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a4) and tying both sides by 2. get a (x) and ‘Now, squaring and adding () and “(i= 2 2 2 xt costa [BE 2003) the Legendre's differential = Dry rnin th yy=0 Hece Pax) = =x! #0 when x= O30 thax = Osan ori point Lette general 186... A Complete Solution of Engineering Mathematics V 28 of Engineering ane yo Emmis! ‘Substituting these 1, we Bet toe Emin tet-2s Emon watt Ecot <0 snSmn- bent nin- tat AE meat alo Eesrag called recurrence relation. It gives each coeMicient in tems of win 1102), (a=2n+3), _(o=2)(n*Ha(n4 Vy 2 ae 7 eo nines) _w=3)in- ins DOr es ry B ceo d Ringer wbeseerecs se nih wet y(t gba Beduametae vo(octysty fechas nieed,.) yen) Sento eed pm in Leg oe yey BT (n= In 42) 5, (0=3in~ Hin s2 yin A), satay x = NOt) bin ste n= 2)(n-+1Yo 3) 4 a= ndg(8) + et OD yor Sant ee @ ¢—cy @” : aranemay™ Lait ne Hh Stan woLatecatad (3) seen SameT aT RE. 2015, 2013 Back] ~ fae QE 2mjo ty @ Smitim nh Symtoms ave Sot’ 188... ‘A. Complete Solution of Engineering Mathematics Vol- Putm—1=s. Then y ws (renner gHarsrd G suo tama @) Thus xS(9) = Prove the relation J, (3) = (~1)°d,(2) for any integer n, i) When a is positive integer (BE am, We have ay a 1.00 Santana () ‘Since F ta negative integer or zero) tends to infinity. each inthe supmay, zero so longs as m—n+1S0.4e.mSn-1. Timm +1 is finite when m2. Thus no Faating @) Earn “ign 3701.2, @” suet ge tyestendr 9321083 insta) Prnrres)) ‘Taking m=n+s sot on We get 300 = Eins ‘When n is negative integer, then n = — p where p is positive integer. From the first case or. Jf) (= PLD Since p=—1 ve sta) = € 1)I«G) which is tue fr all integral values of m1 hows Ressel’s functions are J,(x) and J.4(x) are linearly dependent. os (We. 2011) + eer) re sce aA sats)) =xLdr2-10 4 Snel] Ree x{ 3900) + rate] = = Danas) + xIy 208) Teaco —\ Sin x and Laat EC) ring differential equation by power series method: y”-y = 0 {B.E. 2010) ex 054] rete differential equation is ey=0 Apppase its general sobition be BEF ER ct REE ing (ii). We Bet ot 3eyk? # Acax' + Seat + 32eix+ Aen + Sen? + neg Ta n= XP fap den + ACA + SAE # oo MN DAE ed (eo FRE ENTE GAH oe FOE F one dO i guning to zero the various powers of swe get SB 24,769" 0 jean a teat say-ei70 cont | Adee 0 teen Z i 2 Sey" 0 tees 65cq- c= 0 iegng mdsoon Peng ee 0 eB saya Siate in aia Git an) 200 reve Parametric Equations. agent and normal at «point corresponding to t= 1 on yototattel &.. fase xe cost-2, Here. cost=2 andy = & * Gem sint Lo cost ae, xethy=Catt=1, Here.x=0 and y=? Sie S: ane gt os snuen: Sesan 2 2 a 4 --Slope ot angnt = x a ss at 1 : dnd stpe trea +3 eo dr aga fo he cre ern : i xs2P-Mty=30-Lte R : x= 2t 2M andy=30=1 a . ae Ferborannl gen $f 0 ease Sie rena bran fr =0 oetedy et fre ene rt ce the tangents are vertical at (—32. 11) and gn tangent 0 fae impossible so there are no horizontal tangent. 