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  Trimestral – HOUSTON  

    Week 5, Class 2  


1. Silvia – When did you last find one hundred euros on the bus?
2. Carmen R – Have you ever tasted Japanese food?
3. Marimen – When was the last time you had a dead body in the
boot of your car?
4. Carmen Y – Have you ever been to Iceland?
5. S – Translate: ¿Cuánto vas a tardar en hacerlo? = How long is it
going to take you to do it?
6. CR – Have you ever studied English all night?
7. M – Have you ever been to China?
8. CY – Have you ever met a famous person?
9. S – Have you ever ridden a horse?
10. CR – Have you ever read a Dostoevsky novel? 4 MIN
11. M – Have to ever driven a Rolls Royce? (10:00-10:04)
12. CY – Have you ever argued with your mother-in-law?
13. S – Have you ever written a bestseller?
14. CR – Ask me if I saw anything else in Madrid
15. M – Ask me if I learnt anything else yesterday
16. CY – Ask me if I need to do anything else today
17. S – Ask me if I found anything interesting in the attic
18. CR – Will you eat anything else this evening?
19. M – Does she need anything else to help her?
20. CY – Do we need anything else to cook dinner?
21. S – Do you have any weaknesses?
22. CR – Are you ever an impatient person?
23. M – Are you a very enthusiastic and committed person?
24. CY – Do you feel like a hot drink?


Negative answers:
1. Has there ever been a strike in Vaughan?
2. Has there ever been a female president of the United States?
3. Has there ever been a heatwave in the North Pole?
4. Have there ever been blue rhinos in the wild?
5. Has there ever been a protestant pope?
6. Have there ever been birds in your house?
7. Has there ever been a tornado in Madrid?
8. Has there ever been a panda on your plane?
9. Have there ever been clowns in your car?
10. Has there ever been a member of the royal family in this class?
11. Has there ever been a man in this class?
12. Have there ever been children in this class?
Review these letters: A – E – I – J – G – B – V

1. Ahren Taylor
2 BASICS 2. Rachael Flint
3. Aimee Gibson
4. Jamie Vincent
5. Benjamin Britton


 Niece
 Nephew
 Brother/sister-in-law
 Mother/father-in-law
 Step-mother/father

1. Do you have any nephews?

2. How many nieces do you have?
3. Do you have any aunts?
4. How many uncles do you have? 5 MIN
5. Does your daughter have aunts and uncles? (10:10-10:15)
6. Do you want to be a grandmother?
7. Do you have any brothers or sisters-in-law?
8. Do you like your mother-in-law?
9. Ask me if I know my boyfriend’s step-mother
10. Ask me what my step-father’s name is
11. Ask me if I get on well with my sister-in-law
12. Ask me if my brother gets on well with his in laws
13. Ask me how many nieces and nephews I have
14. Ask me if I’ve met my father’s uncle
15. Ask me if most people like their in laws

DRILL (15-20 Q’s): In unit 15 you got your students to practice using
“never”. Now get them to ask you the questions and in that way
practice “ever”. Also, practice “have you ever been to X?”

1. Ask me if I’ve ever taught Italian. – Have you every taught Italian?
2. Ask me if I’ve ever been to Paris. – Have you ever been to Paris?
3. Ask me if I’ve ever been on a boat.
4. Ask me if I’ve ever seen an alien.
5. Ask me if I’ve ever read a book.
4 MGP 6. Ask me if I’ve ever eaten meat.
7. Ask me if I’ve ever been to the theatre.
8. Ask him if he’s ever walked the Camino.
9. Ask her is she’s ever met the President of Spain.
10. Ask him if he’s ever used an IPad.
11. Ask her if she’s ever taught an English class.
12. Ask me if I’ve ever spoken to Amancio Ortega.
13. Ask her if she’s ever eaten avocado.
14. Ask him if he’s ever had a famous person in his house.
15. Ask me if I’ve ever seen a movie I didn’t like.
Review vocab from last week
1. You need to turn right at the roundabout: (-) (?) (-?) (Past) etc.
2. The path goes through the woods
3. I’m going to the east coast
5 FILLER 4. The accident happened at the crossroads
5. We have to cross the border with Canada
6. That car park is completely full
7. The nearest parking lot is 5 miles away
8. She went walking in the hills

Get each student to present their family tree briefly and to read their 5 5 MIN
sentences about it (using the saxon genitive) – do agility (10:27-10:32)


DRILL (15-20 Q’s): Read the paragraph and ask the questions; then drill
them with the 4 points that they learn/review: “journalists”, “out of
context”, “anything”, & “the truth”.
Vocab questions:
1. Did you want to be a journalist when you were a child?
2. Are there any journalists in your family?
3. Have you ever had to speak to a journalist?
4. Do you prefer to avoid journalists?
5. Is it true that journalists take things out of context?
6. Can the word “hot” be misunderstood out of context?
7. Has anyone ever taken anything you said out of context?
8. Is it easier to understand vocabulary in context? 6 MIN
9. Have you ever seen anything suspicious on the metro? (10:32-10:38)
10. Have you ever done anything really crazy?
11. Have you ever been anywhere exotic?
12. Have you ever met anyone famous?
13. Is the truth an important part of journalism?
14. Do you think the truth is more important than justice?
15. Would you like to know the truth?
16. Do you always tell the truth?
17. Is it true that you’re pregnant?
18. Is it true that you met the King last week?
19. Is it true that we had a party last class?
20. Is it true that you were in Seville last week?


