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1. REVISION; to wonder (preguntarse)


Tell him/her to ask him/her..

.. if he/she wonders where the universe came from.
.. if he/she wonders if it will rain tomorrow
.. if he/she wondered what living in the 16th century was like
.. if he/she wonders what he/she would look like with curly hair
.. if I wonder what technology will be like in the future
.. if he/she wondered what America was like in the 20’s
.. if he/she wonders if Mars ever had water
.. if I wonder what my life would be like as a millionaire
.. if he/she wondered what dinosaurs really looked like
.. if he/she wonders what Christmas in Australia is like
.. if I wonder if Trump will be pr4esident again in four years time
.. if I wonder what I will look like when I’m 80

2. Fundamentals: VOWELS and numbers


3. Vocabulary - ‘’to feel like’’/’’to fancy’’

We use feel like with the GERUND (-ing) ex: Me apetece ir a la playa/I feel like going to the beach. We
can aso use it followed by a noun ex: Me apetece un café/I feel like a coffee.

Ask him/her/me:
 Going to the gym
 A nice cold beer
 Getting up early
 Watching the football
 Having some chocolate
 A holiday to Fiji
 Tidying up your house
 Talking to your boss
 Chatting with your sister
 Going to the hairdressers

Now with FANCY!!

 A warm coffee
 Writing an email to an old school friend
 Going to work on Monday
 Doing the Christmas shopping
 Throwing a party
 Going home
 Having a break
 Relaxing this evening
 A glass of wine
 A hot bath
 A massage
4. MGP 1: ‘’I wonder if I should...’’ (No se si.. (hacer)..)
Building on ‘’to wonder’’ we can also use ‘’I wonder if I should’’ (me pregunto si debería../no se si
For this we can use ‘’if’’ y su sinónimo ‘’whether’’. No solemos usar IF cuando la frase acaba con ‘’o
no..’’ so lets try and use whether!!

No se si llamar a la supervisora o no - I wonder whether I should call the supervisor or not
No se si hacerlo ahora o más tarde - I wonder if I should do it later or not
No se si llevar mi equipo de protección o no - I wonder if I should take my protective gear or not
No sé si enviarle a ella la presentación final o no - I wonder if I should send her the final presentation..
No sé si decirselo a él o no - I wonder if I should tell him or not
No sé si comprarme una camisa nueva para la reunión o no - I wonder if I should buy a new shirt for..
No sé si llamar al cliente nuevo o no - I wonder if I should call the new client or not
No sé si meter mi traje en la maleta o no - I wonder if I should pack my suit or not
No sé si ir a la oficina primero o no - I wonder if I should go to the office first or not
No sé si afeitarme o no - I wonder if I should shave or not

5. Agility - or else (si no)

Ex: Turn the music down or else they’ll call the police
You should study if you don’t you’ll fail
Follow him, if you don’t he’ll escape
Tear up (hacer pedazos) the evidence, if you don’t they’ll know our secret
They should go to the doctor if they don’t hey won’t get better
Stick to the speed limit, if you don’t you’ll get a fine
Start saving now, if you don’t you won’t be able to afford it
Dress up smart, if you don’t you won’t get in
Hold it by its neck, if you don’t it’ll bite you
Practice English as uch as possible, if you don’t you will never improve
Put it down quickly if you don’t you’ll burn your fingers
Don’t forget your keys, if you do you’ll be locked out

6. Correct h/w - sentences!!

7. Agility - WHOSE/ THIS and THESE

WHOSE is used in questions to ask ‘’de quien’’.

De quien es ese boligrafo?

De quien son éstos boligrafos? - WHOSE pens are these?
De quien es este jersey? - WHOSE jumper is this?
De quien con estos jerseys? - WHOSE jumpers are these?
De quien es éste móvil? - WHOSE mobile phone is this?
De quien son esos móviles? - WHOSE mobile phones are those?
De quien es ese coche? - WHOSE car is that?
De quien son éstos coches? - WHOSE cars are these?
De quien es ese trabajo? - WHOSE job is that?
De quien son esos trabajos? - WHOSE jobs are those?
De quien es este cuaderno? - WHOSE notebook is this?
De quien son esos cuadernos? - WHOSE notebooks are those?


We know that the verb ‘’to look’’ means MIRAR but it also has many other meanings too. Today we
are going to look at ‘’look forward to..’’ which in Spanish would be something like ‘’esperar con
 Are you looking forward to the weekend?
 Do you usually look forward to your birthday?
 Are you looking forward to going home?
 Do you usually look forward to coming back home after work?
 Are you looking forward to Christmas?
 Do you usually look forward to Christmas?
 Do your parents usually look forward to seeing you?
 Is your boss looking forward to the end of the crisis?
 Do you usually look forward to meeting your boss/clients/friends?
 Are you looking forward to the end of the class?
 Are you looking forward to doing your English homework tonight?
 Are you looking forward to your next trip abroad?
 Do you look forward to going to the dentist?
 Do you look forward to going home every night after work?

9. Set homework
- Prepare prepare a presentation about what your plans for the Christmas holidays are using ‘’looking
forward to’’ and mention things you are excited about.

10. Mini presentation: PRIVATE vs PUBLIC (education)

You must also consider...
In any case..
Generaly speaking...

11. Review - Focus on the points seen in class and also individual mistakes.

12. REVISION!: Agility - All day not ALL THE DAY

Deberíamos hablar en inglés todo el día
Se pasa todo el día cantando
Ha estado enfermo toda la semana
¿Ha tardado todo el año la construcción?
Quiero hacer lo que me de la gana todo el día
Ha estado lloviendo todo el día!
Llevamos todo el mes intentando ahorra
Durmió (el) todo el día y por la noche no tenía sueño
¿Quién dijo que tardaría todo el mes?
Trabaja todo el día y toda la noche porque le encanta su oficina
Trabajó toda la semana sin casi desccanso
¿Te gustaría pasar todo el día en la cama?
¿Va a llevar el uniforme puesto todo el dia?
¡Me pasé todo el finde bailando!

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