.

a. Pop-ups
b. Links
c. Pop-unders
d. Interstitials
e. Banner ads
An ad purchased by the Tennessee Department of Tourist
Development encouraging people to choose the state of
Tennessee for that vacation destination was published in
Southern Living magazine. The ad shows various scenic pictures
of Tennessee and includes the slogan, "Tennessee sounds good
to me." In this example, Southern Living magazine would be an
example of a _____, a part of the communication process.
A. channel
B. receiver
C. feedback mechanism
D. source
E. decoder
directing a company's efforts towards one or more groups of
customers who share common needs is known as:
A. target marketing.
B. competitive advantage.
C. positioning.
D. market segmentation.
E. branding.
The _____ is used as the central theme of the advertising
campaign and translated into attention-getting, distinctive, and
memorable messages.
A. animatic
B. big idea
C. brand name
D. logo
E. copy platform
_____ is the process for planning, executing, evaluating, and
controlling the use of the various promotional-mix elements to
effectively communicate with target audiences.
A. Integrated advertising marketing
B. Integrated marketing communications management
C. Market auditing
D. Situation analysis
E. Communications process accounting
_____ is a state of psychological tension or post-purchase doubt
a consumer may experience after making a difficult purchase
A. Post-purchase evaluation
B. Self-serving bias
C. Cognitive dissonance
D. Conditioned anxiety
E. Affective response
Which of the following statements is true about public relations?
A. Public relations is same as publicity.
B. Public relations is a short term strategy of enhancing the image
of the company.
C. Public relations is not concerned with the evaluation of public
D. An effective public relations program continues over months
or even years.
E. Public relations deals only with the activities designed to sell a
product or service.
Which of the following would be an example of a channel in the
communication process?
A. The number of customers that redeemed a cents-off coupon
B. A billboard beside an interstate highway
C. The creative people who designed the new Wendy's ad
D. An ad's spokesperson
E. Jennifer Aniston, who appears in the ad for L'Oreal
Which of the following situations offers the advertiser the least
attractive marketing opportunity?
A. High brand development index (BDI) and high category
development index (CDI)
B. High brand development index (BDI) and low category
development index (CDI)
C. Low brand development index (BDI) and high category
development index (CDI)
D. Low brand development index (BDI) and low category
development index (CDI)
E. High survey of buying power index and high brand
development index (BDI)
the perpetual debate over the most effective role for advertising is
A. rationalists and poets.
B. environmentalists and pragmatics.
C. liberals and conservatives.
D. functionalists and operationalists.
E. supporters of centralization and supporters of decentralization.
How does the integrated marketing communications (IMC) plan
approach differ from traditional approaches to promotion?
A. IMC puts more emphasis on advertising and less on sales
B. IMC puts more emphasis on sales promotion and less on
C. IMC recognizes that marketers must be able to use a wide
range of marketing and promotional tools to present a consistent
image to target audiences.
D. IMC places barriers around the various marketing and
promotional functions and requires that they be planned and
managed separately.
E. IMC predominately makes use of mass media communications
in order to attract and retain customers
Media planning is not an easy task. Which of the following is a
reason why media planning is so difficult?
A. Information overload B. Product life cycles differences
C. Media objectives conflict with communication objectives
D. Time pressures inhibit proper planning
E. Non-standardization of the task of media planning
ransformational advertising can differentiate a product or service
A. convincing a consumer of the superior performance of a brand.
B. making the consumption experience more meaningful,
exciting and enjoyable.
C. making a consumption experience last longer.
D. showing performance superiority of one brand over another.
E. proving brand superiority.
Which of the following statements about the role of magazines
and newspapers as advertising media vehicles is true?
A. The advantages and disadvantages associated with the use of
either magazines or newspapers as advertising media vehicles
are the same.
B. Special-interest magazines reach a very selective audience
and are very valuable for reaching specific types of consumers or
market segments.
C. Magazines generate most of their total revenue from
D. Business magazines generate most of their revenue from
subscriptions and single copy sales and are not really dependent
on advertising.
E. Both newspapers and magazines are generally considered
low-involvement media.
Marketers who try to select spokespeople whose traits will
maximize their message influence are concerned about their
credibility. The two important dimensions associated with
credibility are:

A. consistency and image.

B. image and trustworthiness.

C. differentiability and expertise.

D. expertise and trustworthiness.

E. image and expertise.

Marketing objectives that may be aided by _____ activities
include raising awareness, informing and educating, gaining
understanding, building trust, giving consumers a reason to buy,
and motivating consumer acceptance.