Half of students: Song presentation (10:43-10:45)

Listen to Vaughan Radio, practice pronunciation

1. Study units 21-24

2. Ask students – have you changed your phone settings to English? 3 MIN
Ask them what they find most difficult and see if you can help (10:45-10:48)
3. Grammar – Review the first 20 units (especially difficult parts)
4. Activity – Think of something you are good at and write
instructions for how to do it (anything from a favourite recipe to
how to plan an event)



Translation list 21 – Questions 1-25 (2:48 to beat)


The people from X are Y (10:54-11:00)

1. The people in England are English

2. The people in France are French
3. The people in Spain are Spanish
4. The people in Germany are German
5. The people in Italy are Italian
6. The people in Portugal are Portuguese
7. The people in Ireland are Irish
8. The people in Scotland are Scottish
9. The people in Wales are Welsh
10. The people in Holland are Dutch
11. The people in Belgium are Belgian
12. The people in Switzerland are Swiss
13. The people in Denmark are Danish
14. The people in Norway are Norwegian
15. The people in Sweden are Swedish
16. The people in Poland are Polish
17. The people in Austria are Austrian
18. The people in Greece are Greek
19. The people in Turkey are Turkish
20. The people in Canada are Canadian
21. The people in the United States are American
22. The people in Mexico are Mexican
23. The people in Brazil are Brazilian
24. The people in Colombia are Colombian
25. The people in Argentina are Argentinian
26. The people in Russia are Russian
27. The people in China are Chinese
28. The people in Australia are Australian
29. The people in India are Indian
30. The people in Japan are Japanese



Write sums on the board and get students to read them

1. 13 + 18 = 31 (Thirteen plus eighteen equals thirty-one)

2. 57 + 19 = 76
3. 1,001 + 2,012 = 3,013
13 BASICS 4. 17 – 6 = 11
5. 97 – 18 = 79
6. 3 x 7 = 21
7. 5 x 14 = 70
8. 568 ÷ 4 = 142
9. 1,000 ÷ 100 = 10
10. 43 – 44 = -1


Form a question with “there” + “to be”:

1. People / in Orense – How many people are there in Orense?
2. Coffee / in the jug – How much coffee is there in the jug?
3. People / in your family – How many people are there in your
4. Bosses / in your company – How many bosses are there in your
14 H.P. DRILL company?
5. Food / on your plate – How much food is there on your plate?
6. Minutes / in one hour – How many minutes are there in one hour?
7. Days / in a month – How many days are there in a month?
8. Months / in a year – How many months are there in a year?
9. Bears / in the forest – How many bears are there in the forest?
10. Wine / in your glass – How much wine is there in your glass?
11. Forks / in the drawer – How many forks are there in the drawer?
12. Students / in the class – How many students are there in the class?

15 VOCAB REVIEW PHRASAL VERBS – To slow down & to speed up 5 MIN

Before we focused on driving – now more generally

1. Do you slow down during the holidays?

2. Do you slow down when you approach a deadline?
3. Do you speed up when you need to finish something?
4. Do you speed up when you’re tired?
5. Do you speed up after having a coffee?
6. Do you slow down after having lunch? (11:10-11:15)
7. Did you speed up in the second half of the lesson yesterday?
8. Did you slow down when you saw the time?
9. Did you slow down when you had a baby?
10. Did you speed up when you knew the answer?
11. Will you slow down to pronounce it properly?
12. Will you speed up so that I can’t understand you?


Saxon genitive; Irregular verbs – drink, choose, leave; Anything else; (11:15-11:22)
Feel like

Saxon genitive
1. Ask me what Charles’s middle name is
2. Ask me what Rose’s phone number is
3. Ask me if that coat is Ross’s
4. Ask me if I know what Prince George’s official title is
5. Ask me if what Bush’s first name is
6. Ask me why Buzz’s toys are the best
7. Ask me if I know Candice’s address
8. Ask me if I’ve met Denis’s parents
9. Ask me why Denise’s neighbour was angry
10. Ask me who Charles’s friend is

Change to past tense:

11. I choose the perfect dress
12. He drinks a whole bottle of champagne
13. He leaves before the end of the meeting
14. They choose an ideal present
15. You drink eight cups of coffee
16. She leaves just on time
17. I choose the right weekend
18. The priest drinks tea
19. The teacher leaves after the students
20. The designer chooses the colour scheme

Ask me if…
21. I’d like anything else
22. He’d rather wear anything else
23. There is anything else to do
24. They need anything else
25. Anything else has changed
26. There is anything else in the bag
27. I have anything else that might help
28. There is anything else available

Feel like:
29. Do you feel like a bar of chocolate?
30. Do you feel like a pint of Guinness?
31. Do you feel like a glass of orange?
32. Do you feel like a slice of cake?
33. Do you feel like asking the teacher for help?
34. Do you feel like telling him to move out?
35. Do you feel like making paella on Friday evening?
36. Do you feel like going for a jog in Retiro park?