267 08h ov vetia gene gy "O gre 6 4 oe aeepera(3) ACSF wee(-$) 0 er Hee ae ge de2s tmoynO4 187 Beg maa6 1 e2-8 7 y ¢ sopctompn t= 1(a)= « : sauna ofomgnttt 1 he (7 i ed o-8 cy a 4 yn, Wasesiaais i Forhorizonta tangent St = 0 2: A Complete Solution of Engineering Mathematics 3 3P + 12-150 -9, a 274 540 48—1=71 Hence the tangents are vertical at(~ 3, 19) and (1, 71) Forte tx== 19. y= 99 & &.. 90m Bess iznise RB asstze9-24Bos4 12-1570 ds we have $ conver) dy acost and -f vera 2 =p = 2m jedi, yrs OSE = esin@ ond y= ePcos0 sere. =n od» x 48. sin@ + cfcos0 and = coos 0—csin cease FSG) = J NEG OT cor OF tes an OF] wo Vite erates x an iy When =0.0=4 e705 0.3 are the tangent at pol wren d=F0=0 he curve is entirely within eee Ao Tate of variation ofr with 0 aE reek oi When Bef = 05 #28 fe] [x ae [x] ae . i +E eve pins (6) ae (0,4 1 oe pine 08604 (83) ett ne is the tangent at origin imtrcal about the inital line. HES, PUT = 0, Le, a 608 20.0 srcm20~ cos (#8) ) Table of variation of with 8 Of sr [as [oor [a [ree ar rfolr fz [2 ta tr fe vi fi 0-2 J isthe tangent at poke. n= 45°10 135%. The given curve does not exit betweer The cue is es shown below x 2O7HO]O~TOY sin28 the tangent at origin put r= 0,5. 20-0 126 = sin 0=sin x= sin = sin 3 £2 weoeugetal, Table of varintion ofr with 4 x x ae oP EG f_tete fe “The shape ofthe curve is shown in figure rene 38 Sol: The givencurveis tacos 38 i) The curve is symmetrical about initial Tine, i) For tangent at pole put r= 0. we have nook goon SR In 2008 SE £ SE S875 etangens ot gn. The tale of varition aft with: ° £ se | 2 ¢ |F r 0 o fe Polar Co-ordinate... 205 cat) . en uve ca be taced DE ted wih the help of foloving re ssp a find the tangent atthe pole © ute 0, ke, Om ne @ =1 80° isthe tangent to the given curve a pote, rhe uble of aration ofr with 8s given below: @ [ooo fo [20 [rao + (=a, [@ fa fo 2 ? ine shape ofthe curve is shown in the figure given below: ‘To find the tangent at poe tothe curve pre 0, 1—eos8=0 re cos * 10780 Hence the line @ = 0 isthe tangent fo the curve at pole, |o Polar Co-ordinate .. 207 B pa headh 4g 208 § arncod-§)= 4 aay nen m4 pase reine st (2493, 4) ana (2, -2) ene ,re aad when O° 120 eine ves ng (0) wa, 8) prequel 0080 +sino ft to slope of tingent = —-—— 0s 0S —Fsin8 Again for horizontal tangent Polar Co-ordinate .. 209 aA Complete Solution of Engineering Mathem oe ten d= 0.10 ~ Tve(i-n08) “4 when @= 0.1 aad Bena x oS 5 esind) 24 (1-3) 749 °2 Seer far pedo) 4 5 - g 2 - pins on boa ingens we (0.0)404(2. 3) a eis ori angens me (0, 2) ana(2, 2) For vertical tangent pea te cos rain cv, cos 6, 260502 in sin 8 =O 150 = sin?® = 0 on, cos28=0 8 3) ar, cos 29 co 8) 04%) need anal r Beak Ee nen Ere 2sinf 2.55 V8 went? . » a an rg when 92E 22s = . 