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Kepribadianku seperti kuda Unik MOOLA itu kama jadi pikirannya untuk anak laki laki kama itu

gairah cinta kasih saying hewannya anjing jantan elemen angin Trimurtinya Brahma dewa favoritku
sekarang Brahma symbol lainnya Akar Tunggang Gana Rhaksasa Demon jadi pola pikirku Unholly
karena itu aku suka cerita mafia berarti disini kekuatan tulisanku carita Tentang Big Dog. Oke terima
Kasih Brahma, Dewa Favoritku Dewa Brahma Dewa Pencipta

Kalau Jupiter alias kepribadian ku Juga Horsewomen Kudabetina

Venus ku Jyestha lambangnya Payung Merah Dewanya Indra dan artinya yang tertua

Jadi dewa dewa yang kupuja adalah Dewa Indra Dewa Brahma

upiter in Ashwini Nakshatra: Negative and

Positive Effects

If the Sun's vision is on Jupiter, then the person is a virtuous soul, away from actions against
the policy, doing good in the interest of other people. If the sight of the Moon is on Jupiter,
then the person is going to get wealth and fame. If the aspect of Mars is on Jupiter, then the
person becomes the reason for the failure of others, gains from government work and
commits violent acts. If the aspect of Mercury is on Jupiter, then the person behaves badly
with the people, fights, and fights without any reason. If the sight of Venus is on Jupiter, then
the person does business related to the material of decoration of women and remains
immersed in the affection of women. If Saturn's vision is on Jupiter, then the person becomes
ruthless and ruthless in his family.

Jupiter in Ashwini Nakshatra Pada 1

In this stage, the person has a disease related to the mouth like cancer, etc., who does bad
deeds, is fond of bad habits, is afraid of fear which is not known, is full of wealth, follows the
rights of government but is educated and intelligent. Because such people are very concerned
about their honor.

A person who reads and believes in religious books is knowledgeable in the field of the
interview, and wins the mind of people with good things, in such a situation, the person can
become famous at the age of 35 to 36 years. The native will always stand by his perfumes
and for the help of relatives.

Jupiter in Ashwini Nakshatra Pada 2

In this phase, the person is strong in physical condition, a conqueror of people's minds,
majestic, respectable, holy spirit, a follower of religion, has good qualities, has a happy
family, has landed property, enjoying happiness, childless. He is the one to understand
everything by listening well. In such a situation, there are many people who are deceitful,
indebted, and in love with a woman.

Jupiter in Ashwini Nakshatra Pada 3

In this phase, the person has a beautiful facial shape, a soft body, clean clothes, is fond of
jewelry, expert in weaponry, respects ancestors, is beyond beauty, having different thoughts.
In Ashwini Nakshatra if Saturn is in conjunction with Mars or is bad, then the person suffers
from troubles, diseases, dosha, and loss.

In this phase, due to the life span of the person being 16 years only on certain grounds, Raja
Yoga can never be possible.

Jupiter in Ashwini Nakshatra Pada 4

In this phase, the person likes to stay as a guest, is happy with the mind, means women, lives
with justice, is honored by the government, and has good manners and benefits in betting.


Due to the presence of Jupiter in Ashwini Nakshatra, the person becomes knowledgeable. If
you want to know about the negative and positive effects on the life of the person due to the
presence of Jupiter in Ashwini Nakshatra, then you can know through astrology phone

Zodiac favoritku adalah Aries dan planet favoritku adalah Jupiter planet keberuntungan nomor
keberutungan ku 3, Pendidikan dan pengetahuan adalah 2 kekuatan utama paling dahsyat yang bisa
dimiliki siapapun, jadi aku senang belajar demi menambah pengetahuanku, pengetahuan adalah
kekuasaan. Jadi pelajari juga tentang hukum dan pemerintahan siapa tahu akua da jodoh dengan itu
dan ambil entah 3 bulan lagi buku dari Gramedia yang ada di Nagoya hill, atau baca dari Internet

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