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The Acropolis

The Acropolis is a rocky mound in the heart of modern Athens, crowned with three magnificent
temples dating from the 5th century BC. It is regarded as Athens', Greece's, and Western
civilization's icon. The Parthenon is the most well-known and distinctive, consisting of 58 columns
that support a roof and are adorned with complex pedants and a frieze.


The most cosmopolitan destination in the Greek islands, Mykonos (Chora) is actually a picturesque
town in the Cyclades Islands, with narrow streets and whitewashed houses. The city is famous for its
beautiful beaches, but also for its nightlife. It hosts dozens of bars, taverns and nightclubs.
The White Tower

When the Turks reinforced the city walls against prospective maritime attacks, the White Tower
survived the long Ottoman occupation. When Greece attained independence in the early twentieth
century, the tower was painted white as a sign of a new beginning.


The island is known for its divine views, sensational sunsets, but also for its specific houses
painted in white and blue. Fira, the island's capital, combines Venetian and Cycladic
architecture with narrow, cobbled streets lined with shops, taverns and cafes, rocky hotels
that offer a unique view of the island and the bay.
Interesting facts:

Greek is one of the oldest languages

The Greek language is considered to be one of the oldest written languages still in use today. Based
on archaeological findings, it’s believed to have been used continuously for over 5,000 years. Greek
has also had a huge influence on English and other Latin-based languages.

80% of Greece is made up of montains

One of the most surprising facts about Greece reveals that the majority of the country is actually
mountains. It’s one of the most mountainous countries in Europe, with 80% of the country covered
in mountains.

More tourists visit Greece every year than the entire Greek population

Greece is one of the world’s most popular countries to visit. 17 million tourists visit it each year and
it’s almost double the total of population.

Greece is the third largest producer of olives

The olive tree continues to be a big part of Greek culture to this day. The country has over 120
million olive trees and produces 2.2 million metric tons of olives every year. That makes it the third-
largest producer of olives in the world, after Spain and Italy.

Greece is one of the sunniest places in the world

For people who are always chasing the sun, Greece enjoys on average more than 250 days of
sunshine or 3,000 sunny hours a year making it one of the most sunniest countries in the world and
the most sunny in Europe.

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