5) ®) E pea(t-sing)=0 equred poms on rics ges (Vis §)ans(vi. *) wordt (1-sn§ . ® cx point on hoizntel tangens ae(0, 3), ; pet sor pon eos O73 moro --sud on oe He easin® 2 +sin 0 e Ss reos0 +20 ison) ek ool Now ge sft a asad gar Bors AP NS coro ran . : For no wage suvea(tcoe$)-2(1-4)=1 A sin) c08 0+ sn O~4 cs 8) =O ow spe ener Ge or 4058-4 sin B cos 0- 4sin@ cos O=0 cos 0 SE rsin8 or. 4 cos 8 = 8 sin 0 cos -0 a. cos 2 sin) 0 cos B+ sin 5 Either co 00,16. 0-4 weiviciad 18 n° 2t2 NB iss sont . so 6 ic Go 2-1 relar Co-ordinate ... 211 210... A Complete Sol For horvontal tangent de rc036 + sin 83g “9 a Sad erfaema Eaved od 140085 7 i ws a eos 0+ sing 080+ sin or, 26080410 4 ~cos8)=0 S538) -2(1+3) -3 wien 2E ro2(1~ oe oe a ee For vertical tangent ino=0 + cos 8) cos 8 + sin &- sin 8) = 0 + oO sin O= 0 +084 — (1 ~c0s"8) = 0 —€030) sin 8 = 0 + 2sin@cos8=0 = e3 When 6 = x. r= 2(1 — cos m) = 2( set vien=¥ oroa( cet) -2( 1-1) +1 Required points on veil tangent are (4m). (1.3), ansvnen = —¥ .r=14 con (3) =} ®) sae oc Reuied points on herizontl tangents are (0), (3.5) and 3=8) Polar Co-ordinat Mathematics Vol It 3 spe cgution actin is x" IBE. 2015) ée gis equation with r= 7S we get e370 “he come section is hyperbola in. de 6 * Oli 3 Tt e6 ion of directrix is x =2 od Trecos6 we get. €=3 So the conic setion is ‘Comparing this with = hyperbola Also, de = 6.01.4. 3=6 a d=2 ‘Therefore the equation of directrix is x =2 ye Tee 3 1 — -—7- aes 1-2sino 1-tsine EA Tresin6 * comparing this equation with r=: 1 oF ee} < 1. sothe conic i ellipse eects 7 Faaton of renin 6 214... A Complete Solution of Engineering Mathematics Vol ‘Comparing this equation with ¢ c=} > sotecaetsnetet Aimels3 ; eess the expres is perpendicular tthe pg Sot", The gen cyuation of hyperbola is : 2 Treen re + 1 Fens de Comparing this equation with === awe get erfet ste coi etipe wt erate fe de=2 L eddnr edet «The equation of hyperbola is x= 4 430 e035 The given equation is pe iseee e043 “Te eor8 Thecqtiont dea nn =f 10-cosee 8 Polar Co-ordinate... 215 ae add i “s Sequin of deci iy arr) differentia] equation is 1 at = 798 | Sime comparing his equation with = cfo0. Teco ihoptoe 1 aimee 5 oye? 2th 3 285 ‘ecove hyperbola whose drei iny «2 find the polar equation of the conie section with a focus a pole and havi falowing eccentricity and direetris, oo! dre en} aes. 2 Givene = <1. As directrix is x = 3, the axis is onthe polar axis and distance fromthe focus 10 the drectin, d=, ‘The equation ofthe section is A a3? ms |g Teewt TFagg Seend “SR “2 ‘Asthe directrix isy = 2, the axis is perpendicular to poly axis tod distance oft 2 + The equation 0 ee "Tresind “Te tsind “Tosind etesise ate hate = 8. great st Pe asi ood 1 asin dieeivsy = EONS BPSPENEA pce from fous d= 4 . cetheconie ls quae 22 reTresmo T= hind “Tsing sec 0. gone 1 at, Ee = = sin 'Tresin6 “Tye 2-8 ' ‘ : ’ ae Se Hehe care f the directrix is Be wisest ga .tsin@=—3 --4 othe cnc seen ipernity a sarees de Wate fos eat ple ane theoreas) tne eqaton tbc i 2 ype equation ofthe conic is vn de Tosa me oro pans oF e088 2 Try and