a. direct-response
b. public relations
c. advertising
d. sales promotional
e. outdoor marketing
the market for snack food is saturated, but manufacturers
continue to develop new offerings. Which of the following best
explains why the makers of Honey Maid graham crackers found it
necessary to develop and market Honey Maid graham sticks?
A. Consumer's novelty-seeking behavior
B. To satisfy a physiological need
C. To broaden the marketer consideration set
D. Consumer cocooning
E. To balance any product deletion
_____ is designed to give a company or brand a unique
association or personality and is often transformational in nature.
A. Rational advertising
B. Image advertising
C. Feature appeals
D. Transactional advertising
E. Brand immorality
One reason for consumer's increased sensitivity to sales
promotion is:
A. decrease in competition.
B. increased brand loyalty.
C. the increased amount of power in the hands of the
D. that they save money.
E. the decline in consumer choice.
Rational and emotional advertising appeals:
A. represent two distinctive approaches which should never be
combined because they divide the focus of consumers' attention.
B. are essentially the same.
C. can be combined since consumers' purchase decisions are
often made on the basis of rational and emotional motives.
D. are used together only for low-involvement products.
E. can be combined only for products and not for services.
Prior to the development of integrated marketing
communications, the promotional function in most companies
was dominated by:
A. advertising.
B. sales promotion.
C. public relations.
D. publicity.
E. direct marketing.
Media planning is not an easy task. Which of the following is a
reason why media planning is so difficult?
A. Information overload B. Product life cycles differences
C. Media objectives conflict with communication objectives
D. Time pressures inhibit proper planning
E. Non-standardization of the task of media planning
A spokesperson who delivers an advertising message and/or
demonstrates a product or service is known as a(n):
A. direct source.
B. indirect source.
C. message shaper.
D. source mirage.
E. source echo
the ads that make the experience of using the product richer
tranformational ads
Ads are often called _____. *

A. animatics
B. copy platforms
C. creative
D. work plans
E. storyboards
Many companies are willing to spend hundreds of millions of
dollars each year on creative advertising because: *

A. they believe strongly in competitive parity.

B. they realize marketing success is unrelated to their creative
advertising effort.
C. they know that good creative strategy and execution are
often critical to the success of a product or service.
D. they want to win creative awards in order to respond to the
intangibility and homogeneity characteristics of service.
E. the development of good creative strategy is a science and is
explained by marketing research.
Which of the following statements is true according to the
Hirschman study about the creative people involved in
advertising? *

A. They view ads as promotional tools whose primary purpose is

to communicate favorable impressions to the marketplace.
B. They are more risk averse than the brand managers.
C. They prefer making conservative commercials.
D. They believe a commercial should be evaluated in terms of
whether it fulfills the client's marketing and communicative
E. They want to maximize the impact of the message.
A client who manufactures maternity clothes for businesswomen
wants a new advertising campaign. Visits to obstetrician's
offices to observe the clothes being worn and to maternity shops
at the mall to see how they were selected could be a part of the
_____ step of the creative process. *
A. preparation
B. verification
C. revision
D. reality check
E. incubation
Advertising creative personnel tend to: *

A. be more concrete and formalized than intuitive when solving a

B. have majored in marketing in college.
C. rely on intuition (trực giác) more than logic.
D. be highly structured and organized individuals.
E. be no different from people with business executive
Advertising appeals that relate to consumers' social and/or
psychological needs for purchasing a product or service are
known as _____ appeals. *

A. informational
B. rational
C. irrational
D. emotional đã bị thu hút thì là cảm xúc ko còn lý trí
E. feature
_____ advertising attempts to make the experience of using a
product or service richer, warmer or more exciting. *

A. Informational
B. Competitive advantage
C. Transformational
D. Image
E. Rational
Transformational advertising can differentiate a product or service
by: *

A. convincing a consumer of the superior performance of a brand.

B. making the consumption experience more meaningful, exciting
and enjoyable.
C. making a consumption experience last longer.
D. showing performance superiority of one brand over another.
E. proving brand superiority.
Rational and emotional advertising appeals: *

A. represent two distinctive approaches which should never be

combined because they divide the focus of consumers' attention.
B. are essentially the same.
C. can be combined since consumers' purchase decisions are
often made on the basis of rational and emotional motives.
D. are used together only for low-involvement products.
E. can be combined only for products and not for services.
Which of the following is an example of a media vehicle? *

A. Television
B. America's Next Top Model Show
C. Radio Jockey
E. Outdoor advertising
D. Newspaper
_____ is the number of times a receiver is exposed to a
message in a given time period. *

A. Potency
B. Reach
C. Coverage
D. Frequency
E. Mediatronics
_____ refers to the potential audience that might receive the
message through a vehicle. *

A. Frequency
B. Reach
C. Viewer number
D. Coverage
E. Exposure
_____ is an external factor that may influence the determination
of media strategy. *

A. Administrative capabilities
B. Competitive factors
C. Size of the media budget
D. How tasks are delegated with the agency
E. Organization of the agency
The survey of buying power index is particularly useful for
providing _____ information. *