Review vocab from last class
1. I slow down at an amber light: (-) (?) (-?)
2. He speeds up on the motorway
3. She gets on well with her mother-in-law
17 AGILITY 4. They are visiting their nephews
5. The step-mother is always evil
6. He argues with his father-in-law
7. My niece is 7 years old
8. She’s meeting her brother-in-law

18 ACTIVITY Half of students: Song presentation
19 MGP UNIT 20 (Cont.) – REVIEW 7 MIN
Tell him/her to ask me…
1. …if I can call you back
2. …how long it takes to fly to London
3. …how long it took to build Rome
4. …how long it takes me to get to work
5. …how long it took me to learn Spanish
6. …if I go to the gym every other day
7. …if I count on my colleagues for support
8. …if we’d better go by helicopter
9. …if I’d like to go for a coffee
10. …if he was late on purpose
11. …if they gave me a fright
12. …why he couldn’t come to the party
13. …if I said I was Dutch or Swedish
14. …why she’s reading a book
15. …if the Queen is a personal friend of mine
16. …if I’ve sorted out the problem yet
17. …why I don’t frown a lot
18. …why I’m not laughing
19. …why I wouldn’t live in the city centre
20. …why I can’t speak Japanese
21. …if I broke the vase on purpose
22. …if I can count on my family
23. …why I can’t find my keys
24. …if we’d better go by subway
25. …if I would like to eat out tonight
26. …if it’s so cold, that I have to wear a coat
27. …if he’s such a strong man, that he can lift a car
28. …if I meant what I said
29. …if I’ve given my boyfriend a birthday present
30. …if I’ve heard any good news today


Vocab: Go through all vocab with pictures & Spanish

Unit 17 (correct using the saxon genitive):

1. He teaches [the children of his neighbour]
2. He teaches [the friends of the children of his neighbour]
3. We listen to [the show of our colleague]
4. We listen to [the show of the sister of our colleague]
5. She’s helping [the mother of her boyfriend]
6. She’s helping [the mother of the boyfriend of her housemate]

Unit 18:
7. Do you feel like a 6-month holiday?
8. Do you feel like doing extra homework?
9. Do you feel like a strong black coffee?
10. Do you feel like jumping up and down?
11. Do you feel like an agility exercise?
12. Do you feel like going out for a fancy dinner?

Unit 19 – Ask me if…:

13. I’ve ever been to the North Pole
14. I’ve ever seen a rhinoceros in the wild
15. I’ve ever been admitted to hospital
16. I’ve ever gone out with a doctor
17. My mother has ever visited me in Spain
18. My parents have ever been to Madrid
19. My boyfriend has ever bought me flowers
20. I’ve ever run a marathon

Form a question:
UNIT 18 – Practice the pronunciation of “you’ll”
1. Will I be here next week?
2. Will I be home at 9 o’clock?
3. Will I teach you more irregular verbs?
4. Will I like the food in San Sebastian?
21 ACTIVITY 5. Will I love the cathedral in Burgos?
6. Will I enjoy the atmosphere in Seville?
7. Will I find the video interesting?
8. Will I see you next week?
9. Will I be impressed by your homework?
10. Will I be able to tell that you’ve practiced?

Pick a common mistake they've made in class and improvise a quick

22 drill to review.
REVIEW (11:47-11:51)


Review translation list page 45 (print separately)


From Collection of HP Drills, Q81-105

1. Do you like learning English?

2. Did you learn English at school?
3. Do I like teaching English
4. Did I teach English 20 years ago?
5. Do you speak French?
6. Did you talk to me yesterday?
7. Do I speak Spanish?
8. Did I learn Spanish before you?
9. Does your boyfriend speak Chinese?
10. Did he speak Chinese 5 years ago?
11. Do you like dancing?
12. Did you dance in a nightclub last night?
13. Do you love surfing?
14. Did you go surfing last weekend?
15. Do you often go surfing?
16. Did you go to the beach last summer?
17. Does your mother ever go surfing?
18. Did your mother go to England last summer?
19. Do you usually go out for dinner?
20. Did you go out for lunch yesterday?
21. Do I always correct your mistakes?
22. Did I correct your pronunciation yesterday?
23. Do you like your job?
24. Did you like your previous job?
25. Do you love going to work in the morning?

NEXT CLASS – Neg. questions

1. I don’t like working here.

2. I don’t want to do it.
3. He doesn’t need your help.
4. He doesn’t care about what happens to us.
5. He doesn’t like her.
6. It doesn’t rain there in the summer.
7. It doesn’t seem fair.
8. It doesn’t take long to do it.
9. They don’t come here very often.
10. They don’t show their feelings.
11. They don’t believe in ghosts.
12. I can’t do it.
13. They can’t hear us.
14. I can’t go to the party with you.
15. She can’t play on our team.

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