ont 7 a3 c0s8 ° ore 5 8008 ints on the curve F = 2 sin 40 at wi Sot f= L Asthe dectin r= $sec® 40 at whieh the tan fcr eos O= 5.14. x5. the assis onthe polar axis and the diane, directrix from the focus d= 5 . «The equation of conic i muss ts "Pecos 8 T+ 1e0s8 1+ C038 Forhorizonial tangent tine, de A enh razed root 0+ sine = 0 ot Wehwent ct 25nd on8 + sn 0 eordo=0 cot $4 dnecnrtece a 20en20coe + ingen dOeo coe cas 8 neon t0 =o an = ras ~ £038 + 201 2e0s'9)~ 1} m0 3 sin [2c0s'® ~ cos'D + 2— Bcos%d + Bcos'8 - 1] =0 a sin [10209 ~ 9c0s%8 + 1] = 0 Poon sare Treoe Polar Co-ordinate ... 217 the ditectrixis T= ~2 cosee 8, ie. rsin@=—2,1¢y == reas perpendicular the polar axis and the distance of directnx from the axis ofthe conie section is perpendicular to the pola ans. The distance focus to the directx isd 4(A isthe focus is atthe pote and x= 4 any isd = (As the Focus i atthe pote and x =— 4 i the directrix.) is 1BE. 2007), 28. ‘A complete Solution af Ensines Tn nano ot cont —9cos'o + 180 210 20 the eure bas horizontal tangents =i yg Mathematics resin 48. Find! roneos! nares fren curve is symmetrical about initial line Wal line and the tangent at origin is i O=ni2 (2 cos 30) 48 -rtFon Zz nf 23228 llensueeiinee nese ~ Integy ot im Petne Co-erérasten 221 220... A Complete Solotion of Engineering Mathew tis Vol- ft he tat eee rang @ =6f ct scote) ad ~fi-] Ore neor2e Sof: Required area of whole region fas J af (9+ 12c028 + 4cos0) 0 ° pete eee of 0 =s10/« hsnofy «foo 2 (0-0) + 2jx+ 0-0-0) . 29x 2x= 11 KAD + (16 + sine + sine) 0 =~ 222 A Complete Scltion of Engineering Mathematics Vote 1 Sanaticceene Normans Vote ~The eman 152 Fn 2)n Integral in Polar Co-ordinates. 223, Sothe curve is symmetical about aS 3 -[Po-to0~ “LR tenn PF 8] [R00] 8 Pad cos28 SQ Sol The curve is symme When = 0,r=2, ans ata, 0) and (a. 0) a poate ropreewer tn JE " 104 c0520= 0 cos 20 = cos =2f soto 6 3 * isthe tangent at pole, + Required area of one loop =2 fp ee 7 23S Pos2000 0 =16| a2] ie sons F-sno) “um =F cs snap co af cue 2a i) 08 fare symmetrical abou the iil Fin, and (i). we Bet => veins ~via Feacmera] ye = 2095 0+ 0000 +28 (1 2080+ 2740 216 8)0 +0) (me!m sae 3820+ y ae ° 30 sin 26] * aefPezsine AP na(ef-ainkea)+ The ven point ofitrsction oe (a3) a saan me ann 5 Requred 3) ork Focr2t few NT Fates f ocar0 a0 sehing these two we get = ramen siff onan Forme ~coF8) 8 =f creer = 4 = eos 8) d8 [seg asters] pasate tae ae Beir f—asin§ ells BY +B royi- ai = Fs scor0 409-9) 09 =F (toro SHH) a0 ees = [ino «2822. sof wasn in -n Fya0 sn A Complete Solution of Engineering Mathematics Vol 1) ti) «od yewe ana intesetat (a, 2) an 6) ter @)= a+ 608 8) and (8) = a 1148 = J 80 seoeh— 218 2% of Fie conor Nas +2c088 + c090 ~ 1) 48 =f (2008 8+ e028) 40 Fem Thesssitaema ~$[teoorerd sn] ~S [sin BoE edinn o ‘ ~t [aed] dete unt reyorsanction-2 ff? 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