A. geographic
B. demographic
C. lifestyle
D. consumer behavior
E. psychographic
The average cost per thousand (CPM) of outdoor ads is greater
than that of radio and magazine ads. *

Because of the high frequency of exposures, outdoor may lead to
a quick wear out. *

elson receives a beautiful pen and a calendar from a company
of which he has been an old customer. The calendar and the
pen could be termed as an advertising specialty. *

A. True
B. False
_____ media are used to reach those people in the target market
the primary media may not have effectively reached and to
reinforce, or support, their messages. *

A. Advertising
B. Direct response
C. Traditional
D. Sales promotion
E. Support
_____ media includes billboards, street furniture, alternative
media, and transit—as well as specific forms of radio. *

A. Radio advertising
B. Aerial advertising
C. Viral advertising
D. Multi-level advertising
E. Out-of-home advertising
Digital outdoor media takes three forms. They are video
advertising networks, ambient advertising and: *
A. aerial advertising.
B. digital billboards.
C. speciality advertising.
D. viral marketing.
E. network advertising.
Nearly two-thirds of all advertising dollars spent in magazines, are
spent in _____ magazines. *

A. consumer
B. international
C. business
D. regional
E. national
Modern Maturity, Playboy, and Seventeen are all magazines
that offer advertisers _____ selectivity. *

A. demographic
B. geographic
C. lifestyle
D. affective
E. behavioral
Consumers are generally receptive to advertising in magazines
because: *

A. the ads are relevant to them and can be of value in making a

purchase decision.
B. ads in magazines are intrusive and cannot be ignored.
C. magazines are a low-involvement medium.
D. most magazines do not contain many ads, and thus, clutter is
not a problem.
E. of its very short lead time.
Which of the following statements provides a reason why
consumers are more receptive to magazine advertising than to
television advertising? *

A. Unlike television ads, magazine ads are intrusive and not easy
to ignore.
B. Because they are interested in the content and ads provide
additional information relevant to the issue or topic area.
C. There are not many ads in most magazines, so they do not
bother consumers.
D. Because more creative options are available for magazines
than for television advertising, that is, magazine ads are more
E. Magazine advertising does not provide the psychographic or
demographic selectivity that the television does.
Which of the following statements about the reach and
frequency of consumer magazines is true? *

A. Popular consumer magazines have broad reach and

B. For a broad-reach strategy, magazines should be used in
conjunction with other media.
C. Using multiple ads in the same issue of a magazine is a viable
way of increasing the reach of the publication.
D. Advertisers seeking broad reach through the use of magazines
cannot accomplish this goal by making media buys in a number of
different publications.
E. Advertisers who are seeking broad reach and frequency in
their media schedules must use monthly magazines in order to
obtain desired frequency.
More companies buy advertising _____ than in any other
A. in newspapers
B. in magazines
C. on cable television
D. on radio
E. on network television
The share of a television audience indicates the:

a. percentage of the defined target market that is exposed to a

message at least once during the relevant time period.
b. percentage of households using TV tuned to a particular
program in a specified time period.
c. number of people who responded to a televised direct-
response ad.
d. percentage of all households using television during a specific
time period.
e. average number of exposures to a message received by each
member of the target market.
To encourage customers to open mail offering them a
subscription to Home Companion, the front of the envelope
advised there was a gift inside. Inside was an attractively
laminated bookmark. This is an example of combining direct
marketing with:

a. product placement.
b. support media.
c. personal selling.
d. place-based media.
e. advertising.
Selectivity, reproduction quality, creative flexibility, and prestige
are all potential advantages of which of the following advertising
a. Place-based media
b. Billboards
c. Magazines
d. Local newspapers
e. Local radio
Consumers are generally receptive to advertising in magazines

a. the ads are relevant to them and can be of value in making a

purchase decision.
b. ads in magazines are intrusive and cannot be ignored.
c. magazines are a low-involvement medium.
d. most magazines do not contain many ads, and thus, clutter is
not a problem.
e. of its very short lead time.
Had globalization not occurred, most European companies would
not have been able to compete against larger U.S. and Japanese
companies because of:

a. the lack of funds among Europeans.

b. the inability to achieve economies of scale owing to the small
size of most of the European nations.
c. all are correct.
d. the political and legal differences amongst the nations.
e. the cultural differences prevailing amongst nations.
According to McCann-Erickson's concept of emotional bonding,
the strongest relationship that develops between a brand and a
consumer is based on:
A. product benefits.
B. brand personality.
C. feelings or emotional attachments to the brand.
D. rational motives.E. competitive advantage over similar
products in the market
Which of the following statements best describes the relationship
between marketing and communications objectives?

A. Marketing objectives and communications objectives are

B. Marketing objectives evolve from communication objectives.
C. Communications objectives are derived from marketing
D. Communications objectives can be developed before or after
the development of marketing objectives.
E. There is no relationship between the two.

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