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How To Setup Nuodb in FCM

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How To Setup Nuodb in FCM

Table of Contents

1. How To Setup Nuodb in FCM...............................................................................................................

2. Prerequisites.........................................................................................................................................
3. Creation of FCM database:...................................................................................................................
4. Batch file execution with Nuodb............................................................................................................
5. Jboss Application server with Nuodb setup..........................................................................................
6. Meta Data Track...................................................................................................................................

V1.0/Nov-18 Quality Assurance Internal Use

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How To Setup Nuodb in FCM

Document History

Author Version Date

Maria Priyanka D 0.1 03-Sep-2020

Nikhet Nigaar 1.0 03-Sep-2020


V1.0/Nov-18 Quality Assurance Internal Use

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How To Setup Nuodb in FCM

1. How To Setup Nuodb in FCM.

This document details on setting up FCM with Nuodb.

2. Prerequisites
Below prerequisites are required for setting up FCM with Nuodb.
 Nuodb.
 FCM Package.
 Jboss Application server.

3. Creation of FCM database:

a. Unzip the package “”.

b. Go to “db_scripts\FCM\NuoDB”.

c. Execute full permission for the Nuodb Scripts folder with the below command.
chmod 777 * -R

d. Executed the below command so that the script files are in correct format
dos2unix *

e. Edit the file “” in the highlighted places

according to the server.
à Make sure a valid directory path is given
DBNAME=FCMDB à Name of the FCM Database
DBA_USER=dba à Name of the DB User.
DBA_PWD=dba à Database password.
SERVER=server0 à Specific Nuodb Server
chown nuodb:nuodb $DIRECTORY
> This command change the ownership of the $DIRECTORY to a new owner specified in
the “user” and group “group”. Modify the chown command according to the server.
nuocmd create archive --db-name $DBNAME --server-id server0 --
archive-path $DIRECTORY à specify the same Nuodb server.
nuocmd show archives
nuocmd create database --db-name $DBNAME --dba-user $DBA_USER --dba-
password $DBA_PWD --te-server-ids $SERVER
sleep 15
nuocmd show domain

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How To Setup Nuodb in FCM

f. Execute the script as below. Sample db execution screenshot created with

4. Batch file execution with Nuodb

a. Go to “financial-crime-mitigation-cli-xxxx.x.xx/engines/shared-config”
b. Execute “”.
c. Provide “6” for NuoDB and the IP address.

d. file will be created with the above highlighted content.

NOTE: Modify IP, port, db user name and db password respectively which were used in FCM
Nuodb creation script in the created file.

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How To Setup Nuodb in FCM

5. Jboss Application server with Nuodb setup

a. Create a folder “nuodb\jdbc” in the Jboss application server path “JBOSS_HOME\


b. Place the Nuodb driver jar and module.xml in the above location.

c. module.xml content.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="com.nuodb.jdbc">
<resource-root path="nuodb-jdbc-21.0.0.jar"/>
<module name="javax.api"/>
<module name="javax.transaction.api"/>

d. Modify the standalone configuration file used for Jboss application server in the below

Database connectivity section:

<property name="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol.SERVER"
<property name="com.temenos.fcm.datasource.driver" value="nuodb"/>
<property name="com.temenos.fcm.datasource.url"
<property name="com.temenos.fcm.datasource.user" value="dba"/>
<property name="com.temenos.fcm.datasource.vault.password" value="dba"/>
<property name="com.temenos.fcm.datasource.validation.sql" value="SELECT 1
FROM dual"/>

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How To Setup Nuodb in FCM

Driver section:
<driver name="nuodb" module="com.nuodb.jdbc">

Data source Section:

<datasource jta="true" jndi-name="java:/jdbc/com/temenos/fcm/datasource" pool-
name="fcmDatasourcePool" enabled="true" use-ccm="false">

<xa-datasource jndi-name="java:/jdbc/com/temenos/fcm/xa/datasource" pool-

name="fcmXaDatasourcePool" enabled="true" use-ccm="false">
<xa-datasource-property name="Url">

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How To Setup Nuodb in FCM


Sample standalone configuration file:

NOTE: This is just a sample file for reference. Modify only the sections highlighted above.

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How To Setup Nuodb in FCM

Meta Data Track

Description of document * How To Setup Nuodb in FCM

Product * FCM

From T24 Release * R10

To T24 Release *
If the functionality is relevant till Current
R9, choose the value ‘Current’

Content Classification


TAG 1 *(keyword) Nuodb Enter relevant tag, if not found in the

drop-down list.

TAG 2(keyword) FCM Enter relevant tag, if not found in the

drop-down list.

TAG 3(keyword) Database Enter relevant tag, if not found in the

drop-down list.

Document Administrative Details

Owner: Maria Priyanka D Email ID:

Approver: Nikhet Nigaar Email ID:

Expiry Date: Click here to enter a date. PACS Reference: PACS00875888

6. Meta Data Track

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